197 research outputs found

    Classification of hazelnut varieties by using artificial neural network and discriminant analysis

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    Aim of study: This study was conducted to classify hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) varieties by using artificial neural network and discriminant analysis. Area of study: Samsun Province, Turkey. Material and methods: The physical, mechanical and optical properties of 11 hazelnut varieties were determined for three major axes. The parameters of physical, mechanical and optical properties were included as independent variables, while hazelnut varieties were included as dependent variables. Models were created for each of the three axes to classify hazelnut varieties. Main results: Classification success rates with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Discriminant Analysis (DA) were found as 89.1% and 92.7% for X axis, as 92.7% and 92.7% for Y axis and as 86.8% and 88.7% for Z axis, respectively. The classification results of ANN and DA models were found to be very close to each other. Both models can be used in the classification of hazelnut varieties. Research highlights: The results obtained for the identification and classification of hazelnut varieties show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed models

    Spectroscopy and machine learning in food processing survey

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    For food safety, quality control from the foodstuff production to the tasting of foods is needed and should be simple and non-destructive. Recent and notable non-destructive measurements of food and agricultural products are based on optical and spectroscopic techniques. Spectroscopy, meets the requirements of industrial applications for continuous quality control and process monitoring. Hence, this article covers a survey of recent research works, highlighting the application of spectroscopy and machine learning in food processing from bibliographic database. The survey was based on relevant articles, obtained from scientific database and evaluated selected research works based on survey inquires, the assessment included food processing problem addressed (varieties classification, origin identification, adulteration and quality control), types of spectroscopy used, machine learning models applied to solve the particular problem and keyword analysis to show the perspective of the research

    An Unusual Case of Aplastic Anemia Caused by Temozolomide

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    Radiotherapy and concomitant/adjuvant therapy with temozolomide are a common treatment regimen for children and adults with high-grade glioma. Although temozolomide is generally safe, it can rarely cause life-threatening complications. Here we report a case of a 31-year-old female patient who underwent surgical resection followed by radiotherapy plus concomitant temozolomide. She developed pancytopenia after adjuvant treatment with temozolomide. A bone marrow aspiration and biopsy showed hypocellularity with very few erythroid and myeloid cells, consistent with aplastic anemia. In the English literature, aplastic anemia due to temozolomide is extremely rare

    Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery Presence and Usage Activities in Tokat

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    In this study, the area of influence of agricultural machinery in Tokat, its districts and the size of the cultivated area were compared. Required number of machineries was evaluated. Thus, the machines were divided into seven groups (Soil Tillage Machinery, Sowing and Planting Machinery, Maintenance and Fertilization Machinery, Plant Protection Machinery, Harvesting Machinery, Combine Harvester, Tractors). Data on the number of cultivated areas and agricultural machinery were taken from the Turkish Statistical Institute. The number of machines, daily working time, annual workable days, effective working capacity, and machine impact area for each machine were calculated separately. Based on this data, the number of machines that should be in each district was determined. As a result, it was determined that the number of Subsoiler, Combi Harrow, Stone Collecting Machinery, Rotary Cultivator, Soil levelling Machinery, Rotary Tiller, Seedling Planting Machinery, Arc Opening Plough, Manure Spreading Machinery, Baler, and Combine Harvester is insufficient in the province of Tokat. It was determined that other machines in the groups were more than necessary. Baler had the highest deficit, while tractor had the highest surplus. The importance of planning in enterprises and the machines that should be prioritized in the production of industrialists have been revealed

    The Retrospective Evaluation of the Patients in Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit of Cardiac Surgery Center

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    Introduction:In this study, demographic and epidemiologic features, clinic and prognosis of patients admitted to the pediatric cardiac intensive care (PCICU) unit of a cardiac surgery center were analysed retrospectively.Methods:Patients followed in the PCICU between January 2017 and January 2018 were included in the study. Patient files were analysed for medical data. The patients were divided into 4 major categories as postoperative patients (group 1), patients followed after cardiac catheterization (group 2), patients followed due to arrythmias (group 3), and others (myocarditis, pneumonia, tamponade) (group 4). The demographic variables, such as age and gender, echocardiographic diagnosis, kind and condition of the transfer, reason for PCICU follow-up, and discharge status were evaluated in detail.Results:Eighty hundred ninety five patients were followed in the PCICU during the study period.The median age was 5.5 months (1 day-18 years). 53% of patients (n=474) were male and 47% (n=421) were female. The ortanca weight of the patients was 7.2 kg (1.8-80 kg). 16% of the patients were younger than 1 month of age and 54% of the patients were under the age of 6 months. 12% (n=107) of the patients had a diagnosis of a genetic condition such as Down syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, etc. 40% of the patients were non-residents. 25% was transferred by air ambulance or ground ambulance. 22% of the patients were foreigners. There were 610 patients in group 1, 130 patients in group 2, 55 patients in group 3, and 100 patients in group 4. The RACHS-1 scores in group 1 were as follows: 0.8% undetermined, 11.2% category 1, 42.9% category 2, 29.6% category 3, 12.6% category 4,(-) category 5, and 2.6% category 6. Overall mortality was 5.9% (n=53) and morbidity was 22% (n=197).Conclusion:We believe that by the means of this kind of epidemiological studies, we may detect the types of cardiac problems in children who needed intensive care follow-up and help to decrease mortality and morbidity in childhood due to congenital cardiac diseases in our country

    The preoperative serum CA125 can predict the lymph node metastasis in endometrioid-type endometrial cancer

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    Objectives: To evaluate the predictive value of preoperative CA125 in extra-uterine disease and its association with poorprognostic factors in endometrioid-type endometrial cancer (EC).Material and methods: A total of 423 patients with pathologically proven endometrioid-type EC were included in thestudy. The association between preoperative CA125 level and surgical–pathological factors was evaluated. The conventional cut-off value was defined as 35 IU/mL.Results: A high CA125 level ( > 35 IU/mL) was significantly associated with all of the studied poor prognostic factors,except grade. The risk of lymph node metastasis (LNM) increased from 15.9% to 45.7% when CA125 level was > 35 IU/mL (p < 0.05). The optimal cut-off value for the prediction of LNM in patients aged > 50 years was determined to be 16 IU/mL (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 71%, 60%, 35%, and 87%, respectively.)Conclusions: Preoperative CA125 level was significantly related with the extent of the disease and LNM. The age-dependent cut-off level of CA125 can improve the prediction of LNM in endometrioid-type EC. For older patients, CA125 level of > 16 IU/ml could be used to predict LNM. However, further studies are needed to evaluate the appropriate cut-off level of CA125 for younger patients

    Production of Antimicrobial Films by Incorporation of Partially Purified Lysozyme into Biodegradable Films of Crude Exopolysaccharides Obtained from Aureobasidium pullulans Fermentation

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    Antimicrobial films were produced by incorporating partially purified lysozyme into films of crude exopolysaccharides (59 % pullulan) obtained from Aureobasidium pullulans fermentation. After film making, the films containing lysozyme at 100, 260, 520 and 780 μg/cm2 showed 23 to 70 % of their expected enzyme activities. The highest recovery of enzyme activity (65–70 %) after the film making was obtained in films prepared by incorporating lysozyme at 260 μg/cm2 (1409 U/cm2). The incorporation of disodium EDTA×2H2O and sucrose did not affect the initial lysozyme activity of the films significantly. With or without the presence of disodium EDTA×2H2O at 52 or 520 μg/cm2, lysozyme activity showed sufficient stability in the films during 21 days of cold storage. However, the presence of sucrose at 10 mg/cm2 in the films caused the destabilization of part of enzyme activity (almost 35 %) at the end of storage. The combinational incorporation of lysozyme at 780 μg/cm2 (4227 U/cm2) and disodium EDTA×2H2O at 520 μg/cm2 gave antimicrobial films effective on Escherichia coli. However, in the studied lysozyme concentration range the films did not show any antimicrobial activity against Lactobacillus plantarum. This study clearly showed that the partially purified lysozyme and crude exopolysaccharides from Aureobasidium pullulans may be used to obtain antimicrobial films to increase the safety of foods

    Klorheksidin diglukonatın insan periferal kan kültürlerinde antioksidan enzim seviyeleri üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi

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    Objectives: In the present study, it was aimed to investigate the biochemical effects of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) on the antioxidant enzyme levels in human peripheral blood cell cultures. Materials and Methods: The blood cultures were prepared using the blood samples obtained from 10 individuals (5 male and 5 female) who were systemically healthy and were not exposed to any toxic agent before. The cultures were exposed to different concentrations of CHX (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 ve 0.4 mmol/L). Glutation peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT) enzyme activities were analyzed in order to evaluate the biochemical effects. Results: A dose-dependent statistically significant reduction was seen in the GPx, SOD and CAT enzyme activities in the blood cultures treated with 0.1, 0.2 ve 0.4 mmol/L concentrations of CHX. Conclusion: This is the first in vitro study investigating the effects of CHX on antioxidant enzyme levels in the human peripheral blood cultures. In conclusion, it was revealed that CHX had dose-depended cytotoxic effects by influencing the antioxidant enzyme activities in blood cells. ÖZET Amaç: Bu çalışmada, klorheksidin diglukonatın (KHG) insan periferal kan kültürlerinde antioksidan enzim seviyeleri üzerine olan biyokimyasal etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Daha önce herhangi bir toksik ajana maruz kalmamış ve sistemik olarak sağlıklı 10 bireyden (5 erkek, 5 kadın) elde edilen kan örnekleri ile kan kültürleri hazırlandı. Elde edilen kültürler farklı konsantrasyonlarda KHG (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 ve 0.4 mmol/L) ile muamele edildi. Biyokimyasal etkilerin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla glutatyon peroksidaz (GPx), süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve katalaz (KAT) enzim aktiviteleri incelendi. Bulgular: KHG'nin 0.1, 0.2 ve 0.4 mmol/L'luk konsantrasyonları ile muamele edilen kan kültürlerinde GPx, SOD ve CAT enzim aktivitelerinde doza bağlı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede azalma izlendi (p<0.05). Sonuç: Bu çalışma, KHG'nin insan periferal kan kültürlerinde antioksidan enzim seviyeleri üzerindeki etkilerini araştıran ilk in vitro çalışmadır. Sonuç olarak, bu bileşiğin kan hücrelerindeki antioksidan enzim aktivitelerini etkilemek suretiyle doza bağlı sitotoksik etkilere sahip olduğu da ortaya konulmuştur

    Recurrence in Uterine Tumors with Ovarian Sex-Cord Tumor Resemblance: A Case Report and Systematic Review

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic factors of recurrence in uterine tumors resembling ovarian sex-cord tumors (UTROSCT) and to determine clinical-pathological characteristics, treatment options and outcome. Material and Method: An electronic literature search was conducted from 1976 to 2018. After the comprehensive evaluation and conjunction with our case, the study included 79 cases. Results: The median age at initial diagnosis was 49 years (range; 16-86 years). The age was under 40 years in 21 (26.6%) patients. Whereas 68 patients underwent at least hysterectomy, 9 patients had organ sparing surgery. There was necrosis in 4 (5.1%) patients, atypia in 16 (20.3%) patients, and infiltrative tumor border in 34 (43%) patients. At least one mitosis per 10 high power fields was determined in 36 (45.5%) patients. The tumor involved at least part of the myometrium in 54 (68.3%) patients. Median follow-up time was 30 months (range; 3-296 months). Recurrence was determined in 5 (6.3%) patients. The disease free survival (DFS) was significantly related only to surgery type. None of the pathologic features were associated with DFS. The 5-year DFS was 86% and 96% in patients who underwent organ sparing surgery or not, respectively (p=0.038). Conclusion: The accurate pathologic diagnosis of UTROSCT has great value in shaping surgical management and management during the follow-up period. Organ sparing surgery was related to poor DFS. Although recurrence is rare, it should be kept in mind for patients with UTROSCT