131 research outputs found

    Avoided temperatures by young fish [Translation from: Informatsionnyi Byulleten Biologiya Vnutrennikh Vod No.50, 45-47, 1981]

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    Directed local changes of water temperature for the purpose of controlling the behaviour of fish are based on the knowledge of the characteristics of seasonal-age dynamics of their thermoadaptation possibilities. These possibilities are still inadequately studied especially in relation to avoided temperatures. By the authors the attempt was made to determine zones of avoided temperatures for the young of five species of fish (bream, roach, blue bream, perch, peled) in the summer period of the year, and also to assess the influence on them of additional factors, in particular mechanical driving. In parallel in two-fold repetition were conducted experiments on the determination of selected, shock and lethal temperatures of these fish. Experiments were conducted with fish, caught in the littoral of the Rybinsk reservoir

    Comparison of drag measurements of two axisymmetric scramjet models at Mach 6

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    Axial forces on quasi-axisymmetric scramjet models designed for operation at Mach 6 and Mach 8 were measured in the T4 Stalker tube at The University of Queensland using a single component stress wave force balance. A Mach 6 nozzle was used. The nozzle supply enthalpy was varied from 3 to 9 MJ/kg and the nozzle supply pressure from 35 to 45 MPa. As the conditions varied, the Mach number varied from 5.7 to 6.7. For both test models, the drag coefficients decreased with increasing Mach number. However, significant differences between the models were not observed over a range of free stream Mach numbers. A theoretical procedure to calculate the drag coefficient was found to give good agreement with experiments when appropriate account was taken of flow spillage at the intake

    Comparison study for forced convection heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide flowing in a pipe

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.Forced convection heat transfer in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) was investigated experimentally in a horizontal circular tube with an inner diameter of 8.7 mm. The experiments were performed by varying the inlet fluid temperature, system pressure, wall heat flux, and mass flow rate. The corresponding Reynolds number at the inlet was between 20000 and 50000. Nusselt number at each section in the tube was obtained to investigate the influence of the experimental parameters on the forced convection heat transfer in the testing tube. The obtained heat transfer results were then compared with widely used empirical correlations to show their prediction accuracy for the experimental conditions tested.dc201

    Transplantation of Thy1+ cells accelerates liver regeneration by enhancing the growth of small hepatocyte-like progenitor cells via IL17RB Signaling

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    Hepatocytic parental progenitor cells of rat small hepatocytes maintain self-renewal capability after long-term culture

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    Generation of Glucose-Responsive Functional Islets with a Three-Dimensional Structure from Mouse Fetal Pancreatic Cells and iPS Cells In Vitro

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    Islets of Langerhans are a pancreatic endocrine compartment consisting of insulin-producing β cells together with several other hormone-producing cells. While some insulin-producing cells or immature pancreatic cells have been generated in vitro from ES and iPS cells, islets with proper functions and a three-dimensional (3D) structure have never been successfully produced. To test whether islets can be formed in vitro, we first examined the potential of mouse fetal pancreatic cells. We found that E16.5 pancreatic cells, just before forming islets, were able to develop cell aggregates consisting of β cells surrounded by glucagon-producing α cells, a structure similar to murine adult islets. Moreover, the transplantation of these cells improved blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic mice. These results indicate that functional islets are formed in vitro from fetal pancreatic cells at a specific developmental stage. By adopting these culture conditions to the differentiation of mouse iPS cells, we developed a two-step system to generate islets, i.e. immature pancreatic cells were first produced from iPS cells, and then transferred to culture conditions that allowed the formation of islets from fetal pancreatic cells. The islets exhibited distinct 3D structural features similar to adult pancreatic islets and secreted insulin in response to glucose concentrations. Transplantation of the islets improved blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic mice. In conclusion, the two-step culture system allows the generation of functional islets with a 3D structure from iPS cells

    Use of Biliary Organoids in Cholestasis Research.

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    Cholangiocytes play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of cholestasis. However, research on human cholangiocytes has been restricted by challenges in long-term propagation and large-scale expansion of primary biliary epithelium. The advent of organoid technology has overcome this limitation allowing long-term culture of a variety of epithelia from multiple organs. Here, we describe two methods for growing human cholangiocytes in organoid format. The first applies to the generation of intrahepatic bile ducts using human induced pluripotent stem cells using a protocol of differentiation that recapitulates physiological bile duct development. The second method allows the propagation of primary biliary epithelium from the extrahepatic ducts or gallbladder. Both protocols result in large numbers of cholangiocyte organoids expressing biliary markers and maintaining key cholangiocyte functions

    High efficient differentiation of functional hepatocytes from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Hepatocyte transplantation is considered to be a promising therapy for patients with liver diseases. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) provide an unlimited source for the generation of functional hepatocytes. In this study, we generated iPSCs from porcine ear fibroblasts (PEFs) by overexpressing Sox2, Klf4, Oct4, and c-Myc (SKOM), and developed a novel strategy for the efficient differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells from porcine iPSCs by following the processes of early liver development. The differentiated cells displayed the phenotypes of hepatocytes, exhibited classic hepatocyte-associated bio-functions, such as LDL uptake, glycogen storage and urea secretion, as well as possessed the metabolic activities of cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 3A and 2C. Furthermore, we compared the hepatocyte differentiation efficacy of our protocol with another published method, and the results demonstrated that our differentiation strategy could significantly improve the generation of morphological and functional hepatocyte-like cells from porcine iPSCs. In conclusion, this study establishes an efficient method for in vitro generation of functional hepatocytes from porcine iPSCs, which could represent a promising cell source for preclinical testing of cell-based therapeutics for liver failure and for pharmacological applications. © 2014 Ao et al