15 research outputs found

    Return on Stock in the Context of Day of the Week Effect

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    Capital market is an alternative for investors to invest their capital. Market efficiency is an ideal and attractive form in the capital markets. Under condition of market efficiency, the new information will be responded by market participants to decide whether to buy or sell, thus causing changes in the price and then the price will be stabilized. In the efficient market itself, irregularities or deviations emerge, these are called market anomalies. One of the most important types of market anomalies that is interesting to study is the calender anomalies such as day of the week effect. The day of the week is an effect which states that the expected returns are not the same every day. Furthermore, there are phenomenon in day of the week effect which are related to Monday effect, namely week-four effect, bad Friday effect and Rogalski effect. The objective of this research is to determine the existence of the day of the week effect, week-four effect, bad Friday effect and Rogalski effect in Indonesia stock exchange. The study uses dummy variable multiple linear regression for independent variables. Then the fourth of phenomenon compared by using ANOVA. The result show that doesnt exist a day of the week effect, week four effect, bad Friday effect and Rogalski effect in Indonesia Stock Exchange during January 2008 until December 2012. This show that the market anomaly doesnt always happen, especially in the period of research


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    This research wants to determine the influence of earning per share (EPS) caused of  stock  prices  at  PT Panin  Sekuritas  Tbk.,  which  listed  on  Indonesia  Stock Exchange. The research  sample used data the development of earning per share and stock prices PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk . A method of the research uses simple linier regression test.The research results show that the coefficients determination obtained correlation value (R) from of 0,593 or 59.3 % which showed that dependent variable and independent variable having positive strong correlation , while value the coefficients determination ( adjused r2 out of 0,352 or 35.2 % . However statistical tests and the results of SPSS showed that from variable x (EPS)  have  tcount   0,777.  This  value  is  smaller  than  ttable   2.616.  This  showed variable EPS statistically have significant impact on the price of shares in PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk.  Keywords : earning per share, stock prices


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    One of the ways a company can increase capital is through debt or increasing the number of ownership by listing its shares on the capital market. Thus, this study verifies the effect of profitability and leverage on firm value in one of the companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The quantitative method uses to determine the magnitude of the effect of profitability and leverage on value during the 2015-2019 period. The results showed that profitability had a positive and significant effect, while leverage had a negative effect on firm value. However, simultaneously profitability and leverage have a significant effect on firm value. The study results indicate that it is necessary to increase sales and pay attention to the amount of debt and the risks caused. When the amount of debt exceeds their capital, investors will hesitate to remember the risks the company has.  Keywords: profitability, leverage, firm value

    Pengaruh Earning Per Share Terhadap Harga Saham Pada PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk. Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode (2006 – 2017)

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    This research wants to determine the influence of earning per share (EPS) caused of stock prices at PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk., which listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research sample used data the development of earning per share and stock prices PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk . A method of the research uses simple linier regression test.The research results show that the coefficients determination obtained correlation value (R) from of 0,593 or 59.3 % which showed that dependent variable and independent variable having positive strong correlation , while value the coefficients determination ( adjused r2 out of 0,352 or 35.2 % . However statistical tests and the results of SPSS showed that from variable x (EPS) have tcount 0,777. This value is smaller than ttable 2.616. This showed variable EPS statistically have significant impact on the price of shares in PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk

    Effect of Extrinsic Motivation and Competence on Employee Performance: Study at a Credit Company in the City of Bandung

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    This study aims to determine the Effect of Extrinsic Motivation and Competence on Employee Performance in the Indonesian Credit Guarantee General Companies Bandung Branch Office by obtaining accurate data and collecting the necessary data as analysis material. The purpose of this study is to determine the magnitude of the influence of extrinsic motivation, the magnitude of the influence of competence on employee performance, and the magnitude of the influence of extrinsic motivation and competence on employee performance at the Indonesian Credit Guarantee General Company Bandung Branch Office. This study uses descriptive methods and verifiable analysis with the number of respondents 35 permanent employees (sample) from 35 permanent employees (population) at the Indonesian Credit Guarantee General Company Bandung Branch Office, with the results of this study using correlation analysis, path analysis, and coefficient of determination analysis (Kd). Its operations use SPSS software version 22, Microsoft Word 2019, and Microsoft Excel 2019. Based on the results of research that has been carried out at the Indonesian Credit Guarantee General Company, namely the extrinsic motivation to obtain reasonably good results, competence to obtain relatively good results, and performance to obtain reasonably good results. The correlation between extrinsic motivation and competence obtained a positive relationship result of 0.745. The coefficient of determination is 68.5%. The direct and indirect influence of extrinsic motivation on employee performance was 43.24%, and the influence of competence on employee performance was 30.19%, so the total effect was 73.43%, and the remaining 26.57% were other variables that also affected employee performance at the Indonesian Credit Guarantee Public Company Bandung Branch Office but were not researched


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    The share price is the share value that reflects the company's wealth that issued the shares. So that the greater the value of the stock price, the higher the value of the company. This study aims to prove the effect of Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Return On Equity (ROE) on stock prices. The research method used in this study is a descriptive verification method on Food and Beverage sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2012-2015 period. To obtain data and information that will support this research, namely by collecting secondary data and testing the multiple regression hypothesis to determine the effect of NPM and ROE on stock prices. Based on the study results showing the results of multiple regression, the equation Y=-144618,665+5167,671 X+6846,367 X from the t-test results obtained tcount results 2,242 with a significant level of 0.05, which is greater than the t-table value of 2.042. From the value R square, it knows that the influence of NPM and ROE Financial Ratios affects stock prices of 0.695 or 69.5%, while the rest is the influence of other factors (variables) not examined. Therefore, the research results above can conclude that NPM and ROE significantly influence stock prices. The research implication suggested increasing the Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Return On Equity (ROE) of the company's stock price in the food and beverage sub-sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. To the company if the management performance is good

    Tansar's Letter to Goshnasp

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    Capital market is an alternative for investors to invest their capital. Market efficiency is an ideal and attractive form in the capital markets. Under condition of market efficiency, the new information will be responded by market participants to decide whether to buy or sell, thus causing changes in the price and then the price will be stabilized. In the efficient market itself, irregularities or deviations emerge, these are called market anomalies. One of the most important types of market anomalies that is interesting to study is the calender anomalies such as day of the week effect. The day of the week is an effect which states that the expected returns are not the same every day. Furthermore, there are phenomenon in day of the week effect  which are related to Monday effect, namely week-four effect, bad Friday effect and Rogalski effect. The objective of this research is to determine the existence of the day of the week effect, week-four effect, bad Friday effect and Rogalski effect in Indonesia stock exchange. The study uses dummy variable multiple linear regression for independent variables. Then the fourth of phenomenon compared by using ANOVA. The result show that doesn’t exist a day of the week effect, week – four effect, bad Friday effect and Rogalski effect in Indonesia Stock Exchange during January 2008 until December 2012. This show that the market anomaly doesn’t always happen, especially in the period of research.   Keywords : capital market; weak-form efficient market; day of the week effect; week-four effect; bad friday effect; rogalski effect

    Dampak Covid-19 terhadap Harga Saham dan Volume Perdagangan PT Garuda Indonesia, Tbk

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    This research aims to know the capital market reaction, especially stock prices and trade volume due to pandemic covid-19 (case study in PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk). The data used in this research was secondary in closing price and volume trading PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. This research data takes 31 days before and 31 days after announcing the first case of Covid-19 in Indonesia. The analytical technique used in this study is the Paired Sample T-Test. The study results stated a significant difference in stock prices before and after the national announcement of the first covid-19 case in Indonesia; this difference was proven by the p-value = 0.000 with t count = 17.924, which was more significant than t table = 1.96. Meanwhile, the trading volume did not significantly differ before and after the national announcement of the first COVID-19 case in Indonesia, as seen from the p-value = 0.964 with t count = 0.045, which is smaller than t table = 1.96. The results of this study expect to contribute to company managers in making investment decisions by taking into account the influence of the condition of the aviation industry in Indonesia and is expected to help investors minimize losses that investors may suffer due to uncertain conditions during the pandemic