356 research outputs found

    Traditional Approaches and Emerging Biotechnologies in Grapevine Virology

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    Environmental changes and global warming may promote the emergence of unknown viruses, whose spread is favored by the trade in plant products. Viruses represent a major threat to viticulture and the wine industry. Their management is challenging and mostly relies on prophylactic measures that are intended to prevent the introduction of viruses into vineyards. Besides the use of virus-free planting material, the employment of agrochemicals is a major strategy to prevent the spread of insect vectors in vineyards. According to the goal of the European Green Deal, a 50% decrease in the use of agrochemicals is expected before 2030. Thus, the development of alternative strategies that allow the sustainable control of viral diseases in vineyards is strongly needed. Here, we present a set of innovative biotechnological tools that have been developed to induce virus resistance in plants. From transgenesis to the still-debated genome editing technologies and RNAi-based strategies, this review discusses numerous illustrative studies that highlight the effectiveness of these promising tools for the management of viral infections in grapevine. Finally, the development of viral vectors from grapevine viruses is described, revealing their positive and unconventional roles, from targets to tools, in emerging biotechnologies

    Experimental Validation of the Innovative Thermal Energy Storage Based on an Integrated System "Storage Tank/Steam Generator"

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    Abstract In the past years, an innovative thermal energy storage system at high temperature (up to 550C) for CSP plants was proposed by ENEA and Ansaldo Nucleare: a single storage tank integrated with a steam generator immersed in the heat storage medium. The idea is based on the exploitation of the thermophysical characteristics of the heat storage medium (a binary mixture of salts of NaNO3 at 60% and KNO3 at 40%) in order to maintain over time, in the single tank, a thermal stratification of the fluid. The thermal stratification is able to trigger, in the immersed steam generator, the natural circulation, shell side and downwards, of the hot molten salt cooled down by the water that flows upwards tube side, thus heating up and producing superheated steam. The advantages of such a system are: - efficient performances; - simple implementation; - compactness: - modularity; - and, overall, contained costs: only one storage tank instead of the two tanks and only one heat exchanger instead of the three exchangers of the classic configuration; reduced quantity of salt; minimization of piping, valves and other components. The technical feasibility of the proposed system, together with the stability over time of the stratification in temperature of the storage medium, have been already verified and assessed. This report has the aim of presenting the experimental results obtained by ENEA in the Casaccia Research Centre (Rome, Italy), with a small scale test section consisting of a 300 kWth steam generator inserted in a 8 m3 storage tank with molten salt at high temperature. The reported results relate to the behaviour of the system in steady state conditions, and show its promising performances

    An innovative concept of a thermal energy storage system based on a single tank configuration using stratifying molten salts as both heat storage medium and heat transfer fluid, and with an integrated steam generator

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    Abstract The proposed innovative thermal energy storage system is based on a single tank containing a mixture of nitrate salts (60% NaNO3 and 40% KNO3 in weight; this mixture gradually changes from solid to liquid in the temperature range between about 220 °C and 240 °C, becoming completely melted above this temperature), with an integrated steam generator directly contained inside it. The system is operated exploiting the thermal stratification of the salts mixture in the temperature range between 550 °C (hot temperature) and 290 °C (cold temperature). The experimental work conducted at ENEA has revealed that the thermal stratification of the molten salts mixture can be maintained quite constant for several hours and the presence of the integrated steam generator actively guarantees and maintains the stratification during the operation time, avoiding mixing of the stratified layers. The single-tank system with stratification of the molten salts and an integrated steam generator is an important improvement in terms of efficiency, reliability and cost reduction, with respect to the two-tank thermal energy storage system. This report has the aim of giving an overview of this new technology but, given the fact that the experimental activities are still ongoing, the description of the system remains at a qualitative level. The complete set of experimental results will be presented in the future when the Projects that are framework of this research will have been completed

    Aggressive gastric carcinoma producing alpha-fetoprotein: a case report and review of the literature.

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    A 65-year-old man presented to our hospital with abdominal pain, dyspepsia and anorexia. Laboratory tests showed an altered liver function and abdomen ultrasonography revealed multiple liver nodules, suspected to be metastatic lesions. Serous tumor markers were elevated and a very high level of alpha-fetoprotein was found. Computer tomography confirmed the hepatic lesions and disclosed a thickening of the lesser curvature of the gastric wall. A subsequent endoscopy showed an ulcer on the lesser curvature. Biopsies taken from the gastric ulcer and the liver nodule revealed an adenocarcinoma, both of gastric origin. Shortly after the diagnosis, the patient's condition worsened and he died only 15 days later. This case report illustrates how alpha-fetoprotein-producing gastric adenocarcinomas have a high incidence of venous and lymphatic invasion and a rapid hepatic spread with a very poor prognosis

    Studies on the aetiology of kiwifruit decline: interaction between soil-borne pathogens and waterlogging

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    Aims: In 2012, Italian kiwifruit orchards were hit by a serious root disease of unknown aetiology (kiwifruit decline, KD) that still causes extensive damage to the sector. While waterlogging was soon observed to be associated with its outbreak, the putative role of soil microbiota remains unknown. This work investigates the role of these two factors in the onset of the disease. Methods: Historical rainfall data were analysed to identify changes that might explain KD outbreak and mimic the flooding conditions required to reproduce the disease in a controlled environment. A greenhouse experiment was thus designed, and vines were grown in either unsterilized (U) or sterilized (S) soil collected from KD-affected orchards, and subjected (F) or not (N) to artificial flooding. Treatments were compared in terms of mortality rate, growth, and tissue modifications. Results: KD symptoms were only displayed by FU-treated vines, with an incidence of 90%. Ultrastructural observations detected tyloses and fibrils in the xylem vessels of all plants, irrespective of the treatment. Phytopythium vexans and Phytopythium chamaehyphon, isolated from roots of FU plants, emerged as the associated microorganisms. Conclusions: We succeeded in reproducing KD under controlled conditions and confirmed its association with both waterlogging and soil-borne microorganism(s)

    Travelling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation II

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a rigorous mathematical proof of the existence of travelling wave solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in dimensions two and three. Our arguments, based on minimization under constraints, yield a full branch of solutions, and extend earlier results, where only a part of the branch was built. In dimension three, we also show that there are no travelling wave solutions of small energy.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Communications in Mathematical Physics with a few minor corrections and added remark

    Vulcani: esplosioni ed effusioni

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    Si tratta dei pannelli realizzati per la mostraVulcani: Esplosioni ed effusioni Festival della Scienza di Genova 2007 Palazzo Ducale – Sottoporticato, Genova Una nuova mostra interattiva delll’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vucanologia, alla scoperta dei segreti del nostro pianeta e del mondo spettacolare dei vulcani. Organizzato come un “racconto”, è un lungo viaggio dalla nascita Terra ad oggi che aiuta a comprendere il ruolo fondamentale dei vulcani nella storia del nostro pianeta. Inizia con una proiezione 3d seguita da un filmato spettacolare e coinvolgente di eruzioni vulcaniche. Nella mostra si incontrano poi un grande modello di vulcano che può essere “acceso” in modalità interattiva, producendo un’eruzione esplosiva con gran fragore, sezioni di vulcano per scoprire “cosa c’è sotto”, plastici associati ad una speciale proiezione che permette di visualizzare sia l’eruzione sia l’interno del vulcano. E ancora rocce vulcaniche e un laboratorio per esperienze guidate, per capire il meccanismo che provoca l’eruzione, studiando il legame tra gas, pressione ed esplosione, anche utilizzando ulteriori modellini di vulcano. Il fatto che spesso le eruzioni vulcaniche siano accompagnate da attività sismica ci introduce alla parte finale della mostra, dedicata ai terremoti. L’obiettivo complessivo della mostra è quello di comunicare e far comprendere l’importanza del lavoro di ricerca e di controllo che svolge l’INGV e il riflesso che questo ha nella vita di ciascuno di noi. Si tratta, in sostanza, di “raccontare” le attività scientifiche svolte dall’Istituto inquadrandole dal punto di vista del visitatore.Con i contributi dell’Associazione per il Festival della Scienza e del Dipartimento della Protezione CivilePublished5.8. TTC - Formazione e informazionereserve
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