96 research outputs found


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    The title compound, C18H15ClN2O2, is a potential human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. The pyrrolidine ring adopts an envelope and the diazepine ring a boat conformation. In the crystal structure, two isomers (R and S) form centrosymmetric dimers via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Selective excitations of a Kerr-nonlinear resonator: exactly solvable approach

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    We study Kerr nonlinear resonators (KNR) driven by a continuous wave field in quantum regimes where strong Kerr interactions give rise to selective resonant excitations of oscillatory modes. We use an exact quantum theory of KNR in the framework of the Fokker-Planck equation without any quantum state truncation or perturbation procedure. This approach allows non-perturbative consideration of KNR for various quantum operational regimes including cascaded processes between oscillatory states. We focus on understanding of multi-photon non-resonant and selective resonant excitations of introcavity mode depending on the detuning, the amplitude of the driving field and the strength of nonlinearity. The analysis is provided on the base of photon number distributions, the photon-number correlation function and the Wigner function.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Visibility of lattice points in high dimensional spaces and extreme values of combinations of Dirichlet L-functions

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    This thesis is divided into three major topics. In the first, we study questions concerning the distribution of lattice points in dimensions two and higher. We give asymptotic formulas for the number of integer lattice points of fixed index visible from certain admissible sets. We also study the shape of the body PA1,,PAkPA_1, \dots, PA_k when the lattice points A1,,AkA_1, \dots, A_k move inside a given large ball, and PP is a lattice point visible from all AiA_i's. In the second part, we study the phenomenon of similar ordering of Farey fractions and their generalizations. The notion of similar ordering for pairs of rationals was first introduced by Hardy, Littlewood and P\'olya. Later A.E. Mayer proved that pairs of Farey fractions in FQ\mathcal{F}_Q are similarly ordered when QQ is large enough. We generalize Mayer's result to Ducci iterates of Farey sequences and visible points in convex regions. We also generalize the notion of index for Farey sequences and study the distribution of this generalization for large values of QQ. In the third part of this thesis, we work with large values of certain Dirichlet series and their partial sums. In particular, we examine a `short' partial sum of the Riemann Zeta function, ζN(s)=nN1ns\zeta_N(s) = \sum_{n\le N}\frac{1}{n^s}. We obtain large values of ζN(12+it)\zeta_N\left(\frac{1}{2}+it\right) for t[T,T]t\in[\sqrt{T}, T] when N(logT)λN\le (\log T)^\lambda with 0<λ<e0<\lambda<\sqrt{e}. We also adapt the methods by K. Soundararajan \cite{Sound} and A. Bondarenko, K. Seip \cite{Bond} to obtain large values on the critical line for a certain linear combination of Dirichlet LL-functions


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    In the title compound, C20H17N3O, a potential anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor, the pyrrolidine ring has an envelope conformation. In the crystal structure, adjacent mol­ecules are connected into infinite chains via an N—H⋯O hydrogen bond

    Structural investigation of twinned crystals

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    The Structures of Tl-superconducting single crystals

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    Diagnosticul şi tratamentul disecţiilor arteriale cervico-cerebrale. Caz clinic şi revista literaturii

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    Disecţiile arterelor cervico-cerebrale reprezintă cauza a aproximativ 20% din accidentele ischemice cerebrale la adultul tânăr. Prezentarea lor clinică este caracterizată prin succesiunea semnelor locale, printre care cefaleea, cervicalgiile şi semnele sindromul Claude Bernard-Horner sunt cele mai frecvente, iar semnele ischemiei cerebrale şi/sau retiniene, care pot fi fatale, duc la un accident ischemic constituit. La suspectarea unei disecţii a arterei carotidiene sau vertebrale este justifi cat de a realiza de urgenţă examene complementare pentru confi rmarea diagnosticului şi instituirea rapidă a tratamentului adecvat

    Verbs of Thought as a Way of Characterizing Hero-Intellectual in Short Prose of A. P. Chekhov and A. I. Kuprin

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    The verbs of thought and their role in the characterization of the linguistic personality of the hero-intellectual based on the stories of A. P. Chekhov “My Life” and A. I. Kuprin “Moloch” is examined in the article. It is noted that this study will allow a comparative analysis of the characters in order to identify the typical and individual in their ideas about the world, in the system of their views on the world, in the direction of their thought process. The relevance of the work is determined by addressing the problem of describing a linguistic personality in a literary text. The novelty of the article lies in the study of variations in the representation of the model personality of the hero-intellectual in late 19th century Russian prose. The article uses methods of semantic and linguo-stylistic analysis, comparison and description of language units. The conclusions substantiate that in the presence of distinctive features in the mental activity of the characters, as well as in the principles of constructing their speech strategies, there are common, typological properties, which is due to their belonging to the same social stratum and cultural and historical era. The authors believe that these characters can be attributed to the model language personality of a Russian intellectual at the turn of the 19th—20th centuries