270 research outputs found

    Rosenblatt distribution subordinated to gaussian random fields with long-range dependence

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    The Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion and the Fredholm determinant formula are used to derive an asymptotic Rosenblatt-type distribution of a sequence of integrals of quadratic functions of Gaussian stationary random fields on R^d displaying long-range dependence. This distribution reduces to the usual Rosenblatt distribution when d=1. Several properties of this new distribution are obtained. Specifically, its series representation in terms of independent chi-squared random variables is given, the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues, its L\`evy-Khintchine representation, as well as its membership to the Thorin subclass of self-decomposable distributions. The existence and boundedness of its probability density is then a direct consequence.Comment: This paper has 40 pages and it has already been submitte

    Multifractional processes with random exponent

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    Multifractional Processes with Random Exponent (MPRE) are obtained by replacing the Hurst parameter of Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) with a stochastic process. This process need not be independent of the white noise generating the FBM. MPREs can be conveniently represented as random wavelet series. We will use this type of representation to study their Hölder regularity and their self-similarity

    Rosenblatt distribution subordinated to Gaussian fields with long-range dependence

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    The Karhunen-Lo`eve expansion and the Fredholm determinant formula are used, to derive an asymptotic Rosenblatt-type distribution of a sequence of integrals of quadratic functions of Gaussian stationary random fields on R d displaying long-range dependence. This distribution reduces to the usual Rosenblatt distribution when d = 1. Several properties of this new distribution are obtained. Specifically, its series representation, in terms of independent chi-squared random variables, is established. Its L´evy-Khintchine representation, and membership to the Thorin subclass of self-decomposable distributions are obtained as well. The existence and boundedness of its probability density then follow as a direct consequence

    Non-central limit theorems for random fields subordinated to gamma-correlated random fields

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    A reduction theorem is proved for functionals of Gamma-correlated random fields with long-range dependence in dd-dimensional space. As a particular case, integrals of non-linear functions of chi-squared random fields, with Laguerre rank being equal to one and two, are studied. When the Laguerre rank is equal to one, the characteristic function of the limit random variable, given by a Rosenblatt-type distribution, is obtained. When the Laguerre rank is equal to two, a multiple Wiener–Itô stochastic integral representation of the limit distribution is derived and an infinite series representation, in terms of independent random variables, is obtained for the limit

    A theory for long-memory in supply and demand

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    Recent empirical studies have demonstrated long-memory in the signs of orders to buy or sell in financial markets [2, 19]. We show how this can be caused by delays in market clearing. Under the common practice of order splitting, large orders are broken up into pieces and executed incrementally. If the size of such large orders is power law distributed, this gives rise to power law decaying autocorrelations in the signs of executed orders. More specifically, we show that if the cumulative distribution of large orders of volume v is proportional to v to the power -alpha and the size of executed orders is constant, the autocorrelation of order signs as a function of the lag tau is asymptotically proportional to tau to the power -(alpha - 1). This is a long-memory process when alpha < 2. With a few caveats, this gives a good match to the data. A version of the model also shows long-memory fluctuations in order execution rates, which may be relevant for explaining the long-memory of price diffusion rates.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    A Markov Chain based method for generating long-range dependence

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    This paper describes a model for generating time series which exhibit the statistical phenomenon known as long-range dependence (LRD). A Markov Modulated Process based upon an infinite Markov chain is described. The work described is motivated by applications in telecommunications where LRD is a known property of time-series measured on the internet. The process can generate a time series exhibiting LRD with known parameters and is particularly suitable for modelling internet traffic since the time series is in terms of ones and zeros which can be interpreted as data packets and inter-packet gaps. The method is extremely simple computationally and analytically and could prove more tractable than other methods described in the literatureComment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Rosenblatt distribution subordinated to Gaussian fields with long-range dependence

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    The Karhunen-Lo`eve expansion and the Fredholm determinant formula are used, to derive an asymptotic Rosenblatt-type distribution of a sequence of integrals of quadratic functions of Gaussian stationary random fields on R d displaying long-range dependence. This distribution reduces to the usual Rosenblatt distribution when d = 1. Several properties of this new distribution are obtained. Specifically, its series representation, in terms of independent chi-squared random variables, is established. Its L´evy-Khintchine representation, and membership to the Thorin subclass of self-decomposable distributions are obtained as well. The existence and boundedness of its probability density then follow as a direct consequence

    muCool: A novel low-energy muon beam for future precision experiments

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    Experiments with muons (μ+\mu^{+}) and muonium atoms (μ+e−\mu^{+}e^{-}) offer several promising possibilities for testing fundamental symmetries. Examples of such experiments include search for muon electric dipole moment, measurement of muon g−2g-2 and experiments with muonium from laser spectroscopy to gravity experiments. These experiments require high quality muon beams with small transverse size and high intensity at low energy. At the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, we are developing a novel device that reduces the phase space of a standard μ+\mu^{+} beam by a factor of 101010^{10} with 10−310^{-3} efficiency. The phase space compression is achieved by stopping a standard μ+\mu^{+} beam in a cryogenic helium gas. The stopped μ+\mu^{+} are manipulated into a small spot with complex electric and magnetic fields in combination with gas density gradients. From here, the muons are extracted into the vacuum and into a field-free region. Various aspects of this compression scheme have been demonstrated. In this article the current status will be reported.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, TCP 2018 conference proceeding
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