42 research outputs found

    Improved scaling of Time-Evolving Block-Decimation algorithm through Reduced-Rank Randomized Singular Value Decomposition

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    When the amount of entanglement in a quantum system is limited, the relevant dynamics of the system is restricted to a very small part of the state space. When restricted to this subspace the description of the system becomes efficient in the system size. A class of algorithms, exemplified by the Time-Evolving Block-Decimation (TEBD) algorithm, make use of this observation by selecting the relevant subspace through a decimation technique relying on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). In these algorithms, the complexity of each time-evolution step is dominated by the SVD. Here we show that, by applying a randomized version of the SVD routine (RRSVD), the power law governing the computational complexity of TEBD is lowered by one degree, resulting in a considerable speed-up. We exemplify the potential gains in efficiency at the hand of some real world examples to which TEBD can be successfully applied to and demonstrate that for those system RRSVD delivers results as accurate as state-of-the-art deterministic SVD routines.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Characterization of qubit chains by Feynman probes

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    We address the characterization of qubit chains and assess the performances of local measurements compared to those provided by Feynman probes, i.e. nonlocal measurements realized by coupling a single qubit regis- ter to the chain. We show that local measurements are suitable to estimate small values of the coupling and that a Bayesian strategy may be successfully exploited to achieve optimal precision. For larger values of the coupling Bayesian local strategies do not lead to a consistent estimate. In this regime, Feynman probes may be exploited to build a consistent Bayesian estimator that saturates the Cram\'er-Rao bound, thus providing an effective characterization of the chain. Finally, we show that ultimate bounds to precision, i.e. saturation of the quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound, may be achieved by a two-step scheme employing Feynman probes followed by local measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamical kickback and noncommuting impurities in a spin chain

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    In an interacting continuous time quantum walk, while the walker (the cursor) ismoving on a graph, computational primitives (unitary operators associated to the edges) are applied to ancillary qubits (the register). The model with one walker was originally proposed by R. Feynman, who thus anticipated many features of the Continuous Time Quantum Walk (CTWQ) computing paradigm. In this note we examine the behaviour of an interacting CTQW with two walkers and examine the interaction of the walkers with noncommuting primitives. We endow such a walk with a notion of trajectory, in the sense of sample path of an associated Markov process, in order to use such notions as sojourn time and first passage time as heuristic tools for gaining intuition about its behaviour

    Quantum walks : a Markovian perspective

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    For a continuous-time quantum walk on a line the variance of the position observable grows quadratically in time, whereas, for its classical counterpart on the same graph, it exhibits a linear, diffusive, behaviour. A quantum walk, thus, propagates at a rate which is linear in time, as compared to the square root rate for a classical random walk. Indeed, it has been suggested that there are graphs that can be traversed by a quantum walker exponentially faster than by the classical random analogue. In this note we adopt the approach of exploring the conditions to impose on a Markov process in order to emulate its quantum counterpart: the central issue that emerges is the problem of taking into account, in the numerical generation of each sample path, the causative effect of the ensemble of trajectories to which it belongs. How to deal numerically with this problem is shown in a paradigmatic example

    Optimized auxiliary oscillators for the simulation of general open quantum systems

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    A method for the systematic construction of few-body damped harmonic oscillator networks accurately reproducing the effect of general bosonic environments in open quantum systems is presented. Under the sole assumptions of a Gaussian environment and regardless of the system coupled to it, an algorithm to determine the parameters of an equivalent set of interacting damped oscillators obeying a Markovian quantum master equation is introduced. By choosing a suitable coupling to the system and minimizing an appropriate distance between the two-time correlation function of this effective bath and that of the target environment, the error induced in the reduced dynamics of the system is brought under rigorous control. The interactions among the effective modes provide remarkable flexibility in replicating non-Markovian effects on the system even with a small number of oscillators, and the resulting Lindblad equation may therefore be integrated at a very reasonable computational cost using standard methods for Markovian problems, even in strongly non-perturbative coupling regimes and at arbitrary temperatures including zero. We apply the method to an exactly solvable problem in order to demonstrate its accuracy, and present a study based on current research in the context of coherent transport in biological aggregates as a more realistic example of its use; performance and versatility are highlighted, and theoretical and numerical advantages over existing methods, as well as possible future improvements, are discussed.Comment: 23 + 9 pages, 11 + 2 figures. No changes from previous version except publication info and updated author affiliation

    Experimental investigation of the effect of classical noise on quantum non-Markovian dynamics

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    We provide an experimental study of the relationship between the action of different classical noises on the dephasing dynamics of a two-level system and the non-Markovianity of the quantum dynamics. The two-level system is encoded in the photonic polarization degrees of freedom and the action of the noise is obtained via a spatial light modulator, thus allowing for an easy engineering of different random environments. The quantum non-Markovianity of the dynamics driven by classical Markovian and non-Markovian noise, both Gaussian and non-Gaussian, is studied by means of the trace distance. Our study clearly shows the different nature of the notion of non-Markovian classical process and non-Markovian quantum dynamics

    Non-perturbative treatment of open-system multi-time expectation values in Gaussian bosonic environments

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    We determine the conditions for the equivalence between the multi-time expectation values of a general finite-dimensional open quantum system when interacting with, respectively, an environment undergoing a free unitary evolution or a discrete environment under a free evolution fixed by a proper Gorini-Kossakowski-Lindblad-Sudarshan generator. We prove that the equivalence holds if both environments are bosonic and Gaussian and if the one- and two-time correlation functions of the corresponding interaction operators are the same at all times. This result leads to a non-perturbative evaluation of the multi-time expectation values of operators and maps of open quantum systems interacting with a continuous set of bosonic modes by means of a limited number of damped modes, thus setting the ground for the investigation of open-system multi-time quantities in fully general regimes.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Submission to a special issue of 'Open Systems and Information Dynamics' devoted to the memory of Prof. Andrzej Kossakowsk

    Grover's algorithm on a Feynman computer

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    We present an implementation of Grover's algorithm in the framework of Feynman's cursor model of a quantum computer. The cursor degrees of freedom act as a quantum clocking mechanism, and allow Grover's algorithm to be performed using a single, time-independent Hamiltonian. We examine issues of locality and resource usage in implementing such a Hamiltonian. In the familiar language of Heisenberg spin-spin coupling, the clocking mechanism appears as an excitation of a basically linear chain of spins, with occasional controlled jumps that allow for motion on a planar graph: in this sense our model implements the idea of "timing" a quantum algorithm using a continuous-time random walk. In this context we examine some consequences of the entanglement between the states of the input/output register and the states of the quantum clock

    Which-way interference within ringlike unit cells for efficient energy transfer

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    We show that which-way interference within ringlike unit cells enhances the propagation of electronic excitations (excitons) along linear arrays made upon these basic units. After providing an analytic approximate solution of the eigenvalue problem for such aggregates, we show that the constructive interference of wave packets leads to an excitonic population transferred across the array which is not a monotonic function of the coupling between nearest-neighbor rings. The nonmonotonicity depends on an interesting trade-off between the exciton transfer speed and the amount of energy transferred, arising from the interplay between paths within the ringlike cells and the interring coupling strength across the array