4 research outputs found

    Analýza asymetrické cenové transmise na českém trhu vepřového masa

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    The paper examines the characteristics of farm, processor and consumers (retail) price relationship within the Czech pork market. Last years the farm prices of pork meat are volatile comparing to processors and consumers (retail) prices. In these conditions the analysis of the character of price transmission becomes an actual issue. The paper employs the pre-cointegration, cointegration approach and the coefficients of price transmission elasticity for testing asymmetry in the transmission of farm pork price changes to changes in the processor and retail price. In this analysis monthly farm, processor and retail prices of pork and pork products encompassing the period from January 2006 to September 2017 were used. For the analysis the products with low value added (pork meat) and higher value added (pork ham and pork salami) were investigated. Empirical results of applicated approaches suggest that in the short-run, the processor’s and consumer’s price responds differently to the increase and decrease of farm price and processor’s price, accordingly. Moreover, the evidence of different speed of price long-run adjustment was proved. The results proved the existence of price transmission asymmetry, and besides, this fact is pronounced more significant in the second stage of agri-food chain, i.e. in the processor-retailer relationship.Článek se zabývá analýzou charakteru cenového přenosu mezi cenou zemědělských výrobců, cenou potravinářských výrobců a spotřebitelskými cenami na trhu s vepřovým masem v České republice. V posledních letech jsou ceny zemědělských výrobců vepřového masa více volatilní ve srovnání s cenami zpracovatelů a spotřebitelskými cenami. Za těchto podmínek se analýza charakteru cenového přenosu stává aktuální. V článku jsou využity předkointegracní a kointegrační přístupy k testování asymetrického cenového přenosu. Dalším nástrojem testování cenové asymetrie jsou koeficienty elasticity cenové transmise mezi zemědělskými podniky, zpracovateli a obchodními řetězci. Analýza využívá měsíční ceny zemědělských výrobců jatečných prasat, ceny potravinářských výrobců a spotřebitelské ceny vepřového masa a výrobků z vepřového masa za období od ledna 2006 do září 2017. V rámci analýzy byly zkoumány produkty s nízkou přidanou hodnotou (vepřové maso) a vyšší přidanou hodnotou (vepřová šunka a vepřový salám). Empirickými výsledky bylo prokázáno, že v krátkodobém časovém horizontu cena zpracovatelů a spotřebitelská cena reaguje odlišně na zvýšení a snížení cen zemědělských výrobců a zpracovatelů. Navíc byl prokázán rozdíl v rychlosti při návratu ceny k rovnovážnému stavu. Výsledky naznačují existenci asymetrie v přenosu cen mezi jednotlivými úrovni vertikály, přičemž, tato skutečnost se projevuje výrazněji na druhé úrovni zemědělsko-potravinářské vertikály, tj. ve vztahu mezi zpracovatelem a obchodníkem

    Technical efficiency analysis of czech agricultural enterprises in pig farming sector

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    The aim of the research is to evaluate technical efficiency of Czech agricultural enterprises in pig farming sector and to analyse the impact of heterogeneity factors (farm size and specialization), and the impact of subsidies on farms technical efficiency. For the empirical analysis data of Czech farms from the FADN database for the years 2005-2011 was used. Research is conducted through Stochastic Frontier Analysis; the output distance function in translogarithmic form was estimated. The results indicate higher technical efficiency of larger farms with higher degree of specialization. Moreover, subsidies negatively impact technical efficiency, whereas the impact of subsidies on investments on technical efficiency is positive

    Investments, Technical Change and Efficiency: Empirical Evidence from Czech Food Processing

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    This empirical study aims to shed light on the dynamic linkages among investments, technical efficiency and productivity of food processing at a sectoral level. We use data obtained from meat and milk processing firms operating in the Czech Republic. The data set covers a period from 2011 to 2015. Being based on a production function frontier framework and the Divisia index our study is focuses on the estimation of technical efficiency and productivity of Czech Food processing firms in connection with the received investments. The results of the conducted analysis have shown that investments, directed to a production process of meat and milk processing firms operating in the Czech Republic, do have a positive effect on their technical efficiency. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to increase the capacity of raw milk processing. Higher TFP in food processing industry may result in higher TFP in agriculture

    Factors Influencing Technical Efficiency in the EU Dairy Farms

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    This paper aims to analyse the technical efficiency (TE) of dairy farms and find its determinants. To accomplish this problem, the Stochastic Frontier Analysis was applied. The data were obtained from the Farm Accountancy Data Network database for dairy farms (TF15-45—Specialist dairying) for 2004–2019. Dairy farms were divided into four clusters according to their physical size (number of livestock units per farm) and economic size (standard output per farm). The largest farms by physical and economic size are located in Denmark and Cyprus. The smallest, in comparison, are in Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia. Farms in the EU are relatively technically efficient, i.e., they use their resources efficiently to produce maximum output (production). However, they have the potential to achieve better economic results and be more competitive, as the size of farms’ is not fully optimised. The abolition of the milk quota can be considered a factor in improving technical efficiency, as the indicator is higher after the abolition. New and old member states have almost comparable technical efficiency levels (the p-value of the t-test is 0.463), with old members having slightly higher level TE. Subsidies have contradictory effects on TE. Farm efficiency with higher subsidies per cow is higher for farms with €51–100/cow. However, as subsidies increase, TE decreases. Only the group of farms with the highest subsidies has a higher TE. More diversified farms are more technically efficient than specialised farms. Milk yield did not influence the analysed indicator. The analysis results can serve the stakeholders as a tool for modelling future agricultural policy, as the European farms are very heterogenous and show different conditions and economic outcomes