7 research outputs found

    Parental psychological distress associated with COVID-19 outbreak: A large-scale multicenter survey from Turkey

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    Aims: Pandemics can cause substantial psychological distress; however, we do not know the impact of the COVID-19 related lockdown and mental health burden on the parents of school age children. We aimed to comparatively examine the COVID-19 related the stress and psychological burden of the parents with different occupational, locational, and mental health status related backgrounds. Methods: A large-scale multicenter online survey was completed by the parents (n = 3,278) of children aged 6 to 18 years, parents with different occupational (health care workers—HCW [18.2%] vs. others), geographical (İstanbul [38.2%] vs. others), and psychiatric (child with a mental disorder [37.8%]) backgrounds. Results: Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that being a HCW parent (odds ratio 1.79, p <.001), a mother (odds ratio 1.67, p <.001), and a younger parent (odds ratio 0.98, p =.012); living with an adult with a chronic physical illness (odds ratio 1.38, p <.001), having an acquaintance diagnosed with COVID-19 (odds ratio 1.22, p =.043), positive psychiatric history (odds ratio 1.29, p <.001), and living with a child with moderate or high emotional distress (odds ratio 1.29, p <.001; vs. odds ratio 2.61, p <.001) were independently associated with significant parental distress. Conclusions: Parents report significant psychological distress associated with COVID-19 pandemic and further research is needed to investigate its wider impact including on the whole family unit. © The Author(s) 2020

    Depression in Turkish Children May Affect Children’s and Their Parents Quality of Life More Than Other Psychopathologies: A Single-Center Study

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    Objective:The study aimed examine the quality of life (QoL) of parents and their children with the most common psychiatric diagnosesMethods:We examined 785 consecutive referrals of children and adolescents, aged 6-18 years, with Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS). QoL of the children were evaluated via Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) and parental QoL was evaluated via World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief Form (WHOQOL BREF).Results:Depression in the child had the most significant adverse association with their own and parental QoL. Autism Spectrum Disorders had the worst impact on the quality of children’s social life. Having a mental disorder, other than anxiety disorders, had overall the worst impact on the quality of children’s school life.Conclusions:Depression seems to have the most significant impact on the quality of life parameters. Results indicate further analysis of the association between childhood depression and parental QoL

    Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu belirtileri ile kronotip arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    WOS: 000450095400010PubMed ID: 30042642Introduction: The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between circadian characteristics and behavioral problems in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (n=53), and to compare this group with healthy controls (n=38). Method: Fifty-three medication-free children with ADHD, aged 6-12 years. and 38 healthy children, age and sex matched, participated. Parents completed the Conners' Parent Rating Scale-Revised, the Children's Chronotype Questionnaire (CCTQ), and the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) to assess sleep variables. Results: ADHD children had more sleep-onset problems and parasomnias (in CSHQ) compared to healthy controls. However; circadian preferences did not differ between the groups in CCTQ scores. Another important finding was a mild correlation between parasomnia, bedtime on schooldays, and ADHD symptoms. Conclusion: Our study showed that children with ADHD showed more resistance to going to bed than did controls on school days. However, in contrast to our hypothesis, morningness/eveningness preference did not differ from controls in ADHD children.Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) tanılı çocuklar (n=53) ve sağlıklı kontrollerde (n=38) sirkadyen özellikler ve davranışsal sorunlar arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi ve karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: DEHB tanısı alan, daha önce tedavi almamış, 6–12 yaş arası 53 çocuk ile yaş ve cinsiyet açısından benzer özellikte olan 38 sağlıklı çocuk çalışmaya alınmıştır. Uyku ile ilgili değişkenlerin incelenmesi için ebeveynler Conners Anababa Dereceleme Ölçeği Yenilenmiş Uzun Formu, Çocuk Kronotip Ölçeği (CKÖ) ve Çocuk Uyku Alışkanlıkları Ölçeklerini (ÇUAÖ) doldurmuştur. Bulgular: DEHB tanılı çocuklarında sağlıklı kontrollere göre daha fazla uykuya dalma ve parasomni şikayetleri vardır. Ancak, CKÖ’ye göre sirkadyen tercihleri açısından her iki grup arasında anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. Parasomni ve okul günleri yatakta uyku için geçirilen zaman ile DEHB belirtileri arasında orta derecede korelasyon bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda DEHB tanılı çocuklarda okul günlerinde daha fazla uykuya direnç görülmektedir. Ancak, çalışmanın hipotezinin aksine, Sabahlılık/akşamlılık yönelimi açısından DEHB ile sağlıklı kontroller arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunamamıştır

    Sleep habits in children and ado- lescent diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite (DEHB) tanılı çocuklarda uyku sorunları oldukça sıklıkla bildirilmektedir. Uyku sorunlarının DEHB' lilerin yaklaşık %50-70'inde görüldüğü belirtilmektedir. Bu çalışmada henüz medikal tedavi almamış ya da son üç ay içinde DEHB tedavisini sürdürmeyen çocuk ve ergenlerde uyku alışkanlıklarını araştırmak istenmiştir. Çalışmaya birincil başvuru şikayeti uyku sorunları olmayan, daha önce psikiyatrik bir tedavi almamış ve ilk kez tanı konulan 6-16 yaş aralığında 70 DEHB olgusu araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Ortalama gece yatma saati ve ortalama gece uyanık kalınan süre istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur (p < .05). Yatma zamanı direnci, uykuya dalmanın gecikmesi, uyku kaygısı, gece uyanmaları, parasomni alt-test ve toplam uyku puanları açısından her iki grup arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur (p < .05). DEHB belirtileri ile uyku alışkanlıkları arasında yapılan spearman korelasyon analizinde hiperaktivite puanları ile uykuya yatma direnci (r=.407, p<.001), uyku kaygısı (r=.372, p<.001), parasomni (r=.459, p<.001) ve toplam uyku süresi (r=.547, p<.001) arasında pozitif korelasyon bulunmuştur. Ancak dikkat eksikliği ile uyku alışkanlıkları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır. Bulgularımız yazınla uyumlu olarak DEHB'de uyku sorunlarının sık olduğunu göstermektedirSleep problems are reported quite often in children with ADHD. It is shown that sleep problems in ADHD occurs in approximately 50-70%. Aim of study was to to investigate the sleep habits of children and adolescents with ADHD who had no medical treatment. 6-16 year old 70 ADHD and 54 healthy child-ren and adolescents were included in the study as a control group in this study. There were there were significant differences statis-tically significant in mean bedtime and nigh-twakings between groups (p &lt;.05). Bedtime resistant, delay in asleep, sleep anxiety, nigh-twakings, parasomnia and total sleep scores were signicantly different between groups (p &lt; .05). In spearman correlation analysis between ADHD symptoms and sleep habits, there were significant correlation between hyperactivity scores and bedtime resistan cy (r=.407, p&lt;.001), sleep anxiety (r=.372, p&lt;.001), parasomnia (r=.459, p&lt;.001) and total sleep duration (r=.547, p&lt;.001). Howe-ver, there was not found correlation between inattention and sleep habits. In conclusion, our findings were consistent with literature showing frequent sleep problems in ADHD

    Düşük serum UCH-L1 ve TDP-43 düzeyleri otizmde bozulmuş ubikuinasyon sürecini yansıtabilir mi?

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    WOS: 000412669100014PubMed ID: 29033641Introduction: The mechanism of ubiquitination-related abnormalities causing neural development problems is still unclear. We examined the association between autism and serum transactive response DNAbinding protein-43 (TDP-43) and ubiquitin c-terminal hydrolase-L1 (UCH-L1) levels, both of which are members of the ubiquitinproteosome system. Methods: We measured serum levels of TDP-43 and UCH-L1 in 24 children with autism and 24 healthy children. Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) was used to assess symptom severity at admission. Results: The mean serum TDP-43 and UCH-L1 levels in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were found to decrease compared to healthy controls (p< 0.001, 506.21 +/- 780.97 ng/L and 1245.80 +/- 996.76 ng/L, respectively; 3.08 +/- 5.44 ng/mL and 8.64 +/- 6.67 ng/mL, respectively). A positive correlation between serum TDP-43 levels and UCH-L1 levels was found in the ASD group (r= 0.947, n= 24, p< 0.001). The CARS score of children with ASD was 48.91 points (standard deviation [SD]: 5.82). Conclusion: Low serum levels of UCH-L1 and TDP-43 may reflect disturbed ubiquitination in autism.Amaç: Protein ubikitinlenme ile ilgili bozuklukların nöronal gelişim sorunlarına nasıl yol açtığı açıklanamamıştır. Bu çalışmada, ubikuitin proteozom sistemine üye olan ubikuitin c-terminal hidrolaz-L1 (UCH-L1) ve transaktif yanıtlı DNA-bağlayıcı protein (TDP-43) düzylerinin otizm ile ilişkisi araştırılmıştır.Yöntemler: Bu bağlamda 24 otizm tanılı çocuk ve 24 sağlıklı çocukta serum TDP-43 ve UCH-L1 düzeylerine bakılmıştır. Otizm şiddet derecesi Çocukluk Otizm Derecelendirme Ölçeği (ÇODÖ) ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Otizm tanılı çocukların başvuru sırasında ortalama ÇODÖ puanları 48.91 (SD: 5.82) idi. Sağlıklı gruba göre otizmli grupta serum TDP-43 ve Serum UCH-L1 düzeyleri anlamlı olarak düşüktü (sırasıyla 506,21±780,97 ng/L ve 1245,80±996,76 ng/L; 3,08±5,44 ng/mL ve 8,64±6,67 ng/mL; p<0.001). Serum TDP-43 and UCH-L1 düzeyleri arasında pozitif korelasyon anlamlı olarak tespit edildi (r=0.947, n= 24, p<0.001).Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, düşük UCHL-L1 ve TDP-43 düzeylerinin, otizmde bozulmuş ubikitinlenme sürecini yansıtabileceği düşünülmüştür.Batman University Scientific Research Project Coordination Center [BTUBAP-2015-YL1]This research was supported by Grants from Batman University Scientific Research Project Coordination Center (BTUBAP-2015-YL1

    Evaluation of p300 and spectral resolution in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and specific learning disorder

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    This study aims to examine auditory processing, P300 values and functional impairment levels among children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), ADHD+SLD and healthy controls. Children with ADHD (n = 17), SLD (n = 15), ADHD+SLD (n = 15), and healthy controls (n = 15) between the ages of 7–12 were evaluated with K-SADS, Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale, Turgay DSM-IV Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale, The Mathematics, Reading, Writing Assessment Scale and Children's Auditory Performance Scale (CHAPS). Auditory P300 event-related potentials and Spectral-Temporally Modulated Ripple Test (SMRT) were applied. Three patient groups were found to be riskier than healthy controls according to the CHAPS. There was no significant difference between the groups in the SMRT. In post-hoc analyses of P300 parietal amplitudes, ADHD, SLD, and ADHD+SLD were found to be significantly lower than the control group. The amplitudes of the ADHD+SLD were by far the lowest. It has been shown that auditory performance skills and p300 amplitudes are lower in children diagnosed with only ADHD or SLD compared to the control group, with the lowest values observed in ADHD+SLD. This study suggests that the difficulties with attention and cognitive functions in the ADHD+SLD are more severe than ADHD and/or SLD without comorbidity.Istanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpas

    Symposium Oral Presentations

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