6 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerapan Single Page Application Menggunakan Teknologi AJAX Dan REST API (Studi Kasus :Sistem Informasi Reservasi Wisma Tamu UKSW)

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    Developments of web for information system today are really popular. We can access the system from anywhere by internet connection. This paper focus on design of the web application that using Single Page Application concept. Using AJAX technology the application will provide an interactive user experience, also the effective and efficiency USAge of bandwith also be considered. The result of this paper shows that implement Single Page Application concept still make the web bandwith USAge effective and efficient if accessible by user. Keywords— Single Page Application, AJAX, REST API

    Perancangan Aplikasi Usaha Kecil Mikro Dan Menengah Berbasis Mobile Android (Studi Kasus : Sentra UMKM Tingkir Lor-Salatiga)

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    — Empowerment SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) was a step for Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Koperasi (Disperindagkop) Salatiga to answer one vision to create empowerment public economics to increase productivity to head a independent and prosperous public in Salatiga. According to data Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Koperasi (Disperindagkop) Salatiga, in 2016 there are 2730 units SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) registered. There are one of many problems in SMEs there was no media to promote SMEs for public to know and find out the SMEs product in Salatiga. This situation basically happen whole in most region in Indonesia. This research is to design and implement android based applications for promote SMEs in Salatiga. This application is usefull for promote SMEs product in Salatiga with support of LBS (Location Based Service) and Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)

    Ipteks Bagi Masyarakat Desa Mlatiharjo Menuju Pengelolaan Komoditas Desa Berbasis Digital

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    Mlatiharjo is a village in Demak District, Central Java province, it has been well-known as an innovative village because of their various innovations especially in high quality (supreme) seed varieties of fruit and rice. In order to support the production and cultivation of those commodities, information management has been employed but still in simple ways and doesn\u27t have any information system yet, therefore it often causes mistake in their production estimation. It will impact to their sales service of their commodities toward the buyer, particularly the customer. Another problem is Mlatiharjo\u27s farmer group does not have  any information exchange medium to interact with other business actors who comes from outside their area, whereas those outsider-business actors will buy their product with a higher price. Mlatiharjo\u27s IbM Program aims to build an Information System which is able to manage the information of Mlatiharjo\u27s commodities production, especially in farming production. The method employed for developing the system is Prototyping. Meanwhile, the transfer of technology employs mentoring process for the client of program through conducting focus group discussion, workshop dan training. This Commodity Information System is implemented into two kinds of computer application. Firstly, web application that is used for managing the data center and share it to the public who want to capture the information of the mlatiharjo\u27s product. Secondly, android based mobile application utilized by the farmer who has become a member of cluster-farming group to input the location area mapping data and progress report of production data and also provide a discussion forum among member of the system. The Web Application is built using PHP and the database used MySQL. Mobile Application is implemented using Java Android. As a result, Tani Mahardika Cluster and KSU Citra Kinaraya – Mlatiharjo have a digital-based system to manage their Commodity in order to encourage and strengthen business-production institution through Commodity Information Syste

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Registrasi Ibadah Online Berbasis QR Code Menggunakan Framework Laravel

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    – Penyebaran Virus Covid-19 di Indonesia dapat diminimalisir dengan memberikan penyuluhan rutin bahwa masyarakat harus mengurangi kontak fisik dengan orang lain selama pandemi ini berlangsung. Kegiatan pada Perusahaan, perkantoran, UMKM, sekolah, universitas, maupun rumah ibadah wajid diberhentikan sampai batas waktu yang akan ditentukan. Lambat laun, perkembangan Virus Covid-19 telah memasukan masa transisi new normal. Maka pemerintah Indoensia memperbolehkan kegiatan masyarakat berjalan dengan normal kembali, termasuk rumah ibadah. Tidak lepas dari Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, Kota Palangka Raya mulai bertahap membuka pintu gereja terkhususnya Majelis GKE Rajawali Gereja Asi yang mengatur kapasitas jemaat untuk beribadah secara offline tidak melebihi 50% dan wajib mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Saat ini, pihak gereja masih melakukan registrasi ibadah melalui aplikasi whatsapp, tetapi dalam kondisi tersebut pihak gereja masih memiliki beberapa kendala yang menjadikan registrasi ibadah menjadi tidak efektif. Maka, dirancanglah sistem informasi dengan memanfaatkan QR Code sebagai komponen utama yang mempermudah proses pendaftaran. MySQL dan PHP digunakan untuk mengembangkan framework laravel pada sistem informasi berbasis web melalui implementasi QR Code. Dengan metode kuantitatif, penulis telah menerapkan dua teknik pengujian bugs melalui metode beta dan black box. Dengan Perancangan sistem informasi registrasi ibadah online berbasis QR Code menggunakan framework latavel ini diharapkan kendala yang terjadi sebelumnya dapat diminimalisir dengan baik.Kata Kunci - Virus Covid-19, Framework Laravel, QR Code