13 research outputs found

    State, Problems and Guidelines for Solving Problems in Implementing Student Portfolio Assessment in Elementary Schools in Thailand

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    AbstractImplementation of student portfolio assessment has gained more interest from school teachers, especially after the enactment of the National Education Act of 1999 and the educational reform policy in Thailand. The purposes of this study were to examine the state and problems in implementing student portfolio assessment, as well as to propose guidelines for solving the problems. A sequential mixed method design was employed. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data from two hundred and forty-two elementary school teachers on the state and problems in implementing student portfolio assessment. A focus group interview was conducted to collect qualitative data from three experts on the guidelines for solving problems in implementing student portfolio assessment in elementary schools. Descriptive statistics, content analysis, and analytic induction were employed to analyze the data. Results indicated that, overall, teachers implemented five main steps of the student portfolio assessment in a medium level. The common problems in implementing student portfolio assessment were (a) a lack of knowledge and deep understanding of teachers in implementing student portfolio assessment, (b) a poor attention and cooperation of students in creating the portfolios, and (c) a lack of materials and budgets to support teachers in implementing student portfolio assessment. Various guidelines for solving the problems were also presented in this study

    Development of an English Speaking Skill Assessment Model for Grade 6 Students by Using Portfolio

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    AbstractIt has been found from language assessment that the results were lower in terms of reliability compared to other aspects. Therefore, the development of a reliable model on English speaking skill assessment is very important and it will hopefully bring about English language teaching improvement. The objectives of this research were to study the steps and the components of a portfolio on English speaking skill assessment as well as to develop the English speaking skill assessment criteria for grade 6 students. The research methods used include a review of documents and interviews of nine experts on English language teaching and language assessment. The data was analysed using content analysis method. The results found that the component of the portfolio on English speaking skill assessment for grade 6 students comprises three parts: 1) Introduction 2) Contents and 3) Assessment criteria. There are 7 steps in using a portfolio in assessment: 1) planning 2) preparation for students 3) evidence collecting 4) progress monitoring 5) improvement of performance 6) reflection and 7) displaying the works. The tasks involved in English speaking skill assessment include interviewing, oral presentation, storytelling, making picture description. Analytic rating scale was applied as scoring criteria on vocabulary, syntax, cohesion, pronunciation ideational function and fluency

    Across-sectional study on the prevalence of Thai adolescent depression

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    This large-scale study aimed to investigate the prevalence of depression in 4,089 Thai adolescents of both sexes. The participants were between 11 and 16 years old and sampled from all the various regions of Thailand to be representative of the entire country. The Thai translation of the Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents (PHQ-A) was employed to collect data. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests of independence were used for data analysis. The results revealed that the vast majority of the participants (72.2%) had either a mild (44.5%; PHQ-A = 5–9) or at least a moderate form of depression (27.7 %; PHQ-A ≥ 10). Further analysis found that females (χ2 = 41.9, p =.000), poor academic results (χ2 = 12.7, p = .013), low family income (χ2 = 18.0, p =.021), suicidal thoughts (χ2 = 811.0, p =.000) and suicide attempts (χ2 = 414.4, p =.000) were associated with depression, while age (χ2 = 8.9, p = .064) was not associated with depression. Compared to worldwide PHQ-A-based studies of adolescent depression, it would appear that the prevalence of depression in Thai adolescents is common and relatively high

    A global experience-sampling method study of well-being during times of crisis : The CoCo project

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    We present a global experience-sampling method (ESM) study aimed at describing, predicting, and understanding individual differences in well-being during times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This international ESM study is a collaborative effort of over 60 interdisciplinary researchers from around the world in the “Coping with Corona” (CoCo) project. The study comprises trait-, state-, and daily-level data of 7490 participants from over 20 countries (total ESM measurements = 207,263; total daily measurements = 73,295) collected between October 2021 and August 2022. We provide a brief overview of the theoretical background and aims of the study, present the applied methods (including a description of the study design, data collection procedures, data cleaning, and final sample), and discuss exemplary research questions to which these data can be applied. We end by inviting collaborations on the CoCo dataset

    Mokytojų nuostatų ir poreikių, susijusių su portfolio metodo taikymu mokinių pasiekimams vertinti, analizė Tailando švietimo reformos procese

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    Background. Education reform in Thailand includes curriculum reform, teaching and learning reform, and assessment reform. Regarding the assessment reform, a new student learning assessment method including portfolio assessment is introduced. However, teachers did not change student learning assessment methods and student achievement in the five main subjects remained at a low level in the first decade of educational reform. This provides a good opportunity to study how teachers view the use of and how they see a need for student portfolio assessment. Purpose. The purposes of the present study were (a) to examine teachers’ attitude towards the use of student portfolio assessment in the educational reform process, and (b) to examine teachers’ needs concerning the use of student portfolio assessment in the educational reform process. Material and Methods. Two hundred and forty two elementary school teachers participated in this study. Questionnaires were sent out to collect data. Results. Results indicated that, overall, teachers had positive attitude towards the use of student portfolio assessment but they also had needs in all of the steps of using student portfolio assessment. Teachers had most critical needs in the use of student portfolio assessment in the step of selecting products and reflecting on the selected products, followed by the step of revising and evaluating products, and the step of utilizing portfolio assessment results, respectively. Conclusions. Workshop training sessions on the use of student portfolio assessment should be provided for teachers. The step of selecting products and reflecting on the selected products, the step of revising and evaluating products, as well as the step of utilizing portfolio assessment results should be heavily emphasized in the training sessions.Problema. Tailande vykdoma švietimo reforma siekia reformuoti mokymo turinį, mokymo ir mokymosi bei mokymosi pasiekimų įvertinimo metodus. Portfolio metodas siūlomas kaip vienas iš galimų mokinių pasiekimų įvertinimo būdų. Tačiau mokytojai nenoriai keičia įprastus mokinių įvertinimo būdus naujais, nors dešimtmetį vykdomos reformos pagrindinių penkių mokymosi dalykų rezultatai išlieka žemi. Todėl verta gilintis, kaip mokytojai vertina portfolio metodą ir kaip supranta tokio vertinimo poreikį. Tikslas. Šiuo tyrimu keliami tikslai: a) įvertinti mokytojų nuostatas į portfolio metodo taikymą mokinių mokymosi pasiekimams vertinti vykstančios švietimo reformos kontekste; b) įvertinti mokytojų poreikius, susijusius su portfolio metodo taikymu mokinių mokymosi pasiekimams vertinti. Metodikos. Tyrime dalyvavo 242 pradinės mokyklos mokytojų. Duomenims rinkti pasitelkti klausimynai. Rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad mokytojai bendrai teigiamai vertina portfolio metodo taikymą mokinių pasiekimams vertinti, bet jiems reikia pagalbos įgyvendinant atskirus šio metodo etapus. Mokytojams reikia pagalbos įvertinti, kokią mokinių produkciją įtraukti į portfolio vertinimą bei kaip ją reflektuoti, kaip pasirinktus produktus koreguoti ir vertinti bei kaip panaudoti portfolio įvertinimo rezultatus. Išvados. Tyrimas parodė, kad mokytojams turi būti organizuojami seminarai, kuriuose būtų mokoma tinkamai taikyti portfolio įvertinimo metodą. Mokymų metu turėtų būti suteikiamos žinios, kaip tinkamai pasirinkti vertinimo produktus ir juos reflektuoti, kaip peržiūrėti ir vertinti bei kaip prasmingai panaudoti portfolio metodu gautus įvertinimo rezultatus

    Mokinių įvertinimas portfolio būdu pradinėse mokyklose Tailande: klaidingi mokytojų įsitikinimai ir taikymo patirtis

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    As a result of the enactment of the National Education Act B.E. 2542 in Thailand, teachers have been encouraged to employ various methods for students’ learning assessment including student portfolio. Student portfolio is a collection of evidence that systematically reflects students’ learning processes and their learning outcomes in various aspects. The purposes of this study were to examine teachers’ misconceptions in implementing student portfolio assessment, and to compare teachers’ current performance in implementing student portfolio assessment between teachers who had attended the training sessions concerning portfolio assessment and those who had not. Four hundred and fifty-four elementary school teachers were randomly sampled to be participants in this study. Questionnaires were employed to collect data on teachers’ misconceptions about the principles of student portfolio assessment and the utilization of the results from student portfolio assessment, as well as their current performance in implementing four main steps of student portfolio assessment [i.e., (a) planning for portfolio assessment, (b) collecting created products, (c) selecting products and reflecting on selected products, and (d) revising and evaluating products]. Results revealed that, overall, teachers had misconceptions in nine concepts. Six concepts were about the principles of student portfolio assessment and three concepts were about the utilization of the results from student portfolio assessment. Performance, which consisted of implementing four main steps of student portfolio assessment, was higher for teachers who had attended the training sessions concerning student portfolio assessment than for those teachers who had not attended the training sessions. The findings of this study could help related public sector personnel and teacher trainers from universities change teachers’ misconceptions more effectively.Priėmus nacionalinį švietimo aktą B.E. 2542, Tailande mokytojams siūloma taikyti įvairius mokinių vertinimo metodus, taip pat ir portfolio. Mokinių portfolio metodas – sisteminis įrodymų, kaip jiems sekasi mokytis ir ko yra pasiekę įvairiose srityse, rinkinys. Šio tyrimo tikslai – įvertinti klaidingus mokytojų įsitikinimus, susijusius su mokinių vertinimu portfolio metodu, taip pat palyginti mokytojų, kurie lankė portfolio metodo įgyvendinimo mokymus ir kurie juose nedalyvavo, portfolio metodo taikymo patirtį. 454 pradinių mokyklų mokytojai buvo atsitiktinai atrinkti dalyvauti šiame tyrime. Klausimynai buvo naudojami siekiant surinkti informaciją apie mokytojų klaidingus įsitikinimus taikant portfolio principus mokiniams vertinti. Taip pat klausimynu buvo vertinama, kiek mokytojai naudoja keturis portfolio metodo žingsnius: a) porfolio vertinimo planavimas, b) atliktų užduočių rinkimas, c) užduočių parinkimas ir refleksija jų atžvilgiu, d) užduočių peržiūra ir įvertinimas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad mokytojai turi klaidingų įsitikinimų devyniose srityse. Šešios iš jų susijusios su portfolio vertinimo principais ir trys – su vertinimo rezultatų panaudojimu. Mokytojai, kurie buvo mokomi naudoti portfolio vertinimo metodą, geriau taikė keturis šio vertinimo žingsnius, palyginti su nedalyvavusiais mokymuose. Tyrimo rezultatai leidžia suinteresuotiems visuomenės atstovams, personalui ir mokytojų ugdyme dalyvaujantiems universitetams efektyviau pakeisti klaidingus mokytojų įsitikinimus dėl portfolio metodo

    Sex and Grade Issues in Influencing Misconceptions about Force and Laws of Motion: An Application of Cognitively Diagnostic Assessment

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    The force and laws of motion concept is a key concept for learning mechanics and comprehending other complex concepts in physics. If students possess misconceptions about this concept, learning mechanics will be meaningless, which could lead to failure in physics learning. Sexes and grades may influence students’ misconceptions. However, there are contradictory findings regarding their effects on students’ misconceptions. In this study, we diagnosed misconceptions about force and laws of motion in 522 Thai high schoolers using the cognitively diagnostic assessment. Misconceptions about force and laws of motion comprise six attributes, i.e., (1) resultant force, (2) Newton’s first law of motion, (3) Newton’s second law of motion, (4) Newton’s third law of motion, (5) frictional force, and (6) gravitational force. In addition, we compared the proportional differences among students of different sexes and grades who possessed misconceptions about each attribute of force and laws of motion. The results showed that the percentage of high schoolers who possessed misconceptions was high for all six attributes. There was a significant difference in the proportion of male and female students who possessed misconceptions about resultant force. Moreover, there were significant differences in the proportions of students of different grades who possessed misconceptions about resultant force and Newton’s second law of motion. The research findings suggested teachers should develop remedial programs to correct their high schoolers’ misconceptions about force and laws of motion for all six attributes