343 research outputs found

    The Clinical Relevance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Early Breast Cancer

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are considered to be evading cancer cells that have been shed or actively invaded from the primary tumor into the blood circulation or lymphatic system and which may finally extravasate to found metastases. CTCs as “liquid biopsy” hold great promise to be a powerful non-invasive real-time measurable biomarker for predicting clinical outcomes and cancer treatment response. Several studies evaluated the role of CTC presence and count in the neoadjuvant and adjuvant setting of early breast cancer (EBC) and revealed their significant prognostic value. In this chapter, we highlight the clinical relevance of CTCs in early breast cancer (EBC) and state the urgency for further research in this field to definitely translate this marker from bench to bedside

    Monitoring in metastatic breast cancer: Is imaging outdated in the era of circulating tumor cells?

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    In clinical practice imaging technologies such as computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET)/CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are well-established methods for monitoring metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients and for assessing therapeutic efficacy. However, several weeks of treatment are required before these technologies can offer any reliable information on effective disease regression, and, in the meanwhile, the patients are exposed to potentially unnecessary therapy. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have been shown to be powerful prognostic and predictive markers and provide clinicians with valuable information. However, in one clinical trial, an early change of chemotherapy based on CTC detection did not result in improved survival. Currently, CTC detection outside clinical trials should be limited to selected clinical situations, i.e. increased treatment toxicity or as risk estimation

    Icb-1 gene polymorphism rs1467465 is associated with susceptibility to ovarian cancer

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    In this study, we tested the hypothesis that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of differentiation-associated human gene icb-1 (C1orf38) may be associated with ovarian cancer susceptibility. For this purpose, we compared the genotype and allele frequencies of the SNPs rs1467465 and rs12048235 in a group of 184 ovarian cancer patients with a control group of 184 age- and gender-matched women without any malignancy. Genotype-phenotype association revealed that A allele of SNP rs1467465 was more frequent in ovarian cancer patients than in the control group (0.40 vs. 0.33, OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.013-1.853, p = 0.04). After analysis of allele positivity we observed that A-positive genotypes were more frequent in the ovarian cancer group (0.65 vs. 0.53, OR 1.63, 95% CI 1.072-2.483, p = 0.02). Furthermore, the heterozygous genotype of rs1467465 was found to be more frequent in the patients group (0.50 vs. 0.41, OR 1.63, 95% CI 1.045-2.045, p = 0.03). No significant results were obtained with regard to SNP rs1204823. Our data suggest, that SNP rs1467465 of human gene icb-1 might affect susceptibility to ovarian cancer

    Icb-1 gene polymorphism rs1467465 is associated with susceptibility to ovarian cancer

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    In this study, we tested the hypothesis that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of differentiation-associated human gene icb-1 (C1orf38) may be associated with ovarian cancer susceptibility. For this purpose, we compared the genotype and allele frequencies of the SNPs rs1467465 and rs12048235 in a group of 184 ovarian cancer patients with a control group of 184 age- and gender-matched women without any malignancy. Genotype-phenotype association revealed that A allele of SNP rs1467465 was more frequent in ovarian cancer patients than in the control group (0.40 vs. 0.33, OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.013-1.853, p = 0.04). After analysis of allele positivity we observed that A-positive genotypes were more frequent in the ovarian cancer group (0.65 vs. 0.53, OR 1.63, 95% CI 1.072-2.483, p = 0.02). Furthermore, the heterozygous genotype of rs1467465 was found to be more frequent in the patients group (0.50 vs. 0.41, OR 1.63, 95% CI 1.045-2.045, p = 0.03). No significant results were obtained with regard to SNP rs1204823. Our data suggest, that SNP rs1467465 of human gene icb-1 might affect susceptibility to ovarian cancer

    Pooled Analysis of the Prognostic Relevance of Disseminated Tumor Cells in the Bone Marrow of Patients With Ovarian Cancer

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    Objective: Detection of disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) in the bone marrow (BM) of patients with breast cancer is associated with poor outcomes. Recent studies demonstrated that DTCs may serve as a prognostic factor in ovarian cancer. The aim of this 3-center study was to evaluate the impact of BM status on survival in a large cohort of patients with ovarian cancer. Materials and Methods: Four hundred ninety-five patients with primary ovarian cancer were included in this 3-center prospective study. Bone marrow aspirates were collected intraoperatively from the iliac crest. Disseminated tumor cells were identified by antibody staining and by cytomorphology. Clinical outcome was correlated with the presence of DTCs. Results: Disseminated tumor cells were detected in 27% of all BM aspirates. The number of cytokeratin-positive cells ranged from 1 to 42 per 2 x 10(6) mononuclear cells. Disseminated tumor cell status did correlate with histologic subtype but not with any of the other established clinicopathologic factors. The overall survival was significantly shorter among DTC-positive patients compared to DTC-negative patients (51 months; 95% confidence interval, 37-65 months vs 33 months; 95% confidence interval, 23-43 months; P = 0.023). In the multivariate analysis, BM status, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage, nodal status, resection status, and age were independent predictors of reduced overall survival, whereas only BM status, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage, and resection status independently predicted progression-free survival. Conclusions: Tumor cell dissemination into the BM is a common phenomenon in ovarian cancer. Disseminated tumor cell detection has the potential to become an important biomarker for prognostication and disease monitoring in patients with ovarian cancer

    Detekcja rozsianych komórek nowotworowych w szpiku kostnym u pacjentek z rakiem piersi z zastosowaniem nowej metody molekularnej

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    Objectives: Numerous studies have shown that the presence of clinically occult disseminated tumor cells (DTC) in the bone marrow (BM) of breast cancer patients is associated with an unfavourable clinical outcome. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) remains the gold standard for their detection. Assays based on RT-PCR are available; however, so far they have not been used for routine detection of DTC. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate a newly established molecular method for the detection of DTC. Materials and methods: BM aspirates from 405 patients were examined. Half of the samples were immediately inserted into ICC and the other half was examined with our newly established molecular method based on RT-PCR. Immunocytochemistry was performed according to the Consensus Recommendations of the German, Austrian, and Swiss Societies of Senology and ISHAGE Working Group (A45B-B3 antibody). RT-PCR was conducted as a one-step real-time assay. Cytokeratin 19-mRNA was amplifi ed. Results: In 142 of 405 (35%) aspirates disseminated tumor cells were detected by RT-PCR. In 34% of patients DTC were detected by ICC. 48% of the BM samples were positive by at least one method. In 73% of the patients identical results were obtained (pCel pracy: Liczne badania pokazały, że obecność rozsianych komórek nowotworowych (RKN) w szpiku kostnym u pacjentek chorych na raka piersi związana jest z niekorzystnym rokowaniem. Metodą standardową w oznaczaniu RKN jest immunocytochemia (ICC). Metody molekularne, takie jak RT-PCR, są również dostępne, dotychczas jednak nie są one stosowane rutynowo w detekcji RKN. Celem pracy była ewaluacja nowej metody molekularnej do oznaczania RKN. Materiał i metody: Zbadane zostały aspiraty szpiku kostnego pochodzące od 405 pacjentek z rakiem piersi. Połowę pobranego szpiku badano immunocytochemicznie, drugą połowę - nową metodą molekularną opartą na technologii RT-PCR. Immunocytochemię przeprowadzano zgodnie z zaleceniami Niemieckiego, Austriackiego i Szwajcarskiego Towarzystwa Chorob Piersi oraz grupy ISHAGE (przeci ciało A45B-B3). RT-PCR przeprowadzano w konwencji One-step, amplifi kacja mRNA cytokeratyny 19 rejestrowana była w czasie rzeczywistym („real-time”). Wyniki: W 142 z 405 (35%) pobranych szpików wykryto rozsiane komórki nowotworowe metodą RT-PCR. U 34% pacjentek wykryto RKN immunocytochemicznie. 48% aspiratów było pozytywnych przy użyciu przynajmniej jednej z metod. W 73% przypadków uzyskano ten sam wynik przy pomocy obu metod (

    Influence of zoledronic acid on disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow and survival: results of a prospective clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: The presence of disseminated tumor cells (DTC) in bone marrow (BM) of breast cancer patients is associated with reduced clinical outcome. Bisphosphonate treatment was shown to eradicate DTC from BM in several studies. This controlled randomized open-label multi-center study aimed to investigate the influence of zoledronic acid (ZOL) on DTC and survival of breast cancer patients (Clinical Trial Registration Number: NCT00172068). METHODS: Patients with primary breast cancer and DTC-positive bone marrow were randomized to treatment with ZOL plus adjuvant systemic therapy (n = 40) or adjuvant systemic therapy alone (n = 46) between 03/2002 and 12/2004. DTC were identified by immunocytochemistry using the pancytokeratin antibody A45B/B3 and by cytomorphology. The change in DTC numbers at 12 months and 24 months versus baseline, as well as patient outcomes were evaluated. RESULTS: 86 patients could be included into survival analysis (median follow-up: 88 months, range: 8–108 mths). Patients in the control group were more likely to die during follow-up than those in the ZOL-group (11% vs. 2%, p = 0.106). 15% of patients in the control group presented with relapse whereas only 8% of ZOL group patients developed metastatic or recurrent disease during follow-up (p = 0.205). At 24 months, 16% of patients from the control group were still DTC positive, whereas all patients treated with ZOL became DTC negative (p = 0.032). Patients presenting with persistent DTC 12 months after diagnosis had significantly shorter overall survival (p = 0.011). CONCLUSIONS: Bisphosphonate therapy contributes to eradication of disseminated tumor cells. The positive influence of bisphosphonates on survival in the adjuvant setting may be due to their effects on DTC. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00172068 [Zoledronic Acid in the Treatment of Breast Cancer With Minimal Residual Disease in the Bone Marrow (MRD-1)]