94 research outputs found

    Increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Aim: The molecular mechanism of epileptogenesis in temporal lobe epilepsy is still unclear. Experimental studies have suggested that matrix metalloproteinases have important roles in this process, but human studies are limited. The aim of this study was to assess the expression of MMP-9, MMP-2 and their tissue inhibitors (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (TLE-HS). Material and Methods: The tissue samples from temporal neocortex and hippocampus were obtained from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis who had undergone anterior temporal lobectomy for recurrent medically resistant seizures. Immunohistochemical methods were used to determine the expression of MMP-9, MMP-2 and their tissue inhibitors. Tissue samples were also analyzed with transmission electron microscopy. Results: The immunoreactivity for MMP-9 both in hippocampal and temporal neocortical neurons was stronger than that of MMP-2. Additionally, there was a mild reaction for its tissue inhibitor TIMP-1 as with TIMP-2. The TEM analysis of the hippocampus revealed that there was apparent ultra-structural damage on the pericarya and neuropil of some neurons. There was obvious damage in the mitochondria and the nuclear membrane. Conclusion: The preliminary results of this study revealed that MMP-9 may have a role in patients with drug resistant TLE-HS

    Protective Actions of Ghrelin on Global Cerebral Ischemia-Induced Memory Deficits

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    In our study, we investigated transient global cerebral ischemia (TGCI) -induced changes of spatial memory and motor activity together with apoptotic, oxidant, and NO/NOS signaling parameters in rats and the effects of treatment of the animals with ghrelin. The TGCI-induced deficiencies of spatial memory and motor activity in the Y-maze and open field tests were attenuated by ghrelin treatment. Furthermore, ghrelin administration lowered the levels of caspase-3 and iNOS elevated by TGCI in the hippocampus. Thus, we conclude that ghrelin exerts the neuroprotective action against hippocampal TGCI injury via influencing apoptotic, oxidant, and/or NO/NOS pathways. If underlying mechanisms of the action of this agent will be fully clarified, ghrelin might be a candidate drug for treatment of TGCI-induced memory impairments.У наших дослідах ми вивчали зміни просторової пам’яті та моторної активності, викликані в щурів транзієнтною глобальною церебральною ішемією (ТГЦІ). Використовували тести в Y-подібному лабіринті та відкритому полі; оцінювали також параметри процесу апоптозу, оксидативного стресу та сигнального шляху оксиду азоту. Розлади просторової пам’яті та моторної активності під впливом греліну (ендогенного ліганда рецепторів гормону росту) зменшувалися. Крім того, в результаті введень греліну знижувалися рівні каспази-3 та індуцибельної NO-синтази в гіпокампі, що були підвищеними після ТГЦІ. Зроблено висновок, що грелін має нейропротективні властивості в умовах ушкодження гіпокампа в наслідок ТГЦІ, впливаючи на процес апоптозу, оксидативний стрес та стан сигнального шляху оксиду азоту. Якщо механізми дії цього агента будуть докладно з’ясовані, грелін може виявитися перспективним фармакологічним засобом при лікуванні розладів пам’яті, пов’язаних з ТГЦІ

    Patient safety in Dutch primary care: a study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insight into the frequency and seriousness of potentially unsafe situations may be the first step towards improving patient safety. Most patient safety attention has been paid to patient safety in hospitals. However, in many countries, patients receive most of their healthcare in primary care settings. There is little concrete information about patient safety in primary care in the Netherlands. The overall aim of this study was to provide insight into the current patient safety issues in Dutch general practices, out-of-hours primary care centres, general dental practices, midwifery practices, and allied healthcare practices. The objectives of this study are: to determine the frequency, type, impact, and causes of incidents found in the records of primary care patients; to determine the type, impact, and causes of incidents reported by Dutch healthcare professionals; and to provide insight into patient safety management in primary care practices.</p> <p>Design and methods</p> <p>The study consists of three parts: a retrospective patient record study of 1,000 records per practice type was conducted to determine the frequency, type, impact, and causes of incidents found in the records of primary care patients (objective one); a prospective component concerns an incident-reporting study in each of the participating practices, during two successive weeks, to determine the type, impact, and causes of incidents reported by Dutch healthcare professionals (objective two); to provide insight into patient safety management in Dutch primary care practices (objective three), we surveyed organizational and cultural items relating to patient safety. We analysed the incidents found in the retrospective patient record study and the prospective incident-reporting study by type of incident, causes (Eindhoven Classification Model), actual harm (severity-of-outcome domain of the International Taxonomy of Medical Errors in Primary Care), and probability of severe harm or death.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>To estimate the frequency of incidents was difficult. Much depended on the accuracy of the patient records and the professionals' consensus about which types of adverse events have to be recognized as incidents.</p