8 research outputs found

    Differences in dietary pattern between obese and eutrophic children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excessive consumption of energy is a decisive factor of obesity, but a simple quantitative assessment of consumption between obese and eutrophic individuals not always explains the problem, raising questions about the importance of the qualitative aspects of food. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences in nutrient composition and meal patterns between eutrophic and obese schoolchildren.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The diet of 83 children (42 obese and 41 eutrophic), aged between 7 and 11 years of age, was assessed by two non-consecutive dietary recalls. After the software analysis of macro and micronutrients composition, the different types and amount of legumes, fruits and vegetables were analyzed to verify the dietary patterns.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No differences were verified in energy consumption between the groups (eutrophic = 1934.2 ± 672.7 kcal, obese = 1835.8 ± 621.2 kcal). In general, children showed consumption within the recommended ranges of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The average consumption of fiber was higher in the eutrophic group (20.7 g) when compared to the obese group (14.8 g). The dietary fiber was strongly correlated with the number of servings of beans (r = 0.77), when compared to fruits (r = 0.44) and leafy vegetables (r = 0.13). It was also observed that the higher the consumption of fiber and beans, the lower the proportion of dietary fat (r = -0.22) in the diet. Generally, there was a low consumption of fiber (20.7 g = eutrophic group/14.8 g = obese group), beans (1.1 portions in the eutrophic and obese groups), fruits (0.7 portions eutrophic group and 0.6 obese group) and vegetables (1.3 eutrophic group and 1.1 obese group).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is concluded that the obesity was more related to a dietary pattern of low intake of dietary fiber than excessive energy consumption and macronutrients imbalance.</p

    Prevalence of physical activity through the practice of sports among adolescents from Portuguese speaking countries

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    This study evaluated the prevalence of physical activity through the practice of sports in adolescents from schools in two Brazilian cities and a Portuguese school, and its association with independent variables, such as gender and age. A cross-sectional study was conducted of schoolchildren from two cities in Brazil and one in Portugal. The total study sample was 3694 subjects (1622 males and 1872 females). Physical activity levels were assessed using Baecke's questionnaire. Body weight was measured on electronic scales and stature was measured with a portable wooden stadiometer. Numerical variables were expressed as mean, categorical variables were expressed as percentages and the chi-square test analyzed associations. The prevalence of no sport was high (39.7%), being higher in the Portuguese school than in the Brazilian schools (p < 0.001). Irrespective of being an adolescent in a Brazilian or Portuguese school, boys showed higher engagement in sports practice than girls (p < 0.001). In both, differences were identified between adolescents aged 13 to 15 (P = 0.001) and 16 to 17 (P = 0.001). The prevalence of physical inactivity among schoolchildren from two cities in Brazil and a school in Portugal was high, with the girls practicing less sport than the boys and with this imbalance likely to be higher in adolescents

    Prevalência do diagnóstico de enfermagem: nutrição desequilibrada mais do que as necessidades corporais em gestantes Prevalencia del diagnóstico de enfermería: nutrición desequilibrada más que las necesidades corporales en gestantes Prevalence of the nursing diagnosis, imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements, in pregnant women

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência do Diagnóstico de Enfermagem (DE) nutrição desequilibrada: mais do que as necessidades corporais em gestantes e verificar a associação entre o DE e as variáveis sociodemográficas e obstétricas. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, descritivo,exploratório, realizado com 146 gestantes atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde de Município da região metropolitana de Fortaleza(Ceará). Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulário durante consulta de enfermagem ao pré-natal. Foram realizados o cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal e da mensuração da dobra da pele do tríceps. RESULTADOS: O DE em estudo foi determinado em 100 (68,4%) gestantes. Verificou-se diferença estatística significativa da idade entre gestantes com e sem o DE (p= 0,001); paridade (p= 0,026) e idade gestacional (p= 0,002). CONCLUSÃO: O DE pesquisado apresentou prevalência marcante nas gestantes pesquisadas, estando associado a fatores evitáveis por ações educativas voltadas ao planejamento familiar, como idade materna e paridade.<br>OBJETIVO: Identificar la prevalencia del Diagnóstico de Enfermería (DE) nutrición desequilibrada: más que las necesidades corporales en gestantes y verificar la asociación entre el DE y las variables sociodemográficas y obstétricas. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, descriptivo, exploratorio, realizado con 146 gestantes atendidas en unidades básicas de salud del Municipio de la región metropolitana de Fortaleza(Ceará). Los dados fueron recolectados por medio de un formulario durante la consulta de enfermería al prenatal. Fueron realizados el cálculo del Índice de Masa Corporal y de la mensuración del doblez cutáneo del triceps. RESULTADOS: El DE en estudio fue determinado en 100 (68,4%) gestantes. Se verificó una diferencia estadística significativa de la edad entre gestantes con y sin el DE (p= 0,001); paridad (p= 0,026) y edad gestacional (p= 0,002). CONCLUSIÓN: El DE investigado presentó marcada prevalencia en las gestantes investigadas, estando asociado a factores evitables por acciones educativas volcadas a la planificación familiar, como edad materna y paridad.<br>OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of the nursing diagnosis (ND) imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements during pregnancy and the association between ND and the sociodemographic and obstetric variables. METHODS: A transversal, descriptive, exploratory study conducted with 146 pregnant women seen in primary health care units, in a city in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza (Ceará). Data were collected by means of a prenatal nursing consultation form. We performed the calculation of Body Mass Index and the measurement of the triceps skin fold. RESULTS: The ND in this study was identified in 100 (68.4%) of the pregnant women. There was a statistically significant difference in age between women with and without the ND (p = 0.001), parity (p = 0.026) and gestational age (p = 0.002). CONCLUSION: The ND was determined to have a marked prevalence in pregnant women participating in the research, and was associated with preventable factors and associated with educational interventions in family planning, such as maternal age and parity