7 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of heat transfer and evaporation characteristics of cryogenic liquid propellant

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    Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015-12Passive and active technologies have been used to control propellant boil-off, but the current state of understanding of cryogenic evaporation and condensation in microgravity is insufficient for designing large cryogenic depots critical to the long-term space exploration missions. One of the key factors limiting the ability to design such systems is the uncertainty in the accommodation coefficients (evaporation and condensation), which are inputs for kinetic modeling of phase change. A novel, combined experimental and computational approach is being used to determine the accommodation coefficients for liquid hydrogen. The experimental effort utilizes the Neutron Imaging Facility located at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland to image evaporation and condensation of propellants inside of metallic containers. CFD tools are utilized to infer the temperature distribution in the system and determine the appropriate thermal boundary conditions for the numerical solution of the evaporating and condensing liquid to be used in a kinetic phase change model. Using all three methods, there is the possibility of extracting the accommodation coefficients from the experimental observations

    Neutron radiography of condensation and evaporation of hydrogen in a cryogenic condition

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    The condensation and evaporation of hydrogen under cryogenic conditions is visualized by using neutron imaging at the BT-2 Beam Facility at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The condensation and evaporation are controlled by adjusting temperature (20 K ~ 23 K) and pressure (1.3 ~ 1.95 bar absolute). The hydrogen contained in the aluminum test cell inside the cryostat has a large attenuation coefficient due to its large scattering cross section. The high sensitivity of neutron radiography to hydrogen allows the visualization of a meniscus and a contact line of evaporating hydrogenated cryogenic propellants. The graphic represents the temperature, pressure and corresponding images of liquid hydrogen in the test cell. The test cell is made of Aluminum 6061 with an inner diameter of 12 mm. The captured images are then median filtered and post-processed in order to find the volume of liquid hydrogen in the test cell as a function of time. The condensation/evaporation rates obtained from neutron imaging along with corresponding temperature and pressure are used to validate the evaporation model being developed by the authors

    Contact angle measurement of liquid hydrogen (LH2) in stainless steel and aluminum cells

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    One of the key limitations to long-term space missions is to avoid propellant boil-off in a microgravity space environment. Even with the use of active and passive controls of propellants, boil off is inevitable. Long-term CFD simulations on propellant behaviors depend on evaporation/condensation coefficients (known as accommodation coefficients) which are in turn dependent upon the wetting characteristics. Phase change experiments were conducted in the BT-2 neutron imaging facility at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) by introducing vapor H2 in 10 mm Al6061 and SS316L test cells placed inside the 70mm ‘orange’ cryostat. Condensation is achieved by lowering the cryostat temperature below the saturation point and vice versa for evaporation. The high neutron cross-section of liquid H2 in comparison to both the vapor and the test cell materials allows for visualization of a distinct liquid-vapor interface. Multiple images are stacked to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and the meniscus edge is obtained by detecting the pixels with largest gradients in intensities at the liquid meniscus. The contact angle is obtained by curve fitting of the Young-Laplace equation to the detected meniscus. The contact angle for Al6061 and SS316 is found to be between 0° and 4°. The uncertainty arises from edge detection, magnification, and resolution limits of the neutron imaging setup. The test was conducted at a saturation temperature of 21K (1.215 bar). The results from the neutron experiments will be then used in conjunction with FEA thermal models and kinetic phase change models to extract accommodation coefficients.</jats:p