31 research outputs found

    Análise espacial da centralidade e da dispersão da riqueza gaúcha de 1970 a 2000: notas preliminares

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    Developments in spatial methodsconcerned with location, spatial interaction, spatial structure and spatial processesare creating new possibilities for studies of the properties of socioeconomic systems. In this paper, we use spatial statistical techniques with a geographic information system (GIS) for describing the spatial distribution of economic data, such as the mean center, standard distance and standard deviational ellipse. Analyzing the reality of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), we compare the distribution of GDP, monthly income and "per capita" income observed in the period 1970-2000 (census years). The paper concludeswith some brief reflections on the patterns and trends of these distributions

    O papel das Instituições de Ensino Superior para o desenvolvimento territorial: Análise da comunidade de Pós-Graduação do Rio Grande do Sul e o caso das cidades de Pelotas e Rio Grande

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    Nowadays, the process of innovation has become an important agent to social and economic development of regions and countries. Thus, within the context of the “heterodox paradigm of economic geography”, the region-specific capacities are fundamental for such activities of development, which one has been more and more appraised: the knowledge from the higher education institutions (HEIs). This article analyses the role of HEIs in general and the situation in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in particular, in the period of 2000 through 2010, by means of the postgraduate structure. The paper ends with some considerations about a regional agenda of research to the municipalities of Pelotas and Rio Grande in the sense of their territorial development within the heterodox perspective. The results highlight the strength of postgraduate structure of the region and, consequently, higher education in general, also stressing the State potentialities for scientific, technological and of innovative progress

    Os principais parques cientĂ­ficos e tecnolĂłgicos gaĂşchos: estrutura e caracterĂ­sticas

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    In recent years, the development of science and/or technology parks has been one of the most used tools, even if it is controversial, of innovation policy in the world. This kind of experience can promote some fundamental elements for the innovation processes: the dynamics of learning and interaction and the use of local resources. In this context, this article aims to study the three main science and technology parks in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) — Tecnopuc, Tecnosinos e Valetec —, looking at the parks’ firms. So, we analyse firms’ aspects such as areas of expertise, activities of cooperation for innovation, and the use of external financial resources. The results indicate the relative success of these parks in fostering innovation in the territory of Rio Grande do Sul

    Análise Espacial da Estrutura Social da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA) em 1991 e 2000

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    This paper discusses the spatial distribution of social structures in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre in 1991 and 2000 (census years), using spatial statistical techniques with a geographic information system (GIS). These structures represent a social hierarchy of the metropolitan space from across the combination of labour variables. For this goal, I use a measure of spatial dispersion: the standard deviational ellipse which does show compactness and orientation of the distribution. The paper concludes with comments regarding the patterns and trends of the distributions

    Os principais parques cientĂ­ficos e tecnolĂłgicos gaĂşchos: estrutura e caracterĂ­sticas

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    Nos últimos anos, o desenvolvimento de parques científicos e/ou tecnológicos tem-se constituído em um dos instrumentos mais utilizados, ainda que controversos, de política de inovação no mundo. Nesse sentido, esse tipo de experiência pode fomentar alguns elementos fundamentais para os processos de inovação: as dinâmicas de aprendizagem e de interação e o aproveitamento dos recursos localizados em cada território. Nesse contexto, o artigo tem por objetivo estudar os três principais parques científicos e tecnológicos do Rio Grande do Sul — Tecnopuc, Tecnosinos e Valetec — a partir das empresas localizadas nesses locais. Assim, são analisados aspectos dessas firmas, como áreas de atuação, atividades de cooperação para inovar e uso de recursos financeiros externos. Os resultados apontam um relativo sucesso desses parques no âmbito da promoção da inovação, no território gaúcho.Palavras-chave: parques científicos e/ou tecnológicos; inovação; Rio Grande do Sul  Título em inglêsThe main science and technology parks in the State of Rio Grande do Sul: structure and characteristicsAbstractIn recent years, the development of science and/or technology parks has been one of the most used tools, even if it is controversial, of innovation policy in the world. This kind of experience can promote some fundamental elements for the innovation processes: the dynamics of learning and interaction and the use of local resources. In this context, this article aims to study the three main science and technology parks in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) — Tecnopuc, Tecnosinos e Valetec —, looking at the parks’ firms. So, we analyse firms’ aspects such as areas of expertise, activities of cooperation for innovation, and the use of external financial resources. The results indicate the relative success of these parks in fostering innovation in the territory of Rio Grande do Sul.Keywords: science and/or technology parks; innovation; Rio Grande do SulClassificação JEL: O31Artigo recebido em 31 mar. 201

    Os principais parques cientĂ­ficos e tecnolĂłgicos gaĂşchos: estrutura e caracterĂ­sticas

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    In recent years, the development of science and/or technology parks has been one of the most used tools, even if it is controversial, of innovation policy in the world. This kind of experience can promote some fundamental elements for the innovation processes: the dynamics of learning and interaction and the use of local resources. In this context, this article aims to study the three main science and technology parks in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) — Tecnopuc, Tecnosinos e Valetec —, looking at the parks’ firms. So, we analyse firms’ aspects such as areas of expertise, activities of cooperation for innovation, and the use of external financial resources. The results indicate the relative success of these parks in fostering innovation in the territory of Rio Grande do Sul

    As inovações nos territórios e o papel das universidades: notas preliminares para o desenvolvimento territorial no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Through the prism of the economic geography this paper examines some of the theoretical bases of studies about science, technology and technological innovations for the economic and social development of regions and countries. It highlights the roles of higher education institutions – teaching, research and community service – for the territorial and technological development. Focusing the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), we use a piece of information of the Technological Innovation Survey – Pintec (IBGE/Finep/MCT) referring to the relations between higher education institutions and firms in innovation activities observed in the period 1998-2005, more specifically, sources of information and co-operation. Finally, the paper concludes by relating these findings about universities, firms, territories and its relationships, to ongoing debates around development and innovation

    Innovaciones sociales e inclusivas: lĂ­mites y posibilidades para el desarrollo territorial en el contexto de la globalizaciĂłn

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    The technological innovation processes play an important role as a constitutive element of territorial development, a concept that intends to bring together the economic dimension (economic development), the social dimension (social development), the environmental dimension (sustainable development) and the territorial imbalances (territorial cohesion). Moreover, these processes are decisive in the context of economic and social changes faced by the world and Latin America, as the capacity of scientific and technological appropriation of regions and countries is crucial. In this context, this article has as its main objective to propose and to evaluate some strategies of territorial development based on the integration between economic and technological development and social inclusion for Latin America, showing the possibilities for their success and their limits and obstacles. The text suggests discussing also the merits and utility of two other concepts: social innovation and inclusive innovation

    O papel das Instituições de Ensino Superior para o desenvolvimento territorial: Análise da comunidade de Pós-Graduação do Rio Grande do Sul e o caso das cidades de Pelotas e Rio Grande

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    Nowadays, the process of innovation has become an important agent to social and economic development of regions and countries. Thus, within the context of the “heterodox paradigm of economic geography”, the region-specific capacities are fundamental for such activities of development, which one has been more and more appraised: the knowledge from the higher education institutions (HEIs). This article analyses the role of HEIs in general and the situation in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in particular, in the period of 2000 through 2010, by means of the postgraduate structure. The paper ends with some considerations about a regional agenda of research to the municipalities of Pelotas and Rio Grande in the sense of their territorial development within the heterodox perspective. The results highlight the strength of postgraduate structure of the region and, consequently, higher education in general, also stressing the State potentialities for scientific, technological and of innovative progress

    Inovação e desenvolvimento territorial: temas emergentes para a geografia econômica brasileira e latino-americana

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    The aim of this paper is to debate some proposals to territorial development in Brazil and other Latin American countries based in the current world framework of technical changes. In this framework an essential aspect for any attempt of development is to promote technological innovation processes which must be appropriated for these nations. For this to happen, we presented and discussed the following elements: the role of urban agglomerations (metropolis and cities) and universities, the understanding of society’s perception about science and innovation, and the necessity of a fully social and economic inclusion of population