21 research outputs found

    The effects of different nitrogen doses on yield, quality and leaf nitrogen content of some early grape cultivars (V. vinifera L.) grown in greenhouse

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    Nitrogen deficiency is a worldwide problem, causing restrictions in productivity of many horticultural produces. Particularly, the issue is compounded when the greenhouse production is employed. Therefore, reliable knowledge on proper application of nitrogen ensures not only satisfactory yield but also balanced vegetative and reproductive growth in plants. This study was thus conducted to investigate the effects of different nitrogen doses (10, 20 and 30 kg N da-1) on some quality properties with petiole nitrogen content of grape cultivars ‘Early Cardinal’ (EC), ‘Yalova Incisi’ (YI) and ‘Ergin Cekirdeksizi’ (ER) grown in plastic greenhouse for two years. Overall results indicated that cluster weight, cluster length and yield values increased depending on the nitrogen doses. On the other hand, increasing nitrogen applications generally resulted in higher petiole nitrogen content. The highest petiole nitrogen values were obtained from the treatment of 30 kg N da-1 for two phenologycal periods (1.29 and 1.59% for full bloom and veraison, respectively). Considering the general investigations, 20 kg N da-1 application could be recommended in terms of nitrogen supply under such conditions.Key words: Grapevine, nitrogen fertilizing, yield, petiole analysis

    Effect of organic treatments on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in vineyard

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    The work aims to investigate the effects of different soil management strategies on carbon sequestration and total nitrogen in areas of vineyards suffering from loss of soil functionality. Treatments, selected for inter-row management, to re-install soil functionality were based on compost or other organic amendments (COMP), green manure (GM), and dry mulching (DM) strategies using winter legumes and cereals. Cover crops were seeded in fall and mown in late spring, leaved in the ground for mulching in DM or incorporated into the uppermost soil layers in GM. Such approaches were investigated in six vineyards in Italy, six in France, and two vineyards in Slovenia and Turkey. The results showed that COMP significantly increased total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (Ntot) in the topsoil after one year of application. Also DM tends to increase significantly TOC in the topsoil, but only after two years. Modelling 20-year carbon stock dynamics in Italy vineyards, the average increase resulted 0.49, 0.34, 0.21 and 0.03 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 for COMP, DM, GM and control, respectively

    Effects of reduced soil functionality in European vineyards

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    Improper or excessive land preparation methods in vineyards before planting can have a considerable impact on soil functionality. They include excessive levelling and deep ploughing leading to disturbances of the natural contour of slopes and destruction, truncation and burial of soil horizons. Manipulations may significantly modify chemical, physical, biological and hydrological balance of soils. Problems that may arise from these interventions relate to the reduction of organic substances, enrichment of calcium carbonate and soluble salts, impacting development and health of grapevines. Reduced water retention capacity can lead to increased water stress during dry season, decreased water permeability and circulation of oxygen in the soil, increased runoff volume, surface erosion and landslide risk, reduced biodiversity and limitation of biochemical processes (organic matter mineralization, bioavailability of nutrients, etc.). Soil degradations can lead to the loss of soil functionality even after the planting as a result of accelerated erosion, compaction by agricultural vehicles, excessive loss of organic matter and nutrients, and the accumulation of heavy metals such as copper. In both conventional and organic vineyards, it is quite common to have areas with reduced soil functionality that have negative impact on vine health and grape production and quality. In the framework of the Core organic RESOLVE project, a study was conducted in organic vineyards showing areas with reduced and good soil functionality. Degraded soils resulted in significantly lower amounts of grapes. The chlorophyll index (SPAD) of the grapevine during veraison was significantly lower in areas of degraded soils compared with the situation in areas of the same vineyard with non-degraded soils. In general, causes of soil malfunctioning were related to a lower fertility, including reduced organic carbon, total nitrogen and cation exchange capacity, higher concentrations of carbonates, and increased stoniness in the topsoil. Degraded soils showed lower structure quality and rooting depth limited by shallow saprolite or horizon features such as compaction, scarce fertility and high content of carbonates. The soils in the non-degraded areas showed significant higher content of total nitrogen and higher carbon/nitrogen ratios, thus a better stability of organic matter. On the other hand, biological diversity and activity, monitored by different proxies (microarthropods, nematodes, enzymes, organic matter turnover by Tea bag index) in some vineyards, all managed organically, did not show any clear and significant differences between degraded and not degraded areas. Similarly, no clear difference in overall microbial diversity indices (Shannon, Simpson) and diversity evenness (Pielou) were observed between non-degraded and degraded areas. All indices were relatively high and indicative for rich occurrence of abundant and rare microbial species, high diversity and low abundance of individual species and high species evenness

    The effect of deficit irrigation on yield, quality and canopy development of semillon and carignane grape varieties grown in pozantı conditions [Pozantı koşullarında yetiştirilen semillon ve carignane üzüm çeşitlerinde kısıntılı sulamanın verim, kalite ve taç gelişimi üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi]

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    In this study carried out in 2016 and 2017, Semillon and Carignane wine grape varieties grown in Pozantı district of Adana province were used as plant material. In the study, the effects of two different deficit irrigation practices (KS50 and KS75) with full watering (TS100) and rainfed viticulture which are traditional applications in the region were investigated. Irrigation was started when the midday leaf water potential (LWP) rose to 10 bars in the experiment area. The amount of irrigation water applied in different irrigation subjects was calculated weekly according to the cumulative evaporation values obtained from the Class A Evaporation Pool (Epan). For KS50, KS 75 and TS 100 applications, relatively 50, 75 and 100 % of Epan were taken into consideration and the rainfed subject was also examined for control. It was investigated effects of applications on grape yield, bunch and berry weight, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, pH and juice yield. In addition, leaf area index (LAI) measurements of plants with LWP values were performed at different water level conditions. As a result, it was seen that the KS50 application was the most important in terms of grape yield and cluster weight, but there were no significant differences between applications in other characteristics, but the values were found to be adequate levels. Weekly measured LWP values were found to be higher in non-irrigated vines than those of irrigated vines, especially when measurements were realized near the time of maturity. The effect of the watering on the canopy development, which is expressed as LAI here, is not clear. © 2018, Centenary University. All rights reserved

    The effects of bud load and applied water amounts on the biochemical composition of the 'Narince' grape variety (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    This study evaluated the effects of various bud load and water amounts (WA) on the berry composition of the 'Narince' white wine grape variety. Two water amounts (WA-I and WA-II) administered during growth stages or a non-irrigated (rainfed) control treatment were paired with two different bud loads (K (normal) and 2K (two-fold buds) to assess their effects on sugar, organic acid and phenolic compound contents, as well as antioxidant capacity of the berries for a white wine grape variety 'Narince'. Despite a slight decrease observed only in sugars in the second year, increases in all phenolic compounds examined (especially in catechin and epicatechin) were detected in the WA-I application. The total phenolic compound values obtained for 2K in the same application was also high. The antioxidant capacity values were not significantly affected by the irrigation or bud load applications. Therefore, a 2K bud load with WA-I treatments in which 50% and 75% of the cumulative evaporation from the Class A pan during berry set to veraison and veraison to ripening, respectively, are recommended for irrigation in high plateau viticulture. By maintaining or increasing the fruit composition of 'Narince' grapes, these treatments can optimize grape yield and the earnings of growers. In all applications, glucose (among the sugars), tartaric acid (among the organic acids), and catechin and epicatechin (among the phenolic compounds) were higher than their counterparts

    The effects of different nitrogen and potassium levels on yield and quality of two early grape cultivars grown in different soilless media

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    In this research, ‘Trakya ilkeren’ (Ti) and ‘Yalova incisi’ (Yi) cultivars in three growing media namely Pomza (basaltic tuff), cocopeat, perlite:peat (2:1) mixture were grown using Hoagland nutrient solution under plastic cover. Additionally, two nitrogen (N) levels (100 and 200 ppm) in Yi, and two potassium (K) levels (150 and 300 ppm) in Ti were tested. To obtain the effect of treatments, grape yield, cluster weight, length, width, berry weight, berry volume, total soluble solids (TSS), acidity, pH and mineral element levels of the leaves were examined. Considering grape yield and cluster weight, the best results were obtained from cocopeat and perlite:peat mixture for both cultivars. The concentrations of 100 ppm N in Yi and 150 ppm K in Ti gave higher values than the other treatments. For cocopeat × 150 K treatment, grape yield, cluster weight, TSS%, acidity% and pH was 32.4 t ha-1, 374.7 g, 14.37, 0.584 and 3.47, respectively. In the same order, values of perlite:peat mixture × 150 K took place as 30.5 t ha-1, 352.6 g, 13.70, 0.582 and 3.55. In terms of N treatments of Yi cultivar, values in the same order mentioned above were 40.7 t ha-1, 407.8 g, 12.63, 0.405 and 3.67 for cocopeat × 100 N; 44.5 t ha-1, 445.4 g, 15.17, 0.413 and 3.82 for perlite:peat × 100 N treatment. Berry weight and volume were not clearly affected by the N and K levels. Results showed that the soilless culture can provide high yield for table grapes without negative effects on cluster and berry quality. © 2019 International Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.Firat University Scientific Research Projects Management Unit: FBA-2014-2494This study was supported by Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Çukurova University (Project No: FBA-2014-2494)

    Searching of an in vitro method for evaluation of grapevine responses to iron (Fe) deficiency stress

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    Aim of the study was to describe an in vitro method for evaluation of iron chlorosis responses of grapevine (Vitis sp.) genotypes. Nodal green segments of three rootstocks, 'Fercal', '1103 P', '1613 C' and one table grape cultivar, 'Perlette' were cultured under in vitro conditions. Three iron concentrations (9, 18, 36 mg L-1 FeNaEDTA) alone and their combining effects with 840 mg L-1 NaHCO3 were compared in the MS medium supplemented with 4.4 µM BA. Grapevine genotypes were examined for leaf chlorosis rating scales, total chlorophyll content; shoot dry weights of the plantlets, and total and active Fe concentrations of leaves. Increased bicarbonate addition had negative effects on the iron uptake and development of plants. Chlorophyll content and dry weights of shoots did not distinguish the genotypes for their responses to iron deficiency. The total and active iron content of the tested genotypes ranked according to their previously common known degree of tolerance to lime-induced chlorosis. 'Fercal', 'Perlette' and '1103 P' showed tolerance, respectively and '1613 C' was susceptible. The most suitable parameters for determining the genotype responses to iron chlorosis were the chlorosis rating scales from 1 to 5 and total and active Fe concentrations of the leaves. Among the different growing media used the 9 mg L-1 FeNaEDTA with 840 mg L-1 NaHCO3 seems to be better for determination of genotypic differences. The results showed that the in vitro method described in this study could practically be used in viticulture to screen the genotypes for their Fe deficiency responses to calcareous soils in shorter times. © Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG

    Use of in vitro method to evaluate some grapevine varieties for tolerance and susceptibility to sodium bicarbonate-induced chlorosis

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    Nodal shoot segments of four grapevine genotypes well known for their Fe-chlorosis characteristic [Vitis vinifera x Vitis berlandieri Fercal, resistant; V. berlandieri x Vitis rupestris 1103 P, mid-resistant; Solonis (Vitis riparia x V. rupestris x Vitis candicans) x Othello (Vitis labrusca x V. riparia x V. vinifera) 1613 C, susceptible; V. vinifera L. cv. Perlette, resistant] were cultured in vitro. The effects of three levels of iron sodium ethylene-diaminotetraacetate (FeNaEDTA; 9, 18, 36 mg l-1) and three mixtures of iron and 840 mg l-1 NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) in the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented 4.9 µM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were compared. We assayed the chlorosis rating of leaves, total chlorophyll of leaves, dry shoot weights of the plantlets, and active and total Fe content of the leaves. The most suitable concentration in determining the reaction of genotypes to iron chlorosis was 9 mg l-1 FeNaEDTA. Bicarbonate addition had negative effects on the iron intake and development of plants. While all genotypes were affected by non-ferrous conditions, Fercal and Perlette were found to be the most resistant genotypes and 1613 C rootstock as the most susceptible. The chlorosis rating of the tested genotypes ranked according to their known degree of tolerance and susceptibility to lime-induced chlorosis. The results of this study showed that the in vitro technique could successfully be used in viticulture to get results in shorter times in the studies, aiming at breeding new rootstocks and varieties suitable to calcareous soil conditions and determining the reactions of existing genotypes to Fe chlorosis. © 2008 The Society for In Vitro Biology

    The effects of different irrigation levels on yield and quality of some early grape cultivars grown in greenhouse

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    Five years old grapevines of Early Cardinal, Trakya ilkeren, Ergin cekirdeksizi and Yalova Incisi grown in greenhouse were used. During three years, the effects of three different evaporation coefficient factors (kp1 = 1.0, kp2 = 1.3, kp3 = 1.6) on vines were investigated. Irrigation amounts calculated with respect to each evaporation factor were applied in 4-6 days intervals. In general, cluster weight and berry size were slightly increased with kp2 application while different irrigation levels had no significant effect on bud-break and berry ripening date both in cultivars and years. Considering earliness, grape yield, cluster and berry size, cultivars Early Cardinal and Yalova Incisi with irrigation level kp2 could be recommended for early grape production under greenhouse conditions. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information