82 research outputs found

    Le kawal, un condiment a base de feuilles fermentees de senna obtusifolia: technologies et valeurs nutritionnelles

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    De nombreux aliments fermentés à base de légumes-feuilles sont consommés dans le monde, particulièrement en Afrique et en Asie. Ces aliments très répandus, représentent le régime de base en plus de leurs matières premières disponibles et constituent une part importante dans l’alimentation des populations locales. Le kawal obtenu par fermentation naturelle et alcaline des feuilles de Senna obtusifolia encore appelé Cassia obtusifolia, est un aliment très apprécié et largement consommé par les populations au Tchad et au Soudan. Les feuilles de S. obtusifolia occupent une place importante dans le système alimentaire de nombreuses communautés en Afrique. Elles sont riches en acides aminés essentiels et peuvent être considérées comme des produits d’intérêt nutritionnel de par leur valeur protéique. Le kawal contient des quantités appréciables de protéines et est utilisé comme substitut de viande et ou de poisson. Il est également riche en hydrates de carbone et en sels minéraux. La technologie de production du kawal reste traditionnelle avec des équipements rudimentaires et une fermentation incontrôlée. Cependant, cette technique de fermentation bien que traditionnelle permet l’élimination des facteurs antinutritionnels contenus dans les feuilles. Elle contribue aussi à l’amélioration de la valeur nutritionnelle et au développement de composés aromatiques tout en permettant d’augmenter la biodisponibilité des minéraux aboutissant ainsi à un produit qui permet de réduire les problèmes de carences en minéraux chez l’Homme. Les bactéries fermentaires du kawal, principalement celles des genres Bacillus et Lactobacillus du fait de leurs aptitudes probiotiques sont bénéfiques pour la santé humaine. La transformation de ce produit constitue un enjeu économique important en raison des revenus générés et contribue ainsi à la valorisation des ressources végétales et à la sécurité alimentaire des populations. Les technologies de la transformation du kawal n’étant pas bien maitrisées et variant d’une région à l’autre et ou d’une productrice à une autre il est donc indispensable de faire une synthèse sur les technologies de sa transformation et sa valeur nutritionnelle en vue de son amélioration.Mots clés: Kawal, feuilles fermentées, Senna obtusifolia, technologies, valeursnutritionnelle

    What are the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents in Ghana’s slums?

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    To address the need for quality evidence on the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of adolescents in slums, the STEP UP project conducted a study in four slum settings in Ghana. This policy brief highlights key points, including the need for a well-designed, comprehensive sex education curriculum; interventions that address sexual coercion and violence as an integral component of current adolescent reproductive health programs; and the need to involve all stakeholders including parents/guardians and community leaders in addressing adolescent SRH needs. Evidence from the study can be used to improve ASRH programming so that it better meets the needs of slum-dwelling adolescents

    Nécrolyse épidermique liée à l’application cutanée d’une solution d’hydroxyde de potassium

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    Dans nos régions, une solution d'hydroxyde de potassium est régulièrement utilisée en application sur la peau comme traitement traditionnel dans le but de traiter un prurit ou une éruption cutanée. Dans notre pratique quotidienne, nous observons de plus en plus de réactions cutanées à ce type de traitement. Nous rapportons un cas de nécrolyse épidermique généralisée suite à l'application d'une solution concentrée d'hydroxyde de potassium. Il s'agissait d'une patiente de 51 ans, séropositive au VIH2, et au virus de l'hépatite virale C, mais non éligible au traitement antirétroviral. Elle était hospitalisée pour des décollements épidermiques nécrolytiques quasi-généralisés survenue le lendemain de l'application une solution de concentré de potasse sur tout le tégument. Cette solution avait été appliquée dans le but de traiter une éruption micropapuleuse prurigineuse généralisée (exanthème maculo-papuleux) survenue suite à a prise de cotrimoxazole. La réépidermisation était totale sans séquelle après un mois de suivi. Le diagnostic nécrolyse épidermique toxique ou syndrome de Lyell qui met souvent en jeu le pronostic vital avait été écarté devant la conservation de l'état général, l'absence d'atteinte muqueuse et la rapide cicatrisation. Certains traitements traditionnels ont fait la preuve au cours du temps de leur efficacité, mais un mésusage peut être à l'origine d'effets secondaires graves

    Community opinion leaders in Ghana speak out on adolescent sexuality: What are the issues?

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    This policy brief reports on a study that is a component of a larger study that assessed the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of adolescents in four slums in two regions of Ghana. The study’s focus on this perspective stems from the fact that there is a lack of evidence surrounding the outlook of community opinion leaders on adolescent reproductive health in this setting. Understanding what adults think about major adolescent SRH issues in their communities (including the SRH rights of adolescents, adult–adolescent communication about SRH issues, and service-seeking and sexual behavior outcomes) provides insight into how adults perceive and influence the lives of young people, and therefore, how programs could be designed to better serve the sexual health needs of adolescents. The brief summarizes key findings that identify the issues facing these community opinion leaders

    Acceptability and promotion strategies for LNG-IUS in Ghana: A public health assessment

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    In response to concerns about the side effects of the IUD, the commonly known reversible, long-term method in Ghana, and to curb the shift from long-term to short-term methods, the Ghana Health Service decided to expand women’s contraceptive method choices by introducing the Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine System (LNG-IUS), a hormonal IUD, into the contraceptive method mix. The LNG-IUS is a uterine contraceptive that provides effective long-term protection up to five years. Even though the product has been certified as safe and effective, it was necessary to ensure that it satisfies client’s needs and meets provider expectations. The Population Council, in collaboration with the Reproductive and Child Health Unit of the Family Health Division of the Ghana Health Service and EngenderHealth, implemented an intervention to evaluate the acceptability of the LNG-IUS among family planning clients and to explore effective ways of scaling it up throughout the country. As noted in this report, the study also explored promotion and sustainability strategies to enhance the integration of the product into the family planning method mix

    Prevalence of Escherichia coli virulence genes in patients with diarrhoea in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Objective: Diarrhoeagenic E. coli (DEC) strains are important causes of diarrhoea in the developing world and, to a lesser extent, inthe developed world. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of the virulence genes specific for five major pathogroups of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) in primary cultures from diarrhoeagenic patients in Burkina Faso.Methodology: From September 2016 to Mars 2017, a total of 211 faecal samples from diarrhoeagenic patients from urban hospitals of Ouagadou, Burkina Faso have been analysed. A 16-plex PCR was used to detect simultaneously, the five major DEC pathotypes (enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) and enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)).Results: At least one diarrhoeagenic E. Coli pathotype was detected in 31 samples (14.7%) in children and adults with diarrhoea. EAEC was the most common pathotype detected 9.5% (20/211), followed by EIEC2.4% (05/211) and STEC 0.5% (01/211). More than one DEC pathotype were detected in 2.4% (05/211) patients. EPEC and ETEC were not detected in single infection but in co-infection with others pathotypes.Conclusion: DEC, especially enteroaggregative, may be important responsible of diarrhoeas in Burkina Faso from all ages patient.Key Words: Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli, 16-plex PCR, Burkina Faso, human diarrhoeas stool

    Introduction of medical abortion in Ghana

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    To significantly expand women’s access to modern family planning and comprehensive abortion care services a provisional license was awarded to Marie Stopes International-Ghana by the Ghana Food and Drugs Board for the introduction and provision of the first medical abortion regimen (mifepristone and misoprostol) in Ghana. The Population Council conducted this study to document the introduction process; findings from the study will provide much needed evidence to inform policy decisionmaking and the scale-up phase. Overall the study has shown that medical abortion is a viable option for Ghanaian women--an overwhelming number of those who have benefitted from the procedure are content and will use or recommend it. The report recommends that products and service be made easily accessible and available to all women, especially the vulnerable, in order to stem the mortality rates associated with unsafe abortion

    Are parents talking to adolescents about sexuality? Evidence from four slums in Ghana

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    This evidence brief summarizes the essential information from a part of a larger study that assessed the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of adolescents in four slums in two regions of Ghana. The objective of this brief is to provide evidence to support and facilitate the improvement of parent–adolescent communication on sexuality. This study echoes several other studies by providing evidence that a majority of parents are not opposed to in-school sex education for their children and welcome the idea of empowering themselves (parents) to have productive discussions with their children. Nevertheless, there is a mismatch between the proportion of parents who believe they have discussed sexuality with their adolescents, and the number of adolescents who report they have had these discussions. Among several conclusions, the report identifies the need to better educate parents and guardians about adolescent sexual and reproductive health, as well as provide guidance on how they can effectively have these conversations

    Understanding the reproductive health needs of adolescents in selected slums in Ghana: A public health assessment

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    Over the past decade, adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) concerns have increasingly been on the development agenda of the government of Ghana. This concern has been driven by such factors as early age of sexual debut, early childbearing, and prevalence of HIV/AIDS among this subgroup of the population. The overall objective of the study was to generate evidence on the knowledge, perceptions, and practices regarding ASRH among slum communities in Ghana. The findings of the study indicate a need for intensifying efforts to inform and educate adolescents living in the slums about responsible and healthy attitudes toward sexuality, delaying the onset of sexual activity, and reducing risky sexual behaviors; incorporating sex education appropriate for each educational level; and involving all stakeholders including parents/guardians and community leaders in addressing adolescent SRH needs which will, in turn, enhance community participation and address cultural barriers and inhibitions to the optimum realization of ASRH

    Cracking in asphalt materials

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    This chapter provides a comprehensive review of both laboratory characterization and modelling of bulk material fracture in asphalt mixtures. For the purpose of organization, this chapter is divided into a section on laboratory tests and a section on models. The laboratory characterization section is further subdivided on the basis of predominant loading conditions (monotonic vs. cyclic). The section on constitutive models is subdivided into two sections, the first one containing fracture mechanics based models for crack initiation and propagation that do not include material degradation due to cyclic loading conditions. The second section discusses phenomenological models that have been developed for crack growth through the use of dissipated energy and damage accumulation concepts. These latter models have the capability to simulate degradation of material capacity upon exceeding a threshold number of loading cycles.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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