18 research outputs found

    Intravenous lidocaine for postmastectomy pain treatment: randomized, blind, placebo controlled clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Postoperative pain treatment in mastectomy remains a major challenge despite the multimodal approach. The aim of this study was to investigate the analgesic effect of intravenous lidocaine in patients undergoing mastectomy, as well as the postoperative consumption of opioids. METHODS: After approval by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira in Recife, Pernambuco, a randomized, blind, controlled trial was conducted with intravenous lidocaine at a dose of 3 mg/kg infused over 1 h in 45 women undergoing mastectomy under general anesthesia. One patient from placebo group was. RESULTS: Groups were similar in age, body mass index, type of surgery, and postoperative need for opioids. Two of 22 patients in lidocaine group and three of 22 patients in placebo group requested opioid (p = 0.50). Pain on awakening was identified in 4/22 of lidocaine group and 5/22 of placebo group (p = 0.50); in the post-anesthetic recovery room in 14/22 and 12/22 (p = 0.37) of lidocaine and placebo groups, respectively. Pain evaluation 24 h after surgery showed that 2/22 and 3/22 patients (p = 0.50) of lidocaine and placebo groups, respectively, complained of pain. CONCLUSION: Intravenous lidocaine at a dose of 3 mg/kg administered over a period of an hour during mastectomy did not promote additional analgesia compared to placebo in the first 24 h, and has not decreased opioid consumption. However, a beneficial effect of intravenous lidocaine in selected and/or other therapeutic regimens patients cannot be ruled out

    Difficult laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation: observational study

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    Introduction: Since anesthesia complications associated with unexpected difficult airway are potentially catastrophic, they should be avoided. The modified Mallampati test and jaw-thrust maneuver enable the identification of difficult airway. The aim of this study was to associate the modified Mallampati test and the jaw-thrust maneuver with laryngoscopy (Cormack–Lehane) in an attempt to identify a better predictor of difficult airway in an adult population undergoing elective surgery. Method: A cross-sectional study in which 133 adult patients undergoing elective surgery requiring tracheal intubation were analyzed. The accuracy and specificity of the modified Mallampati test and jaw-thrust maneuver were assessed by correlating them with difficult laryngoscopy (Cormack–Lehane Degrees 3 and 4). Results: In the 133 patients evaluated the difficult intubation rate found was 0.8%; there was association between the two predictive tests proposed (p = 0.012). The values of 94.5% for specificity and 95.4% for accuracy were found for the jaw-thrust maneuver and for the modified Mallampati test, the values found were 81.1% and 81.2%, respectively. Kappa agreement identified a result of 0.240 between jaw-thrust maneuver and Cormack–Lehane, which was considered reasonable. On the other hand, a poor agreement (κ = 0.06) was seen between modified Mallampati test and Cormack–Lehane test. Conclusion: The jaw-thrust maneuver presented superior accuracy and agreement than the modified Mallampati test, showing the ability to identify a difficult airway. It is necessary to emphasize the association of tests in the evaluation of patients, emphasizing their complementarity to minimize the negative consequences of repeated laryngoscopies. Resumo: Introdução: As complicações anestésicas associadas às vias aéreas difíceis inesperadas por serem potencialmente catastróficas devem ser evitadas. O teste de Mallampati modificado e a manobra de protrusão mandibular possibilitam a identificação da via aérea difícil. O objetivo deste estudo foi associar o teste de Mallampati modificado e a manobra de protrusão mandibular com a laringoscopia (Cormack-Lehane) e tentar identificar um melhor preditor de via aérea difícil na população adulta submetida à cirurgia eletiva. Método: Estudo corte transversal, foram analisados 133 pacientes adultos submetidos a cirurgias eletivas que necessitavam de intubação orotraqueal. Avaliaram-se a acurácia e especificidade do teste de Mallampati modificado e da manobra de protrusão mandibular, correlacionados com laringoscopia difícil (Cormack-Lehane Graus 3 e 4). Resultados: Entre os 133 pacientes avaliados, a taxa de intubação difícil encontrada foi 0,8%, houve associação entre os dois testes preditores propostos (p = 0,012). Foram encontrados os seguintes valores para a especificidade 94,5% e a acurácia 95,4% na manobra de protrusão mandibular. Já para o teste de Mallampati modificado valores de 81,1% e de 81,2% respectivamente. A análise de concordância Kappa identificou entre manobra de protrusão mandibular e Cormarck-Lehane um resultado de 0,240; considerado razoável. Por outro lado, observou-se uma fraca (κ = 0,06) concordância entre o teste de Mallampati modificado e o Cormarck-Lehane. Conclusão: A manobra de protrusão mandibular apresentou acurácia e concordância superiores ao teste de Mallampati modificado, mostrou a capacidade de identificar uma via aérea difícil. Faz-se necessário enfatizar a associação dos testes na avaliação do paciente, destacar a complementariedade deles, minimizar as consequências negativas de laringoscopias repetidas. Keywords: Difficult airway, Airway, Intubation, Laryngoscopy, Mallampati test, Jaw-thrust maneuver, Palavras-chave: Via aérea difícil, Via aérea, Intubação, Laringoscopia, Teste Mallampati, Manobra de protrusão da mandíbul

    Anesthesia and perioperative challenges for surgical separation of thoraco-omphalopagus twins: case report

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    Background and objectives: Conjoined twins are monozygotic twins physically joined at some part of the body. This is a rare phenomenon, estimated between 1:50,000 and 1:200,000 births. The objective of this report is to present the anesthetic management and the perioperative challenges for a separation surgery. Case report: Thoraco-omphalopagus twins were diagnosed by ultrasound and were followed by the fetal medicine team of the service. After 11 h of cesarean surgery, the pediatric surgical team chose to separate the twins. They were monitored with cardioscopy, oximetry, capnography, nasopharyngeal thermometer, urinary output, and non-invasive blood pressure. We chose inhaled induction with oxygen and 4% Sevoflurane. T1 patient was intubated with a 3.5 uncuffed endotracheal tube, and, after three unsuccessful intubation attempts of patient T2, a number 1 laryngeal mask was used. After securing the twins’ airway, the induction was supplemented with fentanyl, propofol, and rocuronium. Mechanical ventilation in controlled pressure mode (6 mL.kg−1) and lumbar epidural (L1–L2) with 0.2% ropivacaine (2.5 mg.kg−1) were used. The pediatric surgical team initiated the separation of the twins via sternotomy, ligation of hepatic vessels. After 2 hours of procedure, the separation was completed, continuing the surgical treatment of T1 and the support of T2 until his death. Conclusions: Conjoined twin separation surgery is a challenge, which requires planning and coordination of a multidisciplinary team during all stages. Resumo: Justificativa e objetivos: Gêmeos conjugados são gêmeos monozigóticos conectados por alguma parte do corpo. Esse é um fenômeno raro, estimado entre 1:50.000 a 1:200.000 nascimentos. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar o manejo anestésico e os desafios perioperatórios para cirurgia de separação. Relato de caso: Gêmeos toraco-onfalópagos foram diagnosticados por ultrassonografia e acompanhados pela equipe de medicina fetal do serviço. Após 11 horas da cesárea, a equipe cirúrgica pediátrica optou pela separação dos gêmeos. Foram monitorados com cardioscopia, oximetria, capnografia, termômetro nasofaríngeo, débito urinário e pressão arterial não invasiva. Optou-se por indução inalatória com oxigênio e sevoflurano a 4%. O G1 foi intubado com tubo orotraqueal 3,5 sem cuff e após três tentativas de intubação do G2 sem sucesso usou-se máscara laríngea número 1. Após obtenção da via aérea nos gêmeos, complementou-se indução com fentanil, propofol e rocurônio. Ventilação mecânica no modo pressão controlada 6 ml.kg−1 e peridural lombar L1-L2 com ropivacaína 0,2% (2,5 mg.kg−1). A equipe cirúrgica pediátrica iniciou a separação dos gêmeos através de esternotomia, ligadura de vasos hepáticos. Após duas horas de procedimento, a separação foi concluída, prosseguiram-se o tratamento cirúrgico de G1 e os cuidados de G2 até o óbito. Conclusões: A cirurgia de separação de gêmeos conjugados é um desafio, requer planejamento e coordenação de uma equipe multidisciplinar durante todos os estágios. Keywords: Conjoined twins, Pediatric anesthesia, Multidisciplinary care, Palavras-chave: Gêmeos conjugados, Anestesia pediátrica, Cuidados multidisciplinare

    Difficult laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation: observational study

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    Abstract Introduction: Since anesthesia complications associated with unexpected difficult airway are potentially catastrophic, they should be avoided. The modified Mallampati test and jaw-thrust maneuver enable the identification of difficult airway. The aim of this study was to associate the modified Mallampati test and the jaw-thrust maneuver with laryngoscopy (Cormack–Lehane) in an attempt to identify a better predictor of difficult airway in an adult population undergoing elective surgery. Method: A cross-sectional study in which 133 adult patients undergoing elective surgery requiring tracheal intubation were analyzed. The accuracy and specificity of the modified Mallampati test and jaw-thrust maneuver were assessed by correlating them with difficult laryngoscopy (Cormack–Lehane Degrees 3 and 4). Results: In the 133 patients evaluated the difficult intubation rate found was 0.8%; there was association between the two predictive tests proposed (p = 0.012). The values of 94.5% for specificity and 95.4% for accuracy were found for the jaw-thrust maneuver and for the modified Mallampati test, the values found were 81.1% and 81.2%, respectively. Kappa agreement identified a result of 0.240 between jaw-thrust maneuver and Cormack–Lehane, which was considered reasonable. On the other hand, a poor agreement (κ = 0.06) was seen between modified Mallampati test and Cormack–Lehane test. Conclusion: The jaw-thrust maneuver presented superior accuracy and agreement than the modified Mallampati test, showing the ability to identify a difficult airway. It is necessary to emphasize the association of tests in the evaluation of patients, emphasizing their complementarity to minimize the negative consequences of repeated laryngoscopies

    Perioperative factors associated with delayed graft function in renal transplant patients

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Successful renal transplant and consequent good graft function depend on a good surgical technique, an anesthetic that ensures the hemodynamic stability of the receiver, and appropriate conditions of graft and recipient. Several factors can interfere with the perfusion of the graft and compromise its viability. The objective of this study was to evaluate perioperative factors associated with delayed graft function (DGF) in renal transplantation patients. Methods: This is a historical cohort study of patients who underwent renal transplantation between 2011 and 2013. Three hundred and ten transplants were analyzed. DGF was defined as the need for dialysis during the first week post-transplant. Logistic regression with a stepwise technique was used to build statistical models. Results: Multivariate analysis revealed the following risk factor for DGF: combined anesthesia technique (OR = 3.81, 95%CI, 1.71 to 9.19), a fluid regimen 12 hour (OR = 5.26, 95%CI, 2.62 to 11.31), living donor (OR = 0.19, 95%CI, 0.02 to 0.65), and early diuresis (OR = 0.02, 95%CI, 0.008 to 0.059). The accuracy of this model was 92.6%, calculated using the area under the ROC curve. The incidence of DGF in the study population was 76.1%. Conclusions: Combined anesthesia technique, dialysis for more than 60 months, basiliximab, and cold ischemia time > 12 hours are risk factor for DGF, while liberal fluid regimens and kidneys from living donors are protective factors