5 research outputs found

    Características citológicas de cistoadenocarcinoma papilar ovariano em um cão

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    Background: Ovarian papillary cystadenocarcinoma is a rare neoplasm associated with peritoneal implantation and malignant effusion. Most dogs are asymptomatic until the nodules become large and the abdominal volume is increased. From the clinical suspicion, the diagnosis can be obtained through imaging and histopathology, however, cytological analysis has become an alternative method for the early detection of this neoplasm. In order to demonstrate the importance of cytology in the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms and its metastasis, it is reported a case of metastatic ovarian papillary cystadenocarcinoma in a dog.Case: Female, intact, teckel, 5-year-old, with increased abdominal volume. Physical examination revealed ascites and intracavitary mass, abdominocentesis and fine needle puncture of the mass were performed for cytological evaluation. In the cavity fluid it was observed: dark red color, cloudy appearance, hematocrit of 35%; (7.6 g / dL), pH (8.0), 22,000 nucleated cells / μL, marked cellularity of pleomorphic epithelial cells arranged in three-dimensional cohesive groups, sometimes in acinar or tubular pattern, nucleus with loose chromatin coarse, scarse to moderate cytoplasm, perinuclear halo, multiple and evident nucleoli compatible with carcinomatous neoplastic effusion. In the cytological evaluation of the tumor, epithelial cells were observed, with the same microscopic characteristics of the abdominal fluid. A laparotomy that did not show metastasis was performed, multiple nodes interspersed with cystic regions containing yellow-red fluid in the right ovary were visualized. Histopathology showed: neoplastic cells proliferation of ovarian glandular tissue, scarce cytoplasm, poorly delimited, nucleus ranging from oval to cylindrical with marked pleomorphism, evident nucleoli and loose chromatin, mitotic figures and papillary growth. Neoplastic cells forming irregular cavities with proteinaceous fluid, scarce connective tissue intermingling the cellular nest and areas of hemorrhage. Cytological and histopathological analyzes were compatible with ovarian papillary cystadenocarcinoma. After three months of excision, the dog returned with thoracic effusion that presented the same characteristics of the abdominal fluid, indicating metastasis.Discussion: Metastasis and effusion were observed in 48% and 86% of dogs with this tumor, respectively. Cell exfoliation, release of fluid through the tumor capsule or rupture of cysts can result in transcelomic metastatic implants that exert pressure and obstruct peritoneal and diaphragmatic lymphatic vessels causing effusion. The macro and microscopic characteristics of the abdominal effusion reinforced the suspicion of neoplasia, and the cytomorphological evaluation of the tumor, which identified carcinomatous cells similar to that of the effusion, allowed the presumptive diagnosis of the neoplasia. The macroscopic presence of multiple nodes interspersed with cystic regions containing red fluid in the right ovary, identified after surgical excision, reinforced the cytologic diagnosis. Histopathological examination identified wellestablished microscopic features that allowed the definitive and confirmatory diagnosis of neoplasia. Radiological analysis of the chest was not enough to detect the metastasis diagnosed by effusion analysis, however, small nodules (less than 6 mm) are difficult to identify by imaging. Thus, it is important to emphasize the importance of cytological evaluation of tumor and effusions for detection of neoplastic cells for the diagnosis of intracavitary neoplasia and metastasis

    Detection of Leishmania infantum in Peripheral Blood Smear and Lymph Node of a Domestic Feline

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     Background: Cats can become infected and develop feline visceral leishmaniasis (LVF) and manifest variable clinical signs. The diagnosis of the disease in this species has been made more frequently by means of serological and molecular techniques. Different from what happens with dogs, the use of parasitological analysis of lymph node, in clinical practice, for agent detection in felines are infrequent. Therefore, the aim of this study was to disclose the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis in a domestic cat from the blood smear analysis and aspiration cytology of lymph node.Case: An adult mixed breed queen, from the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil was referred for clinical care due to the presence of a nodule, with approximately 4 cm, near the inguinal breast. Other parameters, on physical examination, are within the normal range for the specie. For the investigation, additional tests were requested. Eosinophilia was found in a complete blood count (CBC). The association between macroscopic characteristics and cyto­logical findings allowed the diagnosis of inguinal lymph node hyperplastic. Furthermore, amastigotes of Leishmania sp. were visualized both in the peripheral blood sample and in the analyzed material mass. The diagnosis of visceral leishmani­asis and identification of specie of Leishmania was performed by PCR technique (Polymerase Chain Reaction), from the detection of genetic material from Leishmania infantum. After diagnosis of the disease, the owner opted for the conduct of animal euthanasia in the Zoonosis Control Center (CCZ), making impossible the realization of post-mortem examination.Discussion: Hematologic changes described for cats with feline visceral leishmaniasis may be absent or multiple and vari­able, such as for example, anemia, agglutination of erythrocytes, leukocytosis, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, however, isolated eosinophilia, identified in this report, has not been observed by other authors. The viewing of the amastigote forms in blood smears is considered unusual. A study in which there were examined 1438 samples of dogs, the agent detection did not exceed 0.28%. In cats, there is only one report, of a pancytopenic feline, describing this finding and corroborates for the rarity of the observation of amastigote forms in peripheral blood feline of this report. The use of serologic and mo­lecular methods for the diagnosis of disease in felids has been most frequently used, however, high titers of anti-Leishmania antibodies associated with protective humoral immune response and degenerated genetic material of the amastigotes can be detected by PCR techniques, not identifying active infection. The parasitological diagnosis by means of cytological evaluation of lymph nodes is fast, low cost, presents high specificity and is frequently used in research of canine visceral leishmaniasis, however, the use of this technique for the diagnosis of the disease in cats is still restricted to academic environment. The identification of amastigotes in peripheral blood and lymph nodes, detected in this study, indicates the possibility of using the blood test and, especially, the cytological examination of lymph node for parasitological research of feline visceral leishmaniasis and highlights the need of studies to determine the sensitivity of these tests in this species.Keywords: cat, diagnosis, leishmaniasis, complete blood count, cytology

    Troponina, biomarcador de injúria cardíaca, na medicina veterinária: Revisão

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    As lesões no miocárdio são de difícil diagnóstico e podem ser confundidas com outras enfermidades, portanto é importante a associação de diferentes métodos diagnósticos para a conclusão. Na medicina humana as troponinas são reconhecidas, há vários anos, como biomarcadores sensíveis e específicos na identificação de lesões miocárdica. As troponinas cardíacas são expressas exclusivamente pelo miocárdio e liberadas para circulação logo após uma injúria no músculo cardíaco. Essa revisão teve como objetivo abordar os diferentes tipos de troponinas, dando enfoque a sua aplicabilidade e comportamento como marcador de lesão tecidual em animais. Constatou-se se que o uso da troponina I cardíaca (cTnI), como biomarcador de injuria cardíaca, foi validada para o uso diagnóstico em diferentes espécies animais e é capaz de colaborar no diagnóstico e prognóstico das enfermidades miocárdicas, embora, não determinem o mecanismo da lesão

    Comportamento dos marcadores bioquímicos de injúria hepática nos cães com leishmaniose visceral

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as alterações dos marcadores bioquímicos de danos hepáticos em cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania sp. de acordo com as diferentes formas clínicas apresentadas por esses animais. Sangue de 41 cães sororreagentes nos testes de ELISA e positivos nos testes imunocromatográfico e parasitológico de linfonodo, foram colhidos por venopunção e acondicionadas em tubo sem anticoagulante para obtenção de soro e mensuração de colesterol total, triglicerídeos, ureia, fosfatase alcalina, gamma glutamiltransferase, alanina aminotransferase, proteínas totais e albumina. Realizou-se a estratificação em grupos de acordo com a sintomatologia clínica, em assintomáticos (7/41), oligossintomáticos (15/41) e sintomáticos (19/41). Hiperglobulinemia, hiperproteinemia e diminuição da razão Albumina:Globulina foram constatadas em todos os grupos com diferença estatística significativa para albumina (2,87 ±0,45 g/dL). Colesterol, fosfatase alcalina, alanina aminotransferase e gamma glutamiltransferase permaneceram dentro dos intervalos de normalidade. As alterações encontradas nos marcadores bioquímicos de danos hepáticos sugerem que a leishmaniose visceral deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial das hepatopatias, principalmente, nas áreas endêmicas para a enfermidade