4 research outputs found

    Propagation of yellow mombin by stem and root cuttings treated with indolebutyric acid

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    Yellow mombin is a fruit species of growing interest in the agro-industrial sector, mainly in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, although its commercial exploitation is still limited due to the lack of information regarding its propagation, among other factors. In this perspective, this work aimed to study the effect of the application of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in the vegetative propagation of yellow mombin by stem and root cuttings. The experiments were conducted in a plant nursery, under a completely randomized experimental design consisting of six concentrations of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg.kg-1 in industrial talc), four replications, and ten cuttings per plot. The stem cutting experiment also evaluated the effect of the types of cuttings (tanchan, basal, stratified basal, medial, and apical), with the material being collected from a yellow mombin tree in full vegetative growth. The root cuttings were collected from a matrix plant in the stage of vegetative rest and cut into 15 cm length segments. After 120 days, the following variables were evaluated: percentage of living, sprouted, rooted, and calloused cuttings, and dry mass of roots and sprouts. The cuttings of the tanchan type showed higher survival and sprouting percentages, regardless of the concentration of IBA applied, whereas the rooting rate was low. The application of IBA increased the rooting percentage of the root cuttings until the maximum concentration of 5000 mg.kg-1, reaching 77.5%, although it did not influence the other variables analyzed. The root cuttings of yellow mombin exhibit good regeneration capacity.Yellow mombin is a fruit species of growing interest in the agro-industrial sector, mainly in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, although its commercial exploitation is still limited due to the lack of information regarding its propagation, among other factors. In this perspective, this work aimed to study the effect of the application of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in the vegetative propagation of yellow mombin by stem and root cuttings. The experiments were conducted in a plant nursery, under a completely randomized experimental design consisting of six concentrations of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg.kg-1 in industrial talc), four replications, and ten cuttings per plot. The stem cutting experiment also evaluated the effect of the types of cuttings (tanchan, basal, stratified basal, medial, and apical), with the material being collected from a yellow mombin tree in full vegetative growth. The root cuttings were collected from a matrix plant in the stage of vegetative rest and cut into 15 cm length segments. After 120 days, the following variables were evaluated: percentage of living, sprouted, rooted, and calloused cuttings, and dry mass of roots and sprouts. The cuttings of the tanchan type showed higher survival and sprouting percentages, regardless of the concentration of IBA applied, whereas the rooting rate was low. The application of IBA increased the rooting percentage of the root cuttings until the maximum concentration of 5000 mg.kg-1, reaching 77.5%, although it did not influence the other variables analyzed. The root cuttings of yellow mombin exhibit good regeneration capacity

    Cucumber production under organic cultivation in response to biofertilizer application

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    Cucumber is a vegetable species of high socioeconomic importance, whose fruits are consumed in all Brazilian regions. However, the knowledge of its organic production is still incipient. In this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of the Aodai cucumber under organic cultivation in response to the application of biofertilizer via soil and leaves. The experiment was conducted in the Seridó Ecological Site, Rio Branco, AC, by adopting a randomized block design in a 6x2 factorial arrangement, with four replications and eight plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of biofertilizer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5%) diluted in water, applied via foliar spraying, combined with the presence or absence of its pure application in the soil, with both methods applied at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after sowing. The fertilizer was also applied in the soil at sowing. At the end of each harvest, the fruits were divided into two quality categories (classes 1 and 2), and then the following variables were evaluated: number of fruits per plant, mean fruit mass, yield, fruit diameter, and fruit length. There was no significant interaction of the biofertilizer application via foliar spraying or soil for any of the variables. The biofertilizer application via foliar spraying promoted a significant increase in the number of marketable fruits per plant, mean mass of total fruits, and marketable and total yields. The 3% concentration of biofertilizer diluted in water and applied on the leaves is the most efficient method to increment the cucumber yield.Cucumber is a vegetable species of high socioeconomic importance, whose fruits are consumed in all Brazilian regions. However, the knowledge of its organic production is still incipient. In this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of the Aodai cucumber under organic cultivation in response to the application of biofertilizer via soil and leaves. The experiment was conducted in the Seridó Ecological Site, Rio Branco, AC, by adopting a randomized block design in a 6x2 factorial arrangement, with four replications and eight plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of biofertilizer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5%) diluted in water, applied via foliar spraying, combined with the presence or absence of its pure application in the soil, with both methods applied at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after sowing. The fertilizer was also applied in the soil at sowing. At the end of each harvest, the fruits were divided into two quality categories (classes 1 and 2), and then the following variables were evaluated: number of fruits per plant, mean fruit mass, yield, fruit diameter, and fruit length. There was no significant interaction of the biofertilizer application via foliar spraying or soil for any of the variables. The biofertilizer application via foliar spraying promoted a significant increase in the number of marketable fruits per plant, mean mass of total fruits, and marketable and total yields. The 3% concentration of biofertilizer diluted in water and applied on the leaves is the most efficient method to increment the cucumber yield

    Concentrations of indolebutyric acid on air-layering of guava cv. Paluma

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    Nowadays, the predominant technique for the commercial propagation of guava seedlings is through cuttings, using herbaceous cuttings that need a specialized infrastructure with intermittent misting, clean water, exhausters, water filters, and fans. As an alternative to plant propagation by cuttings, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of branches of the guava cv. Paluma by air-layering. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications and 10 air layers per plot. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of IBA powder mixed with industrial talcum: 0, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 mg.kg-1. Four adult guava parents that were in the off-season period were used. For the preparation of the air layers, the stems were girdled with a 4.0 cm width, using a steel blade, by removing the bark until exposing the cambium region, followed by IBA application and wrapping of the branches with a plastic bag containing moist organic substrate. The following variables were evaluated 120 days after air-layering: percentage of rooted and callused air layers, longest root length, and root dry matter. The analysis of variance indicated no significant differences between the IBA concentrations for all variables, but the rooting percentages were high (68.6 to 92.2%) regardless of the application of the exogenous auxin.Nowadays, the predominant technique for the commercial propagation of guava seedlings is through cuttings, using herbaceous cuttings that need a specialized infrastructure with intermittent misting, clean water, exhausters, water filters, and fans. As an alternative to plant propagation by cuttings, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of branches of the guava cv. Paluma by air-layering. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications and 10 air layers per plot. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of IBA powder mixed with industrial talcum: 0, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 mg.kg-1. Four adult guava parents that were in the off-season period were used. For the preparation of the air layers, the stems were girdled with a 4.0 cm width, using a steel blade, by removing the bark until exposing the cambium region, followed by IBA application and wrapping of the branches with a plastic bag containing moist organic substrate. The following variables were evaluated 120 days after air-layering: percentage of rooted and callused air layers, longest root length, and root dry matter. The analysis of variance indicated no significant differences between the IBA concentrations for all variables, but the rooting percentages were high (68.6 to 92.2%) regardless of the application of the exogenous auxin

    Cultivo e caracterização físico-química de vinagreira (Hibiscus sabdariffa) sob doses de composto orgânico

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    Amplamente cultivada em diversos países, a vinagreira (Hibiscus sabdariffa) é utilizada para fins culinários, medicinais e ornamentais. Devido à crescente procura por alimentos mais nutritivos e livre de substâncias tóxicas, visando o desenvolvimento de alternativas ambientalmente corretas, o objetivo desta pesquisa baseia-se no cultivo sustentável de vinagreira sob doses de composto orgânico, verificando o desenvolvimento vegetativo, produtivo e os teores nutritivos da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido na Unidade de Horticultura da Universidade Federal do Acre, consistindo na aplicação de quatro doses de composto orgânico, correspondentes aos tratamentos: T1 - 0 (controle), T2 - 200 mL, T3 - 400 mL e T4 - 600 mL, depositadas nas covas de plantio, espaçadas 0,5 m entre si em três linhas de plantio, com aproximadamente 10 m de comprimento, sendo estas distanciadas a 1 m. O delineamento estatístico foi o de blocos casualizados, contendo cinco blocos. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de regressão à 5% de probabilidade. Foram avaliados parâmetros de crescimento, produção e testes físico-químico das folhas. Resultados significativos foram verificados para altura das plantas e número de ramos de vinagreira, sendo as doses 325 mL e 142 mL, consideradas as melhores para proporcionar maior altura (276 cm) e número de ramos (14), respectivamente. Não houve significância entre as dosagens e os parâmetros de produção e análises físico-química das folhas. A aplicação de composto orgânico promove o crescimento em altura e número de ramos de Hibiscus sabdariffa