8 research outputs found

    Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und der Naturalismus

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    Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach stand dem Naturalismus distanziert gegenĂŒber. Sie setzte sich verhĂ€ltnismĂ€ĂŸig frĂŒh mit den Werken Émile Zolas und Henrik Ibsens auseinander. Es finden sich zwar keine geschlossenen programmatischen Abhandlungen in ihrem Werk, Ă€sthetische Fragen werden aber in den ErzĂ€hlungen, Aphorismen, Korrespondenz und Tagebuchaufzeichnungen thematisiert. Der Beitrag geht Ebner-Eschenbachs Naturalismus-Rezeption nach und zeigt anhand ausgewĂ€hlter Beispiele, wie Ebner-Eschenbach Themen des Naturalismus, etwa das Problem der Vererbung, in ihren eigenen ErzĂ€hlungen aufgreift. Der Roman Das Gemeindekind ist ein eindrĂŒckliches Beispiel dafĂŒr, wie Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach sich im Verlauf der ErzĂ€hlung von deterministischen PrĂ€missen distanziert und die Grenzen des Möglichen auslotet.Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach a toujours Ă©tĂ© trĂšs rĂ©ticente par rapport au naturalisme. Elle a lu – et critiquĂ© – assez tĂŽt les Ɠuvres d’Émile Zola et d’Henrik Ibsen. MĂȘme si elle n’a pas publiĂ© de textes thĂ©oriques et programmatiques, ses contes et rĂ©cits, ses aphorismes et sa correspondance ainsi que les notes de son journal abordent nĂ©anmoins des questions esthĂ©tiques et poĂ©tiques. L’article analyse la rĂ©ception du naturalisme dans l’Ɠuvre d’Ebner-Eschenbach et montre Ă  partir d’exemples choisis comment elle reprend des thĂšmes naturalistes, comme le problĂšme de l’hĂ©rĂ©ditĂ©. Le roman Das Gemeindekind illustre Ă  merveille la maniĂšre dont l’auteure prend, au cours de la narration, ses distances avec les prĂ©misses dĂ©terministes et essaye de sonder les limites des possibles.Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach was always very reticent with respect to the naturalism movement. However, relatively early on, she read – and critiqued – the works of Émile Zola and Henrik Ibsen. Although Ebner-Eschenbach did not write theoretical and programmatic essays, remarks on aesthetic questions are found in her novellas, aphorisms, correspondence and diary entries. The article reflects on Ebner-Eschenbach’s reception of naturalism and shows the extent to which she uses similar themes, such as genetic or social inheritance, in her own work. The novel Das Gemeindekind is a significant example of how she distances herself from deterministic premises and tries to describe possible solutions

    Wiederentdeckt : Die Lyrikerin Josephine von Knorr

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    Le naturalisme en Autriche

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    La prĂ©sence d’élĂ©ments naturalistes dans la littĂ©rature autrichienne est peu connue. En l’analysant dans des Ɠuvres parues entre les annĂ©es 1880 et les annĂ©es 1970, d’Anzengruber Ă  Innerhofer, ce volume permet de dĂ©couvrir l’hĂ©ritage naturaliste de Schnitzler, les rĂ©actions de Kraus, mais aussi la dĂ©couverte de quelques oubliĂ©s de l’histoire littĂ©raire et d’une terre fertile en productions naturalistes, la Moravie

    Multilevel proteomics reveals host perturbations by SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV.

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    The emergence and global spread of SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in the urgent need for an in-depth understanding of molecular functions of viral proteins and their interactions with the host proteome. Several individual omics studies have extended our knowledge of COVID-19 pathophysiology1-10. Integration of such datasets to obtain a holistic view of virus-host interactions and to define the pathogenic properties of SARS-CoV-2 is limited by the heterogeneity of the experimental systems. Here we report a concurrent multi-omics study of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV. Using state-of-the-art proteomics, we profiled the interactomes of both viruses, as well as their influence on the transcriptome, proteome, ubiquitinome and phosphoproteome of a lung-derived human cell line. Projecting these data onto the global network of cellular interactions revealed crosstalk between the perturbations taking place upon infection with SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV at different levels and enabled identification of distinct and common molecular mechanisms of these closely related coronaviruses. The TGF-ÎČ pathway, known for its involvement in tissue fibrosis, was specifically dysregulated by SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 and autophagy was specifically dysregulated by SARS-CoV-2 ORF3. The extensive dataset (available at https://covinet.innatelab.org ) highlights many hotspots that could be targeted by existing drugs and may be used to guide rational design of virus- and host-directed therapies, which we exemplify by identifying inhibitors of kinases and matrix metalloproteases with potent antiviral effects against SARS-CoV-2

    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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