321 research outputs found

    Kewajiban Debitur untuk Mengasuransikan Barang Agunan dengan Hak Tanggungan dalam Perjanjian Kredit di Bank Pemerintah dan Swasta

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    Credit contract, using hypothecation, between a debtor and a Bank as the creditor requires the debtor to mortgage his belonging as the collateral for paying off his debt. The research was descriptive analytic, using judicial normative method. In the implementation of insurance contract, a debtor is represented by a Bank as the creditor in signing the covering if the insurance, but the obligation related to the insurance contract is imposed on the debtor. The Bank and the Insurance Company never disclose the debtor\u27s right, and the even try to cover it up. The implementation of the claim for the insurance which will be filed by the should meet the provisions in the contract which has been agreed by the guarantor and the guarantee

    Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Kertas dengan Bahan Baku Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pembuatan dan karakterisasi kertas dengan bahan baku tandan kosong kelapa sawit. Karakterisasi terhadap kertas yang dibuat dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit ini yakni: Gramatur rata-rata 78,1 gr/m2 sesuai dengan SNI 14-0439-1989, tebal kertas rata-rata 0,4556 mm sesuai dengan SNI 14-0435-1998, kuat tarik rata-rata 0,43 x 103 N/m sesuai dengan SNI 14-4737-1998, dan kuat sobek rata-rata 178,2 x 10-3 N sesuai dengan SNI 0436:2009. Dalam parameter tersebut maka kertas yang diperoleh dapat dikatagorikan ke kertas tissue menurut SNI 14-0103-1998

    Kajian Gaya Hidup Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado

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    On The Living Style of Peoples in Bahu County District of Malalayang Manado City. The consumption, is Sociology, is not observed as only fulfillment of needs of man, physically and biologically, but it is related to the aspect social and cultural aspects. The consumption is related in the problem of appetite, identity or living style. In economic science appetite is simply stable, focused on utility value, formed individually, and to be looked at as a exogenous thing. Whereas, in sociology, appetite is a thing can be alterable, focused on symbolic quality of the materials and it depends on the perception of appetite of people.Manado city has a social settlement relatively condusive and known as a relatively safe city in Indonesia. It is described from the motto of Minahasan peoples, that is : Torang Samua Basudara (We all are in brotherhood or we all are brother sisters). The Life in Manado city is in general, some with the other city of Indonesia. The Center of Manado city is located from Piere Tendean street (Boulevard) to the 45 market and the strategic locations as many shopping centers are found and also known restaurants. Manado city has many malls and, there are also shopping centers for electronics and furnitures are found along the beach that have a beautiful seaside scene, especially, when the sunset.The Life of people of Manado city, in general, has altered in the life style of glamour, royal and hedonistic are. It is resulted from the inflluence of western culture which has given negative effect to the norms and habit. Man has sensual weakness that is bodify effect called incompleteness. This is the reason for man easy to fall into the trial, exam test, obstacle. Pursue and worldly temptation. The worldly temptation, I mean is called the type of modern life that can be seem in attitude behavior, action, doings called as suitable with claims of time based on the ability of ratio or human throught.The type of life are the modes of behavior that differ the one man and the other. The modes of social life in specific often to be simplificated by the norm culture. Whereas, the type of life depends on cultural forms, norms, the manner to use the materials, location and time that the decived from group character.The type of life, according to Koetler (2002) is a mode life of someone in the world that expressed in the form of his activity interest opinion. “The type of life describes the whole of man himself” In his interaction with the suroundness. The type of life also refers to how someone lives, how the spends his money. And how to allocate the time and hours in his life, and it can be seem from his activities whole day and what interest to be his need in his life. The type of life describes all of someone modes in is action and how the interacts in the world


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    In this work, the formations of Fe55Mn10Al35 nanocrystalline alloys were made by using mechanical alloying (MA) technique with the milling time of 24 hrs and then annealed at 300, 500, and 700oC. The sizes and the morphology of the particles were checked by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The magnetic properties were characterized by using a Vibration Sample Magnetometer (VSM), and it give results both of the magnetic saturation (Ms) and Coercivity (Hc) are decreased respect to annealing temperatures. Last one; the structures were characterized by using an Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). It give results that the structures were single phase at 24 hrs milled and 300oC annealed, then the structure to be changed at 500 and 700oC


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    In this work, the formations of Fe55Mn10Al35 nanocrystalline alloys were made by using mechanical alloying (MA) technique with the milling time of 24 hrs and then annealed at 300, 500, and 700oC. The sizes and the morphology of the particles were checked by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The magnetic properties were characterized by using a Vibration Sample Magnetometer (VSM), and it give results both of the magnetic saturation (Ms) and Coercivity (Hc) are decreased respect to annealing temperatures. Last one; the structures were characterized by using an Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). It give results that the structures were single phase at 24 hrs milled and 300oC annealed, then the structure to be changed at 500 and 700oC.

    The Utilization of Yard With Longan Planting in Klambir Lima Kebun Village

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    Community service in the form of utilization of yard with longan planting was held in Klambir Lima Kebun Village from May to July 2017. The main purpose of this activity was to plant the fruit in the house yard of villagers. In addition, the specific target was to increase knowledge about the benefits of longan fruit by utilizing yard, and the expected results were the fulfilment of vitamin intake and the beautiful environment for people in the village.It is expected that the implementation of this activity would encourage villagers to utilize land around the yard of their houses. A yard in the village has not been utilized optimally to plant fruits by the villagers.Various sizes and forms of the yard can be used to plant healthy fruits, such as longan fruit. Methods used in this community service were lectures, discussions, and implementation of longan planting. The result of this activity was that the villagers planted longan seedlings in their house yard

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Alat Penyortir Barang Berwarna Merah dan Hijau dengan Sensor Tcs230 Berbasis Plc Schneider

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    Agri Denada Br Tarigan, Iman Setiono, in this paper explain that temperature regulation is one of the most important needs for the industry. Lots of processes and production are carried out under certain temperature conditions and free from interference. Industrial temperature controller is one of the basic equipment to meet these needs. On the market there are various types, specifications, and brands of temperature controllers, but have similarities with one another mainly lies in the basic functions of temperature regulation capabilities. This article describes the background of industrial temperature controllers principal, also covers control concepts, basic controller configurations, control methods, actuator equipment support, and examples of sensor parameter settings and controls on the Autonics TC4S series temperature controllers
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