54 research outputs found

    É-Kelet Magyarország természeti erőforrásainak kutatása, elsősorban a megújuló energiaforrások potenciáljának felmérésére, az EU csatlakozásból adódó követelmények figyelembe vételével = Research of the Natural Resources of North-East Hungary, with especial Attention given to the Renewable Energy in the light of Hungary`s Accession to the EU

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    Nehezítette a munkát, hogy a kutatási program négy évében sem volt a Kormánynak energiapolitikai programja, különösen nem a megújuló energiaforrások felhasználására vonatkozóan. (félévente változott a koncepció a szél, a geotermikus energia vagy a biomassza megítélésében.) Végül a megújuló energiákra vonatkozó anyagot a GMK csak 2006. június 07-én hagyta jóvá. Ennek ellenére a kutatási programot, az Északkelet-Magyarországra tervezett munkákat, megítélésem szerint sikerült elvégezni. Számos publikáció, könyv és egyéb javaslat készült. Tervezeteket készítettünk a szélerőmű-parkok területi elhelyezésére - több helyen a meglévő mérési adatok extraponálásával - és legújabb szélatlaszát felhasználva. Itt figyelembe vettük a helyi tapasztalatokat is. A biomasszára vonatkozóan több alternatívát is kidolgoztunk az etanolra valamint a biodízel alapanyagokra. A szalix-félék (fűzfélék) etanol hasznosítására vonatkozóan még mindig folyik a kutatási munka, mivel ennek nagyobb perspektívája van, mint a kukorica, gabona etanol-koncepciónak, főleg azért, mert itt Északkelet-Magyarországon nagy kihasználatlan ártéri területek. (A svédországi gazdaságossági vizsgálatok ezt is igazolják.) A geotermikus kutak hasznosítására vonatkozóan konkrét javaslatokat dolgoztunk ki, amelyek a Megyei Közgyűlés elé is kerültek. Új geotermális kút fúrására is tettünk javaslatot, a Nagykálló-2-es kútra. | The fact that the Government had not had an accepted energy politics in the four years of the research represented further difficulties. This especially true for the renewable energy sources (the conception for the wind, geometric or biomass had been changing in every six months). Finally, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce approved the materials concerning the renewable energy sources on 7th June, 2006. Despite all the problems, the research programme and the planned activities for North-East Hungary were carried out successfully. Numerous publications, books and suggestions were made. Plans were drawn up for regional wind turbine parks with the use of extrapolation of existing data and the newest wind maps. The local experiences here were taken into account. Concerning the biomass, several alternatives were outlined based on ethanol and bio diesel resources. Research is still being carried out for the use of Salix (willows), in the production of ethanol, because there are more possibilities in this field than in corn ethanol production. This is especially true here in North-East Hungary because of the available and underused flood areas (economic studies also indicated their potential in Sweden). Concrete suggestions were made concerning the exploitation of geothermal wells and these were submitted to the County Council for discussion. A new geothermal well - Nagykálló 2 - was suggested to be drilled

    Statistical structure of day by day alteration of daily average wind speeds

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    One of the most complex problems of wind power plant operators is to compose a so-called “timetable” that is based on estimating the amount of power produced on the next day divided into small time units. Creation of this timetable could be based on the mathematical statistical method presented in this paper. Our statistical method is based on the construction of a model based on the statistical structure of the change of measured daily average wind speed, that enables the estimation of the probability of decreasing or increasing daily average wind speed by the next day in certain time periods or at various weather conditions. The statistical structure of daily average wind speed changing day by day provides further important information on the wind climate of Hungary and may help protection against wind erosion, building planning, and estimating bioclimatic factors. The basics of the method and the estimation of the sign of changes for the next day are presented in the following. The database is composed of daily average wind speed data measured at nine Hungarian meteorological stations between 1991 and 2000. Studies were performed for the whole period and for anticyclone and cyclone conditions based on Péczely’s macrosynoptic situations and their transitional situations as well. The relative amount characterizing the change of daily average wind speed day by day was defined, and then the most important basic statics were analyzed. The distribution by sign of this amount and the relationship with the actual daily average wind speed were studied. Based on the results, the sign of wind speed change by the next day is estimated. As a conclusion, it can be stated that the presented model yields best results if the present day belongs to cyclone conditions

    A szeles napok statisztikai szerkezete Magyarországon = Statistical structure of the windy-days in Hungary

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    One of the energetic characteristics of the wind field, the frequency of the so-called windy days is investigated in the period 1971-2000 using datasets of seven observatories in Hungary. Windy day is defined as a day with daily maximum wind speed higher than 10 m/s. Basic statistics are determined and time-course of monthly and yearly means is analysed by fitting of trigonometric polynomials. A measuring number is defined to decide the goodness of the fitting and the suddenness of the different periods is investigated. The approach of the function fitting the course of monthly means is very good but only the yearly period is significant. The goodness of the function fitting the course of yearly means is even weaker and we can find geographical differences. The same is true for the suddenness of periods

    Connection between the potential wind energy and the windy days

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    Preliminary wind climate information are required for the selection of the sites of energetic windmeasurements. Optimal locations of wind energy projects, where the amount of utilizable windenergy can be forecasted with a good approach, can be determined using GIS and statistical methods.Anyhow, it is necessary to elaborate methods what make posible to gain data for the wind potential ofa given location on the base of measured data. Monthly number of windy days can be such predictorif its basic statistical parameters and its connection to the monthly mean wind power can bedetermined. This latter one can be substituted by the area under the curve of the function fitted to thehourly averages of the cubes of the wind speeds. A regression modell is fitted to the monthly numberof windy days and areas under the curve, on the base of time series of 7 Hungarian weather stationsand the error of the modell is determined. On this base, the modell is extrapolated to a 35 years longperiod. The area under the curve proportional to the monthly mean wind power calculated on the baseof the monthly number of windy days show a significant decreasing trend in 4 Hungarian weatherstations

    Investigation of the wind power potential of the Hernád valley

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    The University of Debrecen, Department of Meteorology has carried out research into the climatic and social-economic conditions of the Hernád valley in the scope of a scientific project (OTKA K 75794) between 2009 and 2012. The aim is to find out the optimal area for wind and solar energy, as well as biomass utilization. Our purpose is to work out a model wherein the complex evaluation of natural and social-economic conditions and effects can eventually result in a sustainable and conflictfree land use. The results of the research will be useful in working out a regional improvement based on the use of renewable energy sources to help the local decision-making process