25 research outputs found

    Redox-dependent activation of 5'-nucleotidase in rat liver plasma membranes

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    AbstractAddition of NADH, but not NAD+ or NADPH, to rat liver plasma membranes resulted in the increase of their 5'-nucleotidase activity. NADH-dependent activation of 5'-nucleotidase was significantly suppressed by atebrine, an inhibitor Of NADH dehydrogenase of plasma membranes, and completely abolished by 2,4-dinitrophenol (2 × 10−4 M) and Triton X-100 (2%). Inhibitors of electron transfer in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, rotenone and potassium cyanide, failed to affect 5'-nucleotidase activity in both the presence and absence of NADH. The data obtained give reasons to suggest a redox-dependent mechanism of 5'-nucleotidase activation in rat liver plasma membranes

    Reversible Block of Mouse Neural Stem Cell Differentiation in the Absence of Dicer and MicroRNAs

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate the functions of Dicer and microRNAs in neural stem (NS) cell self-renewal and neurogenesis, we established neural stem cell lines from the embryonic mouse Dicer-null cerebral cortex, producing neural stem cell lines that lacked all microRNAs. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Dicer-null NS cells underwent normal self-renewal and could be maintained in vitro indefinitely, but had subtly altered cell cycle kinetics and abnormal heterochromatin organisation. In the absence of all microRNAs, Dicer-null NS cells were incapable of generating either glial or neuronal progeny and exhibited a marked dependency on exogenous EGF for survival. Dicer-null NS cells assumed complex differences in mRNA and protein expression under self-renewing conditions, upregulating transcripts indicative of self-renewing NS cells and expressing genes characteristic of differentiating neurons and glia. Underlining the growth-factor dependency of Dicer-null NS cells, many regulators of apoptosis were enriched in expression in these cells. Dicer-null NS cells initiate some of the same gene expression changes as wild-type cells under astrocyte differentiating conditions, but also show aberrant expression of large sets of genes and ultimately fail to complete the differentiation programme. Acute replacement of Dicer restored their ability to differentiate to both neurons and glia. CONCLUSIONS: The block in differentiation due to loss of Dicer and microRNAs is reversible and the significantly altered phenotype of Dicer-null NS cells does not constitute a permanent transformation. We conclude that Dicer and microRNAs function in this system to maintain the neural stem cell phenotype and to facilitate the completion of differentiation

    The Roles of Individual Mammalian Argonautes in RNA Interference In Vivo

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    Argonaute 2 (Ago2) is the only mammalian Ago protein capable of mRNA cleavage. It has been reported that the activity of the short interfering RNA targeting coding sequence (CDS), but not 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of an mRNA, is solely dependent on Ago2 in vitro. These studies utilized extremely high doses of siRNAs and overexpressed Ago proteins, as well as were directed at various highly expressed reporter transgenes. Here we report the effect of Ago2 in vivo on targeted knockdown of several endogenous genes by siRNAs, targeting both CDS and 3′UTR. We show that siRNAs targeting CDS lose their activity in the absence of Ago2, whereas both Ago1 and Ago3 proteins contribute to residual 3′UTR-targeted siRNA-mediated knockdown observed in the absence of Ago2 in mouse liver. Our results provide mechanistic insight into two components mediating RNAi under physiological conditions: mRNA cleavage dependent and independent. In addition our results contribute a novel consideration for designing most efficacious siRNA molecules with the preference given to 3′UTR targeting as to harness the activity of several Ago proteins.Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (Firm

    MicroRNA biogenesis is required for mouse primordial germ cell development and spermatogenesis.

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are critical regulators of transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene silencing, which are involved in multiple developmental processes in many organisms. Apart from miRNAs, mouse germ cells express another type of small RNA, piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). Although it has been clear that piRNAs play a role in repression of retrotransposons during spermatogenesis, the function of miRNA in mouse germ cells has been unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we first revealed the expression pattern of miRNAs by using a real-time PCR-based 220-plex miRNA expression profiling method. During development of germ cells, miR-17-92 cluster, which is thought to promote cell cycling, and the ES cell-specific cluster encoding miR-290 to -295 (miR-290-295 cluster) were highly expressed in primordial germ cells (PGCs) and spermatogonia. A set of miRNAs was developmentally regulated. We next analysed function of miRNA biogenesis in germ cell development by using conditional Dicer-knockout mice in which Dicer gene was deleted specifically in the germ cells. Dicer-deleted PGCs and spermatogonia exhibited poor proliferation. Retrotransposon activity was unexpectedly suppressed in Dicer-deleted PGCs, but not affected in the spermatogonia. In Dicer-deleted testis, spermatogenesis was retarded at an early stage when proliferation and/or early differentiation. Additionally, we analysed spermatogenesis in conditional Argonaute2-deficient mice. In contrast to Dicer-deficient testis, spermatogenesis in Argonaute2-deficient testis was indistinguishable from that in wild type. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These results illustrate that miRNAs are important for the proliferation of PGCs and spermatogonia, but dispensable for the repression of retrotransposons in developing germ cells. Consistently, miRNAs promoting cell cycling are highly expressed in PGCs and spermatogonia. Furthermore, based on normal spermatogenesis in Argonaute2-deficient testis, the critical function of Dicer in spermatogenesis is independent of Argonaute2

    C-Terminal Src Kinase Controls Acute Inflammation and Granulocyte Adhesion

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    AbstractTo establish whether the widely expressed regulator of Src family kinases Csk contributes to the control of acute inflammation in vivo, we inactivated csk in granulocytes by conditional mutagenesis (Cre/loxP). Mutant mice (Csk-GEcre) developed acute multifocal inflammation in skin and lung. Animals were protected from the disease in a microbiologically controlled environment, but remained hypersensitive to LPS-induced shock. Csk-deficient granulocytes showed enhanced spontaneous and ligand-induced degranulation with hyperinduction of integrins. This hyperresponsiveness was associated with hyperadhesion and impaired migratory responses in vitro. Hyperphosphorylation of key signaling proteins such as Syk and Paxillin in mutant granulocytes further supported breakdown of the activation threshold set by Csk. By enforcing the need for ligand engagement Csk thus prevents premature granulocyte recruitment while supporting the motility of stimulated cells through negative regulation of cell adhesion