4 research outputs found

    Infrastruktur Halte Transjogja, Sudahkah Inklusif? Kasus Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Bus Transjogja telah beroperasi lebih dari satu dekade lamanya. Seiring berjalan waktu, banyak sarjana yang mencatat bahwa masih kurangnya inklusivitas terhadap penyediaan prasarana halte bus yang ramah disabilitas maupun pengguna kursi roda, ditambah dengan masih kurangnya aksesibilitas troktoar menuju/dari halte. Padahal, sudah banyak sarjana memberikan rekomendasi bagi Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) dan pengelola bus Transjogja untuk segera berbenah. Karena hal tersebut, artikel ini bertujuan untuk bertindak mengobservasi lebih lanjut realitas dilapangan berterkaitan penyediaan prasarana halte bus Transjogja yang bersifat inklusif dipertengahan tahun 2022, ditambah dengan aksesibilitas troktoar menuju/dari halte. Oleh karenanya, untuk memprakarsai temuan dan diskusi, artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif berganda dengan teknik pengumpulan data penelitian melalui studi observasi dan juga dokumentasi. Selanjutnya, temuan ini menyajikan bahwa 10 dari 24 titik lokasi halte bus Transjogja masih jauh dari kata inklusif, dimana jalur landai atau ramps bagi orang-orang dengan mobilitas menggunakan kursi roda nampak terhalang oleh beberapa atribut. Padahal, keberadaan halte Transjogja di sebagian besar titik tersebut berada di lokasi yang sangat strategis bagi warga maupun wisatawan sebagai tempat pemberhentian atau memulai perjalanan mereka menuju/dari lokasi lainnya. Sama halnya dengan troktoar, ada 6 dari 24 jalur troktoar yang dinilai belum menerapkan aksesbilitas yang inklusif bagi orang-orang yang menggunakan perangkat kursi roda. Lebih lanjut, pembuktian observasi ini dapat memberikan pemahaman terhadap persoalan inklusivitas prasarana layanan transportasi Transjogja, khusus jalur ramps dan troktoar. Dengan demikian, artikel ini berupaya untuk memberikan pesan peringatan (warning messages) dan juga desakan serius bagi pemerintah daerah provinsi DIY dan pengelola untuk memusatkan perhatian mereka terhadap perbaikan prasarana halte Transjogja agar bersifat inklusif, sehingga keberadaan Transjogja dapat mengutamakan fungsi daripada bentuk serta jalur troktoar yang lebih memadai bagi orang-orang dengan mobilitas terbatas

    Counseling on Vaname Shrimp Cultivation Using the Biofloc Method to Communities in Dowora Village, Tidore Kepulauan City

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    The purpose of carrying out this community service is to provide information and understanding to the community in the Dowora Village, East Tidore District about vannamei shrimp farming using the biofloc method. The community service was carried out in August 2022, at the Office of the Office of Food Security, City of Tidore Islands. The counseling method is carried out in the form of lectures, discussions and questions and answers. Materials from this counseling include management of vannamei shrimp cultivation; feed management; water use and water quality parameters; vannamei shrimp farming with the biofloc system, and introduction to the types of ponds that can be used for vannamei shrimp farming activities with the biofloc system. During the extension activities, the community of prospective vannamei shrimp cultivators was very active in asking questions and discussing the material provided. The conclusion that can be drawn from this PKM activity is that the community is able to understand the material presented about vannamei shrimp farming using the biofloc method, the material presented is acceptable and then pond repairs will be carried out in preparation for cultivation

    Political Party Conflict and Governmental Relations Dynamics

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    The contestation over the seat of local head (DPD) I of Golkar Party of North Maluku between Alien Mus and Edi Langkara Factions leads to appointment of strategic elite at DPD II level in Central Halmahera Regency to determine the head of the House of People’s Representatives. It has almost been eight months that the head of the Local House of People’s Representatives (DPRD) from the election winning party, namely Golkar party, has not been inaugurated. The internal DPD II of Edi Langkara faction who is the Regent of Central Halmahera rejects inauguration of head of DPRD from Alien Mus faction. The internal conflict even drags 17 DPRD members from other parties into the conflict arena. The Provincial Government as the Central Government’s representative and even the ministry of home affairs are involved in solving the complex matters since at the same time the resistance between the two governmental institutions (executive – legislative) gets more disharmonious. This article explains Golkar Party’s internal conflict and its impact on the relations between the legislative and executive institutions in the inauguration of head of DPRD. This article employed qualitative descriptive approach and used primary and secondary data. The result shows that Golkar party’s consolidation is quite fragile, particularly at DPD I, as the consequence of minimum consolidation and weakening level of across level trust among internal party members. Regent’s intervention, who is also Golkar’s secretary general, makes the relations between the two institutions disharmonious. In the future, party’s internal and external consolidation and harmonization are necessary to ensure continuous good relations between legislative and executive institutions, including in determining strategic position