120 research outputs found

    Penilaian Pengaruh Penambahan Lysine Pada Nasi

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    Pengaruh penambahan lysine pada mutu protein nasi dilakukan pada tikus putih dengan mengukur Protein Efficiency Ratio. Nasi dan Nasi dengan sayur beserta laukpauk, seperti dikonsumsi oleh kebanyakan keluarga di Indonesia, yang berasnya lebih dulu ditambahi butiran premix berisi lysine, thiamine dan riboflavin ternaya menghasilkan Protein Efficiency Ratio lebih tinggi dari pada yang tidak ditambahi

    Community structure of soil microarthropods in active and passive zones of Ngronggo landfill Salatiga

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    Soil microarthropods play a key role in decomposing organic materials. The objectives of this study were to compare the structure of soil microarthropods communities in the active and passive zones of Ngronggo landfill Salatiga. The sampling of ten soil samples in each active and passive zones was performed for soil microarthropods extraction and soil physical-chemical analysis. Soil microarthropods were extracted using modified Barlese-Funnel. Soil microarthropods data were analyzed to determine abundance, diversity, and similarity. Physical-chemical factors were measured, including soil texture, heavy metal content (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Hg) and organic matter. The results show that all attributes of structure of soil microarthropods communities in active zone are higher than in passive zone, i.e., the density, the species richness, the species diversity, and the evenness. In both zones, the composition of soil microarthropods tend to be different.. Organic matter is likely the most important soil physicochemical factors to form the microarthropod structure in active and passive zones. This study contributes a new information about the role of soil microarthropods in decomposing the disposal waste of material and it would be benefit for developing a bioindicator of waste decomposition in landfill area

    Prevalensi Kkp Anak Balita Di Wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur

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    Telah dianalisis data berat badan (BB) dan tinggi badan (TB) anak Balita yang dikumpulkan pada waktu pelaksanaan Studi Prevalensi Defisiensi Vitamin A dan Zat-zat Gizi Lainnya di Wilayah Indonesia Timur pada tahun 1990/1991. Tujuan analisis ini terutama untuk mengetahui prevalensi Kurang Kalori Protein (KKP) di empat propinsi Wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur (IBT) dan perbandingan antara prevalensi KKP menurut perhitungan berdasarkan median baku Harvard dengan Z-skor berdasarkan baku WHO-NCHS. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi gizi buruk dan sedang (KKP) di wilayah IBT masing-masing 17% menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan median baku Harvard dan 44% menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan -2 SB baku WHO-NCHS. Prevalensi KKP menurut TB/U berdasarkan Z-skor WHO-NCHS hampir sama dengan prevalensi menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan median bahan baku Harvard. Untuk mendapatkan prevalensi KKP yang hampir sama antara kedua indikator tersebut, batas ambang penentuan status KKP (gizi baik dan gizi kurang) menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan baku WHO-NCHS adalah antara -2.6 SB dan -2.8 SB, atau rata-rata -2.75 SB

    Monitoring Resistensi Populasi Plutella Xylostella, L Terhadap Residu Emamektin Benzoat Di Sentra Produksi Tanaman Kubis Propinsi Jawa Tengah (Monitoring the Resistance of Plutella Xylostella, L Population Against Emamektin Benzoate Residues)

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    The objectives of this research to know the susceptible of P. xylostella population against emamectin benzoate insecticide, to monitor the resistance development of P. xylostella against insecticides by determine of a diagnostic concentration, to determine the resistance mechanism of P. xylostella population. P. xylostella was collected from central of Java areas from August 2011 up to September 2012. The data from bioassay test was analized using Probit analysis to obtain LC50 value. The suseptibility test of the insect resulted show that Puasan population (Ngablak) FR value was 3.97 and it was higher than the Selo population (Cepogo). The concentration of 2443.99 ppb as selected diagnostic consentration. The test result of diagnostic concentration validation indicated that the value of calculated c2 of all the tested population was lower than the value of c2table. Therefore the diagnostic concentration of 2443.99 ppb can be used monitoring device of susceptible P, xylostella population. The resistance mechanism of the P. xylostella to the insecticide resulted from the increase in the detoxification rate in the insect body by MFO enzyme, but non-specific esterase enzyme activity did not reflect the esterase activity

    Struktur komunitas mikroartropoda tanah di lahan pertanian kentang di Desa Sembungan Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Jawa Tengah

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    The use of manure in the area of  Dieng Plateau is likely to increase from year to year. Excessive use of fertilizer has the potential to disturb soil fauna. The objective of  this research are to know the effect of intensively use of pure chicken manure and chicken manure in combination with husk in the Dieng Plateau potato farm, Sembungan Village to structure of soil microarthropods. Sampling was located in two station of potatoes farmland that uses pure chicken manure (chicken manure: CM) and chicken manure in combination with husk (chicken manure + husk :CMS). Soil sampling was applied using transect line method with five sampling points. The structure of soil microarthropods communities was analysed into relative abundance, the Shannon-Wiener’s diversity index, the evenness index, the Sorensen’s similarity index, and Hutcheson’s t-test. The results showed that the density of soil microarthropods on potato farmland using chicken manure in combination with husk (5620 individuals/m2) was higher than farmland using pure chicken manure (1830 individual/m2). The dominant taxa in both farmland are Acari and Collembola. Based on the index of Sorensen similarities, the composition of soil microarthropods in both farmlands is relatively similar (76%). Statistically, the diversity of soil microarthropods between the two different potatoes farmland is significantly different

    Struktur komunitas makroarthropoda tanah di lahan pertanian durian di kawasan Gunungpati

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    The objective of this study is to compare community structures, which include diversity, abundance, evenness, and macroarthropod dominance of monoculture durian farmland, polyculture durian farmland and non-durian farmland (arabica coffee) in Gunungpati region. This research is an exploratory observation carried out from February to March 2019. Samplingwas done using pitfal trap. The identification of samples was carried out in the Diponegoro University Ecology and Biosystematics laboratory. Data analysis was carried out by calculating diversity index (H'), evenness (e), dominance (D), richness, Sorenson test and Hutcheson t-test. The results showed that arthropods in monoculture farmland were found 195 individuals, in polyculture farmland were found 181 individuals and in arabica coffee farmland were found 229 arthropods. Diversity index (H') and evenness (e) in monoculture farmland were lower than in polyculture farmland and arabica coffee farmland. The three areas are dominated by the family Formicidae. The three fields have a high degree of similarity. Overall 8 families were found as predators, 4 families as herbivores, 3 families as detritivores and 1 family as decomposers

    Prevalensi Anemia Anak Sekolah Dasar Di Daerah Penghasil Dan Bukan Penghasil Sayuran Hijau Di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian secara cross-sectional untuk mengetahui gambaran dan perbedaan konsumsi sayuran hijau dan prevalensi anemia anak SD di daerah penghasil dan bukan penghasil sayuran hijau di Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian dilakukan di tlga desa penghasil sayuran hijau di Kecamatan Ciampea dan tiga desa bukan penghasil sayuran hijau di Kecamatan Nanggung di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau lebih sering dan lebih banyak mengkonsumsi sayuran hijau dibandingkan dengan anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau (P<0.05). Prevalensi anemia pada anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau tidak berbeda nyata dengan anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau. Tetapi rata-rata kadar Hb anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau berbeda nyata dengan anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau (12.3 g/dl vs 11.9 g/dl). Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh nyata pada kadar Hb anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau ialah frekuensi makan sayur dan konsumsi zat besi dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.38009 dan 0.32432. Demikian juga faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar Hb anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau ialah konsumsi zat besi dan frekuensi makan sayur dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.49240 dan 0.43696

    Kadar Protein Makanan Masak, Yang Diperoleh Dari Hasil Perhitungan Dan Analisa

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    Kadar protein 23 makanan masak ditentukan menurut dua cara. Pertama, dihitung dari kadar protein bahan mentahnya dikalikan angka rasio berat mentah : masak. Kedua, menganalisa kandungan nitrogen makanan masak kemudian mengalikannya dengan 6,25. Ternyata kadar protein hitung lebih tinggi daripada kadar protein hasil analisa langsung. Secara keseluruhan, perbedaan kadar protein hitung dan analisa makanan masak yang diselidiki pukul rata 3,6 gram atau 14%
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