6,709 research outputs found

    The spin gap of CaV4O9 revisited

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    The large-plaquette scenario of the spin gap in CaV4O9 is investigated on the basis of extensive exact diagonalizations. We confirm the existence of a large-plaquette phase in a wide range of parameters, and we show that the most recent neutron scattering data actually require an intra-plaquette second neighbor exchange integral much larger than the inter-plaquette one, thus justifying the perturbative calculation used in the interpretation of the neutron scattering experiments.Comment: 2 pages with 3 figure

    Runaway Merging of Black Holes: Analytical Constraint on the Timescale

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    Following the discovery of a black hole (BH) with a mass of 10^3-10^6 M(sun) in a starburst galaxy M82, we study formation of such a BH via successive merging of stellar-mass BHs within a star cluster. The merging has a runaway characteristic. This is because massive BHs sink into the cluster core and have a high number density, and because the merging probability is higher for more massive BHs. We use the Smoluchowski equation to study analytically the evolution of the BH mass distribution. Under favorable conditions, which are expected for some star clusters in starburst galaxies, the timescale of the runaway merging is at most of order 10^7 yr. This is short enough to account for the presence of a BH heavier than 10^3 M(sun) in an ongoing starburst region.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    Giant Microwave Absorption in Metallic Grains: Relaxation Mechanism

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    We show that the low frequency microwave absorption of an ensemble of small metallic grains at low temperatures is dominated by a mesoscopic relaxation mechanism. Giant positive magnetoresistance and very strong temperature dependence of the microwave conductivity is predicted.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX3+mutlticol+epsf, one EPS figur

    An Observational Pursuit for Population III Stars in a Ly_alpha Emitter at z=6.33 through HeII Emission

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    We present a very deep near-infrared spectroscopic observation of a strong Ly_alpha emitter at z=6.33, SDF J132440.6+273607, which we used to search for HeII 1640. This emission line is expected if the target hosts a significant number of population III stars. Even after 42 ksec of integration with the Subaru/OHS spectrograph, no emission-line features are detected in the JH band, which confirms that SDF J132440.6+273607 is neither an active galactic nucleus nor a low-zz emission-line object. We obtained a 2sigma upper-limit of 9.06e-18 ergs/s/cm^2 on the HeII 1640 emission line flux, which corresponds to a luminosity of 4.11e42 ergs/s. This upper-limit on the HeII 1640 luminosity implies that the upper limit on population III star-formation rate is in the range 4.9--41.2 M_sun/yr if population III stars suffer no mass loss, and in the range 1.8--13.2 M_sun/yr if strong mass loss is present. The non-detection of HeII in SDF J132440.6+273607 at z=6.33 may thus disfavor weak feedback models for population III stars.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    An Origin of the Huge Far-Infrared Luminosity of Starburst Mergers

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    Recently Taniguchi and Ohyama found that the higher 12^{12}CO to 13^{13}CO integrated intensity ratios at a transition JJ=1--0, R=I(12R = I(^{12}CO)/I(13/I(^{13}CO) 20\gtrsim 20, in a sample of starburst merging galaxies such as Arp 220 are mainly attributed to the depression of 13^{13}CO emission with respect to 12^{12}CO. Investigating the same sample of galaxies analyzed by Taniguchi & Ohyama, we find that there is a tight, almost linear correlation between the dust mass and 13^{13}CO luminosity. This implies that dust grains are also depressed in the high-RR starburst mergers, leading to the higher dust temperature (TdT_{\rm d}) in them because of the relative increase in the radiation density. Nevertheless, the average dust mass (MdM_{\rm d}) of the high-RR starburst mergers is higher significantly than that of non-high RR galaxies. This is naturally understood because the galaxy mergers could accumulate a lot of dust grains from their progenitor galaxies together with supply of dust grains formed newly in the star forming regions. Since LL(FIR) MdTd5\propto M_{\rm d} T_{\rm d}^5 given the dust emissivity law, Sνλ1S_\nu \propto \lambda^{-1}, the increases in both MdM_{\rm d} and TdT_{\rm d} explain well why the starburst mergers are so bright in the FIR. We discuss that the superwind activity plays an important role in destroying dust grains as well as dense gas clouds in the central region of mergers.Comment: 10 pages (aaspp4.sty), 3 postscript figures (embedded). Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Optimal Detection for Diffusion-Based Molecular Timing Channels

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    This work studies optimal detection for communication over diffusion-based molecular timing (DBMT) channels. The transmitter simultaneously releases multiple information particles, where the information is encoded in the time of release. The receiver decodes the transmitted information based on the random time of arrival of the information particles, which is modeled as an additive noise channel. For a DBMT channel without flow, this noise follows the L\'evy distribution. Under this channel model, the maximum-likelihood (ML) detector is derived and shown to have high computational complexity. It is also shown that under ML detection, releasing multiple particles improves performance, while for any additive channel with α\alpha-stable noise where α<1\alpha<1 (such as the DBMT channel), under linear processing at the receiver, releasing multiple particles degrades performance relative to releasing a single particle. Hence, a new low-complexity detector, which is based on the first arrival (FA) among all the transmitted particles, is proposed. It is shown that for a small number of released particles, the performance of the FA detector is very close to that of the ML detector. On the other hand, error exponent analysis shows that the performance of the two detectors differ when the number of released particles is large.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted for publicatio