25 research outputs found

    A Process-Based Explanation of the Psychic Distance Paradox: Evidence from Global Virtual Teams

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    Previous research has found evidence of a counter-intuitive positive relationship between psychic distance and performance, which has been labeled the “psychic distance paradox”. However, there is a dearth of literature explaining the causal mechanisms that elucidates such a positive relationship. Studying the effect of team-level psychic distance on the performance of global virtual teams, we build on the input-process-outcome framework of team research, which allows the integration of process variables to provide new insights into the underlying coherences of the psychic distance paradox. These variables include the team members’ expectation of challenges as well as the level of team effort toward the task. The team members’ motivational cultural intelligence is introduced to the model as a moderating factor. The data support the hypothesized causal path. The findings start unveiling the psychic distance paradox through the integration of the literatures on psychic distance and global virtual teams

    Cultural values, emotional intelligence, and conflict handling styles: A global study

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    AbstractWhile previous research has identified cultural values and emotional intelligence as central determinants of conflict handling styles, little is known about the mechanism through which cultural values impact individuals’ preferences for specific conflict handling styles. Based on a multinational dataset including 1527 individuals from ten different cultural clusters, the current study aims to integrate these two literature streams by examining the influence of cultural values on conflict handling styles through emotional intelligence. The results of structural equation modeling and mediation analysis show that in particular uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation influence preferences for the conflict handling styles of compromising, obliging, and integrating through emotional intelligence. Furthermore, we find that collectivism has a direct negative effect on the preference for a dominating style and that power distance has a direct positive effect on the preference for an avoiding and a dominating style. Our study contributes to a more comprehensive and more integrative understanding of earlier research on the role of culture and emotional intelligence in conflict handling

    Китаб Ибрагима Хосеневича из коллекции Национальной библиотеки Республики Беларусь как исторический источник : реферат к дипломной работе / Инна Чеславовна Кевра; БГУ, Исторический факультет, Кафедра источниковедения; науч. рук. Белявский А.М.

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    The construct of individualism–collectivism (IND-COL) has become the definitive standard in cross-cultural psychology, management, and related fields. It is also among the most controversial, in particular, with regard to the ambiguity of its dimensionality: Some view IND and COL as the opposites of a single continuum, whereas others argue that the two are independent constructs. We explored the issue through seven different tests using original individual-level data from 50 studies and meta-analytic data from 149 empirical publications yielding a total of 295 sample-level observations that were collected using six established instruments for assessing IND and COL as separate constructs. Results indicated that the dimensionality of IND-COL may depend on (a) the specific instrument used to collect the data, (b) the sample characteristics and the cultural region from which the data were collected, and (c) the level of analysis. We also review inconsistencies, deficiencies, and challenges of conceptualizing IND-COL and provide guidelines for developing and selecting instruments for measuring the construct, and for reporting and meta-analyzing results from this line of research

    Conceptualising and measuring cultural intelligence: important unanswered questions

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    Half a Century of Measuring Culture: Review of Approaches, Challenges, and Limitations Based On the Analysis of 121 Instruments for Quantifying Culture

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    This is a post-print file as per the journal publisher's requirements.After examining 121 instruments for measuring culture, we provide a historical overview and analyze how culture has been operationalized over the last half a century. Our study focuses on the topics of culture definition, dimensionality of culture models, collection and analysis of data for measuring culture, levels of culture measurement, issues of cross-cultural survey equivalence and the reliability and validity of culture measures. For each of these topics, we provide a review of existing approaches, discuss the challenges, and suggest best practices. Based on our analysis, we identify gaps in the field of culture measurement and offer directions for future research.Ye

    Examining the Impact of Culture’s Consequences: A Three-Decade, Multi-Level, Meta-Analytic Review of Hofstede‟s Cultural Value Dimensions

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    This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record. This is a post-print file as per the journal publisher's requirements.Using data from 598 studies representing over 200,000 individuals, we meta-analyze the relationship between Hofstede‟s (1980a) original four cultural value dimensions and a variety of organizationally relevant outcomes. First, values predict outcomes with similar strength (with an overall absolute weighted effect size of ρ=0.18) at the individual level of analysis. Second, the predictive power of the cultural values was significantly lower than that of personality traits and demographics for certain outcomes (e.g., job performance, absenteeism, turnover), but significantly higher for others (e.g., organizational commitment, identification, citizenship behavior, team-related attitudes, feedback seeking). Third, cultural values were most strongly related to emotions, followed by attitudes, then behaviors, and finally job performance. Fourth, cultural values were more strongly related to outcomes for managers (rather than students), older, male, and more educated respondents. Fifth, findings were stronger for primary, rather than secondary, data. Finally, we provide support for Gelfand, Nishii and Raver's (2006) conceptualization of societal tightness-looseness, finding significantly stronger effects in culturally tighter, rather than looser, countries.Ye

    Half a century of measuring culture: Review of approaches, challenges, and limitations based on the analysis of 121 instruments for quantifying culture

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    After examining 121 instruments for measuring culture, we provide a historical overview and analyze how culture has been operationalized over the last half a century. Our study focuses on the topics of culture definition, dimensionality of culture models, collection and analysis of data for measuring culture, levels of culture measurement, issues of cross-cultural survey equivalence and the reliability and validity of culture measures. For each of these topics, we provide a review of existing approaches, discuss the challenges, and suggest best practices. Based on our analysis, we identify gaps in the field of culture measurement and offer directions for future research.Culture Culture measurment Review Cross-cultural research

    Tarpkultūrinis virtualus grupinis darbas: kooperacija ir bendradarbiavimas

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    [...] Straipsnio tikslas - nustatyti, kada kooperacija ir bendradarbiavimas turėtų būti naudojami tarpkultūrininiame virtualiame komandiniame darbe. [...] Straipsnyje pateikiamas teorinis modelis, kuris sujungia procesus: grupės virsmą komanda ir kooperavimosi perėjimą į bendradarbiavimą. Teorinis modelis pagrįstas penkiomis grupės transformavimosi pakopomis: formavimas, idėjų ir normų išgryninimas, užduočių atlikimas ir grupės išsiskirstymas (Tuckman stages of group development, n.d.), modelyje išskiriami pagrindiniai uždaviniai, tik sėkmingas ir nuoseklus šių uždavinių įgyvendinimas leidžia žingsnis po žingsnio grupei virsti komanda bei pasiekti bendradarbiavimą. Užtikrinti uždavinių įgyvendinimą, prieš kooperavimosi virsmą bendradarbiavimu tarpkultūrinėje virtualioje aplinkoje, svarbu turėti mokymus apie tarpkultūrinį bendravimą, technologinius darbo aspektus virtualioje komandoje ir konfliktų valdymą. Sudarytas teorinis modelis pabrėžia, kad mokymai apie sritis, kurios išskiriamos, kaip pagrindiniai iššūkiai tapkultūrinės komandos darbui virtualioje aplinkoje, turėtų užkirsti kelią trukdžiams sėkmingam bendradarbiavimui pasiekti. [...] Išnagrinėta teorinė medžiaga leido daryti prielaidą, kad kooperacija gali virsti bendradarbiavimu tarp normų išgryninimo ir veikimo stadijų (Holtzman and Anderberg, 2011). Projekto „X-Culture“ atveju sėkmingai šis perėjimas buvo įvykdytas tik nedaugelio. Dėl šios priežasties yra svarbu daugiau dėmesio skirti pirmoms grupės formavimo pakopoms ir su šių procesų svarba supažindinti visus dalyvius. Apibendrinant galima teigti, kad projekte „X-Culture“ aptinkami visi mokslinėje literatūroje bei modelyje pagrįsti procesai, tačiau kai kurie procesai reikalauja daugiau dėmesio ir moderacijos iš išorės.The article seeks to determine when co-operation and when collaboration should be used during cross-cultural virtual group work. For this purpose various concepts are analyzed: cross-cultural communication, virtual setting, co-operation and collaboration. An empirical quantitative research is conducted for the worldwide academic project ‘X-Culture’. Conducted research summarises the conclusions about theory’s applicability in practice. Analysis reveales that majority of processes indicated in scholarly literature, as key aspects leading to collaboration throughout group development stages, are present in ‘X-Culture’ project. This research reveals the main differences between cooperative and collaborative group work, explaining the outcomes of both. In addition, it explains which one is applicable grounded on desired goals. Moreover, the concepts are linked to cross-cultural processes. Theoretical significance of the paper underlines the importance of building projects via collaborative or cooperative tasks considering desired goals. Practical significance offers guidelines for professional and academic institutions that organize virtual cross-cultural group work