24 research outputs found

    Komparativno ispitivanje prisustva uzročnika i bolesti pčelinjeg legla tradicionalno i savremeno gajenih pčelinjih druŔtava uz analizu uticaja nekih bioloŔkih i antropogenih faktora

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    Doktroska disertacijaÅ tetoĉine i patogeni predstavljaju najĉeŔće uzroke gubitaka pĉelinjih druÅ”tva. Ameriĉka truleÅ£ (AFB) je bolest pĉelinjeg legla, uzrokovana bakterijom Paenibacillus. larvae, White (1906), moÅ£e se smatrati glavnom pretnjom po zdravlje pĉela, s obzirom da je reĉ o panzootskoj bolesti koja se vrlo brzo Å”iri, ne samo iz koÅ”nice u koÅ”nicu, sa pĉelinjaka na pĉelinjak iz regije u regiju, već i iz drÅ£ave u drÅ£avu i Å”ire. Evropska truleÅ£ je bakterijska bolest pĉelinjeg legla uzrokovana sa viÅ”e bakterisjkih vrsta gde dominira Melissococcus plutonius. Ova bolest je jako raÅ”irena i predstavlja veliki problem u pĉelarstvu smanjujući proizvodne rezulte pĉelinjih zajednica. Kreĉno leglo (CHB) je infekcija izazvana gljivicom Ascosphaera apis izazivajući gubitke komercijalno gajenih pĉelinjih zajednica, naroĉito u kombinaciji sa vrstama mikrosporidija roda Nosema i virusom meÅ”inastog legla. Nozemoza je najĉeŔća bolest meĊu odraslim pĉelama uzrokovana mirkosporidijama Nosema apis i N. ceranae i ĉesto dovodi do ekonomskih gubitaka u pĉelarstvu. Virusne infekcije pĉela, koje su već odavno dostigle razmere panzootije, ugroÅ£avaju zdravlje pĉela i predstavljaju konaĉne egzekutore pĉelinjih zajdnica. Pĉelinji krpelj Varroa destructor je glavni vektor skoro svih, a naroĉito virusnih infekcija pĉela, koje su postale ozbiljan problem ne samo za komercijalno gajene, već i za pĉelinje zajednice u divljini, zahvaljujući upravo krpelju V. destructor kao fiziĉkom i bioloÅ”kom vektoru Na osnovu svega navedenog jasno je da je zdravstveno stanje druÅ”tava u komercijalnom pĉelarstvu izloÅ£eno velikim rizicima, a njihovo ispitivanje i tretman predstavljaju veliki izazov kako za istraÅ£ivaĉe tako i za pĉelare. Bolesti odraslih pĉela i pĉelinjeg legla u komercijalnom pĉelarstvu najĉeŔće su posledica energetskog stresa, nastalog zbog neadekvatne prihrane pĉelinjih zajednica, prvenstveno prevelikom upotrebom sećernog sirupa. U osnovi energetskog stresa je oksidativni stres pĉelinjih zajednica koji se moÅ£e definisati kao disbalans izmeĊu proizvodnje reaktivnih oblika kiseonika i antioksidativne odbrane. Reaktivni oblici kiseonika (ROS) negativno utiĉu na ćelijske funkcije i stvaraju se tokom oksidoredukcionih metaboliĉkih procesa u ćeliji. Oni su ukljuĉeni u regulaciju razliĉitih mehanizama, intercelularne signalizacije, a imaju i baktericidno dejstvo. Medonosne pĉele, kao i ostale Å£ivotinje, razvile su niz enzimskih mehanizama kojima se odupiru oksidativnom stresu, uklanjajući slobodne radikale. U ovim procesima vaÅ£nu ulogu umaju: superoksid dismutaza (SOD), enzim prisutan u citosolu i mitohondrijama; katalaza (CAT) prisutna u peroksizomima glutation S-transferaza (GST), glutation S transferaza (GST), peroksidaza i tireodoksin/tireoreduktazni sistem. Imunitet pĉela, kao i imunitet u opÅ”te, obuhvata kompleksan sistem koji ima cilj da obezbedi oĉuvanje zdravlja kao i opstanak organizma na osnovu mnogih mehanizama odbrane od patogena i drugih Å”tetnih noksi (fiziĉkih i hemijskih). Medonosna pĉela svoj socijalni imunitet ostvaruje uz pomoć bihejviorlanih mehanizama koji pomaÅ£u zajdnici u odbrani od patogena. Ulaganje u individualni imunitet ima visoku materijalnoenergetsku cenu za druÅ”tvo, pa su udruÅ£ivanjem pĉela (razvoj socijlanog ustrojstva) uspostavljeni zajedniĉki socijalni mehanizmi odbrane koji omogućavaju pĉelinjem druÅ”tvu efikasniju i ekonomiĉniju borbu protiv agenasa spoljaÅ”nje sredine. Za socijalni imunitet pĉela od znaĉaja je enzim glukoza oksidazi (GOX). Ovaj enzim je produkt pĉelinjih egzokrinih Å£lezda, a uloga mu je u ā€žkonzervacijiā€• pĉelinjuh proizvoda, meda i perge, tako spreĉavajući njihovo kvarenje. GOX uĉestvuje u procesu katalize -D glukoze do glukonske kiseline i vodonik-peroksida. Vodonik-peroksid ima antiseptiĉka svojstva, tako doprinoseći dodatnoj zaÅ”titi i socijalnom imunitetu pĉela. Cilj istraÅ£ivanja je bio da se utvrdi: da li izmeĊu tradicionalno i savremeno gajenih pĉelinjih druÅ”tava postoje razlike u pogledu prisustva patogena i pojave bolesti pĉelinjeg legla, uz analizu bioloÅ”kih (ekspresija GOX gena i faktora oksidativnog stresa) i antropogenih faktora (menadÅ£ment u pĉelarstvu) na pojavu praćenih bolesti pĉelinjeg legla i odraslih pĉela. Terenski deo istraÅ£ivanja je obavljen na prostoru PeÅ”terske visoravni (opÅ”tina Sjenica, Srbija) na 144 asimptomatske pĉelinje zajednice. Uzorci odraslih pĉela i pĉelinjeg legla su uzeti iz savremenih (DB) koÅ”nica i tradicionalnih koÅ”nica ā€žtrmkiā€•, kako bi se utvrdila zastupljenost patogena legla (Paenibacilus larvae, Melissococus plutonius, Ascosphera apis, virus meÅ”inastog legla, tripanozoma Lotmaria passim i Crithidia mellificae) i odraslih pĉela (virus akutne paralize pĉela, virus hroniĉne paralize pĉela, virus deformisanih krila pĉela, tripanozoma Lotmaria passim i Crithidia mellificae,mikrosporidija Nosema apis i Nosema ceranae ) kao i za utvrĊivanje nivoa oksidativnog stresa analizom aktivnosti enzima: SOD, CAT, GST i koncentracije malondialdehida (MDA). TakoĊe, iz istih koÅ”nica uzeti su uzorci za procenu ekspresije GOX gena kao parametra socijlanog imuniteta. Detekcija patogena je obavljena izolacijom bakterija kao i upotrebom PCR i real-time PCR, u skladu sa standardima OIE. Rezultati istraÅ£ivanja su pokazali da je meĊu komercijalno gajenim druÅ”tvima P. larvae bio zastupljen u 16,67% uzoraka, A. apis bio prisutan u 15,83% uzorka, dok je SBV detektovan u 96,67% uzoraka. MeĊutim u leglu pĉela gajenih u tradicionalnim trmka koÅ”nicama naĊen je samo SBV u 33,33% uzoraka. Dalja istraÅ£ivanja su utvrdila da su kod odraslih pĉela u komercijalno gajnim druÅ”tvima bili signifikantno (p<0,001) viÅ”e zastupljeni virusi: ABPV, CBPV i DWV (83,33%, 100,00%, 100,00%, istim redom) u odnosu na druÅ”tva iz trmki gde je procenat ovih virusa iznosio 33,33% za svaki virus. TakoĊe, sva komercijalno gajena druÅ”tva bila su inficirana makar jednim od praćenih patogena, za razliku od tradicionalno gajenih pĉela u trmkama meĊu kojima je 66,66% bilo bez patogena. Rezultati su otkrili znaĉajne razlike u aktivnosti CAT, GST i SOD (p<0,01) i koncentracije MDA (p<0,002) izmeĊu komercijalnih i tradicionalnih druÅ”tava Å”to vodi zakljuĉku da u druÅ”tvima gajenim u trmkama postoji manji oksidativni stres Å”to je rezultiralo i manjom zastupljenoŔću svih praćenih patogena. U uzorcima komercijalno gajenih pĉela zastupljenost parazita L. passim i N. ceranae bila je znaĉajno veća (p<0,05; p<0,01, respektivno) u odnosu na uzorke iz tradicionalnih koÅ”nica, dok C. mellificae i N. apis nisu detektovane ni u jednom uzorku. Treba istaći, da je prvi put detektovana tripanozoma L. passim u leglu iz obe grupe ispitivanih koÅ”nica, komercijalnih i tradicionalnih, pri ĉemu je njena zastupljenost u leglu znaĉajno manja (p<0,01) nego u odraslim pĉelama u komercijalnim druÅ”tvima, dok se kod tradicionalno gajenih pĉela zastupljenost ove tripanozome izmeĊu odraslih pĉela i legla nije znaĉajno razlikovala. Kod komercijalno gajenih pĉela utvrĊen je znaĉajno veći nivo iRNK za gen GOX (p<0,01) u odnosu na tradicionalno gajena druÅ”tva, Å”to je verovatno posledica pojaĉane potrebe prvopomenutih da ojaĉaju socijalni imunitet. Komercijalna druÅ”tva su u odnosu na tradicionalno gajena bila pod većim oksidativnim stresom, a imala su i veću opterećenost pĉelinjim patogenima, kao i veći nivo transkirpcije GOX gena, Å”to je verovatno posledica ĉestih pĉelarskih manipulacija i uznemiravanja komercijalnim druÅ”tvima, kao i njihovo forsirano ekonomsko iskoriŔćavanje. Sve to vodi zakljuĉku da populacija pĉela koja se uzgaja na tradicionalan ima veći kapacitet samoodrÅ£anja i otpornija na pĉelinje patogene, energetski (i oksidativni) stres, a da antropogeni faktori, odnosno pĉelarski postupci, imaju negativan uticaj na zdravlje komercijalno gajenih pĉela.Pests and pathogens are the most common causes of honey bee colony losses. American foulbrood (AFB) is a disease of honey bee brood, caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae, White (1906), can be considered a major threat to bee health, as it is a panzootic disease that spreads very quickly, not only from hive to hive, from apiary to apiary, from region to region, but also from the state to the state and beyond. European foulbrood is a bacterial disease of honey bee brood caused by several bacterial species dominated by Melissococcus plutonius. This disease is widespread and poses a major problem in beekeeping by reducing the production results of honey bee colonies. Chalkbrood disease (CHB) is an infection caused by the fungus Ascosphaera apis causing losses of commercially reared bee colonies, especially in combination with microsporidia species of the genus Nosema sp. and a Sacbrood virus (SBV). Nosemosis is the most common disease among adult bees caused by Nosema apis and N. ceranae, and often leads to economic losses in beekeeping. Viral infections of bees, which have long since reached panzootic proportions, endanger the health of bees and present ultimate executors of bee colonies. Varroa destructor mite is the main vector of almost all, especially viral infections, which have become a serious problem not only for commercially reared, but also for honey bees in the wild, thanks to the mite V. destructor as a physical and biological vector. It is clear that the health status of colonies in commercial beekeeping is exposed to great risks, and their examination and treatment represent a great challenge for both researchers and beekeepers. Diseases of adult bees and bee brood in commercial beekeeping are most often a consequence of energetic stress, caused by inadequate feeding of bee colonies, primarily by excessive use of sugar syrup. The basis of energetic stress is oxidative stress of bee colonies, which can be defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of the former. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) negatively affect cellular functions and are generated during oxido-reduction metabolic processes in the cell. They are involved in the regulation of various mechanisms, intercellular signaling, and exert bactericidal activity. Honey bees, like other animals, have developed a number of enzymatic mechanisms that resist oxidative stress, removing free radicals. An important role in these processes is played by: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) in peroxisomes, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione S transferase (GST) peroxidase, and the thyrodoxin / thyroreductase system. Immunity of bees, as well as immunity in general, includes a complex system that aims to ensure the preservation of health and survival of the organism based on many defense mechanisms against pathogens and other harmful noxa (physical and chemical). The honey bee achieves its social immunity with the help of behavioral mechanisms that help the community defend itself against pathogens. Investing in individual immunity has a high material and energy price for society, so the association of bees (development of social structure) established joint social defense mechanisms that enable bee society to fight more efficiently and economically against environmental agents. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOX) is important for the social immunity of bees. This enzyme is a product of bee exocrine glands, and its role is in the "conservation" of bee products, honey and bee bread, thus preventing their spoilage. GOX participates in the process of catalysis of -D glucose to gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic properties, thus contributing to additional protection and social immunity of bees. The aim of the research was to determine: whether there are differences between traditional and modern bee colonies in terms of the presence of pathogens and the occurrence of bee brood diseases, with the analysis of biological (expression level of the GOX gene and oxidative stress factors) and anthropogenic factors (beekeeping management) on monitored bee brood and adult bee diseases. The field part of the research was performed in the area of the Peshterska plateau (Sjenica municipality, Serbia) on 144 asymptomatic bee communities. Samples of adult bees and bee brood were taken from modern (DB) hives and traditional "trmka" hives to determine the presence of brood pathogens (Paenibacilus larvae, Melissococus plutonius, Ascosphera apis, Sacbrood virus, trypanosomatids Lotmaria passim and Crithidia mellificae) and adult bees (acute bee paralysis virus, chronic bee paralysis virus, deformed bee wings virus, trypanosomatids Lotmaria passim and Crithidia mellificae, microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae) as well as for determination of oxidative stress levels by analysis of activity of enzymes: SOD, CAT, GST and concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA). From the same hives, samples were taken to estimate the expression the GOX gene as a parameter of social immunity. Pathogen detection was performed by bacterial isolation as well as using PCR and real-time PCR, in accordance with the OIE standards. The results showed that among commercially reared colonies, P. larvae, was represented in 16.67% of samples, A. apis in 15.83%, while SBV was detected in 96.67% of samples. However, in the brood from colonies raised in traditional hives, only SBV in the percentage of 33.33% of samples was found. Further research found that in adult bees from commercially reared colonies, viruses ABPV, CBPV and DWV (83.33%, 100.00%, 100.00%, respectively), were significantly (p <0.001) more represented compared to adult bees from ā€žtrmkaā€• hives, where the percentage of these viruses was 33.33% for each. Also, all commercially reared colonies were infected with at least one of the monitored pathogens, in contrast to traditionally reared bees, of which 66.66% were pathogen-free. The results revealed significant differences of activities of CAT, GST and SOD (p<0.01) and MDA concentration (p<0.002) between commercial and traditional colonies, which leads to the conclusion that colonies grown in ā€žtrmkaā€• hives had less oxidative stress level, which resulted in lower presence of all monitored pathogens. In samples of bees from commercially bred colonies, the prevalence of parasites L. passim and N. ceranae was significantly higher (p<0.05; p<0.01, respectively) compared to samples from traditional hives, while C. mellificae and N. apis were not detected in any sample. It should be noted that L. passim was detected for the first time in a brood from both groups of examined hives, commercial and traditional, with its presence in the brood significantly lower (p<0.01) than in adult bees in commercial colonies, while in traditionally reared bees, the presence of this trypanosome did not differ significantly between adult bees and brood. In commercially bred bees, a significantly higher level of mRNA for the GOX gene was found (p<0.01) compared to traditionally bred colonies, which is probably a consequence of the increased need of the former to strengthen social immunity. Compared to traditional beekeeping, commercial colonies were under greater oxidative stress, and had a higher load of bee pathogens as well as a higher level of transcription for the GOX gene, which is probably due to frequent beekeeping and harassment of commercial colonies, as well as their forced economic exploitation. All this leads to the conclusion that the population of bees raised in the traditional way is more self-sustaining and resistant to bee pathogens, energetic (and oxidative) stress, and that the anthropogenic factors (beekeeping practices) have a negative impact on the health of commercially reared bees

    The presence of causative agents and diseases of bee brood in traditional and modern beekeeping, and the examination of various biological and athropogenic factors

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    Å tetoĉine i patogeni predstavljaju najĉeŔće uzroke gubitaka pĉelinjih druÅ”tva. Ameriĉka trulež (AFB) je bolest pĉelinjeg legla, uzrokovana bakterijom Paenibacillus. larvae, White (1906), može se smatrati glavnom pretnjom po zdravlje pĉela, s obzirom da je reĉ o panzootskoj bolesti koja se vrlo brzo Å”iri, ne samo iz koÅ”nice u koÅ”nicu, sa pĉelinjaka na pĉelinjak iz regije u regiju, već i iz države u državu i Å”ire. Evropska trulež je bakterijska bolest pĉelinjeg legla uzrokovana sa viÅ”e bakterijskih vrsta gde dominira Melissococcus plutonius. Ova bolest je jako raÅ”irena i predstavlja veliki problem u pĉelarstvu smanjujući proizvodne rezulte pĉelinjih zajednica. Kreĉno leglo (CHB) je infekcija izazvana gljivicom Ascosphaera apis izazivajući gubitke komercijalno gajenih pĉelinjih zajednica, naroĉito u kombinaciji sa vrstama mikrosporidija roda Nosema i virusom meÅ”inastog legla. Nozemoza je najĉeŔća bolest među odraslim pĉelama uzrokovana mirkosporidijama Nosema apis i N. ceranae i ĉesto dovodi do ekonomskih gubitaka u pĉelarstvu. Virusne infekcije pĉela, koje su već odavno dostigle razmere panzootije, ugrožavaju zdravlje pĉela i predstavljaju konaĉne egzekutore pĉelinjih zajdnica. Pĉelinji krpelj Varroa destructor je glavni vektor skoro svih, a naroĉito virusnih infekcija pĉela, koje su postale ozbiljan problem ne samo za komercijalno gajene, već i za pĉelinje zajednice u divljini, zahvaljujući upravo krpelju V. destructor kao fiziĉkom i bioloÅ”kom vektoru Na osnovu svega navedenog jasno je da je zdravstveno stanje druÅ”tava u komercijalnom pĉelarstvu izloženo velikim rizicima, a njihovo ispitivanje i tretman predstavljaju veliki izazov kako za istraživaĉe tako i za pĉelare. Bolesti odraslih pĉela i pĉelinjeg legla u komercijalnom pĉelarstvu najĉeŔće su posledica energetskog stresa, nastalog zbog neadekvatne prihrane pĉelinjih zajednica, prvenstveno prevelikom upotrebom sećernog sirupa. U osnovi energetskog stresa je oksidativni stres pĉelinjih zajednica koji se moÅ£e definisati kao disbalans između proizvodnje reaktivnih oblika kiseonika i antioksidativne odbrane...Pests and pathogens are the most common causes of honey bee colony losses. American foulbrood (AFB) is a disease of honey bee brood, caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae, White (1906), can be considered a major threat to bee health, as it is a panzootic disease that spreads very quickly, not only from hive to hive, from apiary to apiary, from region to region, but also from the state to the state and beyond. European foulbrood is a bacterial disease of honey bee brood caused by several bacterial species dominated by Melissococcus plutonius. This disease is widespread and poses a major problem in beekeeping by reducing the production results of honey bee colonies. Chalkbrood disease (CHB) is an infection caused by the fungus Ascosphaera apis causing losses of commercially reared bee colonies, especially in combination with microsporidia species of the genus Nosema sp. and a Sacbrood virus (SBV). Nosemosis is the most common disease among adult bees caused by Nosema apis and N. ceranae, and often leads to economic losses in beekeeping. Viral infections of bees, which have long since reached panzootic proportions, endanger the health of bees and present ultimate executors of bee colonies. Varroa destructor mite is the main vector of almost all, especially viral infections, which have become a serious problem not only for commercially reared, but also for honey bees in the wild, thanks to the mite V. destructor as a physical and biological vector. It is clear that the health status of colonies in commercial beekeeping is exposed to great risks, and their examination and treatment represent a great challenge for both researchers and beekeepers. Diseases of adult bees and bee brood in commercial beekeeping are most often a consequence of energetic stress, caused by inadequate feeding of bee colonies, primarily by excessive use of sugar syrup. The basis of energetic stress is oxidative stress of bee colonies, which can be defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of the former. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) negatively affect cellular functions and are generated during oxido-reduction metabolic processes in the cell..

    Looking for Added Value of Milk Products of Autochthonous Sheep Breeds

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    In order to determine the added value of the product, characterization of sheep milk and cheese samples from Sjenica sheep were assessed and compared to British milk sheep. The analyses were carried out according to standard chemical procedures. A comparative study showed that the milk from the Sjenica sheep was higher in fat and protein and had a lower casein/fat ratio. It also had higher total and somatic cell counts than British milk sheep. Sjenica cheese had significantly higher dry matter and fat content. However, both cheeses were classified as soft full-fat cheese with brine. The study showed that sheep's milk contains many essential components for cheesemaking and distinguishes sheep's cheese from other types of cheese, but standardisation of cheese production is still needed. To preserve the autochthonous sheep breeds of Serbia, promoting cheese production with added value is crucial and together with increased production could contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas

    Oxidative Stress, Endoparasite Prevalence and Social Immunity in Bee Colonies Kept Traditionally vs. Those Kept for Commercial Purposes

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    Commercially and traditionally managed bees were compared for oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and malondialdehyde (MDA)), the prevalence of parasites (Lotmaria passim, Crithidia mellificae and Nosema ceranae/apis) and social immunity (glucose oxidase gene expression). The research was conducted on Pester plateau (Serbiaā€”the Balkan Peninsula), on seemingly healthy colonies. Significant differences in CAT, GST and SOD activities (p p L. passim and N. ceranae was significantly (p p L. passim was detected in honey bee brood. In commercial colonies, the prevalence of L. passim was significantly (p p < 0.01) higher, which probably results from their increased need to strengthen their social immunity. Commercially kept colonies were under higher oxidative stress, had higher parasite burdens and higher GOX gene transcript levels. It may be assumed that anthropogenic influence contributed to these differences, but further investigations are necessary to confirm that

    Efficacy of plant-derived formulation argus ras in varroa destructor control

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    Varroa destructor is the most important honey bee parasite. There are various methods used in the control of this mite, but none of them meets all requested criteria, to be safe, effective and easy to apply. The objective of this study was to evaluate the varroacidal efficacy of newly created plant-derived formulation Argus Ras (mixture of extracts of Sophora flavescens, Ginkgo biloba, Gleditsia chinensis and Teucrium chamaedrys) in a field trial. The investigation was conducted on 240 Apis mellifera colonies equalized in respect of brood amount, adult bee population and food reserves. Efficiency was evaluated by applying Argus Ras consecutively with two other acaricides, amitraz and oxalic acid. Average acaricidal efficacy of Argus Ras was 80.89%, being higher of other previously tested essential oils. Besides, it showed a potential in knocking down the mites resistant to other acaricides. It should not be neglected that Argus Ras requires a smaller number of treatments and financial investments than other formulations used for the control of Varroa mites

    Genetic characterization of the yugoslavian shepherd dog-sharplanina, a livestock guard dog from the western balkans

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    Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog-Sharplanina (YSD) is a livestock guard dog from the Western Balkans present in this region over a long time, but recognized by the FĆ©dĆ©ration Cynologique Internationale as a distinct breed as late as 1957. However, the information regarding the origin and the size of the breed's foundation stock is still lacking. In order to contribute towards better understanding of the genetic make-up of the YSD and its foundation stock, we re-analyzed previously generated genetic profiles of 94 registered YSD dogs assessed with nine nuclear microsatellites. Studied individuals comprised 90 unrelated dogs and two pairs of full-sibs, sampled at four sampling sites: Three dog shows and at a military training centre for dogs in Serbia. We supported earlier findings on high levels of genetic diversity in YSD (HE=0.728Ā±0.027) and lack of inbreeding, and revealed substructure of the breed because we found two distinct gene pools in the Bayesian clustering analysis, indicated also by the excess of homozygotes (i.e., Wahlund effect) and outcomes of other analyses: Linkage disequilibrium tests, Neighbour-Joining tree, principal coordinates and two-dimensional scaling analyses. The two gene pools were almost equally represented at each sampling site. One gene pool was composed of individuals with high genetic integrity, while the other gene pool was characterized with admixed ancestry, developed possibly via hybridization with native breeding stock outside the registry system, other breeds, such as the Caucasian Shepherd, and/or individuals admixed with wolves. Thus, we demonstrate rather complex and diverse ancestry implying a genetically heterogeneous foundation stock of the YSD.Jugoslovenski ovčarski pas ā€“ Å”arplaninac (JOP) je pastirski pas sa prostora Zapadnog Balkana na kojem je prisutan od davnina, iako je kao zasebna rasa prepoznat od strane Međunarodne kinoloÅ”ke federacije (FCI) tek 1957. godine. Međutim, podaci o veličini i poreklu osnivačke populacije JOP joÅ” uvek su nepoznati. U cilju doprinosa boljem razumevanju genetičke strukture i osnivačke populacije ove rase, izvrÅ”ili smo dodatnu analizu prethodno objavljenih genetičkih profila 94 jedinke pasa rase JOP (90 pasa koji nisu u srodstvu i dva para punih srodnika uzorkovanih na tri izložbe pasa i u vojnom centru za obuku pasa) utvrđenih na osnovu varijabilnosti devet jedarnih mikrosatelita. Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja su potvrdili prethodne navode koji se odnose na visok stepen genetičkog diverziteta u ispitivanoj populaciji JOP (HE=0.728Ā±0.027) i nizak stepen ukrÅ”tanja u srodstvu, ali i pokazali moguću genetičku strukturu ove rase. Naime, primenom Bajesove metode grupisanja, kao i na osnovu grupisanja po metodi najbližih suseda, nalaza o suviÅ”ku homozigota (tzv. Valundov efekat), testova neravnoteže vezanosti gena, analize glavnih komponenti i dvodimenzionalnog skaliranja, ustanovili smo postojanje dve različite genetičke grupe. Jedinke iz obe genetičke grupe bile su približno jednako zastupljene na svim mestima uzorkovanja. Jedna grupa obuhvatala je jedinke sa visokim genetičkim integritetom, dok su drugu grupu činile jedinke hibridnih genetičkih profila, koji su mogli nastali ukrÅ”tanjem sa neregistovanim psima koji su u tipu JOP ili sa drugim rasama, kao Å”to je kavkaski ovčar, i/ili sa hibridima nastalih ukrÅ”tanjem sa vukovima. Sumirano, ovim istraživanjem ustanovljeno je veoma složeno i raznoliko poreklo JOP, Å”to ukazuje na genetički heterogen karakter osnivačke populacije ove rase

    Importance of clinical assessment of the genital tract in breeding rams in the process of selection and improvement of autochthonous sheep breeds

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    Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji predstavlja značajnu privrede. Stočarstvo pre svega karakteriÅ”u usitnjena porodična gazdinstva, koja se tradicionalno bave ovom delatnoŔću. Ovčarstvo predstavlja važnu granu stočarstva u Republici Srbiji, gde se na preko 155 000 poljoprivrednih gazdinstava gaji ukupno preko 1,7 miliona ovaca. Najveći deo populacije ovaca čine autohtone rase, u prvom redu različiti sojevi pramenke, zatim, u značajno manjem broju cigaja, koje se najčeŔće gaje u poluekstenzivnim sistemima. Mnogi sojevi autohtonih rasas imaju ugrožen status i neophodno je unaprediti mere očuvanja i zaÅ”tite ovih dragocenih autohotnih genetskih resursa, koji imaju značajan potencijal u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Posebna pažnja treba da se posveti odabiru priplodnih ovnova, zbog toga Å”to je njihov uticaj na populaciju najveći, s obzirom na činjenicu da jedan kvalitetan ovan, u sezoni parenja, upari preko 40 ovaca i ostavlja svoje brojne potomke. Iz tog razloga, prilikom izrade selekcijskih programa za određenu rasu, posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti priplodnim ovnovima i njihovim proizvodnim i reproduktivnim karakteristikama. Pored ostalih selekcijskih kriterijuma, kliničkim pregledom genitalnih organa i morfometrijskom analizom testisa pri odabiru kvalitetnih priplodnih ovnova u značajnoj meri se može poboljÅ”ati, ne samo zdravlje zapata, već i kvalitetne rasne odlike i brojnost populacije. Poznato je da je pored zdravstvenog statusa genitalnih organa, kapacitet testisa za proizvodnju sperme u srazmerom sa obimom testisa (veličina testisa). Ustanovljeno je da ovnovi sa većim obimom testisa ostavljaju veći uticaj na populaciju i mogu da se pare sa većim brojem ovaca. Oni ostavljaju veći broj potomaka, te svoje kvalitativne i kvantitativne rasne odlike mogu brže Å”iriti u populaciji u odnosu na priplodnjake koji imaju manje testise, koji stvaraju manje sperme. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka, koji su proistekli iz opsežnih ispitivanja zaključeno je da priplodni ovnovi starosti preko 1,5 godine, sa zdravim genitalnim organima, moraju imati obim testisa najmanje 33 cm. Idealno bi bilo da svaki priplodnjak ima obim testisa ā‰„ 35 cm zbog toga Å”to tada može uspeÅ”no da pari i preko 40 ovaca tokom sezone parenja. U zemljama sa razvijenim ovčarstvom, ova saznanja čine glavne selekcijske smernice i kriterijume, te je shodno tome, cilj da kvalitetni priplodnjaci imaju obim testisa ā‰„ 38 cm. Lipski soj pramenke predstavlja autohtonu rasu Republike Srbije, koji je prema klasifikaciji Pravilnika o genetičkim resursima do 2019. godine spadao u I kategoriju (kritično ugrožene rase), sa brojem priplodnih grla od oko 800 komada. Zahvaljujući subvencijama, brojnost populacije se povećala i u 2021. godini je postignuto 2 000 registrovanih priplodnih jedinki, tako da ona nije viÅ”e kritično ugrožena, već spada u kategoriju ā€žpotencijalno ugroženihā€œ. Ispitivanja populacija lipskog soja pramenke su dokazala da je zdravlje genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova dobro, prosečan obim testisa je 38,35 cm, ali je opseg varijacija velik. Ova vrednost podrazumeva odličan prosek na nivou cele populacije, ali zbog toga Å”to je većina zapata mala (do 20 priplodnih jedinki) i često samo sa jednim ovnom u zapatu, ovnovi sa testisima nedovoljnog obima mogu imati nepovoljan uticaj, ne samo na zapat u kome se gaji, već i na celu populaciju lipske ovce. Sa aspekta očuvanja i unapređenja ovih dragocenih autohtonih genetičkih resursa, poželjno je osavremeniti i selekcijski pristup koji uključuje kriterijume vezane za genitalni trakt, sa ciljem da svaki zapat ima kvalitetnog ovna.The agriculture represents an important branch of economy in the Republic of Serbia. Animal production is mainly based on traditional small family households. Sheep production is an important branch of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia, where a total of 1.7 milion sheep are reared in over 155.000 households, mainly under semiextensive menagement. The majority of sheep are autochthonous breeds and local types adapted to the local enviornment. Because of the endangered status of the autochthonous sheep breeds, conservation and improvement of these precious population is needed, as they have a major potential in the sustainable agricultural production. The main focus should be given to the selection of breeding rams, as they have the biggest impact on the population quality. One high quality breeding ram can mate over 40 ewes over the matin season and leave offspring. Taking this in mind, when the selection criterias are defined for a breed, a special attention should be given to the ram, to its productive and reproductive traits. Among other selection criteria, the clinical assessment of the genital tract with a special attention on scrotal circumference could result in better health and quality of the population. It is well known that rams with bigger scrotal circumference (bigger testicles) can have a better reproductive capacity and can serve more ewes in the mating season, what makes a stronger impact of rams on the population quality. In countries with specialized sheep production these characteristics are included into the selection measures and breeding rams older than 1.5 years with healthy genitals should have scrotal circumference of minimum 33 cm, and the ideal score means that the ram should have ā‰„ 35 cm, and the elite ones ā‰„ 38 cm. The Lipe sheep is a local autochthonous breed of the Republic of Serbia, which has a breeding population size of 800 animals in 2019. According to the national legislation that time it had a status of a critically endangered breed. As a result of higher subsidies for the last few years, the population size rises and im 2021 reached 2000 breeding animals which means it got a status of potentially endangered breed. Assessment of the genital tract of breeding rams of the Lipe sheep showed good health of the genitalia, with an average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm, but with evidence of big variations. The average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm means an excellent result on a population level. Eventhough the overall scrotal circumference is excellent on the population level, because of the fact that most of the herds are small (up to 20 breeding animals) with only one breeding ram, the animals with insufficient values of scrotal circumference (ā‰„ 33 ) could have negative results not only at the herd level, but also at the population level of the endangered Lipe sheep. With the aim to improve and save the endangered autochthonous rare breed and ensure a high quality elite breeding rams in each flock, it is necessary to update the selective measures with a new criteria regarding the assessment of the male genital tract

    The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production

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    Autochthonous breeds are the pillar of sustainable animal production worldwide. From a total of 8719 livestock breeds, 26 percent are classified as at risk of extinction, 13 percent as not at risk, 6 percent as extinct and 55 percent as being of unknown risk status. Therefore, conservation is of high priority. The Podolian cattle is one of the most endangered breed from the list of native breeds of livestock in Serbia. In 2021 only 338 breeding animals were registered. The breed is known as a precious resource of the local landscape enrichment, national heritage and history. According to the population size of the Podolian cattle, a slight increasing tendency can be evidented. The population size is variable (154 breeding animals in 2009, 252 in 2010, 270 in 2011, 260 in 2012, 264 in 2013, 306 in 2014, 258 in 2015, 263 in 2016, 338 in 2017, 317 in 2018, 357 in 2019, 416 in 2020 and 338 in 2021). The Podolian cattle population in Serbia belongs to the I group (critically endangered). Over the time the governmental subsidies influenced the overall slight increase of the number of breeding animals, but the population size is not stabile. Improved conservation program should be applied to save the autochthonous endangered breed suitable for heritage oriented sustainable production in an authentic environment

    The role of Sjenica sheep farming system in ecosystem service on the Sjenica Pester plateau

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    Sjenica Pester plateau is a high natural value region in Serbia characterized by pastures and traditional land use practices. The promotion of sustainable use of animal resources in the Sienica Pester plateau, through Republic Project of Serbia 2011-2023 conducted by FVM, University of Belgrade, aims to support agroecology and rural development in the area. One of the ecosystem services provided by Sjenica sheep farming is the maintenance of pastures ecosystems. The farming system is based on traditional grazing practices that have been used in the region for centuries. This paper presents the current situation of rational use of native Sjenica sheep and its impact on ecosystem services. The field surveys were conducted in the Sjenica Pester plateau in the summer of 2022. Sheep grazing practices, grassland biodiversity and landscape management were analyzed. The results suggest that Sjenica sheep farming system has helped to maintain the pastures and preserve the cultural heritage of the region. It is important to continue monitoring and evaluating the impact of native Sienica sheep farming on ecosystem services to ensure that the practices remain sustainable and have a positive impact on the local environment.Proceeding