914 research outputs found

    Kanamycin resistance during in vitro development of pollen from transgenic tomato plants

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    Effects of kanamycin on pollen germination and tube growth of pollen from non-transformed plants and from transgenic tomato plants containing a chimaeric kanamycin resistance gene were determined. Germination of pollen was not affected by the addition of kanamycin to the medium in both genotypes. Kanamycin, however, severely affected tube growth of pollen from non-transformed plants, while pollen from plants containing the chimaeric gene were less sensitive and produced significantly longer tubes at kanamycin concentrations between 200-400 mg l-1. Apparently, this resistance for kanamycin correlates with the expression of the chimaeric gene during male gametophytic development.

    Efficient QTL detection for nonhost resistance in wild lettuce: backcross inbred lines versus F2 population

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    In plants, several population types [F2, recombinant inbred lines, backcross inbred lines (BILs), etc.] are used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses. However, dissection of the trait of interest and subsequent confirmation by introgression of QTLs for breeding purposes has not been as successful as that predicted from theoretical calculations. More practical knowledge of different QTL mapping approaches is needed. In this recent study, we describe the detection and mapping of quantitative resistances to downy mildew in a set of 29 BILs of cultivated lettuce (L. sativa) containing genome segments introgressed from wild lettuce (L. saligna). Introgression regions that are associated with quantitative resistance are considered to harbor a QTL. Furthermore, we compare this with results from an already existing F2 population derived from the same parents. We identified six QTLs in our BIL approach compared to only three in the F2 approach, while there were two QTLs in common. We performed a simulation study based on our actual data to help us interpret them. This revealed that two newly detected QTLs in the BILs had gone unnoticed in the F2, due to a combination of recessiveness of the trait and skewed segregation, causing a deficit of the wild species alleles. This study clearly illustrates the added value of extended genetic studies on two different population types (BILs and F2) to dissect complex genetic traits

    Toward a Unified Genetic Map of Higher Plants, Transcending the Monocot-Dicot Divergence

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    Closely related (confamilial) genera often retain large chromosomal tracts in which gene order is colinear, punctuated by structural mutations such as inversions and translocations 1. To explore the possibility that conservation of gene order might extrapolate to more distantly related taxa, we first estimated an average structural mutation rate. Nine pairs of taxa, for which there exist both comparative genetic maps and plausible estimates of divergence time, showed an average of0.14 (±0.06) structural mutations per chromosome per million years of divergence (Myr; Table 1). This value is offered as a first approximation, acknowledging that refined comparative data and/or divergence estimates may impel revision

    High resolution synteny maps allowing direct comparisons between the coffee and tomato genomes

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and coffee (Coffea canephora) belong to the sister families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, respectively. We report herein the mapping of a common set of 257 Conserved Ortholog Set II genes in the genomes of both species. The mapped markers are well distributed across both genomes allowing the first syntenic comparison between species from these two families. The majority (75%) of the synteny blocks are short (<4 cM); however, some extend up to 50 cM. In an effort to further characterize the synteny between these two genomes, we took advantage of the available sequence for the tomato genome to show that tomato chromosome 7 is syntenic to half of the two coffee linkage groups E and F with the putative break point in tomato localized to the boundary of the heterochromatin and euchromatin on the long arm. In addition to the new insight on genome conservation and evolution between the plant families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, the comparative maps presented herein provide a translational tool by which coffee researchers may take benefit of DNA sequence and genetic information from tomato and vice versa. It is thus expected that these comparative genome information will help to facilitate and expedite genetic and genomic research in coffee

    Quantitative trait loci conferring grain mineral nutrient concentrations in durum wheat 3 wild emmer wheat RIL population

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    Mineral nutrient malnutrition, and particularly deficiency in zinc and iron, afflicts over 3 billion people worldwide. Wild emmer wheat, Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, genepool harbors a rich allelic repertoire for mineral nutrients in the grain. The genetic and physiological basis of grain protein, micronutrients (zinc, iron, copper and manganese) and macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sulfur) concentration was studied in tetraploid wheat population of 152 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between durum wheat (cv. Langdon) and wild emmer (accession G18-16). Wide genetic variation was found among the RILs for all grain minerals, with considerable transgressive effect. A total of 82 QTLs were mapped for 10 minerals with LOD score range of 3.2–16.7. Most QTLs were in favor of the wild allele (50 QTLs). Fourteen pairs of QTLs for the same trait were mapped to seemingly homoeologous positions, reflecting synteny between the A and B genomes. Significant positive correlation was found between grain protein concentration (GPC), Zn, Fe and Cu, which was supported by significant overlap between the respective QTLs, suggesting common physiological and/or genetic factors controlling the concentrations of these mineral nutrients. Few genomic regions (chromosomes 2A, 5A, 6B and 7A) were found to harbor clusters of QTLs for GPC and other nutrients. These identified QTLs may facilitate the use of wild alleles for improving grain nutritional quality of elite wheat cultivars, especially in terms of protein, Zn and Fe

    Unravelling enzymatic discoloration in potato through a combined approach of candidate genes, QTL, and expression analysis

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    Enzymatic discoloration (ED) of potato tubers was investigated in an attempt to unravel the underlying genetic factors. Both enzyme and substrate concentration have been reported to influence the degree of discoloration and as such this trait can be regarded as polygenic. The diploid mapping population C × E, consisting of 249 individuals, was assayed for the degree of ED and levels of chlorogenic acid and tyrosine. Using this data, Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) analysis was performed. Three QTLs for ED have been found on parental chromosomes C3, C8, E1, and E8. For chlorogenic acid a QTL has been identified on C2 and for tyrosine levels, a QTL has been detected on C8. None of the QTLs overlap, indicating the absence of genetic correlations between these components underlying ED, in contrast to earlier reports in literature. An obvious candidate gene for the QTL for ED on Chromosome 8 is polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which was previously mapped on chromosome 8. With gene-specific primers for PPO gene POT32 a CAPS marker was developed. Three different alleles (POT32-1, -2, and -3) could be discriminated. The segregating POT32 alleles were used to map the POT32 CAPS marker and QTL analysis was redone, showing that POT32 coincides with the QTL peak. A clear correlation between allele combinations and degree of discoloration was observed. In addition, analysis of POT32 gene expression in a subset of genotypes indicated a correlation between the level of gene expression and allele composition. On average, genotypes having two copies of allele 1 had both the highest degree of discoloration as well as the highest level of POT32 gene expression