78 research outputs found

    Blinding Trachoma: Systematic Review of Rates and Risk Factors for Progressive Disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Sight loss from trachoma is the end result of a scarring disease process starting in early childhood and characterised by repeated episodes of conjunctival inflammation (active trachoma). Subsequently, the conjunctiva becomes scarred, causing the eyelashes to turn inwards and scratch the cornea (trichiasis), damaging the corneal surface and leading to corneal opacification and visual impairment. It is thought that this process is initiated and driven by repeated infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. We review published longitudinal studies to re-examine the disease process, its progression rates and risk factors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We searched PubMed for studies presenting incidence and progression data for the different stages of trachoma natural history. We only included studies reporting longitudinal data and identified 11 publications meeting this criterion. The studies were very heterogeneous in design, disease stage, duration, size and location, precluding meta-analysis. Severe conjunctival inflammation was consistently associated with incident and progressive scarring in five studies in which this was examined. One study reported an association between C. trachomatis infection and incident scarring. No studies have yet demonstrated an association between C. trachomatis infection and progressive scarring. Several studies conducted in regions with low prevalence active disease and C. trachomatis infection found evidence of on-going scarring progression. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Overall, there are few longitudinal studies that provide estimates of progression rates and risk factors, reflecting the challenges of conducting such studies. Our understanding of this disease process and the long-term impact of control measures is partial. Intense conjunctival inflammation was consistently associated with scarring, however, direct evidence demonstrating an association between C. trachomatis and progression is limited. This suggests that on-going chlamydial reinfection may not be mandatory for progression of established scarring, indicating that sight threatening trichiasis may continue to evolve in older people in formerly endemic populations, that will require service provision for years after active disease is controlled

    Trachoma and Ocular Chlamydial Infection in the Era of Genomics.

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    Trachoma is a blinding disease usually caused by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) serovars A, B, and C in the upper tarsal conjunctiva. Individuals in endemic regions are repeatedly infected with Ct throughout childhood. A proportion of individuals experience prolonged or severe inflammatory episodes that are known to be significant risk factors for ocular scarring in later life. Continued scarring often leads to trichiasis and in-turning of the eyelashes, which causes pain and can eventually cause blindness. The mechanisms driving the chronic immunopathology in the conjunctiva, which largely progresses in the absence of detectable Ct infection in adults, are likely to be multifactorial. Socioeconomic status, education, and behavior have been identified as contributing to the risk of scarring and inflammation. We focus on the contribution of host and pathogen genetic variation, bacterial ecology of the conjunctiva, and host epigenetic imprinting including small RNA regulation by both host and pathogen in the development of ocular pathology. Each of these factors or processes contributes to pathogenic outcomes in other inflammatory diseases and we outline their potential role in trachoma

    miRNAs that associate with conjunctival inflammation and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection do not predict progressive disease.

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    We previously showed that conjunctival miR-147b and miR-1285 were upregulated in Gambian adults with inflammatory scarring trachoma, and miR-155 and miR-184 expression was strongly associated with conjunctival inflammation and ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in children from Guinea-Bissau. We investigated whether the single or combined expression of miR-147b, miR-1285, miR-155 and miR-184 was able to identify individuals with increased risk of incident or progressive scarring trachoma. Conjunctival swab samples were collected from 506 children between the ages of 4 and 12 living in northern Tanzania. These 506 samples formed the baseline sample set of a 4-year longitudinal study. Chlamydia trachomatis infection was diagnosed by droplet digital PCR and expression of miR-155, miR-184, miR-1285 and miR-147b was tested by qPCR. Individuals were assessed for incidence and progression of conjunctival scarring by comparison of conjunctival photographs taken at baseline and 4 years later. miR-184 and miR-155 were strongly associated with inflammation and infection at baseline; however, no miR was associated with 4-year scarring incidence or progression. miR-184 expression was more strongly downregulated during inflammation in non-progressors relative to progressors, suggesting that a disequilibrium in the efficiency of wound healing is a significant determinant of progressive conjunctival fibrosis

    Immunofibrogenic Gene Expression Patterns in Tanzanian Children with Ocular Chlamydia trachomatis Infection, Active Trachoma and Scarring: Baseline Results of a 4-Year Longitudinal Study.

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    Trachoma, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, is the world's leading infectious cause of blindness and remains a significant public health problem. Much of trachomatous disease pathology is thought to be caused indirectly by host cellular and immune responses, however the immune response during active trachoma and how this initiates progressive scarring is not clearly understood. Defining protective vs. pathogenic immune response to C. trachomatis is important for vaccine design and evaluation. This study reports the baseline results of a longitudinal cohort of Tanzanian children, who were monitored for 4 years in order to determine the immunofibrogenic and infectious correlates of progressive scarring trachoma. In this cohort baseline, 506 children aged 6-10 years were assessed for clinical signs, infection status and the expression of 91 genes of interest prior to mass azithromycin administration for trachoma control. C. trachomatis was detected using droplet digital PCR and gene expression was measured using quantitative real-time PCR. The prevalence of follicles, papillary inflammation and scarring were 33.6, 31.6, and 28.5%, respectively. C. trachomatis was detected in 78/506 (15.4%) individuals, 62/78 of whom also had follicles. C. trachomatis infection was associated with a strong upregulation of IFNG and IL22, the enrichment of Th1 and NK cell pathways and Th17 cell-associated cytokines. In individuals with inflammation in the absence of infection the IFNG/IL22 and NK cell response was reduced, however, pro-inflammatory, growth and matrix factors remained upregulated and mucins were downregulated. Our data suggest that, strong IFNG/IL22 responses, probably related to Th1 and NK cell involvement, is important for clearance of C. trachomatis and that the residual pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic phenotype that persists after infection might contribute to pathological scarring. Interestingly, females appear more susceptible to developing papillary inflammation and scarring than males, even at this young age, despite comparable levels of C. trachomatis infection. Females also had increased expression of a number of IFNγ pathway related genes relative to males, suggesting that overexpression of this pathway in response to infection might contribute to more severe scarring. Longitudinal investigation of these factors will reveal their relative contributions to protection from C. trachomatis infection and development of scarring complications

    Increased Epithelial Expression of CTGF and S100A7 with Elevated Subepithelial Expression of IL-1β in Trachomatous Trichiasis.

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    PURPOSE: To characterize the histological appearance and expression of pro-inflammatory mediators, growth factors, matrix metalloproteinases and biomarkers of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in healthy control and trachomatous trichiasis (TT) conjunctival tissue. METHODS: Conjunctival biopsies were taken from 20 individuals with TT and from 16 individuals with healthy conjunctiva, which served as controls. Study participants were of varying ethnicity and were living in a trachoma-endemic region of northern Tanzania. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections were stained using hematoxylin and eosin or by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against: IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17A, IL-22, CXCL5, S100A7, cleaved caspase 1 (CC1), PDGF, CTGF, TGFβ2, MMP7, MMP9, E-cadherin, vimentin, and αSMA. RESULTS: Tissue from TT cases had a greater inflammatory cell infiltrate relative to controls and greater disruption of collagen structure. CTGF and S100A7 were more highly expressed in the epithelium and IL-1β was more highly expressed in the substantia propria of TT cases relative to controls. Latent TGFβ2 was slightly more abundant in the substantia propria of control tissue. No differences were detected between TT cases and controls in the degree of epithelial atrophy, the number of myofibroblasts or expression of EMT biomarkers. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that the innate immune system is active in the immunopathology of trachoma, even in the absence of clinical inflammation. CTGF might provide a direct link between inflammation and fibrosis and could be a suitable target for therapeutic treatment to halt the progression of trachomatous scarring

    Hubungan Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan Menurut Persepsi Perawat Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Perawat Pelaksana Di Ruang Instalasi Rawat Inap F Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R.d. Kandou Manado

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    : Leadership is the ability to provide a constructive influence others to do the business of the cooperative achieve the planned objectives. Motivation to work an employee is usually indicated by a continuous activity, and goal oriented. The purpose of this study is on the analysis of the relationship to the head of the room under the leadership of the nurse\u27s perception of the motivation of nurses in the inpatient department Prof.Dr.R.D. Kandou F BLU Manado. Analytic survey research design using a cross-sectional approach. Popolasi that all nurses in the inpatient space F BLU Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado. Total sampling using sampling. Data processed through univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi square with Fisher\u27s exact test alternatives. Results obtained by analysis of the probability (p) = 0.003 <α (0.05), which means that Ho is rejected. Conclusion, an association under the leadership of head room nurse perceptions of the work motivation of nurses in the inpatient department Prof.Dr.RDKandou F BLU Manado. Suggestions, for a head irina F would increase the motivation to work more room nurses, and for nurses would be to maintain and further enhance the motivation to work better

    DjinniChip: evaluation of a novel molecular rapid diagnostic device for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in trachoma-endemic areas.

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical signs of active trachoma are often present in the absence of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection, particularly following mass drug administration. Treatment decisions following impact surveys and in post-control surveillance for communities are currently based on the prevalence of clinical signs, which may result in further unnecessary distribution of mass antibiotic treatment and the increased spread of macrolide resistance alleles in 'off-target' bacterial species. We therefore developed a simple, fast, low cost diagnostic assay (DjinniChip) for diagnosis of ocular C. trachomatis for use by trachoma control programmes. METHODS: The study was conducted in the UK, Germany and Tanzania. For clinical testing in Tanzania, specimens from a sample of 350 children between the ages of 7 to 15 years, which were part of a longitudinal cohort that began in February 2012 were selected. Two ocular swabs were taken from the right eye. The second swab was collected dry, kept cool in the field and archived at - 80 °C before sample lysis for DjinniChip detection and parallel nucleic acid purification and detection/quantification by qPCR assay. RESULTS: DjinniChip was able to reliably detect > 10 copies of C. trachomatis per test and correctly identified 7/10 Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostics C. trachomatis panel samples, failing to detect 3 positive samples with genome equivalent amounts ≤ 10 copies. DjinniChip performed well across a range of typical trachoma field conditions and when used by lay personnel using a series of mock samples. In the laboratory in Tanzania, using clinical samples the sensitivity and specificity of DjinniChip for C. trachomatis was 66% (95% CI 51-78) and 94.8 (95% CI 91-97%) with an overall accuracy of 90.1 (95% CI 86.4-93). CONCLUSIONS: DjinniChip performance is extremely promising, particularly its ability to detect low concentrations of C. trachomatis and its usability in field conditions. The DjinniChip requires further development to reduce inhibition and advance toward a closed system. DjinniChip results did not vary between local laboratory results and typical trachoma field settings, illustrating its potential for use in low-resource areas to prevent unnecessary rounds of MDA and to monitor for C. trachomatis recrudescence

    Immunopathogenesis of Progressive Scarring Trachoma: Results of a 4-Year Longitudinal Study in Tanzanian Children.

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    Trachoma is initiated during childhood following repeated conjunctival infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, which causes a chronic inflammatory response in some individuals that leads to scarring and in-turning of the eyelids in later life. There is currently no treatment to halt the progression of scarring trachoma due to an incomplete understanding of disease pathogenesis. A cohort study was performed in northern Tanzania in 616 children aged 6 to 10 years at enrollment. Every 3 months for 4 years, children were examined for clinical signs of trachoma, and conjunctival swabs were collected for C. trachomatis detection and to analyze the expression of 46 immunofibrogenic genes. Data were analyzed in relation to progressive scarring status between baseline and the final time point. Genes that were significantly associated with scarring progression included those encoding proinflammatory chemokines (CXCL5, CCL20, CXCL13, and CCL18), cytokines (IL23A, IL19, and IL1B), matrix modifiers (MMP12 and SPARCL1), immune regulators (IDO1, SOCS3, and IL10), and a proinflammatory antimicrobial peptide (S100A7). In response to C. trachomatis infection, IL23A and PDGF were significantly upregulated in scarring progressors relative to in nonprogressors. Our findings highlight the importance of innate proinflammatory signals from the epithelium and implicate interleukin 23A (IL-23A)-responsive cells in driving trachomatous scarring, with potential key mechanistic roles for PDGFB, MMP12, and SPARCL1 in orchestrating fibrosis

    Immunohistochemical Analysis of Scarring Trachoma Indicates Infiltration by Natural Killer and Undefined CD45 Negative Cells.

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    INTRODUCTION: The phenotype and function of immune cells infiltrating the conjunctiva in scarring trachoma have yet to be fully characterized. We assessed tissue morphology and immunophenotype of cellular infiltrates found in trachomatous scarring compared to control participants. METHODOLOGY: Clinical assessments and conjunctival biopsy samples were obtained from 34 individuals with trachomatous scarring undergoing trichiasis surgery and 33 control subjects undergoing cataract or retinal detachment surgery. Biopsy samples were fixed in buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin wax. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining was performed for assessment of the inflammatory cell infiltrate. Immunohistochemical staining of single markers on individual sections was performed to identify cells expressing CD3 (T-cells), CD4 (helper T-cells), CD8 (suppressor/cytotoxic T-cells and Natural Killer, NK, cells), NCR1 (NK cells), CD20 (B-cells), CD45 (nucleated hematopoietic cells), CD56 (NK and T-cells), CD68 (macrophages/monocytes) and CD83 (mature dendritic cells). The degree of scarring was assessed histologically using cross-polarized light to visualize collagen fibres. PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Scarring, regardless of clinical inflammation, was associated with increased inflammatory cell infiltrates on H&E and CD45 staining. Scarring was also associated with increased CD8+ and CD56+ cells, but not CD3+ cells, suggestive of a NK cell infiltrate. This was supported by the presence of NCR1+ cells. There was some increase in CD20+ cells, but no evidence for increased CD4+, CD68+ or CD83+ cells. Numerous CD45 negative cells were also seen in the population of infiltrating inflammatory cells in scarred conjunctiva. Disorganization of the normal collagen architecture was strongly associated with clinical scarring. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data point to the infiltration of immune cells with a phenotype suggestive of NK cells in conjunctival trachomatous scarring. A large proportion of CD45 negative inflammatory cells were also present. Future work should seek to understand the stimuli leading to the recruitment of these cells and their role in progressive scarring

    The conjunctival transcriptome in Ethiopians after trichiasis surgery: associations with the development of eyelid contour abnormalities and the effect of oral doxycycline treatment

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    Background: Surgery to correct trichiasis is a key component of the World Health Organisation trachoma control strategy, however unfavourable outcomes such as eyelid contour abnormalities (ECA) following surgery are relatively common. This study aimed to understand the transcriptional changes associated with the early development of ECA and the impact of doxycycline, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties, upon these transcription patterns. Methods: One thousand Ethiopians undergoing trichiasis surgery were enrolled in a randomised controlled trial following informed consent. Equal groups of randomly assigned individuals were orally administered with 100mg/day of doxycycline (n=499) or placebo (n=501) for 28 days. Conjunctival swabs were collected immediately prior to surgery and at one- and six-months post-surgery. 3’ mRNA sequencing was performed on paired baseline and one-month samples from 48 individuals; 12 in each treatment/ECA outcome group. qPCR validation was then performed for 46 genes of interest in 145 individuals who developed ECA at one month and 145 matched controls, using samples from baseline, one and six months. Results: All treatment/outcome groups upregulated genes associated with wound healing pathways at one month relative to baseline, however no individual differences were detected between groups. The summed expression of a highly coexpressed cluster of pro-fibrotic genes was higher in patients that developed ECA in the placebo group relative to controls. qPCR validation revealed that all genes in this cluster and a number of other pro-inflammatory genes were strongly associated with ECA, however these associations were not modulated by trial arm. Conclusions: The development of post-operative ECA is associated with overexpression of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic genes including growth factors, matrix metalloproteinases, collagens and extracellular matrix proteins. There was no evidence that doxycycline modulated the association between gene expression and ECA.</ns4:p