7 research outputs found

    Invariant NKT Cell Response to Dengue Virus Infection in Human

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    BACKGROUND:Dengue viral infection is a global health threat without vaccine or specific treatment. The clinical outcome varies from asymptomatic, mild dengue fever (DF) to severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). While adaptive immune responses were found to be detrimental in the dengue pathogenesis, the roles of earlier innate events remain largely uninvestigated. Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells represent innate-like T cells that could dictate subsequent adaptive response but their role in human dengue virus infection is not known. We hypothesized that iNKT cells play a role in human dengue infection. METHODS:Blood samples from a well-characterized cohort of children with DF, DHF, in comparison to non-dengue febrile illness (OFI) and healthy controls at various time points were studied. iNKT cells activation were analyzed by the expression of CD69 by flow cytometry. Their cytokine production was then analyzed after α-GalCer stimulation. Further, the CD1d expression on monocytes, and CD69 expression on conventional T cells were measured. RESULTS:iNKT cells were activated during acute dengue infection. The level of iNKT cell activation associates with the disease severity. Furthermore, these iNKT cells had altered functional response to subsequent ex vivo stimulation with α-GalCer. Moreover, during acute dengue infection, monocytic CD1d expression was also upregulated and conventional T cells also became activated. CONCLUSION:iNKT cells might play an early and critical role in the pathogenesis of severe dengue viral infection in human. Targeting iNKT cells and CD1d serve as a potential therapeutic strategy for severe dengue infection in the future

    Complement alternative pathway genetic variation and Dengue infection in the Thai population

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    Dengue disease is a mosquito-borne infection caused by Dengue virus. Infection may be asymptomatic or variably manifest as mild Dengue fever (DF) to the most severe form, Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF). Mechanisms that influence disease severity are not understood. Complement, an integral component of the immune system, is activated during Dengue infection and the degree of activation increases with disease severity. Activation of the complement alternative pathway is influenced by polymorphisms within activation (factor B rs12614/rs641153, C3 rs2230199) and regulatory [complement factor H (CFH) rs800292] proteins, collectively termed a complotype. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the complotype influences disease severity during secondary Dengue infection. In addition to the complotype, we also assessed two other disease-associated CFH polymorphisms (rs1061170, rs3753394) and a structural polymorphism within the CFH protein family. We did not detect any significant association between the examined polymorphisms and Dengue infection severity in the Thai population. However, the minor allele frequencies of the factor B and C3 polymorphisms were less than 10%, so our study was not sufficiently powered to detect an association at these loci. We were also unable to detect a direct interaction between CFH and Dengue NS1 using both recombinant NS1 and DV2-infected culture supernatants. We conclude that the complotype does not influence secondary Dengue infection severity in the Thai population

    T cell responses in dengue hemorrhagic fever: are cross-reactive T cells suboptimal?

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    Dengue virus infection poses a growing public health and economic burden in a number of tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue circulates as a number of quasispecies, which can be divided by serology into four groups or serotypes. An interesting feature of Dengue, recognized over five decades ago, is that most severe cases that show hemorrhagic fever are not suffering from a primary infection. Instead, they are reinfected with a virus of different serotype. This observation poses considerable problems in vaccine design, and it is therefore imperative to gain a full understanding of the mechanisms underlying this immunological enhancement of disease. In this study, we examined a T cell epitope restricted by HLA-A*24, a major MHC class I allele, in Southeast Asia in a cohort of children admitted to a hospital with acute Dengue infection. The cytokine profiles and the degranulation capacity of T cells generated to this epitope are defined and compared across different viral serotypes. Cross-reactive Dengue-specific T cells seem to show suboptimal degranulation but high cytokine production, which may contribute to the development of the vascular leak characteristic of Dengue hemorrhagic fever

    Adaptação e avaliação de uma intervenção cognitivo-comportamental para meninos vítimas de violência sexual

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    Objetivou-se adaptar e avaliar um modelo de intervenção cognitivo-comportamental para meninos vítimas de Violência Sexual (VS), derivado de um modelo avaliado com meninas. A dissertação é composta por um artigo teórico sobre VS contra meninos, um capítulo que descreve o processo de adaptação do modelo, um relato de experiência sobre a produção e utilização de um documentário sobre VS contra meninos utilizado na aplicação do modelo adaptado e um artigo com os resultados dessa aplicação. Três meninos vítimas de VS com idades entre oito e 16 anos foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção por meio de instrumentos psicológicos quanto a sintomas comumente presentes em vítimas de VS. A aplicação do modelo adaptado foi avaliada por três juízes independentes por meio de seis indicadores. As avaliações sintomatológicas dos participantes e a da aplicação do modelo adaptado se constituem como evidências iniciais sobre sua ação terapêutica.This work aimed to adapt and assess a cognitive-behavioral intervention model for boys who are victims of sexual violence that was derived from a model that evaluated girls. The master thesis consists of a theoretical article about sexual violence against boys; a chapter describing the process of adapting the model; a report on the experience of producing and using the documentary about sexual violence against boys while applying the adapted model; and an article with the results from this application. Three boys between the ages of eight and 16 who had been victims of sexual violence were evaluated, through psychological instruments before and after the intervention, in terms of symptoms common to sexual violence victims. Three independent judges evaluated the application of the adapted model through six indicators. The evaluations of the participants’ symptoms as well as of the adapted model’s application provide initial proof of therapeutic effectiveness

    A variant in the CD209 promoter is associated with severity of dengue disease

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    Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are mosquitoborne viral diseases. Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN1, encoded by CD209), an attachment receptor of dengue virus, is essential for productive infection of dendritic cells. Here, we report strong association between a promoter variant of CD209, DCSIGN1-336, and risk of dengue fever compared with dengue hemorrhagic fever or population controls. The G allele of the variant DCSIGN1-336 was associated with strong protection against dengue fever in three independent cohorts from Thailand, with a carrier frequency of 4.7% in individuals with dengue fever compared with 22.4% in individuals with dengue hemorrhagic fever (odds ratio for risk of dengue hemorrhagic fever versus dengue fever: 5.84, P = 1.4 × 10-7) and 19.5% in controls (odds ratio for protection: 4.90, P = 2 × 10-6). This variant affects an Sp1-like binding site and transcriptional activity in vitro. These results indicate that CD209 has a crucial role in dengue pathogenesis, which discriminates between severe dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. This may have consequences for therapeutic and preventive strategies