339 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Vertical Ga2O3 Schottky Junctions with the Interfacial Hexagonal Boron Nitride Film

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    We present the device properties of a nickel (Ni)- gallium oxide (Ga2O3) Schottky junction with an interfacial hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) layer. A vertical Schottky junction with the configuration Ni/hBN/Ga2O3/In was created using a chemical vapor-deposited hBN film on a Ga(2)O(3 )substrate. The current-voltage characteristics of the Schottky junction were investigated with and without the hBN interfacial layer. We observed that the turn-on voltage for the forward current of the Schottky junction was significantly enhanced with the hBN interfacial film. Furthermore, the Schottky junction was analyzed under the illumination of deep ultraviolet light (254 nm), obtaining a photoresponsivity of 95.11 mA/W under an applied bias voltage (-7.2 V). The hBN interfacial layer for the Ga2O3-based Schottky junction can serve as a barrier layer to control the turn-on voltage and optimize the device properties for deep-UV photosensor applications. Furthermore, the demonstrated vertical heterojunction with an hBN layer has the potential to be significant for temperature management at the junction interface to develop reliable Ga2O3-based Schottky junction devices

    Antiferromagnetic Phases of One-Dimensional Quarter-Filled Organic Conductors

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    The magnetic structure of antiferromagnetically ordered phases of quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors is studied theoretically at absolute zero based on the mean field approximation to the quarter-filled band with on-site and nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction. The differences in magnetic properties between the antiferromagnetic phase of (TMTTF)2_2X and the spin density wave phase in (TMTSF)2_2X are seen to be due to a varying degrees of roles played by the on-site Coulomb interaction. The nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction introduces charge disproportionation, which has the same spatial periodicity as the Wigner crystal, accompanied by a modified antiferromagnetic phase. This is in accordance with the results of experiments on (TMTTF)2_2Br and (TMTTF)2_2SCN. Moreover, the antiferromagnetic phase of (DI-DCNQI)2_2Ag is predicted to have a similar antiferromagnetic spin structure.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, uses jpsj.sty, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66 No. 5 (1997

    Three-dimensional random Voronoi tessellations: From cubic crystal lattices to Poisson point processes

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    We perturb the SC, BCC, and FCC crystal structures with a spatial Gaussian noise whose adimensional strength is controlled by the parameter a, and analyze the topological and metrical properties of the resulting Voronoi Tessellations (VT). The topological properties of the VT of the SC and FCC crystals are unstable with respect to the introduction of noise, because the corresponding polyhedra are geometrically degenerate, whereas the tessellation of the BCC crystal is topologically stable even against noise of small but finite intensity. For weak noise, the mean area of the perturbed BCC and FCC crystals VT increases quadratically with a. In the case of perturbed SCC crystals, there is an optimal amount of noise that minimizes the mean area of the cells. Already for a moderate noise (a>0.5), the properties of the three perturbed VT are indistinguishable, and for intense noise (a>2), results converge to the Poisson-VT limit. Notably, 2-parameter gamma distributions are an excellent model for the empirical of of all considered properties. The VT of the perturbed BCC and FCC structures are local maxima for the isoperimetric quotient, which measures the degre of sphericity of the cells, among space filling VT. In the BCC case, this suggests a weaker form of the recentluy disproved Kelvin conjecture. Due to the fluctuations of the shape of the cells, anomalous scalings with exponents >3/2 is observed between the area and the volumes of the cells, and, except for the FCC case, also for a->0. In the Poisson-VT limit, the exponent is about 1.67. As the number of faces is positively correlated with the sphericity of the cells, the anomalous scaling is heavily reduced when we perform powerlaw fits separately on cells with a specific number of faces

    Effect of nearest- and next-nearest neighbor interactions on the spin-wave velocity of one-dimensional quarter-filled spin-density-wave conductors

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    We study spin fluctuations in quarter-filled one-dimensional spin-density-wave systems in presence of short-range Coulomb interactions. By applying a path integral method, the spin-wave velocity is calculated as a function of on-site (U), nearest (V) and next-nearest (V_2) neighbor-site interactions. With increasing V or V_2, the pure spin-density-wave state evolves into a state with coexisting spin- and charge-density waves. The spin-wave velocity is reduced when several density waves coexist in the ground state, and may even vanish at large V. The effect of dimerization along the chain is also considered.Comment: REVTeX, 11 pages, 9 figure

    Coexistent State of Charge Density Wave and Spin Density Wave in One-Dimensional Quarter Filled Band Systems under Magnetic Fields

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    We theoretically study how the coexistent state of the charge density wave and the spin density wave in the one-dimensional quarter filled band is enhanced by magnetic fields. We found that when the correlation between electrons is strong the spin density wave state is suppressed under high magnetic fields, whereas the charge density wave state still remains. This will be observed in experiments such as the X-ray measurement.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure

    Scaling limit of vicious walks and two-matrix model

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    We consider the diffusion scaling limit of the one-dimensional vicious walker model of Fisher and derive a system of nonintersecting Brownian motions. The spatial distribution of NN particles is studied and it is described by use of the probability density function of eigenvalues of N×NN \times N Gaussian random matrices. The particle distribution depends on the ratio of the observation time tt and the time interval TT in which the nonintersecting condition is imposed. As t/Tt/T is going on from 0 to 1, there occurs a transition of distribution, which is identified with the transition observed in the two-matrix model of Pandey and Mehta. Despite of the absence of matrix structure in the original vicious walker model, in the diffusion scaling limit, accumulation of contact repulsive interactions realizes the correlated distribution of eigenvalues in the multimatrix model as the particle distribution.Comment: REVTeX4, 12 pages, no figure, minor corrections made for publicatio

    Symmetry of matrix-valued stochastic processes and noncolliding diffusion particle systems

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    As an extension of the theory of Dyson's Brownian motion models for the standard Gaussian random-matrix ensembles, we report a systematic study of hermitian matrix-valued processes and their eigenvalue processes associated with the chiral and nonstandard random-matrix ensembles. In addition to the noncolliding Brownian motions, we introduce a one-parameter family of temporally homogeneous noncolliding systems of the Bessel processes and a two-parameter family of temporally inhomogeneous noncolliding systems of Yor's generalized meanders and show that all of the ten classes of eigenvalue statistics in the Altland-Zirnbauer classification are realized as particle distributions in the special cases of these diffusion particle systems. As a corollary of each equivalence in distribution of a temporally inhomogeneous eigenvalue process and a noncolliding diffusion process, a stochastic-calculus proof of a version of the Harish-Chandra (Itzykson-Zuber) formula of integral over unitary group is established.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages, 4 figures, v3: Minor corrections made for publication in J. Math. Phy

    Infinite systems of non-colliding generalized meanders and Riemann-Liouville differintegrals

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    Yor's generalized meander is a temporally inhomogeneous modification of the 2(ν+1)2(\nu+1)-dimensional Bessel process with ν>−1\nu > -1, in which the inhomogeneity is indexed by κ∈[0,2(ν+1))\kappa \in [0, 2(\nu+1)). We introduce the non-colliding particle systems of the generalized meanders and prove that they are the Pfaffian processes, in the sense that any multitime correlation function is given by a Pfaffian. In the infinite particle limit, we show that the elements of matrix kernels of the obtained infinite Pfaffian processes are generally expressed by the Riemann-Liouville differintegrals of functions comprising the Bessel functions JνJ_{\nu} used in the fractional calculus, where orders of differintegration are determined by ν−κ\nu-\kappa. As special cases of the two parameters (ν,κ)(\nu, \kappa), the present infinite systems include the quaternion determinantal processes studied by Forrester, Nagao and Honner and by Nagao, which exhibit the temporal transitions between the universality classes of random matrix theory.Comment: LaTeX, 35 pages, v3: The argument given in Section 3.2 was simplified. Minor corrections were mad

    RASSF1A–LATS1 signalling stabilizes replication forks by restricting CDK2-mediated phosphorylation of BRCA2

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    Genomic instability is a key hallmark of cancer leading to tumour heterogeneity and therapeutic resistance. ​BRCA2 has a fundamental role in error-free DNA repair but also sustains genome integrity by promoting ​RAD51 nucleofilament formation at stalled replication forks. ​CDK2 phosphorylates ​BRCA2 (pS3291-​BRCA2) to limit stabilizing contacts with polymerized ​RAD51; however, how replication stress modulates ​CDK2 activity and whether loss of pS3291-​BRCA2 regulation results in genomic instability of tumours are not known. Here we demonstrate that the Hippo pathway kinase ​LATS1 interacts with ​CDK2 in response to genotoxic stress to constrain pS3291-​BRCA2 and support ​RAD51 nucleofilaments, thereby maintaining genomic fidelity during replication stalling. We also show that ​LATS1 forms part of an ​ATR-mediated response to replication stress that requires the tumour suppressor ​RASSF1A. Importantly, perturbation of the ​ATR–​RASSF1A–​LATS1 signalling axis leads to genomic defects associated with loss of ​BRCA2 function and contributes to genomic instability and ‘BRCA-ness’ in lung cancers
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