34 research outputs found

    The effect of modifiable healthy practices on higher-level functional capacity decline among Japanese community dwellers

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    This study aimed to clarify the effects of the accumulation of 8 modifiable practices related to health, including smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, sleeping hours, body mass index, dietary diversity, ikigai (life worth living), and health checkup status, on higher-level functional capacity decline among Japanese community dwellers. Data were derived from the National Institute for Longevity Sciences - Longitudinal Study of Aging. Subjects comprised 1269 men and women aged 40 to 79 years at baseline (1997–2000) who participated in a follow-up postal survey (2013). Higher-level functional capacity was measured using the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence (total score and 3 subscales: instrumental self-maintenance, intellectual activity, and social role). The odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for a decline in higher-level functional capacity in the follow-up study according to the total number of healthy practices were analyzed using the lowest category as a reference. Multivariate adjusted ORs (95% CIs) for the total score of higher-level functional capacity, which declined according to the total number of healthy practices (0–4, 5–6, 7–8 groups) were 1.00 (reference), 0.63 (0.44–0.92), and 0.54 (0.31–0.94). For the score of social role decline, multivariate adjusted ORs (95% CIs) were 1.00 (reference), 0.62 (0.40–0.97), and 0.46 (0.23–0.90), respectively (P for trend = 0.04). Having more modifiable healthy practices, especially in social roles, may protect against a decline in higher-level functional capacity among middle-aged and elderly community dwellers in Japan

    No Appreciable Effect of Education on Aging-Associated Declines in Cognition: A 20-Year Follow-Up Study

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    Education has been claimed to reduce aging-associated declines in cognitive function. Given its societal relevance, considerable resources have been devoted to this research. However, because of the difficulty of detecting modest rates of change, findings have been mixed. These discrepancies may stem from methodological shortcomings such as short time spans, few waves, and small samples. The present study overcame these limitations (N = 1,892, nine waves over a period of 20 years). We tested the effect of education level on baseline performance (intercept) and the rate of change (slope) in crystallized and fluid cognitive abilities (gc and gf, respectively) in a sample of Japanese adults. Albeit positively related to both intercepts, education had no impact on either the gc or the gf slope. Furthermore, neither intercept exhibited any appreciable correlation with either slope. These results thus suggest that education has no substantial role (direct or mediated) in aging-related changes in cognition

    Smaller Hippocampal Volume and Degraded Peripheral Hearing Among Japanese Community Dwellers

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    A growing body of literature has demonstrated that dementia and hearing loss are interrelated. Recent interest in dementia research has expanded to brain imaging analyses with auditory function. The aim of this study was to investigate the link between hearing ability, which was assessed using pure-tone audiometry, and the volume of brain regions, specifically the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, Heschl’s gyrus, and total gray matter, using Freesurfer software and T1-weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging. The data for 2082 samples (age range = 40–89 years) were extracted from a population-based cohort of community dwellers. Hearing-impaired individuals showed significantly smaller hippocampal volumes compared with their non-hearing-impaired counterparts for all auditory frequency ranges. In addition, a correlational analysis showed a significant dose-response relationship for hearing ability and hippocampal volume after adjusting for potential confounding factors so that the more degraded the peripheral hearing was, the smaller the hippocampal volume was. This association was consistent through the auditory frequency range. The volume of the entorhinal cortex, right Heschl’s gyrus and total gray matter did not correlate with hearing level at any frequency. The volume of the left Heschl’s gyrus showed a significant relationship with the hearing levels for some auditory frequencies. The current results suggested that the presence of hearing loss after middle age could be a modifier of hippocampal atrophy


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    Basal ganglia lesions may be a risk factor for characteristic features of a glaucomatous optic disc: population-based cohort study in Japan

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    Background We conducted a study to investigate the relationship between optic nerve vertical cup-to-disc ratio (VCDR), body and ocular parameters, and brain lesions in middle-aged and above Japanese subjects, because although various risk factors for glaucoma have been previously characterised, it is theorised that there are unidentified neurological components.Methods In this population-based, age/gender-stratified, cross-sectional study that involved 2239 Japanese subjects (1127 men and 1112 women) aged 40 years and older (mean age: 59.3±11.7 years) living in the central geographical region of Japan who participated in the National Institute of Longevity Sciences–Longitudinal Study of Aging between 2002 and 2004, 4327 eyes and 2239 obtained MRIs of the head were evaluated. Multivariate mixed model and trend analyses were also performed.Results No significant relationship between VCDR and brain lesions, other than basal ganglia lesions, was found. VCDR significantly increased with the high grade of basal ganglia infarct lesions (p=0.0193) and high intraocular pressure (p<0.0001) after adjustment for influential factors using a multivariate mixed model. A significant positive linear trend was observed between the predicted VCDR and the degrees of the basal ganglia lesions (p value trend=0.0096).Conclusion Our findings suggest that in subjects with higher grades of basal ganglia lesions, strict attention should be paid to elevated VCDR; however, further studies are needed to support/confirm our results

    Positive Effects of Openness on Cognitive Aging in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A 13-Year Longitudinal Study

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    The relationship between openness (a psychological trait of curiosity) and a cognitive change was examined in middle-aged and older adults. Participants were 2214 men and women (baseline age range: 40 to 81 years). They were tested up to seven times over approximately 13 years. Openness at the baseline was assessed by the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Cognitive abilities were assessed at each examination using the Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised short form, which includes information, similarities, picture completion, and digit symbol subscales. General linear mixed models comprised fixed effects of openness, age at the baseline, follow-up time, their interactions, and the covariates. The results indicated that the main effects of openness were significant for all scores. Moreover, the interaction term openness × age × time was significant for the information and similarities test scores, indicating that changes in the information and similarities scores differed depending on the level of openness and baseline age. The estimated trajectory indicated that the differences in slopes between participants with high and low openness were significant after 60 years of age for the information, and after 65 years of age for the similarities scores. It is concluded that openness has a protective effect on the decline in general knowledge and logical abstract thinking in old age