27 research outputs found

    Associação do reflexo vermelho em recém-nascidos com variáveis neonatais

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    Objetivou-se investigar o resultado do teste do reflexo vermelho, conhecido como teste do olhinho, e associar as impressões do reflexo com variáveis neonatais. Este é um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado com 190 recém-nascidos de uma maternidade pública, dos quais 187 apresentaram resultado não alterado e três suspeitos. Observaram-se diferentes nuances de coloração do reflexo: em 50 (26,3%) a coloração do reflexo apresentou-se vermelha; 34 (17,9%) laranja-avermelhado; 92 (48,4%) alaranjado; 11 (5,8%) amarelo claro e três (1,6%) com manchas esbranquiçadas. Encontraram-se associações estatisticamente significantes entre o instrumento gradiente de cores e variáveis neonatais: peso (p=0,03), idade gestacional (p=0,019) e oxigenoterapia (p=0,024). Enfermeiros capacitados para prática e avaliação desse teste podem se tornar profissionais em potencial para a prevenção da cegueira infantil.The aim of this study was to investigate the results of the red reflex test and to associate these results with neonatal variables. This descriptive study was conducted with 190 newborns in a public maternity hospital. A total of 187 infants presented no alteration and three presented suspect results. Different shades of reflex color were observed: 50 (26.3%) presented red; 34 (17.9%) orange-red, 92 (48.4%) orange, 11 (5.8%) light yellow and three (1.6%) milky white spots. Statistically significant associations between the color gradient instrument and neonatal variables were found: weight (p=0.03), gestational age (p=0.019) and oxygen therapy (p=0.024). Nurses trained to practice and evaluate this test may become professionals in the potential for the prevention of childhood blindness.Se objetivó investigar el resultado de la prueba del reflejo rojo, conocido como prueba del ojito, y asociar las impresiones del reflejo con variables neonatales. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, realizado con 190 recién nacidos de una maternidad pública; de los cuales 187 presentaron resultados no alterados y tres sospechosos. Se observaron diferentes matices de coloración del reflejo: en 50 (26,3%) se presentó rojo; 34 (17,9%) naranja rojizo; 92 (48,4%) anaranjado; 11 (5,8%) amarillo claro y tres (1,6%) con manchas blanquecinas. Se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el instrumento gradiente de colores y las variables neonatales: peso (p=0,03), edad de gestación (p=0,019) y oxigenoterapia (p=0,024). Enfermeros capacitados para la práctica y evaluación de esa prueba pueden tornarse profesionales en potencial para la prevención de la ceguera infantil

    30-day morbidity and mortality of sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and one anastomosis gastric bypass: a propensity score-matched analysis of the GENEVA data

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    Background: There is a paucity of data comparing 30-day morbidity and mortality of sleeve gastrectomy (SG), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), and one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB). This study aimed to compare the 30-day safety of SG, RYGB, and OAGB in propensity score-matched cohorts. Materials and methods: This analysis utilised data collected from the GENEVA study which was a multicentre observational cohort study of bariatric and metabolic surgery (BMS) in 185 centres across 42 countries between 01/05/2022 and 31/10/2020 during the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. 30-day complications were categorised according to the Clavien–Dindo classification. Patients receiving SG, RYGB, or OAGB were propensity-matched according to baseline characteristics and 30-day complications were compared between groups. Results: In total, 6770 patients (SG 3983; OAGB 702; RYGB 2085) were included in this analysis. Prior to matching, RYGB was associated with highest 30-day complication rate (SG 5.8%; OAGB 7.5%; RYGB 8.0% (p = 0.006)). On multivariate regression modelling, Insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia were associated with increased 30-day complications. Being a non-smoker was associated with reduced complication rates. When compared to SG as a reference category, RYGB, but not OAGB, was associated with an increased rate of 30-day complications. A total of 702 pairs of SG and OAGB were propensity score-matched. The complication rate in the SG group was 7.3% (n = 51) as compared to 7.5% (n = 53) in the OAGB group (p = 0.68). Similarly, 2085 pairs of SG and RYGB were propensity score-matched. The complication rate in the SG group was 6.1% (n = 127) as compared to 7.9% (n = 166) in the RYGB group (p = 0.09). And, 702 pairs of OAGB and RYGB were matched. The complication rate in both groups was the same at 7.5 % (n = 53; p = 0.07). Conclusions: This global study found no significant difference in the 30-day morbidity and mortality of SG, RYGB, and OAGB in propensity score-matched cohorts

    Percepções maternas sobre o neonato em uso de fototerapia Percepciones maternales sobre el recién nacido en uso de fototerapia Maternal perceptions about the newborn in use of phototherapy

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    A fototerapia é o tratamento inicial da icterícia neonatal. Objetivamos conhecer a percepção da mãe acerca da fototerapia e identificar as suas dificuldades, relacionadas ao tratamento fototerápico. Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, realizado no Alojamento Conjunto (AC) de um hospital público em Fortaleza-CE, com 8 puérperas na faixa etária entre 13 e 25 anos. Os dados foram coletados em maio e junho/2006, mediante entrevista com duas questões de pesquisa: O que representa para a senhora ver o seu filho sob fototerapia; quais são as dificuldades enfrentadas em relação aos cuidados com o seu bebê na fototerapia? Na análise das falas, identificamos as categorias: percepção da mãe com relação ao cuidado com o bebê sob a fototerapia, dificuldades enfrentadas pela mãe com seu filho em fototerapia, e a mãe após as orientações recebidas. Concluímos que existe a necessidade de repensar as orientações e assumir autenticamente os cuidados de enfermagem ao binômio mãe-filho.<br>La fototerapia es un tratamiento inicial de la ictericia neonatal. El Objetivo fue conocer la percepción de la madre sobre la fototerapia e identificar las dificultades de la madre con relación a este tratamiento. Estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativa. Realizado en el Alojamiento Conjunto (AC) de un hospital público en Fortaleza-CE, con 08 parturientas con edad entre 13 a 25 años. Los datos fueron colectados en mayo y junio/2006, a través de entrevista con dos cuestiones de investigacíon: ¿Qué representa para la señora observar su niño en fototerapia?¿Cualés las dificultades enfrentadas con relación a la atención con su niño en la fototerapia? En la análisis de las hablas, observamos las categorias: percepción de la madre con relación a la atención con el niño en fototerapia, dificultades sufridas por la madre, con su hijo en fototerapia, y la madre después de las orientaciones recebidas. Concluimos que hay la necesidad de pensar una vez más las orientaciones y asumir autenticamente las atenciones de Enfermería al binomio madre-hijo.<br>Phototherapy is the initial treatment for neonatal ictericia. We aimed to know mother's perception about this treatment and to identify theirs difficulties related to the phototherapy treatment. It is a descriptive study with qualitative approach. It was conducted in the shared accommodation (SA) of a public hospital in Fortaleza-CE, with 08 puerperal women in the age group from 13 to 25 years old. The data were collected in May and June/2006, before interview with two orienteering questions's research: What does it mean for you to see your child under phototherapy; What are the difficulties faced in relation to the care with your baby under phototherapy? In the analysis of the speeches we identified the categories such as: perception of the mother about the care with her baby under phototherapy, difficulties faced by the mother with her child under phototherapy and the mother after receiving the orientations. We concluded that it is necessary to rethink the orientations and assume authentically the Nursing care to the binomial mother-son