21 research outputs found

    Effects of Grape Polyphenols on the Life Span and Neuroinflammatory Alterations Related to Neurodegenerative Parkinson Disease-Like Disturbances in Mice

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    Functional nutrition is a valuable supplementation to dietary therapy. Functional foods are enriched with biologically active substances. Plant polyphenols attract particular attention due to multiple beneficial properties attributed to their high antioxidant and other biological activities. We assessed the effect of grape polyphenols on the life span of C57BL/6 mice and on behavioral and neuroinflammatory alterations in a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson disease (PD) with overexpression of the A53T-mutant human α-synuclein. C57BL/6 mice were given a dietary supplement containing grape polyphenol concentrate (GPC—1.5 mL/kg/day) with drinking water from the age of 6–8 weeks for life. Transgenic PD mice received GPC beginning at the age of 10 weeks for four months. GPC significantly influenced the cumulative proportion of surviving and substantially augmented the average life span in mice. In the transgenic PD model, the grape polyphenol (GP) diet enhanced memory reconsolidation and diminished memory extinction in a passive avoidance test. Behavioral effects of GP treatment were accompanied by a decrease in α-synuclein accumulation in the frontal cortex and a reduction in the expression of neuroinflammatory markers (IBA1 and CD54) in the frontal cortex and hippocampus. Thus, a GP-rich diet is recommended as promising functional nutrition for aging people and patients with neurodegenerative disorders

    Insights into Particle-Bound Metal(loid)s in Winter Snow Cover: Geochemical Monitoring of the Korkinsky Coal Mine Area, South Ural Region, Russia

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    Snow plays an important role in air quality and winter geochemical monitoring in the South Ural region. This study deals with the air pollution monitoring of particle-bound metal(loid) concentrations using snow cover around the deepest coal mine in Eurasia, the Korkinsky coal mine. We studied the concentrations and ratios of suspended and dissolved forms of metal(loid)s (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sr, and Zn) in snow samples. We examined 56 snow cover samples, collected at 12 sites located north, south, east and west of the Korkinsky coal mine. All snow samples were taken in January 2020. The spectral reflectance curves, cluster analysis, and spatial distribution maps were used to evaluate the potential sources of PM-bound metal(loid)s and the potential relationship among them. The highest concentrations (μg/L) were reported for Fe, Al, and Zn. In addition to the mine influence, burning coal for residential heating was identified as the major anthropogenic metal(loid) source. It was shown that elevated concentrations of some trace metals in snow samples were associated with southerly winds and the location of spoil heaps

    Comparative genomics of Thiohalobacter thiocyanaticus HRh1T and guyparkeriasp. SCN-R1, halophilic chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing gammaproteobacteria capable of using thiocyanate as energy source

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    The genomes of Thiohalobacter thiocyanaticus and Guyparkeria (formerly known as Halothiobacillus) sp. SCN-R1, two gammaproteobacterial halophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) capable of thiocyanate oxidation via the "cyanate pathway", have been analyzed with a particular focus on their thiocyanate-oxidizing potential and sulfur oxidation pathways. Both genomes encode homologs of the enzyme thiocyanate dehydrogenase (TcDH) that oxidizes thiocyanate via the "cyanate pathway" in members of the haloalkaliphilic SOB of the genus Thioalkalivibrio. However, despite the presence of conservative motives indicative of TcDH, the putative TcDH of the halophilic SOB have a low overall amino acid similarity to the Thioalkalivibrio enzyme, and also the surrounding genes in the TcDH locus were different. In particular, an alternative copper transport system Cus is present instead of Cop and a putative zero-valent sulfur acceptor protein gene appears just before TcDH. Moreover, in contrast to the thiocyanate-oxidizing Thioalkalivibrio species, both genomes of the halophilic SOB contained a gene encoding the enzyme cyanate hydratase. The sulfur-oxidizing pathway in the genome of Thiohalobacter includes a Fcc type of sulfide dehydrogenase, a rDsr complex/AprAB/Sat for oxidation of zero-valent sulfur to sulfate, and an incomplete Sox pathway, lacking SoxCD. The sulfur oxidation pathway reconstructed from the genome of Guyparkeria sp. SCN-R1 was more similar to that of members of the Thiomicrospira-Hydrogenovibrio group, including a Fcc type of sulfide dehydrogenase and a complete Sox complex. One of the outstanding properties of Thiohalobacter is the presence of a Na+-dependent ATP synthase, which is rarely found in aerobic Prokaryotes.Overall, the results showed that, despite an obvious difference in the general sulfur-oxidation pathways, halophilic and haloalkaliphilic SOB belonging to different genera within the Gammaproteobacteria developed a similar unique thiocyanate-degrading mechanism based on the direct oxidative attack on the sulfane atom of thiocyanate.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Evaluating the Effects of Grain of Isogenic Wheat Lines Differing in the Content of Anthocyanins in Mouse Models of Neurodegenerative Disorders

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    Functional foods enriched with plant polyphenols and anthocyanins in particular attract special attention due to multiple beneficial bioactive properties of the latter. We evaluated the effects of a grain diet rich in anthocyanins in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease induced by amyloid-beta (Aβ) and a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease (PD) with overexpression of human alpha-synuclein. The mice were kept at a diet that consisted of the wheat grain of near isogenic lines differing in anthocyanin content for five–six months. The anthocyanin-rich diet was safe and possessed positive effects on cognitive function. Anthocyanins prevented deficits in working memory induced by Aβ or a long-term grain mono-diet; they partially reversed episodic memory alterations. Both types of grain diets prolonged memory extinction and rescued its facilitation in the PD model. The dynamics of the extinction in the group fed with the anthocyanin-rich wheat was closer to that in a group of wild-type mice given standard chow. The anthocyanin-rich diet reduced alpha-synuclein accumulation and modulated microglial response in the brain of the transgenic mice including the elevated expression of arginase1 that marks M2 microglia. Thus, anthocyanin-rich wheat is suggested as a promising source of functional nutrition at the early stages of neurodegenerative disorders

    Probing the Role of a Conserved Phenylalanine in the Active Site of Thiocyanate Dehydrogenase

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    Copper-containing enzymes catalyze a broad spectrum of redox reactions. Thiocyanate dehydrogenase (TcDH) from Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus Arh1 enables the bacterium to use thiocyanate as a unique source of energy and nitrogen. Oxidation of thiocyanate takes place in the trinuclear copper center of TcDH with peculiar organization. Despite the TcDH crystal structure being established, a role of some residues in the enzyme active site has yet to be obscured. F436 residue is located in the enzyme active site and conserved among a number of TcDH homologs, however, its role in the copper center formation or the catalytic process is still not clear. To address this question, a mutant form of the enzyme with F436Q substitution (TcDHF436Q) was obtained, biochemically characterized, and its crystal structure was determined. The TcDHF436Q had an unaltered protein fold but did not possess enzymatic activity, whereas it contained all three copper ions, according to ICP-MS data. The structural data showed that the F436Q substitution resulted in a disturbance of hydrophobic interactions within the active site crucial for a correct transition between open/closed forms of the enzyme–substrate channel. Thus, we demonstrated that F436 does not participate in copper ion binding, but rather possesses a structural role in the TcDH active site

    Sham surgical embryo transfer affects offspring neurodevelopment and manifestation of hypertensive phenotype in ISIAH rats

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    The study investigates how surgery during pregnancy, i.e., sham operation associated with embryo transfer, affects hypertensive phenotype in ISIAH rats genetically predisposed to hypertension. ISIAH rats born after maternal surgery at fourth day of pregnancy were compared with naturally conceived controls. Surgery during pregnancy in ISIAH rats caused acceleration of neurodevelopment in young offspring, as well as aggravating hypertension, suppressing exploratory activity, reducing hippocampal BDNF expression, and compensatory increasing of hippocampal neuronal density in adult ISIAH offspring. Maternal surgery during early pregnancy caused alterations in offspring phenotype in hypertensive ISIAH rat model

    Contrasting catalytic profiles of multiheme nitrite reductases containing CxxCK heme-binding motifs

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    The multiheme cytochromes from Thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens (TvNiR) and Escherichia coli (EcNrfA) reduce nitrite to ammonium. Both enzymes contain His/His-ligated hemes to deliver electrons to their active sites, where a Lys-ligated heme has a distal pocket containing a catalytic triad of His, Tyr, and Arg residues. Protein-film electrochemistry reveals significant differences in the catalytic properties of these enzymes. TvNiR, but not EcNrfA, requires reductive activation. Spectroelectrochemistry implicates reduction of His/His-ligated heme(s) as being key to this process, which restricts the rate of hydroxide binding to the ferric form of the active-site heme. The K describing nitrite reduction by EcNrfA varies with pH in a sigmoidal manner that is consistent with its modulation by (de)protonation of a residue with p K ˜ 7.6. This residue is proposed to be the catalytic His in the distal pocket. By contrast, the K for nitrite reduction by TvNiR decreases approximately linearly with increase of pH such that different features of the mechanism define this parameter for TvNiR. In other regards the catalytic properties of TvNiR and EcNrfA are similar, namely, the pH dependence of V and the nitrite dependence of the catalytic current-potential profiles resolved by cyclic voltammetry, such that the determinants of these properties appear to be conserved

    Probing the Role of a Conserved Phenylalanine in the Active Site of Thiocyanate Dehydrogenase

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    Copper-containing enzymes catalyze a broad spectrum of redox reactions. Thiocyanate dehydrogenase (TcDH) from Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus Arh1 enables the bacterium to use thiocyanate as a unique source of energy and nitrogen. Oxidation of thiocyanate takes place in the trinuclear copper center of TcDH with peculiar organization. Despite the TcDH crystal structure being established, a role of some residues in the enzyme active site has yet to be obscured. F436 residue is located in the enzyme active site and conserved among a number of TcDH homologs, however, its role in the copper center formation or the catalytic process is still not clear. To address this question, a mutant form of the enzyme with F436Q substitution (TcDHF436Q) was obtained, biochemically characterized, and its crystal structure was determined. The TcDHF436Q had an unaltered protein fold but did not possess enzymatic activity, whereas it contained all three copper ions, according to ICP-MS data. The structural data showed that the F436Q substitution resulted in a disturbance of hydrophobic interactions within the active site crucial for a correct transition between open/closed forms of the enzyme–substrate channel. Thus, we demonstrated that F436 does not participate in copper ion binding, but rather possesses a structural role in the TcDH active site

    Cytotoxic Activity of Dendritic Cells as a Possible Mechanism of Negative Regulation of T Lymphocytes in Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    The PD-1/B7-H1-mediated induction of T cell apoptosis/anergy as a possible mechanism of immune response failure was studied in 76 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with normal and low-proliferative response to antigens of M. tuberculosis (purified protein derivative (PPD)). It was revealed that dendritic cells (DCs), generated in vitro from patient blood monocytes with GM-CSF + IFN-α, were characterized by increased B7-H1 expression, upproduction of IL-10, and reducing of allostimulatory activity in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC). Moreover, DCs of patients with TB were able to enhance T cell apoptosis and to block T-cell division in MLC. It was shown that neutralizing anti-PD1 antibodies significantly decreased the proapoptogenic/tolerogenic effect of DCs. Correlation analysis revealed a direct relationship between IL-10 production and level of B7-H1 expression in the general group of investigated patients. It was demonstrated that generation of healthy donor DCs in the presence of IL-10 led to an increase in the number of DCs-expressed B7-H1 molecule, DC proapoptogenic activity, and a decrease in their allostimulatory activity. Obviously, the revealed phenomenon of the PD-1/B7-H1-mediated pro-apoptogenic activity of DCs is clinically significant since the cytotoxic/tolerogenic potential of DCs is more pronounced in patients with PPD anergy

    Structure of the flavocytochrome C sulfide dehydrogenase associated with the copper-binding protein CopC from the haloalkaliphilic sulfuroxidizing bacterium thioalkalivibrio paradoxus ArH 1

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    Flavocytochrome c sulfide dehydrogenase from Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus (TpFCC) is a heterodimeric protein consisting of flavin- and monohaem c-binding subunits. TpFCC was co-purified and co-crystallized with the dimeric copper-binding protein TpCopC. The structure of the TpFCC-(TpCopC)2 complex was determined by X-ray diffraction at 2.6 Å resolution. The flavin-binding subunit of TpFCC is structurally similar to those determined previously, and the structure of the haem-binding subunit is similar to that of the N-terminal domain of dihaem FCCs. According to classification based on amino-acid sequence, TpCopC belongs to a high-affinity CopC subfamily characterized by the presence of a conserved His1-Xxx-His3 motif at the N-terminus. Apparently, a unique α-helix which is present in each monomer of TpCopC at the interface withTpFCC plays a key role in complex formation. The structure of the copper-binding site in TpCopC is similar to those in other known CopC structures. His3 is not involved in binding to the copper ion and is 6-7 Å away from this ion. Therefore, the His1-Xxx-His3 motif cannot be considered to be a key factor in the high affinity of CopC for copper(II) ions. It is suggested that the TpFCC-(TpCopC)2 heterotetramer may be a component of a large periplasmic complex that is responsible for thiocyanate metabolism.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog