8 research outputs found

    Computer adaptive language testing according to NATO STANAG 6001 requirements

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    The article deals with the innovative, cutting age solution within the language testing realm, namely computer adaptive language testing (CALT) in accordance with the NATO Standardization Agreement 6001 (NATO STANAG 6001) requirements for further implementation in foreign language training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AF of Ukraine) in order to increase the quality of foreign language testing. The research provides the CALT method developed according to NATO STANAG 6001 requirements and the CALT algorithm that contains three blocks: “Starting point”, “Item selection algorithm”, “Scoring algorithm” and “Termination criterion”. The CALT algorithm has an adaptive ability, changing a complexity level, sequence and the number of items according to the answers of a test taker. The comparative analysis of the results of the CALT method piloting and the paper-and-pencil testing (PPT) in reading and listening according to the NATO STANAG 6001 requirements justifies the effectiveness of the three-level CALT method. It allows us to determine the following important benefits of CALT: test length reduction, control of measurement accuracy, objective assessment, improved test security, generation of a unique set of items, adaptive ability of the CALT algorithm, high motivation of the test takers, immediate score reporting and test results management. CALT is a qualitative and effective tool to determine test takers’ foreign language proficiency level in accordance with NATO STANAG 6001 requirements within the NATO Defence Educational Enhancement Programme. CALT acquires a special value and relevance in the context of the global COVID 19 pandemic

    Information Communication among Social Networks: Standardization Aspects of Library Segment

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    The article substantiates the expediency of developing and implementing standards for libraries presence in the environment of social networks that promote their effectiveness as channels of social information communications. Based on the monitoring of the representations of foreign and domestic libraries in the social network Facebook and the recommendations of the professional community, proposals on the approximate standards for building and filling the Facebook page of the library are formulated

    Resolvability of boundary problems describing film atom diffusion in underlying surface at formation of thin-film structures

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    Relevance of work. Extraction of geo assets requires the development of new technological solutions for their production, for example, the coating of drill screws with anticorrosion agents. A solution to this problem is possible using diffusion lacquer coating (corrosion inhibitor) on underlying surface (auger). The mathematization of such physical process as diffusion growth of thin films on the underlying surface is currently unexplored. In mathematical models the question on the existence and uniqueness of the solution of boundary-value problems describing the specified physical process often arises. Many domestic and foreign scientists have studied the analytical and numerical methods for solving the initial-boundary value problems, in which it is originally explicitly or implicitly assumed that the solution of the problem exists and it is unique. As a rule, the authors of publications devoted to various problems of mathematical modeling of diffusion, either do not address this question at all (about the existence and uniqueness of the solution) or refer to the classic works without good reason. Therefore, the studies on solvability of boundary value problems carried out in the paper are relevant. The aim of the research is to develop the criteria of resolvability (existence and uniqueness) of the boundary problems arising at mathematical modeling of the thin-film structure growth on underlying surface in various spaces. Research methods. The achievement of a goal is based on correct use of results and methods of the equations of mathematical physics, the integrated equations, the mathematical analysis, the equations in private derivatives, physics of a solid body, a crystallography. Results. The authors have studied the resolvability of the boundary problems describing the diffusive growth of thin films on substrates; developed the criteria of existence and uniqueness of the solution of the specified tasks in various spaces. Conclusions. At mathematical modeling of diffusive growth of a thin film on underlying surface the authors developed the theorems (criteria) providing resolvability (existence and uniqueness of the decision) of initial-boundary tasks. The paper considers the boundary problems for cases of full reflection and absorption of atoms of a film by the underlying surface. The present article is of considerable interest in applied research, and allows answering a question: is it possible to proceed immediately to a numerical (or possibly analytic) solution of the specific boundary value problem describing the diffusion growth of thin-film structures on substrates, or further carry out research on its regularization


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    The article deals with the innovative, cutting age solution within the language testing realm, namely computer adaptive language testing (CALT) in accordance with the NATO Standardization Agreement 6001 (NATO STANAG 6001) requirements for further implementation in foreign language training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AF of Ukraine) in order to increase the quality of foreign language testing. The research provides the CALT method developed according to NATO STANAG 6001 requirements and the CALT algorithm that contains three blocks: “Starting point”, “Item selection algorithm”, “Scoring algorithm” and “Termination criterion”. The CALT algorithm has an adaptive ability, changing a complexity level, sequence and the number of items according to the answers of a test taker. The comparative analysis of the results of the CALT method piloting and the paper-and-pencil testing (PPT) in reading and listening according to the NATO STANAG 6001 requirements justifies the effectiveness of the three-level CALT method. It allows us to determine the following important benefits of CALT: test length reduction, control of measurement accuracy, objective assessment, improved test security, generation of a unique set of items, adaptive ability of the CALT algorithm, high motivation of the test takers, immediate score reporting and test results management. CALT is a qualitative and effective tool to determine test takers’ foreign language proficiency level in accordance with NATO STANAG 6001 requirements within the NATO Defence Educational Enhancement Programme. CALT acquires a special value and relevance in the context of the global COVID 19 pandemic.Стаття присвячена розгляду інноваційного рішення у сфері мовного тестування, а саме комп’ютерного адаптивного мовного тестування (КАМТ) відповідно до Угоди НАТО про стандартизацію 6001 (НАТО СТАНАГ 6001) для подальшого впровадження в іншомовну підготовку особового складу Збройних Сил України (ЗС України) з метою підвищення якості мовного тестування. Дослідження презентує методику КАМТ, розроблену відповідно до вимог НАТО СТАНАГ 6001 та алгоритм КАМТ, що містить три блоки: “Початкова точка”, “Алгоритм вибору тестового завдання”, “Алгоритм підрахунку” та “Критерій припинення тесту”. Алгоритм КАМТ демонструє адаптивні здатності, змінюючи рівень складності тестового завдання, послідовність та кількість завдань відповідно до відповідей того, хто тестується. Наведено порівняльний аналіз результатів КАМТ та бланкової форми тестування з читання та аудіювання відповідно до вимог НАТО СТАНАГ 6001, що обґрунтовує ефективність методики КАМТ. Це дозволяє визначити такі важливі переваги КАМТ: зменшення тривалості тесту, контроль точності вимірювань, об'єктивне оцінювання, додаткова безпека, генерація унікального набору тестових завдань, адаптивна здатність алгоритму КАМТ, висока мотивація учасників тесту, швидка обробка результатів тестування та визначення стандартизованого мовленнєвого рівня володіння іноземною мовою. КАМТ - це якісний та ефективний інструмент для визначення рівня володіння іноземними мовами тих, хто тестується, відповідно до вимог НАТО СТАНАГ 6001 в рамках Програми підвищення кваліфікації оборони НАТО. КАМТ набуває особливої ​​цінності та актуальності в контексті глобальної пандемії COVID 19. Ключові слова: методика КАМТ; алгоритм КАМТ; іншомовна підготовка; військовослужбовці; СТАНАГ 600

    Study of Methods of Biodiesel Neutralization with Aqueous Solution of Lymonic Acid

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    At the article is to determining an effective way to neutralize biodiesel and install optimal and rational parameters of biodiesel neutralization. The investigation of the efficiency of biodiesel neutralization was carried out by mixing it with aqueous citric acid solution (volumetric method) and by spraying an aqueous solution of citric acid over a layer of biodiesel (aerosol method)

    Investigation of the Efficiency of Wet Biodiesel Purification

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    The main research aim is to verify the efficiency of wet methods of biodiesel cleaning and to establish optimal and rational parameters for biodiesel purification and disposing of its cleaning waste. The efficiency of biodiesel washing was studied by means of volumetric, bubble and aerosol washing. Volumetric washing of biodiesel was carried out with the use of a blade mixer with three blades on a shaft and a four-blade agitator with sloping blades. One of the three methods of biodiesel washing studied can be recommended for practical use – aerosol washing with medium- and large-grained washing to be carried out for at least 4-5 hours, while fine-grained – for a longer time. The use of waste from the purification of biodiesel as a cosubstrate in biogas plants will almost double the output of biogas, which will significantly reduce the payback period of biogas plants

    Resolvability of boundary problems describing film atom diffusion in underlying surface at formation of thin-film structures

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    Актуальность работы. Добыча георесурсов требует создания новых технологичных решений их производства, например, покрытие буровых шнеков средствами для защиты от коррозии. Решение указанной задачи возможно при использовании диффузионного нанесения тонкой пленки (антикоррозийное вещество) на подстилающую поверхность (шнек). Математизация такого физического процесса, как диффузионный рост тонких пленок на подстилающей поверхности, в настоящее время является малоисследованной. При математическом моделировании часто возникает вопрос о существовании и единственности решения краевых задач, описывающих указанный физический процесс. Многие отечественные и зарубежные ученые проводили исследования по решению аналитическими и численными методами начально-граничных задач, в которых изначально явно или неявно допускается, что решение рассматриваемой задачи существует и единственно. Как правило, авторы публикаций, посвященных различным проблемам математического моделирования диффузии, либо вообще не затрагивают этот вопрос (о существовании и единственности решения), либо без должного на то основания ссылаются на классические работы. Поэтому исследования на разрешимость краевых задач, проводимые в данной работе, являются актуальными. Цель исследования. Разработать критерии разрешимости (существование и единственность) краевых задач, возникающих при математическом моделировании роста тонкопленочных структур на подстилающей поверхности, в различных пространствах. Методы исследования. Достижение поставленной цели основывается на корректном использовании результатов и методов уравнений математической физики, интегральных уравнений, математического анализа, уравнений в частных производных, физики твёрдого тела, кристаллографии. Результаты. Проведено исследование на разрешимость краевых задач, описывающих диффузионный рост тонких пленок на подложках; разработаны критерии существования и единственности решения указанных задач в различных пространствах. Выводы. В ходе проведения исследований при математическом моделировании диффузионного роста тонкой пленки на подстилающей поверхности были разработаны теоремы (критерии), обеспечивающие разрешимость (существование и единственность решения) начально-граничных задач. Рассмотрены краевые задачи для случаев полного отражения и поглощения атомов пленки подстилающей поверхностью. Настоящая статья представляют значительный интерес в прикладных исследованиях, позволяет ответить на вопрос: можно ли сразу приступать к численному (или, возможно, аналитическому) решению конкретно рассматриваемой краевой задачи, описывающей диффузионный рост тонкопленочных структур на подложках, или дополнительно проводить исследования по ее регуляризации.Relevance of work. Extraction of geo assets requires the development of new technological solutions for their production, for example, the coating of drill screws with anticorrosion agents. A solution to this problem is possible using diffusion lacquer coating (corrosion inhibitor) on underlying surface (auger). The mathematization of such physical process as diffusion growth of thin films on the underlying surface is currently unexplored. In mathematical models the question on the existence and uniqueness of the solution of boundary-value problems describing the specified physical process often arises. Many domestic and foreign scientists have studied the analytical and numerical methods for solving the initial-boundary value problems, in which it is originally explicitly or implicitly assumed that the solution of the problem exists and it is unique. As a rule, the authors of publications devoted to various problems of mathematical modeling of diffusion, either do not address this question at all (about the existence and uniqueness of the solution) or refer to the classic works without good reason. Therefore, the studies on solvability of boundary value problems carried out in the paper are relevant. The aim of the research is to develop the criteria of resolvability (existence and uniqueness) of the boundary problems arising at mathematical modeling of the thin-film structure growth on underlying surface in various spaces. Research methods. The achievement of a goal is based on correct use of results and methods of the equations of mathematical physics, the integrated equations, the mathematical analysis, the equations in private derivatives, physics of a solid body, a crystallography. Results. The authors have studied the resolvability of the boundary problems describing the diffusive growth of thin films on substrates; developed the criteria of existence and uniqueness of the solution of the specified tasks in various spaces. Conclusions. At mathematical modeling of diffusive growth of a thin film on underlying surface the authors developed the theorems (criteria) providing resolvability (existence and uniqueness of the decision) of initial-boundary tasks. The paper considers the boundary problems for cases of full reflection and absorption of atoms of a film by the underlying surface. The present article is of considerable interest in applied research, and allows answering a question: is it possible to proceed immediately to a numerical (or possibly analytic) solution of the specific boundary value problem describing the diffusion growth of thin-film structures on substrates, or further carry out research on its regularization