211 research outputs found

    Random Access in C-RAN for User Activity Detection with Limited-Capacity Fronthaul

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    Cloud-Radio Access Network (C-RAN) is characterized by a hierarchical structure in which the baseband processing functionalities of remote radio heads (RRHs) are implemented by means of cloud computing at a Central Unit (CU). A key limitation of C-RANs is given by the capacity constraints of the fronthaul links connecting RRHs to the CU. In this letter, the impact of this architectural constraint is investigated for the fundamental functions of random access and active User Equipment (UE) identification in the presence of a potentially massive number of UEs. In particular, the standard C-RAN approach based on quantize-and-forward and centralized detection is compared to a scheme based on an alternative CU-RRH functional split that enables local detection. Both techniques leverage Bayesian sparse detection. Numerical results illustrate the relative merits of the two schemes as a function of the system parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, under revision in IEEE Signal Processing Letter


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    Agriculture as the economic sector is an important factor of economic development of Serbia and an important part of economic structure. Serbia has agrarian resources (land, climate and water) that are not used enough, and therefore, represent a significant economic potential for further development. Vojvodina is the best-developed economic region of the Republic of Serbia, with dominant role of agricultural production. The main economic potential of Vojvodina development is, among other things, the strengthening and improvement of agriculture in the private sector. Economic potential of agriculture impose the need to analyze this situation in the field of small and medium sized entrepreneurship as the bearer of the future development of agriculture in Vojvodina. Cluster analysis is a method that will determine how to group communes in Vojvodina according to the level of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of agriculture, and thus get an insight into the current state of development of this sector of agriculture, as well as point out the possibilities for the future development of SMEs in agribusiness of Vojvodina.Agricultural production, Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), Clusters analysis, Clustering of communes in Vojvodina, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Public Economics,

    The Effect of the Seawater Intrusion on the Robinzon Coastal Spring

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    The Robinzon Spring, located 70 m from the seacoast, is a freshwater, perennial spring with a yield ranging from the maximum 2 m3/s to the minimum 0.165 m3/s. The spring occurs at the contact between permeable carbonate rocks and impermeable flysch deposits. This contact is deeply weathered, eroded and submerged below sea level. Such conditions emphasize the delicate relationship between the fresh- and seawater. The objective of the study was to shed more light on the hydrogeological setting of the spring’s underground recharge area by means of borehole measurements and preexisting knowledge about the dynamics of the fresh- and seawater acquired from similar cases. The spring’s underground area is divided into three zones: (i) zone of good water circulation (rockfall material and fractured dolomite), (ii) zone of poor water circulation (massive dolomites), and (iii) zone of ‘trapped’ water (contact between the dolomite and flysch deposits)

    Definition of the river Gacka springs subcatchment areas on the basis of hydrogeological parameters

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    The river Gacka springs catchment area is located in the Dinaric karst, which is globally known as the locus typicus, or classical Karst. It is composed of four major and several minor karst springs of different discharge rates. The river Gacka springs are characterised by great discharge and exceptional quality, so the catchment area of the river is indicated in the Water Management Strategy (OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 91/08) as an area with strategically important eserves of drinking water for the Republic of Croatia. To determine the hydrogeological characteristics of he subcatchments of this large and complex aquifer system, hydrological and hydrochemical parameters were measured on the main springs. Data collected on the springs were analysed using the recession analysis by the „matching strip“ method, the statistical analysis of a time series of measured data both by autocorrelation (analysis of individual series) and by cross-correlation methods (analysis of interrelationships between time series), multivarilate statistical analysis (Factor Analysis) of hydrochemical parameters using the software package STATISTICA 6.0 (1998), and geochemical modelling of hydrochemical parameters using the NETPATH computer program. Interpretation of lithological, structural and tectonic characteristics of the rocks, together with tracing data and the applied analytical methods, allowed the springs catchment of the river Gacka to be divided into three subcatchments. The results of this study imply the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to research. </p

    From Traditional to Online Methods for Generating Business Ideas

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    The traditional methods for generating venture ideas are in use for more than 70 years in the business, while the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) opened new opportunities for generating and harvesting business ideas, available to entrepreneurs of any kind. Our initial research discovered that there is a missing link in the academic literature between the traditional and the emerging online methods for generating business ideas and therefore, in this paper, we study the traditional and online sources and methods in parallel. The purpose of our study is to improve the venture idea creation process from an applicable perspective, and to add to the existing ideation literature by (1) identifying and classifying the sources of ideas to create the necessary link between the onsite and online access to idea sources; (2) explaining the traditional methods for generating business idea trough their dominant features in order to (3) further identify and elaborate the online sources and ideation methods trough these features and link them to the known traditional approaches. The sources, methods, and tools we examine and elaborate in this paper could be used for both, generating ideas for traditional and online business models. Hence, our findings have practical and applicable value for the first step in the entrepreneurial process. Additionally, our study could be used as a starting point for further research in the field of online ideation, a field that needs to be yet, more extensively, addressed by practitioners and research scholars

    SMAD4-201 transcript as a putative biomarker in colorectal cancer

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    Background: Transcripts with alternative 5'-untranslated regions (UTRs) result from the activity of alternative promoters and they can determine gene expression by influencing its stability and translational efficiency, thus executing complex regulation of developmental, physiological and pathological processes. Transcriptional regulation of human SMAD4, a key tumor suppressor deregulated in most gastrointestinal cancers, entails four alternative promoters. These promoters and alternative transcripts they generate remain unexplored as contributors to the SMAD4 deregulation in cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the relative abundance of the transcript SMAD4-201 in colorectal cell lines and tissues in order to establish if its fluctuations may be associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: Relative abundance of SMAD4-201 in total SMAD4 mRNA was analyzed using quantitative PCR in a set of permanent human colon cell lines and tumor and corresponding healthy tissue samples from patients with CRC. Results: The relative abundance of SMAD4-201 in analyzed cell lines varied between 16 and 47%. A similar relative abundance of SMAD4-201 transcript was found in the majority of analyzed human tumor tissue samples, and it was averagely 20% lower in non-malignant in comparison to malignant tissue samples (p = 0.001). Transcript SMAD4-202 was not detectable in any of the analyzed samples, so the observed fluctuations in the composition of SMAD4 transcripts can be attributed to transcripts other than SMAD4-201 and SMAD4-202. Conclusion: The expression profile of SMAD4-201 in human tumor and non-tumor tissue samples may indicate the translational potential of this molecule in CRC, but further research is needed to clarify its usability as a potential biomarker for early diagnosis

    Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area

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    The research was conducted in dogs and cats kept as pets on the territory of the city of Belgrade (Serbia), between 2011 and 2014. Its aim was to examine the prevalence of intestinal helminths and to point out their zoonotic potential. Coprological tests were carried out on samples from 528 household pets (421 dogs and 107 cats). The research included specimens from both gender, the dogs were between 2 months and 14 years old and the cats were from 1 month to 15 years old. The diagnosed parasites included: toxocarosis (Toxocora canis 16.62% and Toxocora mystax 15.88%), ancylostomatidosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 1.87%), trichuriosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 0.93%) and dipilidiosis (in dogs 24.70% and in cats 21.49%). Most of the examined cats and dogs that were found positive for intestinal helminths were 1-8 years old. For the effective planning and conducting of preventive strategies, the most important is to know the epizootiology of intestinal helminths of dogs and cats, including the possibilities of transferring these helminths to people. The priorities include the continued education of pet owners by veterinarians, and also the close cooperation between the veterinary and the human health service

    Possibilities of nontoxic autonomous thyroid nodules treatment by percutaneous ethanol injection

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    Background/Aim. According to the current principles, autonomous functional thyroid nodules are treated by surgery or by radioiodin therapy. Ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection into solid tumors of the soft tissues was a starting point in attempts to treat the thyroid nodules by the same method. The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of percutaneous injection in treating solitary, nontoxic, autonomous thyroid nodules of up to 15 mL volume. Methods. In 25 patients with solitary nontoxic autonomous thyroid nodules diagnosed by tehnetium-99m scanning as an intensive area having a complete supremacy in the paranodal tissue, an ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection was applied. The procedure was carried out repeatedly once a week until the reduction in nodule size to 50% of the initial size was achieved. Results. An average size of the nodule before curing was 9.68 ± 5.01 mL. An average quantity of the injected ethanol was 9.52 ± 5.08 mL, ie 1.06 ± 0.48 mL/mg of the tissue. The regression of the nodule size in the successfully (Δvol% u = - 57.09 ± 13.75%, p &lt; 0.001) and partly successfully cured (Δvol du = -48.45 ± 14.35%, p &lt; 0.05) was statistically significant compared to the size before the treatment. After ceasing ethanol injection, 18 months later, a further size regression (Δvol% = -79.20 ± 9.89%) compared to the initial one (p &lt; 0.001) was noticed. Soon, after the procedure was finished, a statistically significant concentration increase of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) was noticed compared to the initial values (0.18 ± 0.16 vs 0.34 ± 0.31 mU/L, p &lt; 0.01). According to the given criteria, in two female patients satisfactory results were not achieved, but, a year later, in one of them the nodule was not seen by repeated scintigram. The number and frequency of side effects were insignificant. Conclusion. Repeated percutaneous ethanol injections into nontoxic solitary autonomous thyroid nodules result in disappearing of authonomy. The regression of the nodule size of more than 50% compared to its initial volume, as well as the increase in concentration of TSH for more than 50% are the signs of a successful treatment

    Synthesis and characterization of Co2+ doped TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Scrolled titania nanotubes were synthesized by a hydrothermal method using commercial TiO2 powder in proton-deficient aqueous systems. In presence of CoCl2 extended hydrothermal treatment of TiO2 nanotubes lead to formation Co2+ doped TiO2 nanoparticles. TEM and HRTEM measurement were used for determining the shape, dimension and structure of doped nanoaprticles. XRD confirmed anatase crystalline structure od Co2+ doped TiO2. The presence of Co2+ ions did not induce distortions of the overall anatase crystal structure of TiO2 matrix. The concentration of Co2+ ions was 1.5% compared with the amount of Ti4+ ions.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200