17 research outputs found

    “PErCEIVE in Umbria”: Evaluation of anti-influenza vaccination's perception among Umbrian Pharmacists

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    Vaccines recommendations are available for both healthcare professionals and the general public, but although the vaccination is the most effective method to prevent infectious diseases, the coverage is still behind the recommended rate.  In Italy, according to a recent study, the anti-flu vaccination rate among healthcare worker range between 9% to 30%. The aim of our study was to identify knowledge, attitude and behaviours regarding influenza vaccination among community pharmacists in order to increase the coverage rate among healthcare professional. “PErCEIVE (Pharmacist pERCEption on Influenza VaccinE) in Umbria” was a cross sectional survey among community pharmacists in Umbria conducted between 16th November 2015 to 29th February 2016. The questionnaire was anonymous, on-line self-administered survey.Statistical analysis were performed using STATA/SE 12 software. The response rate was 28.91% (n= 72/249). Among the studied population 76.39% (n=55) had never performed influenza vaccine during the previous 5 years. Regarding source of information, only 15.28% of the subjects (n=11) consulted the scientific publications, vs 52.78% (n=38) who did not show any kind of interest upon the influenza vaccine. Our results show a low attitude to be vaccinated among pharmacists together with a low grade of awareness regarding the important role that pharmacists might play in order to reduce influenza burden, to promote health literacy among their patients and to decrease the risk of patients infection. Pharmacists might be crucial healthcare workers involved in health promotion, in vaccines’ uptake and practices progression.


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    VALUTAZIONE DEL DANNO PRIMARIO ED OSSIDATIVO AL DNA IN LINFOCITI SALIVARI PER IL MONITORAGGIO DEGLI EFFETTI BIOLOGICI PRECOCI CAUSATI DALL’INQUINAMENTO ATMOSFERICO NEI BAMBINI: STUDIO MAPEC Samuele Vannini (1) - Sara Levorato (1) - Elisabetta Ceretti (2) - Milena Villarini (1) - Silvia Bonetta (3) - Cristina Fatigoni(1) - Annalaura Carducci (4) - Tania Salvatori (1) - Maria Rosaria Tumolo (5) - Alessio Perotti (6) - Silvia Bonizzoni (7) - Alberto Bonetti (8) - Massimo Moretti (1) - Umberto Gelatti (2) Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italia (1) - Dipartimento di Specialità Medico-Chirurgiche, Scienze Radiologiche e Sanità Pubblica, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Brescia, Italia (2) - Dipartimento di Scienze della Sanità Pubblica e Pediatriche, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italia (3) - Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italia (4) - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italia (5) - Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Università del Studi di Parma, Parma, Italia (6) - Ufficio Minori, Comune di Brescia, Brescia, Italia (7) - Centro Servizi Multisettoriale e Tecnologico, Csmt Gestione S.c.a.r.l., Brescia, Italia (8) Il particolato è l’inquinante atmosferico che provoca i maggiori danni alla salute umana in Europa (Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente; www.eea.europa.eu). Tra le prime 30 città più inquinate del continente, oltre la metà sono italiane, in particolare quelle situate nella pianura Padana, con concentrazioni di PM10, PM2,5 e NOx ben al di sopra dei valori di riferimento europei. Studi epidemiologici hanno rilevato un’associazione positiva tra esposizione ad inquinamento atmosferico, soprattutto al PM, ed incidenza e mortalità per diverse malattie cronico-degenerative, come cancro al polmone, malattie cardiovascolari e diabete. I bambini, in particolar modo, risultano esposti ad un elevato rischio per quanto riguarda gli effetti a breve e lungo termine dell’inquinamento atmosferico. Dati recenti suggeriscono che alcune alterazioni genetiche che si verificano nella prima infanzia posso incrementare il rischio di malattie cronico-degenerative in età adulta. L’obiettivo dello studio MAPEC (Monitoring Air Pollution Effects on Children for supporting Public Health policy) è quello di valutare l’associazione tra inquinamento atmosferico e biomarcatori di effetti genotossici precoci nei bambini, e di proporre un modello per la stima del rischio globale causato dagli inquinanti atmosferici. Lo studio ha previsto il reclutamento di circa 1.000 bambini, di età compresa tra 6-8 anni, in cinque città italiane (200 bambini per città) caratterizzate da diverse concentrazioni di inquinanti atmosferici: Brescia, Torino, Pisa, Perugia e Lecce. Campioni di saliva sono stati raccolti in due differenti stagioni, inverno e primavera, caratterizzate da differenze qualitative e quantitative degli inquinanti atmosferici (1.000 × 2 = 2.000 campioni). Nei linfociti salivari è stato valutato il danno primario e ossidativo al DNA mediante il test della microgel elettroforesi su singole cellule (comet assay). Alla conferenza verranno presentati i risultati preliminari relativi al campionamento invernale

    Lifestyles and socio-cultural factors among children aged 6-8 years from five Italian towns: The MAPEC-LIFE study cohort

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    Background: Lifestyles profoundly determine the quality of an individual’s health and life since his childhood. Many diseases in adulthood are avoidable if health-risk behaviors are identified and improved at an early stage of life. The aim of the present research was to characterize a cohort of children aged 6–8 years selected in order to perform an epidemiological molecular study (the MAPEC_LIFE study), investigate lifestyles of the children that could have effect on their health status, and assess possible association between lifestyles and socio-cultural factors. Methods: A questionnaire composed of 148 questions was administered in two different seasons to parents of children attending 18 primary schools in five Italian cities (Torino, Brescia, Pisa, Perugia and Lecce) to obtain information regarding the criteria for exclusion from the study, demographic, anthropometric and health information on the children, as well as some aspects on their lifestyles and parental characteristics. The results were analyzed in order to assess the frequency of specific conditions among the different seasons and cities and the association between lifestyles and socio-economic factors. Results: The final cohort was composed of 1,164 children (50.9 boys, 95.4% born in Italy). Frequency of some factors appeared different in terms of the survey season (physical activity in the open air, the ways of cooking certain foods) and among the various cities (parents’ level of education and rate of employment, sport, traffic near the home, type of heating, exposure to passive smoking, ways of cooking certain foods). Exposure to passive smoking and cooking fumes, obesity, residence in areas with heavy traffic, frequency of outdoor play and consumption of barbecued and fried foods were higher among children living in families with low educational and/or occupational level while children doing sports and consuming toasted bread were more frequent in families with high socio-economic level. Conclusions: The socio-economic level seems to affect the lifestyles of children enrolled in the study including those that could cause health effects. Many factors are linked to the geographical area and may depend on environmental, cultural and social aspects of the city of residence

    Rectal Cancer: 20% Risk Reduction Thanks to Dietary Fibre Intake. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the association between dietary fibre intake and rectal cancer (RC) risk. In January 2019, a structured computer search on PubMed/Medline, Excerpta Medica dataBASE (EMBASE) and Scopus was performed for studies reporting the results of primary research evaluating dietary fibre intake in women and men as well as the risk of developing RC. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) recommendations were followed. Highest vs. lowest fibre concentrations was compared. The Egger test was used to estimate publication bias. Heterogeneity between studies was evaluated with I2 statistics. The search strategy identified 912 papers, 22 of which were included in our meta-analysis. Having evaluated a total of 2,876,136 subjects, the results suggest a protective effect of dietary fibre intake on RC prevention. The effect Size (ES) was [0.77 (95% CI = 0.66–0.89), p-value = 0.001)]. Moderate statistical heterogeneity (Chi2 = 51.36, df = 21, I2 = 59.11%, p-value = 0.000) was found. However, no publication bias was found, as confirmed by Egger’s linear regression test (Intercept −0.21, t = −0.24, p = 0.816). The findings suggest that dietary fibre intake could be protective against RC, with a clinically relevant reduction of RC risk. Identifying preventive measures to avoid the development of RC, especially by following a healthy lifestyle including healthy diet, is pivotal

    Is dietary fibre truly protective against colon cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    <p>Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide. Growing evidence shows that about 47% of cases of colorectal cancer can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the association between dietary fibre intake and the risk of colon cancer. We performed a structured computer search on PubMed, including epidemiological studies reporting results of dietary fibre intake and risk of colon cancer in women or men. We compared subjects exposed to the highest versus the lowest consumption. The search strategy identified 376 papers. After screening, 25 datasets were included in our meta-analysis. Results suggest a protective role of dietary fibre intake on colon cancer risk ES = 0.74 (95% CI = 0.67–0.82), <i>p</i> value = .000, but, moderate statistical heterogeneity (<i>χ</i><sup>2</sup> = 42.73, <i>p</i> value = .011) was found. Due to the high mortality of colorectal cancer, it is important to identify effective preventive measures, especially those of a healthy lifestyle, such as a healthy diet.</p