1,045 research outputs found

    Effect of slaughter age on meat qualitative traits of veals calves

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    Scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di verificare alcune caratteristiche organolettiche e chimico bromatologhe della carne di 15 vitelli di razza Frisona. I vitelli sono stati macellati a 140, 160 e 190 giorni. I parametri analizzati non sono stati significativamente influenzati dall'età di macellazione se non per una riduzione del tenore proteico della sostanza secca a 160 giorni. Pertanto la scelta dell'età di macellazione, per il periodo studiato, può essere fatta sulla base di criteri di natura economica piuttosto che riferita ad aspetti qualitativi della carn

    An inverse method to interpret colour-magnitude diagrams

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    An inverse method is developed to determine the star formation history, the age-metallicity relation, and the IMF slope from a colour-magnitude diagram. The method is applied to the Hipparcos HR diagram. We found that the thin disk of our Galaxy shows a peak of stellar formation 1.6 Gyr ago. The stars close to the Sun have a solar metallicity and a mean IMF index equal to 3.2. However, the model and the evolutionary tracks do not correctly reproduce the horizontal giant branch.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. To be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Mortality impact of AIDS in Abidjan, 1986-1992

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    To quantify the mortality impact of AIDS in the city of Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) by a full scale analysis of mortality trends before and after the onset of the epidemic. Data on deaths registered in the 10 vital registration centers of the city between 1973 and 1992, and data on causes of deaths in the four public hospitals were coded and investigated. Data on deaths were compared with census data in order to compute death rates. Life tables were computed for each of the 20 years of the study. The trends in death rates were analysed during the 10 years before the onset of the AIDS epidemic (1973-1982) and compared with the changing death rates in the following 10 years (1983-1992). Deaths attributable to AIDS were defined as those in excess of the original trends. The evolution in the number of deaths in the hospital allowed an analysis by cause of death. There was a marked increase in death rates starting in 1986, date of the first diagnosed AIDS cases in the city. This increase was significant for both sexes, but more pronounced among men. It was concentrated primarily among young adults (aged 25-44 years) and among older children (aged 5-14 years), and most of it was considered to be attributable to AIDS and related infections, tuberculosis in particular. When data were cumulated from 1986 to 1992, approximately 25000 persons were estimated to have died of AIDS. The high number of AIDS deaths estimated in Abidjan underlines the heavy toll already paid by african populations, and calls for intensive action. (Résumé d'auteur

    Effects of low doses of dexamethasone on productive traits and meat quality of veal calves

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    An experimental administration of dexamethasone was carried out on 15 veal calves in order to assess the rĂ´le of low doses of exogenous glucocorticoids on productive traits and meat quality. Three groups, of five veal calves each, were formed : one group received oral dexamethasone (0.4 mg per calf per day for 25 days), another intramuscular (i. m.) dexamethasone (2 mg at days 14 and 21), and the third was the control. Calves were slaughtered at 165 days of age (day 31). Food conversion ratio (FCR), hot dressing percentage (HDP), chilled dressing percentage (CDP) and shrinkage were determined. From all carcasses, samples of m. longissimus thoracis (between the 8th and 10th rib) were taken in order to evaluate the chemical composition and some organoleptic characteristics : meat colour, water-holding capacity and tenderness. The animals treated with oral dexamethasone showed the lowest daily weight gain (P < 0.05) and the poorest FCR (P < 0.05). Hot dressing percentage, cold dressing percentage and shrinkage were not affected by the oral treatment. The i. m. injections of dexamethasone did not influence the overall performance. Muscle chemical composition and pH were not affected by the treatments; the meat of calves treated with oral dexamethasone was significantly lighter (P < 0.05) and tended to be paler, while i. m. treatment induced intermediate characteristics. The shear force of the meat was rather low. Shear force of cooked meat from animals treated with dexamethasone (both oral and i. m.) was significantly lower than the control (P < 0.05). Treatment with dexamethasone i. m. induced a decrease in water-holding capacity; the oral treatment had no effect on this parameter

    Does the application of directive 2001/93/EC improve pigs welfare and productive performances?

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    Recently, with the aim to protect swine and enhance their welfare, a set of international rules has been approved by the European Commission (directive 91/630/CEE; 2001/88 CEE; 2001/93/CEE). These ..

    Conséquences démographiques du sida en Abidjan : 1986-1992

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    Les statistiques de l'état civil et des formations sanitaires sont notoirement peu utilisées en Afrique pour étudier les tendances de la mortalité. L'étude d'Abidjan montre que c'est une situation très regrettable, car ces statistiques peuvent fournir de précieux renseignements sur l'état sanitaire de la population. Dans le cas présent, l'analyse fine des tendances de la mortalité, couplée avec l'analyse des causes de décès dans les hôpitaux, révèle assez précisément les conséquences démographiques du sida dans la capitale de la Côte d'Ivoire, malgré l'imperfection des données. Les estimations indiquent que près de 25 000 personnes seraient décédées du sida entre 1986 et 1992, les sept premières années de l'épidémie, ce qui confirme qu'Abidjan est une des villes les plus touchées au monde par cette troublante épidémie. Ce sont surtout les jeunes de sexe masculin qui ont été les plus touchés, dans toutes les couches de la société. Un modèle a permis de reconstruire la dynamique de l'épidémie, qui montre que le premier pic des infections se serait produit vers 1987. On peut s'attendre à une moyenne d'environ 7 000 cas de sida par an dans la ville jusqu'à l'an 2000, ce qui aura des conséquences importantes sur l'utilisation des infrastructures hospitalières. L'importance numérique de ces estimations souligne l'urgence de renforcer la lutte contre l'épidémie de sida en Côte d'Ivoire et dans le monde. (Résumé d'auteur
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