655 research outputs found

    Stationary two-atom entanglement induced by nonclassical two-photon correlations

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    A system of two two-level atoms interacting with a squeezed vacuum field can exhibit stationary entanglement associated with nonclassical two-photon correlations characteristic of the squeezed vacuum field. The amount of entanglement present in the system is quantified by the well known measure of entanglement called concurrence. We find analytical formulas describing the concurrence for two identical and nonidentical atoms and show that it is possible to obtain a large degree of steady-state entanglement in the system. Necessary conditions for the entanglement are nonclassical two-photon correlations and nonzero collective decay. It is shown that nonidentical atoms are a better source of stationary entanglement than identical atoms. We discuss the optimal physical conditions for creating entanglement in the system, in particular, it is shown that there is an optimal and rather small value of the mean photon number required for creating entanglement.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Development of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Embryo

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    This experiment was conducted to determine the development of Japanese quail embryo (Coturnix coturnix japonica), through observation and measurement of embryo organ development from the age of one day until hatching. The study used 15 female quails and 5 male quails. 15 female quails were divided into 5 cages, each cage containing 3 quails females and 1 male quail. Eggs which are inserted into an egg incubator is produced when the quail began the age of 3 months. Descriptive observation has been made ​​towards the development of organs in the embryo. Based on the results of the study, the growth and development of quail embryo organs occur in stages until hatching occurred during the 16 days

    Pemberian Teh Kombucha Pada Air Minum Terhadap Nilai Ldl Kolesterol Dan Hdl Kolesterol Darah Ayam Broiler (Gallus SP)

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    The risk of consuming large quantities of food containing cholesterol has been widely known. By knowing the cholesterol content of food products, people could restrict their consumption of high cholesterol food. This study was to knew LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol of blood broiler chickens after treated with kombucha tea. This research used the CP 707 broiler strains chickens aged 1 week, treated with kombucha tea that has been fermented for 12 days at a temperature of 25oC. 20 broiler chickens devided into 4 treatment groups ( treated for 4 weeks), each group contain 5 replications. That group was : P0 as control group, drinking water without kombucha tea, P1 group with drinking water added with 10% kombucha tea, P2 group with drinking water added with 20% kombucha tea, P3 group with drinking water added with 40% kombucha tea. Variables measured were LDL cholesterol of blood chicken levels, HDL cholesterol of blood chicken levels and chicken drink consumption. Data were analyzed with Anova. The results showed that additional of kombucha tea in drinking water able to lower LDL cholesterol of blood chicken levels and able to increase HDL cholesterol of blood chicken levels significantly of broiler chickens

    A computational study of rotational noise

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    Computed output graphs for blade loading and rotational noise generation by rotor stator interaction

    Pemberian Berbagai Jenis Pakan Organik terhadap Kandungan β-Karoten dalam Telur Puyuh Jepang (Coturnix Japonica)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk optimalisasi kualitas telur puyuh yang kaya β-karoten. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Hewan yang digunakan untuk produksi telur adalah 60 puyuh Jepang (Coturnix japonica) betina dikelompokkan dalam 4 kelompok percobaan, yaitu P0: Kontrol (puyuh diberi pakan komersial), P1: Puyuh diberi perlakuan dengan pakan organik standar, P2: Puyuh yang diberi perlakuan pakan organik yang mengandung ikan kembung, daun singkong + serbuk kunyit P3: Puyuh yang diberi perlakuan pakan organic yang mengandung rumput laut, daun singkong + serbuk kunyit. Masing-masing perlakuan terdiri dari 15 kali ulangan percobaan. Data dianalisis dengan Anova, dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan (α=0.05.) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian perlakuan pakan organik pada puyuh menyebabkan bobot telur puyuh menjadi lebih kecil dibandingkan yang tidak diberi perlakuan akan organik. Tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata terhadap konsumsi pakan dan bobot kuning telur, namun terdapat peningkatan rasio bobot kuning telur : bobot telur, peningkatan kadar β-karoten pada telur puyuh organik, baik pada P1, P2, dan P3.Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pakan organik dapat meningkatkan kandungan β-karoten dalam telur puyuh

    Hubungan Lama Kerja dan Posisi Kerja dengan Keluhan Otot Rangka Leher dan Ektremitas Atas pada Pekerja Garmen Perempuan di Jakarta Utara

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    Background: Neck and upper extremity musculoskeletal complaints are the common symptoms in occupational diseases that can cause workers disability and absenteeism. Objectives: to evaluate the percentage of neck and upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and its relation with occupational and individual factors (socioeconomic, smoking habit, blood sugar level, and body mass index). Methods: a cross sectional study among 778female garment workers in North Jakarta in 2005. Samples were selected purposively with inclusion criteria (age 18—55 years old, minimal 1 year working period). Results: The percentage of neck and upper extremity musculoskeletal symptom was 75.7 % (in detail 59.9 % on hands, 32 % on neck, 11.8% on shoulders, 11.1 % on back, and 9.6 % on elbow). The symptoms were weariness 81.2 %, hyperesthesia 50.6 %, pain 16.1 %, parasthesia 12.4 %, and weakness 11 %. The factors significantly related to neck and upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms were working period and work position. The musculoskeletal symptoms in persons who had 1—10 years working period was higher than 11—25 years working period (OR 1.78 95 %CI 1.15-2.76 p=0.01), and working in sitting position was higher than standing position (OR 1.44 95 %CI 1.02-2.05p=0.038). Intervention through workplace modification such as the table or the chair height can protect workers from neck and upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms

    Struktur Histologi Otot Femur Kelinci (Lepus SP.) Setelah Perlakuan Implantasi Material Stainless Steel Aisi 316l Selama 2,5 Bulan

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    Production implant orthopedic domestic with 316L Stainless steel base material which use the material dimensions of the Indonesian non-import until now hasn't been researched. Research the effect of implantation of these materials to health conditions need to be conducted on animal models, such as the rabbit before it wad applied to humans. This study aims to determine the histological changes in the femoral muscle of rabbits after implantation of AISI 316L stainless steel for 2.5 months, as part of the basic data for further research in order to figure out orthopedic implants that can be used by the body. This study compared the P0: rabbit was not given implantation of stainless steel AISI 316L with P1: Rabbits were given treatment AISI 316L stainless steel implants in the quadriceps femoris muscle parallel to the femur bone. Implantation of the implant material was conducted for 2.5 months. Histological changes observed were the presence or absence of necrosis, fibrosis and tissue cavities in the rabbit femoral muscle tissue. The results showed there were no three variables were observed. It is concluded AISI 316L stainless steel did not cause structural changes in muscle histology in a rabbit femur after implantation for 2.5 months; so that these materials can be used as an implant material in the body

    Hematologi Kelinci (Lepus SP.) Setelah Perlakuan Implantasi Material Stainless Steel Aisi 316l Selama 2,5 Bulan

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    Stainless Steel AISI 316L are one of the implant material used in the manufacture of artificial hip joint. Testing the effect of prior implantation needs to be done in animal models such as rabbits before applied in the human body. Future integration of the implant in the body of an animal model takes 4-6 weeks. This study aimed to analyze the body's physiological response to the implantation of an animal model of AISI 316L Stainless Steel for 2.5 months seen from the aspect of the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and hemoglobin animal models as part of the basic data for further research in order to figure out orthopedic implants that can be used by the body. This study compares the P0: control rabbits and Ps: rabbits given the implants Stainless Steel AISI 316L. The parameters measured were the number of erythrocytes, leukocyte count and hemoglobin levels, feed intake and body weight were analyzed by Independent Sample T test with SPSS procedures at 95% significance level. The results showed red cell count, leukocyte count and hemoglobin levels did not differ significantly (p> 0.05) between the control treatment. It can be concluded that the use of stainless steel AISI 316L for 2.5 months had no effect on animal physiology and is a material that can be used by the body
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