16 research outputs found

    Inventaire floristique et effet de la densité de culture sur l’enherbement en bananeraie de type plantain (Musaparadisiaca l.) dans deux zones de production (Azaguié-Abbè, Région de l’Agnéby-Tiassa et Éboissué, region de l’Indenié-Djuablin)

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    Full French Title: Inventaire floristique et effet de la densité de culture sur l’enherbement en bananeraie de type plantain (Musaparadisiaca l.) dans deux zones de production (Azaguié-Abbè, Région de l’Agnéby-Tiassa et Éboissué, region de l’Indenié-Djuablin) de la Côte d’IvoireL’inventaire floristique réalisé en culture de bananier plantain dans deux localités productrices de la Côte d’Ivoire, Azaguié-Abbè(Sud) et Éboissué(Est), a permis de recenser 161 espèces reparties dans 51 familles avec 129 genres. Les Dicotylédones sont les plus représentées avec 112 espèces, soit 69,14 p.c. de l’ensemble des deux flores. Le site d’Éboissué reste la plus riche floristiquement avec 136 espèces, 114 genres et 44 familles. Le coefficient de similitude entre les deux flores est de 30,53 p.c., ce qui traduit le caractère de deux flores différentes. Seules 29 espèces sont communes aux deux sites. Parmi les 10 familles qui comportent le plus d’espèces considérées comme mauvaises herbes majeures, 7 se confirment dans nos flores. En outre, l’effet de la densité de culture sur l’enherbement est plus marqué dans les fortes densités (2500 à 3333 plants/ ha). Plus la densité des bananiers est élevée, moins les adventices sont présentes.Mots clés: Bananier plantain, adventices, densité de culture, espèces inféodées, Côte d’IvoireEnglish AbstractThe floristic inventory conducted in plantain cultivation in two producing areas of Côte d’Ivoire, Azaguié-Abbè and Éboissué respectively in the south and east, helped to identify 161 species distributed in 51 families with 129 genera. Broadleaf weeds are the most represented with 112 species, or 69.14 p.c. of all two floras. The flora of the site of Éboissué remains the richest floristic with 136 species, 114 genera and 44 families. The similarity coefficient between the two floras is 30.53 p.c., reflecting the character of two different floras. Only 29 species are common at the two floras. Among the 10 families that have the most species considered major bad herbs, 7 are confirmed in our flora, they are the Poaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cyperaceae and Solanaceae. In addition, the effect of culture density on weed is more pronounced in high densities (2500-3333 plants / ha). The higher the density of banana, the lower the weeds are present.Keywords: Banana plantain, weeds, crop density, species restricted, Côte d’Ivoir

    Using conjoint analysis to estimate farmers' preferences for cattle traits in West Africa

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    This paper estimates the preferences of farmers for cattle traits in southern Burkina Faso using Conjoint analysis, a survey-based system for measuring preferences for multiple-attribute goods. Here the technique is used in the context of a West African country where literacy is low, where cattle perform multiple functions, where low-input management is the norm, and where cattle are exposed to a number of tropical diseases and other environmental stresses. The results reflect the production practices of the region, suggesting that important traits in developing breed improvement programs should include disease resistance, fitness for traction and reproductive performance. Beef and milk production are less important traits. The study shows the potential usefulness of conjoint analysis for quantifying preferences in less developed countries for livestock and for the wide variety of other multiple-attribute goods. Distinguishing differences in preferences between groups of respondents in connection with specific locations and production systems can be used to promote conservation-through-use of breeds at risk of extinction

    Effets des pratiques phytosanitaires sur l’entomofaune et le rendement du concombre Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae) Linnaeus, 1753 en milieu paysan a Bonoua (Sud-Est de la Côte d’Ivoire)

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    La forte pression parasitaire en cultures maraichères amène les producteurs à utiliser abusivement les pesticides chimiques. En vue de connaitre leur impact sur l’entomofaune du concombre et le rendement, une étude a été menée d’Août à Novembre 2017 à Bonoua. Cinq parcelles paysannes ont été utilisées. L’une a servi de témoin sans traitement chimique. Deux ont été traitées au DECIS et deux au K-OPTIMAL. Les insectes ont été collectés par des pièges colorés et des filets fauchoirs et leurs dégâts identifiés. Au total, 4133 insectes appartenant à 9 ordres, 27 familles et 42 espèces ont été identifiés. 42,27 % des insectes ont été enregistré à la fructification. La fréquence d’occurrence a révélé que deux espèces prédatrices Solenopsis sp et Camponotus sp ont été omniprésentes. L’espèce défoliatrice Ootheca mutabilis a été la plus abondante au stade préfloraison et le foreur Diaphania hyalinata aux stades floraison et fructification. Les principaux dégâts se traduisent par les perforations de fruits et la chute des fleurs. Les producteurs utilisent onze pesticides chimiques dont le Thiodalm super 40 EC et la Polytrine 10 EC formulés pour culture cotonnière, le Gawa 30 SC pour le cacaoyer. Le meilleur rendement a été obtenu avec le K-OPTIMAL.Mots clés: concombre, insectes ravageurs, insectes utiles, pesticides chimiques, dégâtsEnglish Title: Effects of phytosanitary practices on entomofaune and cucumber yield Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae) Linnaeus, 1753 in Bonoua (south-east of Cote d’Ivoire)English AbstractThe high parasitic pressure in vegetable crops leads producers to abuse chemical pesticides. In order to know their impact on cucumber entomofauna and yield, a study was conducted from August to November 2017 in Bonoua. Five farm plots were used. One served as a control without chemical treatment. Two were treated at DECIS and two at K-OPTIMAL. The insects were collected by colored traps and mowing nets and their damage were identified. A total of 4133 insects belonging to 9 orders, 27 families and 42 species were identified. 42.27 % of the insects were registered to fruiting. The frequency of occurrence revealed that two predatory species Solenopsis sp and Camponotus sp were ubiquitous. The defoliator Ootheca mutabilis was the most abundant species at the pre-flowering stage and the driller Diaphania hyalinata at the flowering and fruiting stages. The main damage is the perforation of fruits, and flowers falling. The producers use eleven (11) chemical pesticides of which Thiodalm super 40 EC and Polytrine 10 EC formulated for cotton culture, Gawa 30 SC for cocoa farming. The best yield was obtained with K-OPTIMAL.Keywords: cucumber, insect pests, useful insects, chemical pesticides, damag

    Étude préliminaire des communautés ichtyofauniques de la lagune Ono (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Objectifs: Le présent travail vise à étudier la structure et l’organisation des peuplements ichtyologiques de la lagune Ono.Méthodologie et Résultats: Les poissons ont été échantillonnés mensuellement de septembre 2015 à février 2016 à l’aide de nasses, de filets maillants, d’harpons et d’éperviers. Au total, 39 espèces appartenant à 28 genres, 23 familles et 8 ordres ont été capturées. Les captures sont dominées en termes d'abondance et de biomasse par les espèces dulçaquicoles (n = 31) représentant 79,49 % contre 06 espèces à affinité marine et/ou estuarienne (15,38 %) et 02 espèces introduites (5,12 %). Les indices de diversité spécifique et d'équitabilité enregistrés sont respectivement de 4,44 bits/individus et 0,85. Les ordres renfermant le plus grand nombre de familles et d’espèces sont les Perciformes (9 familles et 18 espèces) suivi des Ostéoglossiformes et des Characiformes (respectivement 3 et 5 espèces chacune). Les Cypriniformes sont représentés par une seule famille (Cyprinidae) et trois espèces tandis que les Mugiliformes, les Clupéiformes et les Eloptiformes sont représentés par une seule espèce.Conclusion et application: Cette étude a permis de connaitre la communauté ichtyologique de la lagune Ono. Face à l’eutrophisation croissante de cette lagune, ces résultats serviront de références pour les investigations ultérieures de suivi de l’état de la faune ichtyologique et à l’élaboration de mesures adéquates pour éviter la perte de la biodiversité aquatique.Mots clés: Distribution, ichtyofaune, Eutrophisation, lagune Ono, structure, Côte d'IvoireEnglish Title: Preliminary study of ichtyofaunic communities of the Ono lagoon (Ivory Coast)English AbstractObjectives: The present work aims to study the structure and organization of the fish communities of the Ono lagoon.Methodology and Results: Fish were sampled monthly from September 2015 to February 2016 using traps, gill nets, harpoons and hawks. A total of 39 species belonging to 28 genera, 23 families and 8 orders was captured. Catches are dominated in term of abundance and biomass by freshwater species (n = 31) representing 79.49 % against 06 marine and/or estuarine species (20.51%) and 02 introduced species  (5.12 %).Specific diversity and equitability indices recorded were 4.44 bits / individuals and 0.85 respectively. The orders including the highest number of families and species were Perciformes (9 families and 18 species) followed by Osteoglossiformes and Characiformes (3 and 5 species respectively). Cypriniformes were represented by a single family (Cyprinidae) and three species whilst Mugiliformes, Clupeiformes and Eloptiformes were represented by only one species.Conclusion and application: This study allowed to know the fish community of Ono lagoon. Given the increasing eutrophication of the lagoon, these results will be a reference for further investigations of monitoring the state of the fish fauna and the development of adequate measures to prevent the loss of aquatic biodiversity.Keywords: Distribution, ichthyofauna, Eutrophication Ono lagoon, structure, Ivory Coas

    Diversity and abundance of birds devastating rice-growing in the town of Daloa and its outskirts (Centre-West, Cote d'Ivoire)

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    Rice devastating birds are responsible for many losses in rice fields around the world. In Côte d'Ivoire, data on these birds is almost non-existent in the interior of the country. A study on these birds was carried out from November to December 2019 in three rice fields (Zépréguhé, Abattoir and Kennedy) in the town of Daloa and its outskirts. The objective of this study was to know the population of these birds in this area. The main method used was the fixed-point, time-dependent counts or point-in-time abundance index (IPA) method. This yielded 2368 individuals of 41 species in 14 families of eight orders. The Shannon-Weaver diversity (H'); equitability (E); dominance (IDO) and IPA indices of rice devastating birds in this zone are 3.03, 0.82, 24.79 and 135 respectively. The family best represented is that of the Ploceidae with 12 species and 882 individuals. The Village Weaver Ploceus cucullatus and the Northern Grey-headed Sparrow Passer griseus represent the two most abundant species with numbers of 368 and 219 individuals respectively. Of the three study sites, the Zépréguhé site is the most important in terms of species richness (38 species), relative abundance (37.54%) and IPA (IPA= 156). Further studies are planned to monitor the diversity and population dynamics of these birds over the long term and to determine the extent of their impacts on rice production in this area

    Abcès cérébral compliquant une cardiopathie congénitale: à propos de 7 cas à l’institut de cardiologie d’Abidjan

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    Le diagnostic précoce des cardiopathies congénitales (C.C) a une incidence positive sur leur évolution. En effet diagnostiquées tard ou non traitées elles peuvent se compliquer. L'abcès cérébral est une complication des C.C cyanogènes qui est rare dans les pays développés. Notre objectif était d'analyser à travers une revue bibliographique les particularités de 7 cas de C.C compliquées d'abcès cérébral découvertes et prises en charge dans un service de cardiologie pédiatrique de l'Institut de Cardiologie d'Abidjan. La tétralogie de Fallot était la cardiopathie congénitale la plus fréquente. Le traitement a été médical et/ou chirurgical. Seule la réalisation de la cure complète des cardiopathies congénitales peut permettre la prévention de l'abcès cérébral.Key words: Abcès cérébral, cardiopathie congénitale, tétralogie de Fallo

    LAMP4yaws: Treponema pallidum, Haemophilus ducreyi loop mediated isothermal amplification - protocol for a cross-sectional, observational, diagnostic accuracy study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Yaws, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue, is a neglected tropical disease targeted for eradication by 2030. Improved diagnostics will be essential to meet this goal. Diagnosis of yaws has relied heavily on clinical and serological tools. However, the presence of coendemic cutaneous skin ulcer diseases, such as lesions caused by Haemophilus ducreyi (HD), means these techniques do not provide a reliable diagnosis. Thus, new diagnostic tools are needed. Molecular tools such as PCR are ideal, but often expensive as they require trained technicians and laboratory facilities, which are often not available to national yaws programmes. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The LAMP4yaws project is a cross-sectional, observational, diagnostic accuracy study of a combined Treponema pallidum (TP) and HD loop mediated isothermal amplification (TPHD-LAMP) test performed under real world conditions in three endemic countries in West Africa. Individuals with serologically confirmed yaws will be recruited in Cameroon, CĂ´te d'Ivoire and Ghana. Each participant will provide paired swabs, one of which will be sent to the respective national reference laboratory for yaws quantitative PCR and the other will be tested for both TP and HD using the TPHD-LAMP test at local district laboratories. Sensitivity and specificity of the TPHD-LAMP test will be calculated against the reference standard qPCR. We will also assess the acceptability, feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the test. We anticipate that results from this study will support the adoption of the TPHD-LAMP test for use in global yaws eradication efforts. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: We have received ethical approval from all relevant institutional and national ethical committees. All participants, or their parents or guardians, must provide written informed consent prior to study enrolment. Study results will be published in an open access journal and disseminated with partners and the World Health Organization. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04753788

    Effects of processing method and blend on some physicochemical properties and digestibility of flours made from selected cereals and legumes

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    In the way to set up an appropriate weaning food, the effect of various treatments such as germination, fermentation and supplementation with legumes on millet flour quality was investigated. Untreated and treatedsamples of flours were monitored for their nutritional properties and in vitro digestibility. Results showed an important effect of treatment on flour proximate composition and digestion. In fact, proteins, lipids, ash, minerals (Ca, Mg) contents and energy density were well-enhanced when millet flour was supplemented by soybean. Values were respectively 24.5%, 12.1%, 2.66%, 0.23 and 0.15 mg/100 g and 408,98 kcal/100 g. Values for the untreated flour were 9.63%, 3.6%, 2.5%, 0.067 and 0.093 mg/100 g and 403.98 kcal/100 g respectively for the same parameters. Total tocopherols with contents of 820.71 and 799.1 mg/kg were highest in germinated and soybean supplemented flours. But soybean supplemented flour had the lowest digestibility rate contrarily to the germinated one. However, this formulation appears as the best treatment for improving infant feeding.© 2009 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedKey words: Composite flours, cowpeas, digestibility, fermentation, germination, millet flour, soybean

    Phytochemical Properties and Proximate Composition of Papaya (Carica papaya L. var solo 8) Peels

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    Papaya (Carica papaya) is a common tropical fruit used for nutrition as well as medicinal purposes. Apart from fruit, seed, latex and other plant parts of papaya tree have been shown to have medicinal properties. Since, no systematic study has been performed on nutritional analysis of papaya (Carica papaya L. var solo 8) peels. In this study, the proximate composition, mineral element profile and phytochemical composition of papaya (Carica papaya L. var solo 8) peels were investigated. The peels were harvested fresh, dried in an oven at 45°C for 48 hours, ground and analyzed according to standard procedures. Proximate analysis showed high level of proteins (11.67 ± 0.04 %), crude fibre (32.51 ± 0.03 %), carbohydrate (47.33 ± 0.08 %), ash (5.98 ± 0.03 %) 0.03 %) and fat (2.51 ± 0.13 %). Mineral analysis indicated the papaya (Carica papaya L. var solo 8) peels were specifically rich in potassium and phosphorus. Potassium was found to be the most abundant mineral present in the peels (516.33 ± 0.82 mg/100g). Phytochemical composition showed high level of total phenolic (65.48 ± 0.39 mg (GAE)/100 g DW), flavonoids (5.58 ± 0.83 mg (QE)/100 g DW) and tannins (10.51 ± 0.93 mg (TAE)/100 g DW). The methanolic extracts of the papaya (Carica papaya L. var solo 8) peels exhibited the high DPPH radical scavenging activities (81.89 ± 0.14 %).These data indicated that this papaya (Carica papaya L. var solo 8) peels could constitute a potential good source of natural antioxidant for local population