70 research outputs found

    The global effect: what determines where the eyes land?

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    In certain situations, the endpoint of an eye movement is not positioned on the centre of a target element, but deviates in the direction of another element. This phenomenon has been termed 'the global effect' and has proven to constitute a valuable measure of various processes that control and influence our oculomotor behavior. The goal of the current review is to provide insight in the factors that determine where the eyes land. We will focus on the fundamental characteristics of the global effect and discuss the various domains in which the global effect has been applied. The global effect appears to be best explained in terms of a weighted average of activity in a saccade map

    Time course of spatiotopic updating across saccades

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    Humans move their eyes several times per second, yet we perceive the outside world as continuous despite the sudden disruptions created by each eye movement. To date, the mechanism that the brain employs to achieve visual continuity across eye movements remains unclear. While it has been proposed that the oculomotor system quickly updates and informs the visual system about the upcoming eye movement, behavioral studies investigating the time course of this updating suggest the involvement of a slow mechanism, estimated to take more than 500 ms to operate effectively. This is a surprisingly slow estimate, because both the visual system and the oculomotor system process information faster. If spatiotopic updating is indeed this slow, it cannot contribute to perceptual continuity, because it is outside the temporal regime of typical oculomotor behavior. Here, we argue that the behavioral paradigms that have been used previously are suboptimal to measure the speed of spatiotopic updating. In this study, we used a fast gaze-contingent paradigm, using high phi as a continuous stimulus across eye movements. We observed fast spatiotopic updating within 150 ms after stimulus onset. The results suggest the involvement of a fast updating mechanism that predictively influences visual perception after an eye movement. The temporal characteristics of this mechanism are compatible with the rate at which saccadic eye movements are typically observed in natural viewing

    Intra-saccadic displacement sensitivity after a lesion to the posterior parietal cortex

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    Visual perception is introspectively stable and continuous across eye movements. It has been hypothesized that displacements in retinal input caused by eye movements can be dissociated from displacements in the external world using extra-retinal information, such as a corollary discharge from the oculomotor system. The extra-retinal information can inform the visual system about an upcoming eye movement and accompanying displacements in retinal input. The parietal cortex has been hypothesized to be critically involved in integrating retinal and extra-retinal information. Two tasks have been widely used to assess the quality of this integration: double-step saccades and intra-saccadic displacements. Double-step saccades performed by patients with parietal cortex lesions seemed to show hypometric second saccades. However, recently idea has been refuted by demonstrating that patients with very similar lesions were able to perform the double step saccades, albeit taking multiple saccades to reach the saccade target. So, it seems that extra-retinal information is still available for saccade execution after a lesion to the parietal lobe. Here, we investigated whether extra-retinal signals are also available for perceptual judgements in nine patients with strokes affecting the posterior parietal cortex. We assessed perceptual continuity with the intra-saccadic displacement task. We exploited the increased sensitivity when a small temporal blank is introduced after saccade offset (blank effect). The blank effect is thought to reflect the availability of extra-retinal signals for perceptual judgements. Although patients exhibited a relative difference to control subjects, they still demonstrated the blank effect. The data suggest that a lesion to the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) alters the processing of extra-retinal signals but does not abolish their influence altogether

    Treatment of neglect, an attention disorder

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    Neglect occurs in 30-50% of patients in the subacute phase post-stroke. Patients with neglect ignore one side of their body or one part of the space around them. Treatment of neglect is important, as patients with neglect recover more slowly and are less independent compared to patients without neglect. Visual scanning training is currently recommended in the guidelines as a treatment. The focus of this intensive treatment is on compensation, not on recovery. Scientific evidence for its effectiveness is scarce. Other treatments, such as prism adaptation, limb activation training and brain stimulation are being investigated. However, the available evidence for their effectiveness is insufficient as yet. In addition to neuropsychological tests, outcome measures at the level of functioning in daily life should be included in studies regarding the treatment of neglect. New research is increasingly focusing on combining different treatments, which should ultimately be adapted for each patient individually.</p

    Dynamic assessment of visual neglect: The Mobility Assessment Course as a diagnostic tool

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    Introduction: Visual neglect is a frequent disorder following stroke and is often diagnosed by neuropsychological assessment. However, paper-and-pencil tasks have low predictive value as they lack sensitivity to capture neglect in complex, dynamic situations, such as activities of daily living. Aims of the current study were to assess the feasibility of the Mobility Assessment Course (MAC), a visual search multitask, to assess neglect, and its relation with existing neglect tasks. Method: Stroke patients admitted for inpatient rehabilitation and healthy controls were tested with the MAC in different corridors. Participants had to move through a corridor, finding and reporting 24 targets attached to the walls. In addition, the shape cancellation, line bisection, and Catherine Bergego Scale (CBS) were used in order to compare the MAC with existing diagnostic tools for neglect. Results: Administering the MAC was feasible, as 112 of 113 patients completed the MAC with a median duration of 4.09 min. Depending on the corridor where the assessment took place, in 88.5–93.3% of assessments all targets were visible. The number of omissions (total and contralesional) and the asymmetry score (contralesional–ipsilesional omissions) on the MAC as well as collisions and corrections, were higher for patients with neglect than for those without neglect. Depending on the neglect task used, 4.0–18.6% of patients without neglect on neuropsychological tasks or the CBS showed neglect on the MAC. Vice versa, 17.2–29.3% of patients who showed neglect at neuropsychological assessment or the CBS did not do so on the MAC. Finally, a moderate to strong positive relation was seen between neglect at neuropsychological assessment, the CBS, and the MAC. Conclusions: The MAC is an ecological task in which both quantitative and qualitative data on neglect can be collected. In order to assess the presence of neglect and neglect severity in a dynamic way, the MAC could be administered in conjunction with neuropsychological assessment

    Zooming in on abnormal local and global processing biases after stroke: Frequency, lateralization, and associations with cognitive functions

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    Objectives: The 'attentional spotlight' can be adjusted depending on the task requirements, resulting in processing information at either the local or global level. Stroke can lead to local or global processing biases, or the inability to simultaneously attend both levels. In this study, we assessed the (1) prevalence of abnormal local and global biases following stroke, (2) differences between left- and right-sided brain damaged patients, and (3) relations between local and global interference, the ability to attend local and global levels simultaneously, and lateralized attention, search organization, search speed, visuo-construction, executive functioning, and verbal (working) memory. Methods: Stroke patients admitted for inpatient rehabilitation completed directed (N = 192 total; N = 46 left-sided/N = 48 right-sided lesion) and divided (N = 258 total; N = 67 left-sided/N = 66 right-sided lesion) local-global processing tasks, as well as a conventional neuropsychological assessment. Processing biases and interference effects were separately computed for directed and divided tasks. Results: On the local-global tasks, 7.8-10.9% of patients showed an abnormal local bias and 6.3-8.3% an abnormal global bias for directed attention, and 5.4-10.1% an abnormal local bias and 6.6-15.9% an abnormal global bias for divided attention. There was no significant difference between patients with left- and right-sided brain damage. There was a moderate positive relation between local interference and search speed, and a small positive relation between global interference and neglect. Conclusions: Abnormal local and global biases can occur after stroke and might relate to a range of cognitive functions. A specific bias might require a different approach in assessment, psycho-education, and treatment

    The Association of Personal Neglect with Motor, Activities of Daily Living, and Participation Outcomes after Stroke: A Systematic Review

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    Despite its potential clinical impact, the association of personal neglect (PN) with motor, activities of daily living (ADL), and participation outcomes after stroke is not well-understood. This first-ever systematic review on the topic therefore evaluates this association, taking into account suggested subtypes of PN, including body representation neglect, somatosensory neglect, motor neglect, and premotor neglect. A systematic literature search was conducted on February 17, 2023 in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, PubPsych, and PsycArticles databases. The study adheres to the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, and its protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42020187460). Eleven observational studies were included, gathering 1,400 individuals after stroke (429 showed PN). Results show that individuals with body representation neglect after stroke have significantly decreased movement control and motor strength, lower functional mobility, and ADL independency compared with those without body representation neglect after stroke. Individuals with motor neglect after stroke showed worse motor function and spasticity than to those without motor neglect after stroke. Nonspecified PN (i.e., PN evaluated with an outcome measure that does not allow subcategorization) was related to worse lateropulsion with pushing, longer length of stay and greater odds of being discharged to somewhere other than home. No study evaluated somatosensory and premotor neglect. This review highlights the limited research in this area and emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive PN assessment. However, currently available assessment tools show limited ability to accurately diagnose PN subtypes and future research should prioritize the development of comprehensive diagnostic test batteries

    The mobility assessment course: A ready-to-use dynamic measure of visuospatial neglect

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    The Mobility Assessment Course (MAC) is a tool to measure visuospatial neglect in a dynamic fashion. Although the MAC has been shown to dissociate between patients with and without neglect, it remains unclear whether it is applicable in clinical settings. We evaluated the MAC regarding its (1) feasibility as a diagnostic tool as part of standard care, (2) construct validity, and (3) underlying constructs and potential confounders. A consecutive sample of stroke patients admitted to inpatient rehabilitation completed the MAC, shape cancellation, line bisection, and/or Catherine Bergego Scale (CBS) as part of the standard assessment. To assess feasibility, we computed the percentage of patients who completed the MAC. Construct validity was tested by evaluating MAC performance between patients with and without neglect and controls. Finally, a regression analysis was conducted to assess underlying constructs and potential confounders of MAC performance (i.e., level of mobility and lesion side). The MAC was completed by 82% of patients (N = 182/223; of whom 145 completed all tasks). Patients with neglect performed worse on the MAC (indicating more severe neglect) compared to patients without neglect and controls. The MAC had a lower sensitivity and higher specificity than paper-and-pencil tasks and the CBS. Performance on shape cancellation, line bisection, and CBS were predictors of MAC performance. Level of mobility and lesion side did not predict MAC scores, indicating that these factors do not confound its reliability. To conclude, the MAC is an easy-to-implement tool to evaluate neglect in a dynamic manner, which can be administered in addition to conventional paper-and-pencil tasks

    Does visuospatial neglect contribute to standing balance within the first 12 weeks post-stroke? A prospective longitudinal cohort study

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    Background: Visuospatial neglect (VSN) has been suggested to limit standing balance improvement post-stroke. However, studies investigating this association longitudinally by means of repeated within-subject measurements early post-stroke are lacking. This prospective longitudinal cohort study evaluates the longitudinal association of egocentric and allocentric VSN severity with 1) standing balance independence and 2) postural control and weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA) during quiet standing, in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Methods: Thirty-six hemiplegic individuals after a first-ever unilateral stroke were evaluated at weeks 3, 5, 8 and 12 post-stroke. Egocentric and allocentric VSN severity were evaluated using the Broken Hearts Test. The standing unperturbed item of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS-s) was used to clinically evaluate standing independence. Posturographic measures included measures of postural control (mediolateral (ML)/anteroposterior (AP) net center-of-pressure velocities (COPvel)) and WBA during quiet standing. A linear mixed model was used to examine longitudinal associations between egocentric and allocentric VSN, and BBS-s, COPvel-ML, COPvel-AP and WBA within the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Results: Egocentric (β = -0.08, 95%CI[-0.15;-0.01], P =.029) and allocentric VSN severity (β = -0.09, 95%CI[-0.15; -0.04], P =.002) were significant independent factors for BBS-s scores in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Egocentric and allocentric VSN were no significant independent factors for COPvel-ML, COPvel-AP and WBA in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Conclusions: Allocentric and egocentric VSN severity were significantly associated with decreased standing independence, but not impaired postural control or greater asymmetric weight-bearing, in the early subacute post-stroke phase. This may involve traditional VSN measures being not sensitive enough to detect fine-grained VSN deficits due to a ceiling effect between 5 and 8 weeks post-stroke, once the individual regains standing ability. Future studies may require more sensitive VSN measurements to detect such deficits. Trial registration Clinicaltrials.gov. unique identifier NCT05060458

    Does visuospatial neglect contribute to standing balance within the first 12 weeks post-stroke? A prospective longitudinal cohort study

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    Background: Visuospatial neglect (VSN) has been suggested to limit standing balance improvement post-stroke. However, studies investigating this association longitudinally by means of repeated within-subject measurements early post-stroke are lacking. This prospective longitudinal cohort study evaluates the longitudinal association of egocentric and allocentric VSN severity with 1) standing balance independence and 2) postural control and weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA) during quiet standing, in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Methods: Thirty-six hemiplegic individuals after a first-ever unilateral stroke were evaluated at weeks 3, 5, 8 and 12 post-stroke. Egocentric and allocentric VSN severity were evaluated using the Broken Hearts Test. The standing unperturbed item of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS-s) was used to clinically evaluate standing independence. Posturographic measures included measures of postural control (mediolateral (ML)/anteroposterior (AP) net center-of-pressure velocities (COPvel)) and WBA during quiet standing. A linear mixed model was used to examine longitudinal associations between egocentric and allocentric VSN, and BBS-s, COPvel-ML, COPvel-AP and WBA within the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Results: Egocentric (β = -0.08, 95%CI[-0.15;-0.01], P =.029) and allocentric VSN severity (β = -0.09, 95%CI[-0.15; -0.04], P =.002) were significant independent factors for BBS-s scores in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Egocentric and allocentric VSN were no significant independent factors for COPvel-ML, COPvel-AP and WBA in the first 12 weeks post-stroke. Conclusions: Allocentric and egocentric VSN severity were significantly associated with decreased standing independence, but not impaired postural control or greater asymmetric weight-bearing, in the early subacute post-stroke phase. This may involve traditional VSN measures being not sensitive enough to detect fine-grained VSN deficits due to a ceiling effect between 5 and 8 weeks post-stroke, once the individual regains standing ability. Future studies may require more sensitive VSN measurements to detect such deficits. Trial registration Clinicaltrials.gov. unique identifier NCT05060458
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