26 research outputs found
Pretrpljene boli, preÅ”uÄene tuge. Obiteljsko nasilje kao strukturalno nasilje u kulturnom kontinuitetu
In the last few decades, awareness has been raised about the persistence and increase of domestic
violence and intimate partner violence. The initial hypothesis developed here is that
toward those forms of violence linked to the most intimate sphere ā home ā we, as a society,
practice spatiotemporal ādistancing,ā thus allowing for this structural and cultural violence
to continue. This paper aims to take up this contemporary theoretical premise in order to
analyze historical accounts of cultural practices related to DV and IPV.Posljednjih se desetljeÄa podigla razina svijesti o uÄestalosti i porastu nasilja u obitelji i intimnog
partnerskog nasilja. PoÄetna pretpostavka razvijena u radu jest da prema oblicima
nasilja koji su povezani s domom, najintimnijom sferom, mi kao druŔtvo prakticiramo prostorno-
vremensko ādistanciranjeā te tako dopuÅ”tamo da se to strukturalno i kulturno nasilje
nastavlja. Cilj je ovog rada uzeti u obzir ovu suvremenu teorijsku premisu radi analize
povijesnih prikaza kulturnih praksi povezanih s nasiljem u obitelji i intimnim partnerskim
"I Want to Choose whom I Love and Where I go for Treatment" - Activism in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research in Croatia
Na osnovi recentnog (2004-2007) istraživanja korisnika alternativne i
komplementarne medicine i medicinskog pluralizma u Hrvatskoj, rad
propituje ulogu etnologije i kulturne antropologije u druŔtvu, ulogu
etnologa i antropologa kao kritiÄara i/ili aktivista kulture, prednosti
i moguÄnosti primijenjene medicinske antropologije te vezu izmedu
etnologije/antropologije i aktivizma.On basis of recent (2004-2007) research on complementary and alternative medicine and medical pluralism in Croatia, this paper questions the role of ethnology and cultural anthropology in society, the role of ethnologist/ethnographer as culture\u27s critic or activist, the possibilities of the applied medical anthropology and the link between ethnology/anthropology and activism
U srediÅ”tu pjeÅ”Äanog sata. Etnografija odnosa biomedicine i komplementarne i alternativne medicine u Hrvatskoj
This paper is based on authorās three-year research on the choices patients make when facing an illness, on the decisions they make in choosing a particular medical system and medical treatment, and on the reasons of the increasing popularity of complementary and alternative medical practices in contemporary Croatia. Starting from the patientsā narratives and their embodied experience as presented through heir encounters with illness, the paper discusses and analyzes the methodological, theoretical and epistemological realities of the co-existence of biomedicine and complementary and alternative Medicine (CAM).Älanak se temelji na trogodiÅ”njem istraživanju izbora koji pacijenti Äine kada su suoÄeni s boleÅ”Äu, odluka koje donose u izboru odreÄenog medicinskog sustava i medicinskih praksi, te razloga rastuÄe popularnosti komplementarne i alternativne medicine u suvremenoj Hrvatskoj. PolazeÄi od priÄa pacijenata i njihovog utjelovljenog iskustva koje je predstavljeno kroz njihov susret s boleÅ”Äu, Älanak propituje i analizira metodoloÅ”ke, teorijske i epidemioloÅ”ke stvarnosti su-postojanja biomedicine i komplementarne i alternative medicine u Hrvatskoj
Only for Those With Nerves of Steel ā The Issue of Ethical and Moral Relativism in Medical Ethnographies (Summary)
Osnovni cilj ovoga Älanka jest predstaviti osnovna pitanja etiÄnosti i moralnosti istraživanja u medicinskoj antropologiji, tj. u pisanjima medicinskih etnografija, ali i analizirati te polemizirati o metodoloÅ”kom pristupu kojim se autorica koristila tijekom istraživanja medicinskog pluralizma u Hrvatskoj od 2005. do 2008. godine. Älanak se bavi problemima etiÄnosti, ali i primjenjivosti istraživanja u medicinskoj antropologiji.The main objective of this article is to present the basic issues of ethics and morality in medical anthropology,
or in the writing of medical ethnographies, but also to analyze and discuss the methodology the author used
during the research of medical pluralism in Croatia in the period from 2005 to 2008. The article deals with the
issues of ethics and applicability of research in medical anthropology
How Ethnology (Mis)Treated Medicine: Little Regional History of Transformation of Traditional Medicine into Medical Anthropology
Älanak analizira naÄine na koje se etnologija u Hrvatskoj bavila medicinskim sustavima u razdoblju u kojem je njezin razvojni i interesni put bio drugaÄiji od puta sociokulturne antropologije te u novijem razdoblju u kojem su ta dva puta paralelna. Rad takoÄer nastoji argumentirati, na temelju recentnog istraživanja medicinskog pluralizma u Hrvatskoj, opravdanost uporabe medicinsko-antropoloÅ”kih teorija i metodologije u suvremenim istraživanjima medicinskih stvarnosti.The article analyzes the ways in which ethnology in Croatia dealt with medical systems, in the period in which ethnologyās disciplinary and political focus was different from that of socio-cultural anthropology and in the recent period, when the pathways of the two disciplines, in the regional setting the article discusses, are parallel. Furthermore, by using her own recent research on medical pluralism in Croatia as an example, the author is trying to justify the usage of medico-anthropological theories and methodology in contemporary research of medical realities
Od 1892. do 1954. viÅ”e od 12 milijuna imigranata1 uÅ”lo je u Sjedinjene AmeriÄke Države kroz poznata ameriÄka vrata, otok Ellis.
SiromaÅ”tvo, glad, težak rad na polju i politiÄke opresije natjerali su mnogo Hrvata da potraže bolji život u Americi. VeÄinom su bili vrlo mladi, prosjek godina tih prvih imigranata nije bio veÄi od 22. Uglavnom su bili muÅ”karci samci, i zajedno su, sa svim ostalim putnicima iz potpalublja, prolazili brze medicinske preglede, tzv. "preglede u Å”est sekundi", za kojih su provjeravani simptomi zaraznih bolesti, moguÄih psiholoÅ”kih poremeÄaja, "ludila", "slaboumnosti" ili nekih fiziÄkih nedostataka. Ovaj Älanak pokuÅ”ava propitati kako su takvi segregacijski postupci koji su odmah na ulasku u novi svijet definirali Hrvate kao potencijalno nezdrave, lude ili nesposobne, utjecali na stvaranje i razvoj hrvatske dijaspore u sjevernoj Americi i pridonijeli njihovu statusu dijasporske zajednice koja je saÄuvala svoj kulturni identitet.From 1892 to 1954 more than 12 million immigrants entered the United States through its famous gateway, Ellis Island. They were processed through immigration procedure and majority of them, from that period, were allowed to enter the US and become the citizens of their choice.
Poverty, scarcity and hard field labour forced many Croats to seek better life in America. Almost four millions of them went through the Ellis Island in the period from 1880 to 1930. Very young, of average age not more than 22, most of them single males, together with all other steerage passengers, underwent the quick medical examinations, "six seconds physicals" through which they were checked for signs of infectious diseases, insanity, "feeblemindedness" of physical defects.
To avoid the trap of being too easily critical 100 years after Ellis Island happenings, it has to be said that they were a practical solution to immigration admission. The number of people entering the US through Ellis Island could reach 5000 up to 11000 people per day during America\u27s peak immigration years from 1890-1924. However,
Ellis Island practices legitimatized and deepened the division between the ethnically desirable (North and Western Europe immigrants) and less desirable (South-Eastern Europe and Asia). Furthermore, they provided a mass demonstration of power and political practices, which used health as an instrument of separation between those who
were eligible to become the members of a politically stable, healthy labour force, and those who were not.
This paper tries to examine in what way did such "segregatory" practices, which already at the entrance to the New World, defined Croats and other immigrants as possibly unhealthy, insane or inapt, influence the formation of Croatian Diaspora in North America as a culturally distinct ethnic group. It also raises the question as to how
will the newly emerging medical borders affect notions of ethnicity and the ways in which dispersed/displaced peoples construct their identities in the time of "global ethnoscapes" (Appadurai)
The fact that this first "legalized" segregation on the basis of a six-second medical examination was going on under the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, shows to what extent it was assumed as "scientifically" reasonable and politically correct, and explains the existence of its current practices of creating medical borders. Who remains on the other side of the medical border? The ethnical and cultural "Others", or, just "the ill"
Through an hourglass. Re-thinking Ethnography of the Relationship between Biomedicine and Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Croatia
This paper is based on authorās three-year research on the choices patients make when facing an illness, on the decisions they make in choosing a particular medical system and medical treatment, and on the reasons of the increasing popularity of complementary and alternative medical practices in contemporary Croatia. Starting from the patientsā narratives and their embodied experience as presented through heir encounters with illness, the paper discusses and analyzes the methodological, theoretical and epistemological realities of the co-existence of biomedicine and complementary and alternative Medicine (CAM)