13 research outputs found

    Effect of temperature and photoperiod on broccoli development, yield and quality in south-east Queensland

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    Broccoli is a vegetable crop of increasing importance in Australia, particularly in south-east Queensland and farmers need to maintain a regular supply of good quality broccoli to meet the expanding market. However, harvest maturity date, head yield and quality are all affected by climatic variations during the production cycle, particularly low temperature episodes. There are also interactions between genotype and climatic variability. A predictive model of ontogeny, incorporating climatic data including frost risk, would enable farmers to predict harvest maturity date and select appropriate cultivar - sowing date combinations. The first stage of this research was to define floral initiation, which is fundamental to predicting ontogeny. Scanning electron micrographs of the apical meristem were made for the transition from the vegetative to advanced reproductive stage. During the early vegetative stage (stage 1), the apical meristem was a small, pointed shoot tip surrounded by leaf primordia. The transitional stage (stage 2) was marked by a widening and flattening to form a dome-shaped apical meristem. In the floral initiation stage (stage 3), the first-order floral primordia were observed in the axils of the developing bracts. Under field conditions, the shoot apex has an average diameter of 500 micro m at floral initiation and floral primordia can be observed under a light microscope. Sub-zero temperatures can result in freezing injury and thereby reduce head yield and quality. In order to predict the effects of frosts, it is desirable to know the stages of development at which plants are most susceptible. Therefore, the effects of sub-zero temperatures on leaf and shoot mortality, head yield and quality were determined after exposure of plants to a range of temperatures for short periods, at different stages of development (vegetative, floral initiation and buttoning). Plants in pots and in the field were subjected to sub-zero temperature regimes from -1 C to -19 C. Extracellular ice formation was achieved by reducing temperatures slowly, at a rate of -2 C per hour. The floral initiation stage was most sensitive to freezing injury, as yields were significantly reduced at -1 C and -3 C, and shoot apices were killed at -5 C. There was no significant yield reduction when the inflorescence buttoning stage was subjected to -1 C and -3 C. Although shoot apices at buttoning survived the -5 C treatment, very poor quality heads of uneven bud size were produced as a result of arrested development. The lethal temperature for pot-grown broccoli was between -3 C and -5 C, whereas the lethal temperature for field-grown broccoli was between -7 C and -9 C. The difference was presumably due to variation in cold acclimation. Freezing injury can reduce broccoli head yield and quality, and retard plant growth. Crop development models based only on simple thermal time without restrictions will not predict yield or maturity if broccoli crops are frost-damaged. Field studies were conducted to develop procedures for predicting ontogeny, yield and quality. Three cultivars, (Fiesta, Greenbelt and Marathon) were sown on eight dates from 11 March to 22 May 1997, and grown under natural and extended (16 h) photoperiods in a sub-tropical environment at Gatton College, south-east Queensland, under non-limiting conditions of water and nutrient supply. Daily climatic data, and dates of emergence, floral initiation, harvest maturity, together with yield and quality were obtained. Yield and quality responses to temperature and photoperiod were quantified. As growing season mean minimum temperatures decreased, fresh weight of tops decreased while fresh weight harvest index increased linearly. There was no definite relationship between fresh weight of tops or fresh weight harvest index and growing season minimum temperatures greater than 10 C. Genotype, rather than the environment, mainly determined head quality attributes. Fiesta had the best head quality, with higher head shape and branching angle ratings than Greenbelt or Marathon. Bud colour and cluster separation of Marathon were only acceptable for export when growing season mean minimum temperatures were less than 8 C. Photoperiod did not influence yield or quality in any of the three cultivars. A better understanding of genotype and environmental interactions will help farmers optimise yield and quality, by matching cultivars with time of sowing. Crop developmental responses to temperature and photoperiod were quantified from emergence to harvest maturity (Model 1), from emergence to floral initiation (Model 2), from floral initiation to harvest maturity (Model 3), and in a combination of Models 2 and 3 (Model 4). These thermal time models were based on optimised base and optimum temperatures of 0 and 20 C, respectively. These optimised temperatures were determined using an iterative optimisation routine (simplex). Cardinal temperatures were consistent across cultivars but thermal time of phenological intervals were cultivar specific. Sensitivity to photoperiod and solar radiation was low in the three cultivars used. Thermal time models tested on independent data for five cultivars (Fiesta, Greenbelt, Marathon, CMS Liberty and Triathlon) grown as commercial crops on the Darling Downs over two years, adequately predicted floral initiation and harvest maturity. Model 4 provided the best prediction for the chronological duration from emergence to harvest maturity. Model 1 was useful when floral initiation data were not available, and it predicted harvest maturity almost as well as Model 4 since the same base and optimum temperatures of 0 C and 20 C, respectively, were used for both phenological intervals. Model 1 was also generated using data from 1979-80 sowings of three cultivars (Premium Crop, Selection 160 and Selection 165A). When Model 1 was tested with independent data from 1983-84, it predicted harvest maturity well. Where floral initiation data were available, predictions of harvest maturity were most precise using Model 3, since the variation, which occurred from emergence to floral initiation, was removed. Prediction of floral initiation using Model 2 can be useful for timing cultural practices, and for avoiding frost and high temperature periods. This research has produced models to assist broccoli farmers in crop scheduling and cultivar selection in south-east Queensland. Using the models as a guide, farmers can optimise yield and quality, by matching cultivars with sowing date. By accurately predicting floral initiation, the risk of frost damage during floral initiation can be reduced by adjusting sowing dates or crop management options. The simple and robust thermal time models will improve production and marketing arrangements, which have to be made in advance. The thermal time models in this study, incorporating frost risk using conditional statements, provide a foundation for a decision support system to manage the sequence of sowings on commercial broccoli farms


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    PROBLEM Pre-COVID-19 lockdowns (2019), we usually organise for our students to visit a commercial aquaponics facility, Green Camel1, which is a start-up company located within The University of Sydney’s Cobbitty campus. Green Camel produces both barramundi (fish) and pesticide-free organic vegetables, such as tomatoes and basil. Effluent from the barramundi is passed through a bioreactor which converts ammonium to nitrate, which is then utilised by the vegetables in a closed-loop system. During the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-21), we had to live-stream and video field visits to remotely located students and international students who are unable to travel to Australia to experience the field visits. We were not very happy with video recording field practicals, since the students did not get a hands-on experience with aquaponics. PLAN After the lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions, the first author partnered with start-up company, Farmwall2, in its STEM Pilot Program. In this Program, Farmwall provided students with an aquaponic ecosystem classroom kit including a fish tank, plant trays, plants, seeds, gravel and micro-organisms for converting ammonium to nitrate, as well as a separate hydroponics kit. An online education platform was also provided with detailed instructions for setting up the aquaponics kit, as well as step by step video instructions on how to maintain the fish tank and grow the vegetables including microgreens. Teachers and students were able to engage with the step-by-step process of setting up the aquaponics system as well as monitoring the health of the system (e.g., pH, ammonium, nitrate and nitrite levels). ACTION Farmwall provided the students with an aquaponic classroom kit so that they can engage in setting up and maintaining a model aquaponics unit. One of the students also contributed biological filtration, white cloud mountain minnows (Tanichthys micagemmae; fish) and aquatic plants. During the lab practicals, students harvested and tasted the snow pea microgreens grown using the aquaponic classroom unit. Some students were also inspired to convert their home fish tanks into home mini-aquaponic systems. REFLECTION In addition to visiting or watching videos of field visits, students learnt to set up and maintain an aquaponics unit to produce vegetables such as microgreens, which is a life skill that they can use in the post-COVID-19 world. Live-streamed and in person practicals provided useful information on how students could set up and produce vegetables including microgreens, becoming potentially self-sufficient. In addition to learning the theory of aquaponic production, students gained the life skills of a close-loop system to produce their own organic vegetables at home. 1https://greencamel.com.au/ 2https://farmwall.com

    Effect of phosphite supply in nutrient solution on yield, phosphorus nutrition and enzymatic behavior in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants

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    Abstract Aim of this study was to (i) understand the phosphite action used as P source on growth and grain yield, (ii) measure P concentration and accumulation in shoot and root, and (iii) evaluate enzymatic behaviour in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants grown in nutrient solution under phosphate starvation. Experimental design was completely randomised with 7 levels of phosphite (0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 µM) and 2 levels of phosphate (80 and 800 µM, corresponding to phosphate-starved plants and phosphatesufficient plants, respectively) in nutrient solution. Common bean plants were evaluated at 2 different growth stages: flowering and mature grain stages. For plants harvested at the mature grain stage, two more treatments (additional treatments) were added: -P = no P supply in nutrient solution; and +Phi = all the P (800 µM) from nutrient solution was supplied only as Phi. This study revealed that growth and grain yield in plants grown under phosphate starvation presented negative repercussions on these parameters, in which treatments with 64, 128, 256 and 512 µM of phosphite resulted in no-filled grains. Concentration and accumulation of P in shoot and root of phosphate-starved plants was increased with increasing phosphite levels in nutrient solution, but this additional P concentration did not convert into grain yield. The phosphite application in phosphate-starved plants promoted a decrease in acid phosphatase (EC activity, while catalase (EC activity was increased up to 32 µM of phosphite and was reduced at higher levels of phosphite

    Negative interference on growth and morpho-anatomical modifications in young Parkia gigantocarpa plants under waterlogging

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the responses linked to growth and morphological and anatomical changes in young plants of Parkia gigantocarpa subjected to waterlogging conditions. The experimental design was completely randomized with two water conditions (control and waterlogging) combined with five evaluation times (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16-days waterlogging conditions). The parameters evaluated were leaf specific hydraulic conductance, plant height, stem diameter, numbers of leaf and leaflets, as well as shoot dry matter, root dry matter, and total dry matter. The data were subjected to an analysis of variance, and significant differences between the means were determined using the F-test at a probability level of 5 %. Additionally, transversal sections linked to primary and secondary roots were described. The segments from the primary root (removed from region located 4 cm below of the soil surface) and the secondary root (removed from region located 4 cm from the root apex) were fixed, stained and mounted, and subsequently photo-documented. The waterlogging provoked reduction in leaf specific hydraulic conductance, as well as negative interferences on growth. Anatomically, this stress induced the appearance of hypertrophic lenticels in base of the stem, adventitious root and formation of schizogenous aerenchyma located in cortical parenchyma of the secondary root. Therefore, these results reveal the susceptibility of young Parkia gigantocarpa plants subjected to waterlogging conditions

    Effect of temperature and photoperiod on broccoli development, yield and quality in south-east Queensland

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    Broccoli is a vegetable crop of increasing importance in Australia, particularly in south-east Queensland and farmers need to maintain a regular supply of good quality broccoli to meet the expanding market. However, harvest maturity date, head yield and quality are all affected by climatic variations during the production cycle, particularly low temperature episodes. There are also interactions between genotype and climatic variability. A predictive model of ontogeny, incorporating climatic data including frost risk, would enable farmers to predict harvest maturity date and select appropriate cultivar sowing date combinations. The first stage of this research was to define floral initiation, which is fundamental to predicting ontogeny. Scanning electron micrographs of the apical meristem were made for the transition from the vegetative to advanced reproductive stage. During the early vegetative stage (stage 1), the apical meristem was a small, pointed shoot tip surrounded by leaf primordia. The transitional stage (stage 2) was marked by a widening and flattening to form a dome-shaped apical meristem. In the floral initiation stage (stage 3), the first-order floral primordia were observed in the axils of the developing bracts. Under field conditions, the shoot apex has an average diameter of 500 ± 3 µm at floral initiation and floral primordia can be observed under a light microscope. Sub-zero temperatures can result in freezing injury and thereby reduce head yield and quality. In order to predict the effects of frosts, it is desirable to know the stages of development at which plants are most susceptible. Therefore, the effects of sub-zero temperatures on leaf and shoot mortality, head yield and quality were determined after exposure of plants to a range of temperatures for short periods, at different stages of development (vegetative, floral initiation and buttoning). Plants in pots and in the field were subjected to sub-zero temperature regimes from 1 °C to 19 °C. Extracellular ice formation was achieved by reducing temperatures slowly, at a rate of -2 °C per hour. The floral initiation stage was most sensitive to freezing injury, as yields were significantly reduced at 1 °C and 3 °C, and shoot apices were killed at 5 °C. There was no significant yield reduction when the inflorescence buttoning iv stage was subjected to 1 °C and 3 °C. Although shoot apices at buttoning survived the 5 °C treatment, very poor quality heads of uneven bud size were produced as a result of arrested development. The lethal temperature for pot-grown broccoli was between 3 °C and 5 °C, whereas the lethal temperature for field-grown broccoli was between 7 °C and 9 °C. The difference was presumably due to variation in cold acclimation. Freezing injury can reduce broccoli head yield and quality, and retard plant growth. Crop development models based only on simple thermal time without restrictions will not predict yield or maturity if broccoli crops are frostdamaged. Field studies were conducted to develop procedures for predicting ontogeny, yield and quality. Three cultivars, (Fiesta, Greenbelt and Marathon) were sown on eight dates from 11 March to 22 May 1997, and grown under natural and extended (16 h) photoperiods in a sub-tropical environment at Gatton College, south-east Queensland, under non-limiting conditions of water and nutrient supply. Daily climatic data, and dates of emergence, floral initiation, harvest maturity, together with yield and quality were obtained. Yield and quality responses to temperature and photoperiod were quantified. As growing season mean minimum temperatures decreased, fresh weight of tops decreased while fresh weight harvest index increased linearly. There was no definite relationship between fresh weight of tops or fresh weight harvest index and growing season minimum temperatures > 10 °C. Genotype, rather than the environment, mainly determined head quality attributes. Fiesta had the best head quality, with higher head shape and branching angle ratings than Greenbelt or Marathon. Bud colour and cluster separation of Marathon were only acceptable for export when growing season mean minimum temperatures were < 8 °C. Photoperiod did not influence yield or quality in any of the three cultivars. A better understanding of genotype and environmental interactions will help farmers optimise yield and quality, by matching cultivars with time of sowing. Crop developmental responses to temperature and photoperiod were quantified from emergence to harvest maturity (Model 1), from emergence to floral initiation (Model 2), from floral initiation to harvest maturity (Model 3), and in a combination of Models 2 and 3 (Model 4). These thermal time models were based on optimised base v and optimum temperatures of 0 and 20 °C, respectively. These optimised temperatures were determined using an iterative optimisation routine (simplex). Cardinal temperatures were consistent across cultivars but thermal time of phenological intervals were cultivar specific. Sensitivity to photoperiod and solar radiation was low in the three cultivars used. Thermal time models tested on independent data for five cultivars (Fiesta, Greenbelt, Marathon, CMS Liberty and Triathlon) grown as commercial crops on the Darling Downs over two years, adequately predicted floral initiation and harvest maturity. Model 4 provided the best prediction for the chronological duration from emergence to harvest maturity. Model 1 was useful when floral initiation data were not available, and it predicted harvest maturity almost as well as Model 4 since the same base and optimum temperatures of 0 °C and 20 °C, respectively, were used for both phenological intervals. Model 1 was also generated using data from 1979-80 sowings of three cultivars (Premium Crop, Selection 160 and Selection 165A). When Model 1 was tested with independent data from 1983-84, it predicted harvest maturity well. Where floral initiation data were available, predictions of harvest maturity were most precise using Model 3, since the variation, which occurred from emergence to floral initiation, was removed. Prediction of floral initiation using Model 2 can be useful for timing cultural practices, and for avoiding frost and high temperature periods. This research has produced models to assist broccoli farmers in crop scheduling and cultivar selection in south-east Queensland. Using the models as a guide, farmers can optimise yield and quality, by matching cultivars with sowing date. By accurately predicting floral initiation, the risk of frost damage during floral initiation can be reduced by adjusting sowing dates or crop management options. The simple and robust thermal time models will improve production and marketing arrangements, which have to be made in advance. The thermal time models in this study, incorporating frost risk using conditional statements, provide a foundation for a decision support system to manage the sequence of sowings on commercial broccoli farms

    Coping with drought: stress and adaptive mechanisms, and management through cultural and molecular alternatives in cotton as vital constituents for plant stress resilience and fitness

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    Increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and associated climatic variability is primarily responsible for inducing heat waves, flooding and drought stress. Among these, water scarcity is a major limitation to crop productivity. Water stress can severely reduce crop yield and both the severity and duration of the stress are critical. Water availability is a key driver for sustainable cotton production and its limitations can adversely affect physiological and biochemical processes of plants, leading towards lint yield reduction. Adaptation of crop husbandry techniques suitable for cotton crop requires a sound understanding of environmental factors, influencing cotton lint yield and fiber quality. Various defense mechanisms e.g. maintenance of membrane stability, carbon fixation rate, hormone regulation, generation of antioxidants and induction of stress proteins have been found play a vital role in plant survival under moisture stress. Plant molecular breeding plays a functional role to ascertain superior genes for important traits and can offer breeder ready markers for developing ideotypes. This review highlights drought-induced damage to cotton plants at structural, physiological and molecular levels. It also discusses the opportunities for increasing drought tolerance in cotton either through modern gene editing technology like clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR/Cas9), zinc finger nuclease, molecular breeding as well as through crop management, such as use of appropriate fertilization, growth regulator application and soil amendments

    Planting density induced changes in cotton biomass yield, fiber quality, and phosphorus distribution under beta growth model

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    High input costs combined with multiple management and material inputs have threatened cotton productivity. We hypothesize that this problem can be addressed by a single fertilization at flowering with late sowing in a moderately populated plant stand. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the cotton biomass accumulation, phosphorus dynamics, and fiber quality under three planting densities (low, 3 × 10; moderate, 6 × 10; and dense, 9 × 10 ha) and two cultivars (Zhongmian-16 and J-4B). High planting density had 6.2 and 12.6% larger stems and fruiting nodes m, while low density produced a 37.5 and 59.4% maximum height node ratio. Moderate density produced 26.4–15.5%, 24.7–12.6%, and 10.5–13.6% higher biomass accumulation rate at the peak bloom, boll set, and plant removal stages over low and high density in both years, respectively. J-4B produced a higher reproductive organs biomass yield when compared with Zhongmian-16 in both years. This higher biomass formation was due to both the higher average (0.8 V kg·ha·d) and maximum (1.0 V kg·ha·d) reproductive organ phosphorus uptake, respectively. Plants with low density had 5.3–18.5%, 9.5–15%, and 7.8–12.8% greater length, strength, and micronaire values over moderate and dense plants, respectively. Conclusively, moderate density with J-4B is a promising option for improved biomass, phosphorus acquisition, and fiber quality under a short season

    Planting density and sowing date strongly influence growth and lint yield of cotton crops

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    This study assesses the effects of plant population density (PPD) and sowing date (SD) on growth, physiology and lint yield of a cotton crop. Seedling transplanting is one of the most dominant cotton production systems in China. But on the other hand, the net benefit is decreasing because the system is labor intensive. Therefore, a shorter cotton growing season is urgently needed to reduce the production costs through management practices such as adjusting sowing date and PPD. The following hypothesis was tested; would cotton yield and physiology from a late sowing be compensated by plant density? Field experiments were conducted with two sowing dates (S, May 20; S, June 04) as the main plot and three PPDs (D low; 7.5\ua0×\ua010; D moderate; 9.0\ua0×\ua010 and D high; 10.5\ua0×\ua010\ua0ha) as the sub-plot. Early-sown plants produced 23%, 32%, 55%, 77% and 14%, taller stems more nodes, leaves and fruits, respectively, than the late-sown plants. Consequently, S produced 26% higher lint yield than S. This increase in lint yield was mainly attributed to a relatively longer cropping season, which allowed utilization of available resources. Growth and fruit production in S1 plants were further increased by an increased photosynthetic rate (Pn) and N acquisition. Across the plant densities, 13% and 6% more lint yield was achieved under D than the D and D, respectively. Moderate PPD increased lint yield by 13% and 6% over high and low, respectively. Nitrogen (N) acquisition was 45%, 33%, higher for S sown crop compared with S, respectively. SD had higher average (3.5\ua0V\ua0kg\ua0ha\ua0d) and maximum (4.5\ua0V\ua0kg\ua0ha\ua0d) rates of N accumulation in reproductive organs at the fastest accumulation point among other treatments. Our data suggest that for both sowing dates moderate PPD is a promising option, which allows light interception and penetration to the lower canopy, efficient N utilization and assimilate distribution to reproductive structures

    Changes in Leaf Structural and Functional Characteristics when Changing Planting Density at Different Growth Stages Alters Cotton Lint Yield under a New Planting Model

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    Manipulation of planting density and choice of variety are effective management components in any cropping system that aims to enhance the balance between environmental resource availability and crop requirements. One-time fertilization at first flower with a medium plant stand under late sowing has not yet been attempted. To fill this knowledge gap, changes in leaf structural (stomatal density, stomatal length, stomata width, stomatal pore perimeter, and leaf thickness), leaf gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence attributes of different cotton varieties were made in order to change the planting densities to improve lint yield under a new planting model. A two-year field evaluation was carried out on cotton varieties—V1 (Zhongmian-16) and V2 (J-4B)—to examine the effect of changing the planting density (D1, low, 3 × 104; D2, moderate, 6 × 104; and D3, dense, 9 × 104) on cotton lint yield, leaf structure, chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf gas exchange attribute responses. Across these varieties, J-4B had higher lint yield compared with Zhongmian-16 in both years. Plants at high density had depressed leaf structural traits, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 uptake, quenching (qP), actual quantum yield of photosystem II (ΦPSII), and maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) in both years. Crops at moderate density had improved leaf gas exchange traits, stomatal density, number of stomata, pore perimeter, length, and width, as well as increased qP, ΦPSII, and Fv/Fm compared with low- and high-density plants. Improvement in leaf structural and functional traits contributed to 15.9%–10.7% and 12.3%–10.5% more boll m−2, with 20.6%–13.4% and 28.9%–24.1% higher lint yield averaged across both years, respectively, under moderate planting density compared with low and high density. In conclusion, the data underscore the importance of proper agronomic methods for cotton production, and that J-4B and Zhongmian-16 varieties, grown under moderate and lower densities, could be a promising option based on improved lint yield in subtropical regions