309 research outputs found

    Investigation Of Nanoscale Dielectric Polarization And Refractive Indices Of BaTiO3 Surfaces And Ultrathin Films

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    The surface and interface effects on the dielectric polarization and refractive indices of BaTiO3 single crystals and BaTiO3 ultrathin films on SrTiO3 single crystal substrates are investigated theoretically by using a microscopic model based on the orbital approximation in correlation with the dipole-dipole interaction. The spontaneous polarization of BaTiO3 single crystals is drastically reduced near the c-surface. For BaTiO3/SrTiO3 films, the spontaneous polarization is reduced in the film as its thickness decreases. However, an electronic polarization appears within the SrTiO3 substrate in the neighborhood of the interface. This polarization, which vanishes far away from the interface into the SrTiO3 bulk, is induced by the polarization of the BaTiO3 film. Furthermore, we find the refractive index either for BaTiO3 single crystals or for BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3 substrates to be strongly reduced for light polarized perpendicular to the surface.The surface and interface effects on the dielectric polarization and refractive indices of BaTiO3 single crystals and BaTiO3 ultrathin films on SrTiO3 single crystal substrates are investigated theoretically by using a microscopic model based on the orbital approximation in correlation with the dipole-dipole interaction. The spontaneous polarization of BaTiO3 single crystals is drastically reduced near the c-surface. For BaTiO3/SrTiO3 films, the spontaneous polarization is reduced in the film as its thickness decreases. However, an electronic polarization appears within the SrTiO3 substrate in the neighborhood of the interface. This polarization, which vanishes far away from the interface into the SrTiO3 bulk, is induced by the polarization of the BaTiO3 film. Furthermore, we find the refractive index either for BaTiO3 single crystals or for BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3 substrates to be strongly reduced for light polarized perpendicular to the surface

    Characterizing Quantum Properties of a Measurement Apparatus: Insights from the Retrodictive Approach

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    Using the retrodictive approach of quantum physics, we show that the state retrodicted from the response of a measurement apparatus is a convenient tool to fully characterize its quantum properties. We translate in terms of this state some interesting aspects of the quantum behavior of a detector, such as the non-classicality or the non-gaussian character of its measurements. We also introduce estimators - the projectivity, the ideality, the fidelity or the detectivity of measurements perfomed by the apparatus - which directly follow from the retrodictive approach. Beyond their fundamental significance for describing general quantum measurements, these properties are crucial in several protocols, in particular in the conditional preparation of non-classical states of light or in measurement-driven quantum information processing

    Flux flow noise in high Tc superconductors thin films

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    We have studied the fraction pinned of vortex in a type II superconductors. The sample used is the YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films. This fraction pinned is determined from the comparison of the experimental results and the theoretical results previously definite. In continuation one will study the variations of this fraction according to the temperature of the applied magnetic field and the electric current crossing the sample.We have studied the fraction pinned of vortex in a type II superconductors. The sample used is the YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films. This fraction pinned is determined from the comparison of the experimental results and the theoretical results previously definite. In continuation one will study the variations of this fraction according to the temperature of the applied magnetic field and the electric current crossing the sample


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    The k-(BEDT-TTF)X superconducting salts, [where BEDT-TTF is bis(ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene, abbreviated as ET, and X is a monovalent anion like Cu[N(CN) ]Br 2 , and for either Cu[N(CN) ]Cl 2 or ( )2 Cu NCN and so on], exhibit interestinmagnetic and superconducting phase transitions [1]. They are quasi-two-dimensional and the interplane coupling is very weak. The basic structural unit is a dimer consisting of two BEDTTTF molecules stacked on top of one another. This layered structure leads to highly anisotropic electronic properties. These organic superconductors have similar characteristic superconducting properties including the intrinsic Josephson Effect and the mixed-state properties. This similarity suggests the existence of the vortex phase transition in the organic layered superconductors as observed in HTSC. Because the temperature scale is much lower in organic materials, the thermal fluctuation is expected to be small compared to HTSC. Thus, the comparison between the high-Tc and organic superconductors can give important clues as to the nature of vortex phase transitions. Besides these anomalies around 50 K, unusual time dependencies in magnetic and transport properties have been reported for both deuterated and hydrogenated k-Br near 80 K. For - H - Br 8 k , the superconducting properties have been found to depend on the thermal history, in particular on how fast the sample had been cooled through 80 K. As mentioned above, the ground state of - D - Br 8 k is strongly sample-dependent: both superconducting as well as non-superconducting crystals are found. Furthermore, superconducting as well as insulating (possibly antiferromagnetic) phases in separated volume parts of the same sample have been reported. Their relative volume fraction was found to depend on the cooling rate Vc employed at around 80 K[2-3-4]: in fast cooled samples, a strong decrease of the diamagnetic signal has been observed, which has been interpreted as indicating a suppression of the superconducting in favour of the magnetic phase

    Pinning of vortices in superconductors at high critical temperature

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    Due to problem identification and enumeration of defects in HTC superconductors, the correlation between current density and the transition of vortex pinning volume is not completely mastered. However, many theoretical and experimental studies have been developed to better understand the problem of dissipation due to vortices in type II superconductors

    Vortex phase transition and superconducting properties of organic quasi-two-dimensional k-(BEDT-TTF) 2 Cu[N(CN) 2 ]Br

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    International audienceWe report investigations of the low temperature dc susceptibility and the magnetization on the layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br near 80K and the effect of disorder on the superconducting transition temperature Tc. The shielding effect (S) and the critical current density Jc were studied (with H parallel to the c axis of the crystal). Jc can be estimated by analysis of magnetic hysteresis measurement using the Bean model. For each temperature value, we observed two regimes in the critical current density Jc(H). This result implies that there exists a first-order phase transition in the vortex system in this organic superconductor. Our results show that the magnetic properties of these compounds depend strongly on the cooling rate. The structural transformation which occurs at the vicinity of 80K very strongly influences the physics of vortex lattice and the associated magnetic behavior

    Nonparametric Inference for Copulas and Measures of Dependence Under Length-Biased Sampling and Informative Censoring

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    Length-biased data are often encountered in cross-sectional surveys and prevalent-cohort studies on disease durations. Under length-biased sampling subjects with longer disease durations have greater chance to be observed. As a result, covariate values linked to the longer survivors are favored by the sampling mechanism. When the sampled durations are also subject to right censoring, the censoring is informative. Modeling dependence structure without adjusting for these issues leads to biased results. In this article, we consider copulas for modeling dependence when the collected data are length-biased and account for both informative censoring and covariate bias that are naturally linked to length-biased sampling. We address nonparametric estimation of the bivariate distribution, copula function and its density, and Kendall and Spearman measures for right-censored length-biased data. The proposed estimator for the bivariate cdf is a Hadamard-differentiable functional of two MLEs (Kaplan–Meier and empirical cdf) and inherits their efficiency. Based on this estimator, we devise two estimators for copula function and a local-polynomial estimator for copula density that accounts for boundary bias. The limiting processes of the estimators are established by deriving their iid representations. As a by-product, we establish the oscillation behavior of the bivariate cdf estimator. In addition, we introduce estimators for Kendall and Spearman measures and study their weak convergence. The proposed method is applied to analyze a set of right-censored length-biased data on survival with dementia, collected as part of a nationwide study in Canada
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