140 research outputs found

    Generalized hydrodynamic reductions of the kinetic equation for a soliton gas

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    We derive generalized multiflow hydrodynamic reductions of the nonlocal kinetic equation for a soliton gas and investigate their structure. These reductions not only provide further insight into the properties of the new kinetic equation but also could prove to be representatives of a novel class of integrable systems of hydrodynamic type beyond the conventional semi-Hamiltonian framework

    Generalized hydrodynamic reductions of the kinetic equation for a soliton gas

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    A unified view on the interfacial instability in a model of aluminium reduction cells in the presence of a uniform, vertical, background magnetic field is presented. The classification of instability modes is based on the asymptotic theory for high values of parameter β, which characterises the ratio of the Lorentz force based on the disturbance current, and gravity. It is shown that the spectrum of the travelling waves consists of two parts independent of the horizontal cross-section of the cell: highly unstable wall modes and stable or weakly unstable centre, or Sele’s modes. The wall modes with the disturbance of the interface being localised at the sidewalls of the cell dominate the dynamics of instability. Sele’s modes are characterised by a distributed disturbance over the whole horizontal extent of the cell. As β increases these modes are stabilized by the field

    Studying mathematical model of mine and quarry pneumatic lifting equipment in "skip - guidance devices" systems

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    There are two basic ways of mining: open pit and underground in the mining industry: open pit and underground. Underground mining less profitable, however, it is more environmentally friendly. In addition, this method is essentially inevitable due to the fact that the major mineral reserves are at greater depths and in the future will need to solve the problems of development of mineral deposits deep mines. The development of the mining sector and the deepening of mining operations require a new type of transport, justified and developed in the works of Bogatyrev M. D., Kiselev V. I., Kartaviy N. G., Saginov A. S., Nechyporenko S. N., Piskunov O. M., Nikolaev Yu. A. - skip pneumatic lifting equipment designed to reduce the cost of transportation of the rock mass

    Structure and Phase Composition of V-Al-N-C Master Alloy

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    The article presents the results of studying the phase composition and microstructure of the V-Al-N-C alloy, intended mainly for doping titanium alloys, but also of interest to manufacturers of structural steels. The V-Al-N-C alloy was obtained by the method of out-of-furnace aluminothermic smelting of a mixture containing vanadium pentoxide, aluminum powder, nitrided by the SHS method powdered V-Al-(17-20)N (wt.%) alloy and graphite in copper uncooled molds. The phase composition was determined by X-ray phase analysis (diffractometer - DRON-2.0, radiation - Cu-Kα, monochromator - graphite). The microstructure and composition of the phases were investigated by X-ray microanalysis using a JSM-59000LV scanning electron microscope ( Japan) and an Oxford INCA Energy 200 energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (United Kingdom). It is revealed that the matrix of the V-Al-N-C alloy, containing (wt. %): 73.9 V; 23.7 Al, 1.2 N, 0.69 C, and 0.08 O2, are represented by the solid solution of aluminum in vanadium. The main nitrogen-containing phase is aluminum nitride AlN of a cubic structure. The carbide phase can be identified as V2Al0.9C1.1. Nitride and carbide phases are distributed quite uniformly in the alloy matrix. The carbide phase in the structure of the V-Al-N-C alloy is predominantly in the form of threadlike crystals up to 100 μm in length. The nitride phase is represented by small (up to 10 μm) and large (30 ÷ 10

    Деякі організаційні, тактичні та технічні особливості діяльності кінологічних підрозділів Національної поліції

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    Таранов, В. Л. Деякі організаційні, тактичні та технічні особливості діяльності кінологічних підрозділів Національної поліції / Віктор Леонідович Таранов // Шляхи покращення професійного рівня працівників кінологічних служб : тези доп. Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 14 груд. 2018 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2018. – С. 63-65.Практичний досвід повсякденної діяльності кінологічних підрозділів останнім часом привертає увагу на такі важливі моменти, як: 1. Необхідність додаткової тактичної підготовки кінологів, які працюють у взаємодії з підрозділами національної поліції, які виконують спеціальні функції (КОРД, ТОР, ВТС тощо), до необхідного мінімального рівня за напрямком діяльності; 2. Необхідність розробки та виробництва «тривожного» комплекту кінолога, включаючи засоби індивідуального захисту службового собаки; 3. Необхідність забезпечення кінологів спеціальними самозаряджаючими кобурами для табельної вогнепальної зброї;The practical experience of the daily activities of canine divisions has recently attracted attention to such important points as: 1. The need for additional tactical training of cynologists working in conjunction with national police units performing special functions (KORD, TOR, PTS, etc.) to the required minimum level of activity; 2. The necessity of development and production of an "alarming" set of cynologists, including means of personal protection of an official dog; 3. There is a need to provide cinologists with a special self-charging holster for firearms.Практический опыт повседневной деятельности кинологических подразделений в последнее время привлекает внимание на такие важные моменты, как: 1. Необходимость дополнительной тактической подготовки кинологов, работающих во взаимодействии с подразделениями национальной полиции, выполняющих специальные функции (КОРД, ТОР, ВТС и т.д.), до необходимого минимального уровня по направлению деятельности; 2. Необходимость разработки и производства «тревожного» комплекта кинолога, включая средства индивидуальной защиты служебной собаки; 3. Необходимость обеспечения кинологов специальными самозаряджаючимы кобурами для табельного огнестрельного оружия

    Method of combating fatigue destruction of steel structures of mine hoisting machines

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    The article presents the information of the identified defects of fatigue failure of steel structures of the brake mechanism of mine cable hoisting machines used to transport metallurgical coke from the mine to the surface. Using non-destructive testing methods a survey was carried out of the brake mechanisms of sixty mine cable hoisting machines. A method was developed to combat the fatigue failure of steel structures through the use of reinforcing elements to reduce their metal consumption and increase resistance to fatigue failure, while the use of expensive high-strength alloys is completely eliminated. To study the stress-strain state and fatigue failure of steel structures, a computer simulation method was used. Using the ANSYS computer program, the optimal forms of reinforcing elements were established and the loaded part of steel structures in continuous operation was simulated. Eleven computer models of a steel beam with various reinforcing elements were developed. The research results were used in practice in the repair of steel structures

    Применение многомерного статистического анализа при исследовании набухающих грунтов Судана

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    Предложен новый способ составления прогнозов для набухающих грунтов. Способ базируется на использовании факторного анализа. Применение этого метода позволяет прогнозировать возникновение негативных процессов в набухающих грунтах и избежать их разрушающего действия на здания и другие инженерные сооружения. Метод опробован на набухающих грунтах Судана. It was proposed the new way of the forecast formation for the swelling grounds. This way is based on the employment of the factor analysis, The employment of this method makes possible to do the forecast of the beginning of the negative processes in the swelling grounds and to avoid their ruined work on the buildings and the other engineering structures. The method was tested on the swelling grounds in Sudan

    Slowing of World Economy Growth: Analysis of Key Reasons

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the key reasons for the slowdown in the global economy. According to the analysis, the slowdown in the global economy is caused by the following seven key reasons: trade wars and the aggravation of trade relations in the international economic market; global instability and technological uncertainty; risks of increased financial uncertainty; the impossibility on the part of some countries to overcome the consequences of the global crisis and the sanctions policy of the West; reformatting of economic activity in a political manner; wave of debt accumulation in developing countries; slowdown in labor productivity growth. The authors conclude that the global economic slowdown trend has a long-term perspective