115 research outputs found

    Optimisation of the track section Nýřany - Heřmanova Huť km 2,7 - 5,5

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem optimalizace jednokolejné trati č. 712 Nýřany-Heřmanova Huť v úseku mezi km 2,7 a 5,5. Součástí práce jsou úpravy směrových a výškových poměrů, které mají za cíl zvýšení traťové rychlosti. Práce také řeší návrh skladby železničního svršku a spodku, odvodnění a rekonstrukce přejezdů a nástupišť.The aim of this thesis is optimizing of the single track line no. 712 Nýřany-Heřmanova Huť in the track section between km 2,7-5,5. The thesis includes modifications of the profile and alignment of the line which aim to raising of the track speed. The thesis also deals with track geometry adjustment, railway superstructure and railway substructure reconstruction, track drainage renewal and level crossings and platforms reconstruction.

    Study of the Zajeci Railway Station Reconstruction

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem rekonstrukce železniční stanice Zaječí. Cílem práce bylo zvýšení traťové rychlosti v hlavních kolejích na 200 km/h a plná peronizace stanice. Součástí práce byl také návrh úprav železničního spodku a obnovy odvodnění.The master‘s thesis deals with the design of railway station Zajeci reconstruction . The aim of the thesis is to raise the line speed at the main tracks up to 200 kph and the design of full peronization of the railway station. The thesis also includes the design of railway substructure adjustments and drainage renewal.

    Efficiency of Farmer Organisations in Supplying Supermarkets with Quality Food in Vietnam

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    The development of supermarkets in Vietnam, as in other emerging countries, goes along with an increasing concern on the part of purchasers for food quality. The paper investigates whether farmer organisations are able to help small-scale farmers get access to supermarkets, and the role that supermarkets and public support play in their emergence and development. It is based on case studies involving a number of stakeholders marketing vegetables, flavoured rice and litchi fruit in Vietnam. The interviews investigated patterns of horizontal and vertical coordination that link farmers to supermarkets, the distribution of costs and benefits between farmers and traders along the chains in relation to the strategy of quality differentiation. Eight farmer associations that work in the form of private commercial organisations are regular supermarket suppliers for the selected products. Their ability to supply supermarkets is related to the combination of functions they make available to their members, especially as regards training to improve quality (appearance, taste, safety), quality promotion and control, for which they receive public support, as well as their participation in flexible contracts with supermarkets, shops and schools. Supermarket supply through farmer associations increases farmer incomes when compared with traditional chains, yet the situation is reported to change with the increase in supermarket competition. The paper argues that changes in farmer organisation are not only due to supplying supermarkets, but also to public and international support to food quality improvement, which have been of benefit to supermarkets.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    Boundedness of second-order Riesz transforms on weighted Hardy and BMOBMO spaces associated with Schrödinger operators

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    Let d{3,4,5,}d \in \lbrace 3, 4, 5, \ldots \rbrace and a weight wAρw \in A^\rho _\infty . We consider the second-order Riesz transform T=2L1T = \nabla ^2 \, L^{-1} associated with the Schrödinger operator L=Δ+VL = -\Delta + V, where VRHσV \in RH_\sigma with σ>d2\sigma > \frac{d}{2}. We present three main results. First TT is bounded on the weighted Hardy space Hw,L1(Rd)H^1_{w,L}(\mathbb{R}^d) associated with LL if ww enjoys a certain stable property. Secondly TT is bounded on the weighted BMOBMO space BMOw,ρ(Rd)BMO_{w,\rho }(\mathbb{R}^d) associated with LL if ww also belongs to an appropriate doubling class. Thirdly BMOw,ρ(Rd)BMO_{w,\rho }(\mathbb{R}^d) is the dual of Hw,L1(Rd)H^1_{w,L}(\mathbb{R}^d) when wA1ρw \in A^\rho _1

    Boundedness of second-order Riesz transforms on weighted Hardy and BMOBMO spaces associated with Schrödinger operators

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    Let d{3,4,5,}d \in \lbrace 3, 4, 5, \ldots \rbrace and a weight wAρw \in A^\rho _\infty . We consider the second-order Riesz transform T=2L1T = \nabla ^2 \, L^{-1} associated with the Schrödinger operator L=Δ+VL = -\Delta + V, where VRHσV \in RH_\sigma with σ>d2\sigma > \frac{d}{2}. We present three main results. First TT is bounded on the weighted Hardy space Hw,L1(Rd)H^1_{w,L}(\mathbb{R}^d) associated with LL if ww enjoys a certain stable property. Secondly TT is bounded on the weighted BMOBMO space BMOw,ρ(Rd)BMO_{w,\rho }(\mathbb{R}^d) associated with LL if ww also belongs to an appropriate doubling class. Thirdly BMOw,ρ(Rd)BMO_{w,\rho }(\mathbb{R}^d) is the dual of Hw,L1(Rd)H^1_{w,L}(\mathbb{R}^d) when wA1ρw \in A^\rho _1

    M^2UNet: MetaFormer Multi-scale Upsampling Network for Polyp Segmentation

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    Polyp segmentation has recently garnered significant attention, and multiple methods have been formulated to achieve commendable outcomes. However, these techniques often confront difficulty when working with the complex polyp foreground and their surrounding regions because of the nature of convolution operation. Besides, most existing methods forget to exploit the potential information from multiple decoder stages. To address this challenge, we suggest combining MetaFormer, introduced as a baseline for integrating CNN and Transformer, with UNet framework and incorporating our Multi-scale Upsampling block (MU). This simple module makes it possible to combine multi-level information by exploring multiple receptive field paths of the shallow decoder stage and then adding with the higher stage to aggregate better feature representation, which is essential in medical image segmentation. Taken all together, we propose MetaFormer Multi-scale Upsampling Network (M2^2UNet) for the polyp segmentation task. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method achieved competitive performance compared with several previous methods