1,122 research outputs found

    Quantization on a torus without position operators

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    We formulate quantum mechanics in the two-dimensional torus without using position operators. We define an algebra with only momentum operators and shift operators and construct irreducible representation of the algebra. We show that it realizes quantum mechanics of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. We prove that any irreducible representation of the algebra is unitary equivalent to each other. This work provides a firm foundation for the noncommutative torus theory.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, the title is changed, minor corrections are made, references are added. To be published in Modern Physics Letters

    Reduced hierarchy equations of motion approach with Drude plus Brownian spectral distribution: Probing electron transfer processes by means of two- dimensionalcorrelation spectroscopy

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    We theoretically investigate an electron transfer (ET) process in a dissipative environment by means of two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy. We extend the reduced hierarchy equations of motion approach to include both overdamped Drude and underdamped Brownian modes. While the overdamped mode describes the inhomogeneity of a system in the slow modulation limit, the underdamped mode expresses the primary vibrational mode coupled with the electronic states. We outline a procedure for calculating 2D correlation spectrum that incorporates the ET processes. The present approach has the capability of dealing with system-bath coherence under an external perturbation, which is important to calculate nonlinear response functions for non-Markovian noise. The calculated 2D spectrum exhibits the effects of the ET processes through the presence of ET transition peaks along the Ω1\Omega_1 axis, as well as the decay of echo signals.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures; J. Chem. Phys. 137 (2012

    Dirac monopole with Feynman brackets

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    We introduce the magnetic angular momentum as a consequence of the structure of the sO(3) Lie algebra defined by the Feynman brackets. The Poincare momentum and Dirac magnetic monopole appears as a direct result of this framework.Comment: 10 page

    Hierarchical Equations of Motion Approach to Quantum Thermodynamics

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    We present a theoretical framework to investigate quantum thermodynamic processes under non-Markovian system-bath interactions on the basis of the hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM) approach, which is convenient to carry out numerically "exact" calculations. This formalism is valuable because it can be used to treat not only strong system-bath coupling but also system-bath correlation or entanglement, which will be essential to characterize the heat transport between the system and quantum heat baths. Using this formalism, we demonstrated an importance of the thermodynamic effect from the tri-partite correlations (TPC) for a two-level heat transfer model and a three-level autonomous heat engine model under the conditions that the conventional quantum master equation approaches are failed. Our numerical calculations show that TPC contributions, which distinguish the heat current from the energy current, have to be take into account to satisfy the thermodynamic laws.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. As a chapter of: F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso (eds.), "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", (Springer International Publishing

    Correlated fluctuations in the exciton dynamics and spectroscopy of DNA

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    The absorption of ultraviolet light creates excitations in DNA, which subsequently start moving in the helix. Their fate is important for an understanding of photo damage, and is determined by the interplay of electronic couplings between bases and the structure of the DNA environment. We model the effect of dynamical fluctuations in the environment and study correlation, which is present when multiple base pairs interact with the same mode in the environment. We find that the correlations strongly affect the exciton dynamics, and show how they are observed in the decay of the anisotropy as a function of a coherence and a population time in a non-linear optical experiment

    An extension of Fourier analysis for the n-torus in the magnetic field and its application to spectral analysis of the magnetic Laplacian

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    We solved the Schr{\"o}dinger equation for a particle in a uniform magnetic field in the n-dimensional torus. We obtained a complete set of solutions for a broad class of problems; the torus T^n = R^n / {\Lambda} is defined as a quotient of the Euclidean space R^n by an arbitrary n-dimensional lattice {\Lambda}. The lattice is not necessary either cubic or rectangular. The magnetic field is also arbitrary. However, we restrict ourselves within potential-free problems; the Schr{\"o}dinger operator is assumed to be the Laplace operator defined with the covariant derivative. We defined an algebra that characterizes the symmetry of the Laplacian and named it the magnetic algebra. We proved that the space of functions on which the Laplacian acts is an irreducible representation space of the magnetic algebra. In this sense the magnetic algebra completely characterizes the quantum mechanics in the magnetic torus. We developed a new method for Fourier analysis for the magnetic torus and used it to solve the eigenvalue problem of the Laplacian. All the eigenfunctions are given in explicit forms.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, minor corrections are mad

    Optical signatures of intrinsic electron localization in amorphous SiO2

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    We measure and analyse the optical absorption spectra of three silica glass samples irradiated with 1 MeV electrons at 80 K, where self-trapped holes are stable, and use ab initio calculations to demonstrate that these spectra contain a signature of intrinsic electron traps created as counterparts to the holes. In particular, we argue that optical absorption bands peaking at 3.7, 4.7, and 6.4 eV belong to strongly localised electrons trapped at precursor sites in amorphous structure characterized by strained Si–O bonds and O–Si–O angles greater than 132°. These results are important for our understanding of the properties of silica glass and other silicates as well as the reliability of electronic and optical devices and for luminescence dating

    Epitaxial checkerboard arrangement of nanorods in ZnMnGaO4 films studied by x-ray diffraction

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    The intriguing nano-structural properties of a ZnMnGaO4 film epitaxially grown on MgO (001) substrate have been investigated using synchrotron radiation-based x-ray diffraction. The ZnMnGaO4 film consisted of a self-assembled checkerboard (CB) structure with perfectly aligned and regularly spaced vertical nanorods. The lattice parameters of the orthorhombic and rotated tetragonal phases of the CB structure were analyzed using H-K, H-L, and K-L cross sections of the reciprocal space maps measured around various symmetric and asymmetric reflections of the spinel structure. We demonstrate that the symmetry of atomic displacements at the phases boundaries provides the means for coherent coexistence of two domains types within the volume of the film

    Some boundary effects in quantum field theory

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    We have constructed a quantum field theory in a finite box, with periodic boundary conditions, using the hypothesis that particles living in a finite box are created and/or annihilated by the creation and/or annihilation operators, respectively, of a quantum harmonic oscillator on a circle. An expression for the effective coupling constant is obtained showing explicitly its dependence on the dimension of the box.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Reduction of quantum systems on Riemannian manifolds with symmetry and application to molecular mechanics

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    This paper deals with a general method for the reduction of quantum systems with symmetry. For a Riemannian manifold M admitting a compact Lie group G as an isometry group, the quotient space Q = M/G is not a smooth manifold in general but stratified into a collection of smooth manifolds of various dimensions. If the action of the compact group G is free, M is made into a principal fiber bundle with structure group G. In this case, reduced quantum systems are set up as quantum systems on the associated vector bundles over Q = M/G. This idea of reduction fails, if the action of G on M is not free. However, the Peter-Weyl theorem works well for reducing quantum systems on M. When applied to the space of wave functions on M, the Peter-Weyl theorem provides the decomposition of the space of wave functions into spaces of equivariant functions on M, which are interpreted as Hilbert spaces for reduced quantum systems on Q. The concept of connection on a principal fiber bundle is generalized to be defined well on the stratified manifold M. Then the reduced Laplacian is well defined as a self-adjoint operator with the boundary conditions on singular sets of lower dimensions. Application to quantum molecular mechanics is also discussed in detail. In fact, the reduction of quantum systems studied in this paper stems from molecular mechanics. If one wishes to consider the molecule which is allowed to lie in a line when it is in motion, the reduction method presented in this paper works well.Comment: 33 pages, no figure
